Category:Krsna and the Yamuna River
Pages in category "Krsna and the Yamuna River"
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- A person who can speak sweetly even with his enemy just to pacify him is called a pleasing talker. Krsna was such a pleasing talker that after defeating His enemy, Kaliya, in the water of Yamuna, He said
- After performing such wonderful pastimes, Lord Sri Krsna went up on the shore of the Yamuna River, taking with Him all His beloved gopis
- After saving the boys and calves from the mouth of Aghasura, who was death personified, Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, brought them all to the bank of the river and spoke the following words - SB 10.13.4
- After seeing the young gopis bathe in the Yamuna, Krsna passed the rest of the morning with the boys
- After this, Lord Krsna and the gopis came out of the water and began to stroll along the bank of the Yamuna, where a nice breeze was blowing, carrying the aroma of different kinds of flowers over the water and land
- Akrura-tirtha is located on the road between Vrndavana and Mathura. When Krsna and Balarama were being taken to Mathura by Akrura, the Lord rested at this place and took His bath in the Yamuna
- All the confidential devotees who were cowherd boys, headed by Sri Ramadasa, were absorbed in ecstatic love. They thought the bank of the Ganges to be the bank of the Yamunas
- All the gopis entrusted their silken garments and ornaments to the care of their friends and then put on fine white cloth. Lord Krsna, taking His beloved gopis with Him, bathed and performed very nice pastimes in the water of the Yamuna
- All the inhabitants of Vrndavana, being disturbed, began to search out Krsna by following the impression of His footprints on the ground, and thus they moved hastily toward the bank of the Yamuna
- Another devotee in ecstatic reverential affection once said, "When will that glorious day in my life come when it will be possible for me to go to the bank of the Yamuna and see Lord Sri Krsna playing there as a cowherd boy"
- Another gopi said, "The river Yamuna is unfortunate like us; it does not get Krsnas mercy. The river simply remains stunned, stopping its waves, just as we also stop crying for Krsna in expectation"
- Another gopi said, "We are always grateful to Krsna because You have protected us many times: from the poisonous water of the Yamuna, the serpent Kaliya, Bakasura, the anger of Indra & his torrents of rain, from the forest fire & so many other incidents"
- Another gopi said, "With leaves and flowers decorating His (Krsnas) body, He looks like some hero. When He plays on His flute and calls the cows with Balarama, the river Yamuna stops flowing and waits for the air to carry dust from His lotus feet"
- Arjuna felt tired and thirsty from hunting, and therefore he went to the bank of the Yamuna along with Krsna
- Arjuna inquired, "My dear girl (Kalindi), you are so beautiful with your raised breasts. May I ask you who you are? We (Arjuna and Krsna) are surprised to see you loitering here (near the Yamuna) alone. What is your purpose in coming here?
- As an independent leader among elephants enters the water with its female elephants, Krsna, who is transcendental to the Vedic principles of morality, entered the water of the Yamuna with the gopis
- As far as sanctity is concerned, the River Yamuna is more directly connected with Lord Krsna than the Ganges. The Lord sanctified the River Yamuna from the beginning of His transcendental pastimes in the world
- As soon as Brahma left, Lord Sri Krsna immediately returned to the bank of the Yamuna and rejoined His calves and cowherd boyfriends, who were situated just as they had been on the very day they had vanished
- As soon as the inhabitants of Vrndavana saw that Krsna was in the river Yamuna enveloped by the serpent Kaliya & that all the boys & cows were lamenting, they simply began to think of Krsna's friendship, smiling face, sweet words & His dealings with them
- At that time (Kaisora age) Krsna's chest challenged the hill of the marakata jewel. His arms challenged the pillars of the indranila jewel, the three lines of His waist challenged the waves of the River Yamuna, and His thighs challenged beautiful bananas
- At this age Krsna enjoyed the rasa-lila, exhibiting His power of joking with the cowherd girls and enjoying their company in the bushes of the gardens by the bank of the Yamuna
- Early in the morning, the gopis used to go to the bank of the Yamuna to take a bath. They would assemble together and, holding one another's hands, loudly sing of the wonderful pastimes of Krsna
- Even the river Yamuna, being desirous of embracing the lotus feet of Krsna after hearing the transcendental vibration of His flute, broke her fierce waves to flow very nicely with lotus flowers in her hands, to present them to Mukunda with deep feeling
- He (Krsna) was decorated with Srivatsa, jewels and yellow garments. He was smiling with a beautiful face and playing in the river Yamuna with great strength
- His (Krsna's) friends, being controlled in such a way, could not understand that for one whole year they were absent from the Yamuna's bank and were under the spell of Brahma's illusion
- I remember the Lord standing by the banks of the Yamuna River, so beautiful amidst the kadamba trees, where many birds are chirping in the gardens. And these impressions are always giving me transcendental realization of beauty and bliss
- I saw this pastime as I stood on the bank of the Yamuna in the company of the gopis. One gopi was showing some other gopis the pastimes of Radha and Krsna in the water
- I think we (Krsna and the cowherd boys) should take our lunch here, since we are already hungry because the time is very late. Here (on the riverbank) the calves may drink water and go slowly here and there and eat the grass - SB 10.13.6
- In His childhood, the Almighty Lord was surrounded by cowherd boys and calves, and thus He traveled on the shore of the Yamuna River, through gardens densely covered with trees and filled with vibrations of chirping birds
- In His own pastimes in Vrndavana, when Krsna used to eat on the bank of the Yamuna and sit in the center of His friends, every one of the cowherd boys would perceive that Krsna was looking at him
- In the Lalita-madhava, Rupa Gosvami explains that the movements of Krsna's eyebrows are just like the Yamuna, and the smiling of Radharani is just like the moonshine
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that when Krsna entered the poisonous waters of the Yamuna, Srimati Yasoda Devi went insane. Instead of searching for curative herbs, she began to speak to the trees as if they were snake chanters
- In this way the Lord (Krsna) and the gopis reached the cool, sandy bank of the Yamuna, where there were lilies and lotus flowers. In such a transcendental atmosphere, the gopis and Krsna began to enjoy one another
- In this way they (Kaliya and his wives) pleased the master of Garuda, of whom they were very much afraid. Then, obeying the orders of Lord Krsna, all of them left the lake within the Yamuna
- In this way, Lord Krsna and Balarama began to enjoy the residents of Vrndavana to Their full satisfaction as They herded the calves and cows on the bank of the Yamuna. In some places Krsna and Balarama were accompanied by Their friends
- It is especially mentioned herein (SB 1.19.6) that Maharaja Pariksit took shelter of that particular river (Yamuna) which is beautifully flowing, carrying the dust of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, mixed with tulasi leaves
- It is said that in spite of being at the confluence of the rivers Ganges and Yamuna, Prayaga was never flooded until the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, at which time the city was overflooded by love of Krsna
- Kalindi said, "Lord Krsna then took me away from the bank of the Yamuna, and since then I have been engaged in the house of Lord Krsna as a sweeper. And the Lord is treating me as His wife"
- Krsna also assured Kaliya, "You came here (to the Yamuna) out of fear of Garuda, who wanted to eat you in the beautiful land by the ocean. Now, after seeing the marks where I have touched your head with My lotus feet, Garuda will not disturb you"
- Krsna and Balarama took Their baths in the river and washed Their faces. After drinking the transparent, crystal-clear water of the Yamuna, They took Their seats again on the chariot
- Krsna and Sridama were very intimate friends, yet Sridama, out of anger with Krsna, challenged Him. When both of them began to fight, all the friends on the bank of the Yamuna enjoyed the wonderful fighting of the two friends
- Krsna and the gopis entered the water of the Yamuna just as an elephant enters a water tank with his many female companions
- Krsna expanded Himself into as many forms as there were gopis and then took away all the garments that covered them. The water of the river Yamuna was crystal clear, and Krsna saw the glittering bodies of the gopis in great happiness
- Krsna had left His friends on the bank of the Yamuna while they were engaged in lunch, and although He returned exactly one year later, the cowherd boys thought that He had returned within a second. That is the way Krsna's different energies act
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all masters, & the gopis wanted to worship Him for His unusual exhibition of mercy upon them. The gopis & Krsna entered the water of the Yamuna just to relieve their fatigue from the rasa dance
- Krsna ordered the serpent thus, "You (Kaliya) can take with you all your offspring, wives and everything that you possess. Don’t pollute the waters of the Yamuna. Let it be drunk by My cows and cowherd boys without hindrance"
- Krsna said, "Let us have our lunch in this spot because it is already late and we are feeling hungry. Let the calves remain near us, and drink water from the Yamuna. While we engage in our lunch-taking, the calves may engage in eating the soft grasses"
- Krsna said, "My dear friends, just see how this spot is very nice for taking lunch and playing on the soft, sandy Yamuna bank. You can see how the lotus flowers in the water are beautifully blown and how they distribute their fragrance all around"
- Krsna, who advented Himself just to kill all undesirable elements in the world, immediately climbed up into a big kadamba tree on the bank of the Yamuna. The kadamba is a tree bearing round yellow flowers that is generally seen only in the Vrndavana area
- Lord Krsna and the gopis came out of the water and began to stroll along the bank of the Yamuna, where a nice breeze was blowing, carrying the aroma of different kinds of flowers over the water and land
- Lord Krsna saw the effect of the great serpent’s poison: the whole river that ran before Vrndavana was now deadly
- Lord Krsna was in the water of the Yamuna in the company of the gopis, headed by Srimati Radharani. They were performing pastimes in a great sporting manner
- Lord Krsna was very much pleased when passing through the Vrndavana forest by the site of Govardhana Hill. On the bank of the Yamuna He saw all the trees decorated with beehives pouring honey
- Lord Krsna's lotus feet are always besmeared with the tulasi leaves, and thus as soon as His lotus feet contact the water of the Ganges and the Yamuna, the rivers become at once sanctified
- Lord Krsna, in spite of searching for the calves, could not find them, and He even lost His boyfriends on the bank of the Yamuna, where they had been taking their lunch
- Nanda and all the other cowherd men, who had dedicated everything, including their lives, to Krsna, were ready to enter the waters of the Yamuna, but Lord Balarama checked them because He was in perfect knowledge that there was no danger
- Nanda continued, "We remember how He saved us from the forest fire, how He saved us from the great snake Kaliya in the Yamuna, and how He saved us from so many other demons"
- Nanda continued, "We simply think of Krsna - how He used to smile and how He looked upon us with grace. When we go to the banks of the Yamuna or the lakes of Vrndavana or near Govardhana Hill or the pasturing fields"
- Nanda said to Yasoda, "Krsna has gone deep into the water, so there is no need to maintain our bodies, which are so full of sinful activities! Let us also enter into the poisonous water of the Yamuna and compensate for the sinful activities of our lives"
- O King Pariksit, when Rama and Krsna saw Vrndavana, Govardhana and the banks of the River Yamuna, They both enjoyed great pleasure - SB 10.11.36
- O river Yamuna, you are the blissful spiritual water that gives love to the son of Nanda Maharaja. You are the same as the water of the spiritual world, for you can vanquish all our offenses and the sinful reactions incurred in life
- O Saunaka, the Lord (Krsna) then proceeded towards Kurujangala, Pancala, Surasena, the land on the bank of the River Yamuna, Brahmavarta, Kuruksetra, Matsya, Sarasvata, the province of the desert and the land of scanty water
- On the bank of the Yamuna, once there was the crackling sound of dry leaves, giggling from the cowherd boys and thundering from the sky. Sridama was tightening his belt to fight with Krsna, the conqueror of the demon Agha
- On the coiled lap of Sesa Naga, Krsna was sitting very soberly, with four hands. His eyes were like the reddish petals of the lotus flower. After returning to the Yamuna, Akrura saw Balarama turned into Sesa Naga and Krsna turned into Maha-Visnu
- Once when Srimati Radharani was standing on the bank of the Yamuna River in the forest of Vrndavana, She was attacked by Krsna, who was stronger than She
- Once, when Krsna and Balarama were playing on the bank of the Yamuna, a demon of the name Vatsasura assumed the shape of a calf and came there intending to kill the brothers. By taking the shape of a calf, the demon could mingle with the other calves
- One cowherd boy said, "Krsna saved His friends and cows from a severe forest fire, and He chastised the Kaliya serpent in the lake of the Yamuna River and forced him to leave the vicinity of the Yamuna; He thereby made the water of the Yamuna poisonless"
- One day Lord Krsna, the liberator of the twin arjuna trees, was playing with Balarama and the other children on the bank of the Yamuna, and because it was already late in the morning, Rohini, the mother of Balarama, went to call them back home
- One day while Krsna was awaiting the arrival of Srimati Radharani by the bank of the Yamuna, He began to make a garland of kadamba flowers
- One day while Rama and Krsna, along with Their playmates, were tending the calves on the bank of the River Yamuna, another demon arrived there, desiring to kill Them - SB 10.11.41
- One gopi said, "My dear friend, whose hand is this touching my body (Krsna was touching her body)? I had become very afraid after seeing the darkened forest on the bank of the Yamuna, but suddenly the touch of this hand has saved me from hysterical fits"
- One of the friends once said, "My dear cowherd friends, the sound of Krsna's flute from above Govardhan Hill is telling us that we need not go to search Him out on the bank of the Yamuna
- One of the gopis said, "May Krsna's sweet flute be washed away by the waves of the Yamuna, and let it fall into the ocean! The sweet sound of that flute is so impudent that it makes us lose all composure before our superiors"
- Saying this, the gopis stepped onto the beach by the Yamuna River. There they saw Lord Krsna beneath a kadamba tree
- SB 10.16.13, there is the following description. When Krsna was chastising the Kaliyanaga in the Yamuna, the big snake wrapped his coils all over Krsna's body, and upon seeing Krsna in this situation, all His dear cowherd friends became greatly disturbed
- Similar feelings were expressed by the gopis when they were going to the bank of the Yamuna and saw Krsna's footprints in the dust
- Some people think that Radha and Krsna are so cheap that They may be seen every night, but this is not the teaching of the gosvamis who were always searching after Krsna crying - Where are You Krsna? Are You on the bank of the Yamuna
- Sometimes Krsna used to go with His boyfriends and Balarama, and sometimes He used to go alone with His friends to the bank of the Yamuna and tend the cows
- Sometimes Sridama used to address Krsna, "Oh, You are so cruel that You left us alone on the bank of Yamuna, and we were all mad from not seeing You there! Now it is our great fortune that we are able to see You here"
- Sometimes there is humility due to shyness. For example, when Krsna stole all of the garments from the gopis while they were bathing in the river, all of them begged Krsna not to commit this injustice upon them
- Sometimes they felt diseased from their separation from Krsna, and being so greatly disappointed, they were aimlessly wandering on the banks of the Yamuna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully merged in the pastimes Lord Krsna performed with the gopis in the waters of the Yamuna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to lament by saying, "Where is Sri Krsna, whose form is curved in three places? Where is the sweet song of His flute, and where is the bank of the Yamuna?"
- Srimati Radharani appeared there (at the bank of the Yamuna), and at that time Murari (Krsna), the enemy of Mura, glanced over Radharani very sweetly
- Srivasa Pandita narrated all the pastimes enacted during the six changing seasons. He described the drinking of honey, the celebration of the rasa dance, the swimming in the Yamuna and other such incidents
- Suddenly, all of you created a great tumult and picked Me up and brought Me back here. Where now is the river Yamuna? Where is Vrndavana? Where are Krsna and the gopis? You have broken My happy dream
- Sukadeva Gosvami told the King, "Now hear of this secret with attention. After saving His friends from the mouth of Aghasura and killing the demon, Lord Krsna brought His friends to the bank of the Yamuna and addressed them as follows"
- The beautiful girl was the river Yamuna personified. She replied (to Arjuna), "Sir, I am the daughter of the sun-god, and I am now performing penance and austerity to have Lord Visnu as my husband"
- The boys could understand that by drinking the water of the Yamuna they had died and that the merciful glance of Krsna had restored their lives. Thus they appreciated the mystic power of Krsna, who is known as Yogesvara, the master of all mystic yogis
- The bumblebees were humming about in order to get honey from the flowers. Krsna and the gopis entered the water of the Yamuna just as an elephant enters a water tank with his many female companions
- The citizens of Mathura continued, "He (Krsna) chastised the Kaliya snake in the water of the Yamuna, and He curbed the false pride of the heavenly king, Indra"
- The cowherd girls saw all of the water of the Yamuna River turn into milk, so they began to churn it into butter. In other words, by the spreading of Krsna consciousness, or the glories of Krsna, everything became white and pure
- The demigods thus praised the superexcellent rasa dance of Krsna, the supreme enjoyer, and His pastimes with the gopis in the water of the Yamuna
- The devotee said, "My dear kadamba tree, do not be worried. Just after defeating the Kaliya snake in the Yamuna River, Krsna will come and satisfy your desire." This is an instance of inappropriate hopelessness in ecstatic love for Krsna
- The gopis continued, "O blackberries and bael trees and trees of the kadamba flower - you are all very pious trees to be living on the bank of the Yamuna. Krsna must have passed through this way. Will you kindly let us know which way He has gone?"
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana, including the cowherd boys and men, the gopis, mother Yasoda, Maharaja Nanda and all the cows and calves, saw Krsna coming from the Yamuna, and it was as though they had recovered their very life
- The Lord (Sri Krsna) contacted the River Yamuna more than the Ganges
- The Lord sanctified the River Yamuna from the beginning of His transcendental pastimes in the world
- The Lord, accompanied by Akrura and Balarama, traveled in the chariot with great speed toward the bank of the Yamuna. Simply by taking a bath in the Yamuna, anyone can diminish the reactions of his sinful activities
- The part of the Ganges which flows through Hastinapura to the area of Vrndavana is called the Yamuna because it is sanctified by the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna
- The trees on the bank of the Yamuna, along with all the cows, bulls & calves, were full of pleasure because of Krsna's appearance there. The brahmana inhabitants of Vrndavana immediately came with their wives to congratulate Krsna and His family members
- There (bank of the Yamuna) Radharani saw a cottage wherein She and Krsna had experienced many loving pleasures, and by remembering those incidents She immediately became overcome with dizziness. This dizziness was very prominently visible
- There is another instance of a dreadful situation with Krsna as the object as follows. After being sufficiently chastised by child Krsna in the Yamuna River, the Kaliya snake began to address the Lord
- These descriptions of Lord Krsna's pastimes with His cowherd boys, His eating with them on the bank of the Yamuna, and Lord Brahma's prayers unto Him are all transcendental subject matters
- They (Kaliya's wives) appeared before Him (Krsna), put forward their offspring and anxiously offered respectful obeisances, falling down on the bank of the Yamuna
- To whom can I speak who will believe me when I say that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is hunting the gopis in the bushes by the banks of the river Yamuna? In this way the Lord demonstrates His pastimes
- Uddhava informed Krsna, "My dear leader of the Yadu dynasty, Your servants in Vrndavana cannot sleep at night thinking of You, so now they are all lying down on the bank of the Yamuna almost paralyzed
- Uddhava informed Krsna, "Your servants in Vrndavana cannot sleep at night thinking of You, so now they are all lying down on the bank of the Yamuna almost paralyzed. And it appears that they are almost dead, because their breathing is very slow"
- Upon being chastised by Krsna's constant kicking on his head, Kaliya, the black snake of the Yamuna, came to his senses and admitted
- We understand from the Brahma-samhita and Skanda Purana that Krsna is always surrounded by many thousands of goddesses of fortune. The gopis are all goddesses of fortune, and Krsna took them hand in hand on the bank of the Yamuna
- When a devotee is called by the attraction of Krsna, he does not care for bodily ties. The women entered the forest of Vrndavana on the bank of the Yamuna, which was verdant with vegetation and newly grown vines and flowers
- When all the Vaisnavas were chanting the holy names "Hari, Hari" and eating, they remembered how Krsna and Balarama ate with Their companions the cowherd boys on the bank of the Yamuna
- When both the Krsnas, namely Krsna and Arjuna, reached the bank of the Yamuna (Arjuna is sometimes called Krsna, as is Draupadi), they washed their hands, feet and mouths and drank the clear water of the Yamuna
- When He understood that the water of the Yamuna was being polluted by the black serpent Kaliya, Lord Krsna took action against him and made him leave the Yamuna and go elsewhere, and thus the water became purified
- When Krsna and Balarama saw the beautiful appearance of Vrndavana, Govardhana Hill and the banks of the river Yamuna, They felt very happy
- When Krsna and Balarama were in the forest, mother Yasoda used to send Them some fruits, sweetmeats and rice mixed with yogurt. Krsna would take them, sit down on a slab of stone on the bank of the Yamuna, and call His friends to join Him
- When Krsna came out from the Yamuna after chastising the Kaliyanaga, Sridama wanted to embrace Him first, but he could not raise his arms because of his great feeling of respect
- When Krsna entered the forest on the bank of the river Yamuna, the moonlight dissipated the surrounding darkness. Due to the season, flowers like the kunda and kadamba were blooming, and a gentle breeze was carrying their aroma
- When Krsna entered the Yamuna River, which had become very poisonous from the presence of Kaliya, mother Yasoda feared all kinds of mishaps, and she was breathing hotly. Tears from her eyes were soaking her clothes, and she was almost collapsing
- When Krsna feels fatigue, He lies down on the Yamuna and immediately His friends come. Somebody fans Him; somebody gives massage. Therefore He is the master
- When Krsna finally came out of Kaliya’s lake, He was seen by all His friends and relatives on the bank of the Yamuna
- When Krsna jumped into the water, the river overflooded its banks to a distance of one hundred yards, as if something very large had fallen into it. This exhibition of Krsna's strength is not at all uncommon, because He is the reservoir of all strength
- When Krsna saw that Subala, in the dress of Radharani, was silently hiding under the shade of a beautiful asoka tree on the bank of the Yamuna, He immediately arose from His seat in surprise
- When Krsna stole the garments of the gopis while they were taking a bath at Ciraghata on the Yamuna, He promised to fulfill their desire in some future night
- When Krsna takes His bath in universally purifying rivers like the Yamuna and the Ganges of the celestial world, the great personalities of those rivers greedily and jubilantly drink the remnants of the nectarean juice from His lips
- When Krsna walked on the bank of the Yamuna, He was seen nicely decorated with tilaka on His face. He was garlanded with different kinds of forest flowers, and His body was smeared with the pulp of sandalwood and tulasi leaves
- When Krsna was chastising Kaliya in the poisonous water of the Yamuna, Mother Yasoda began to speak emotionally
- When Krsna was unable to find the calves, He returned to the bank of the river, but there He was also unable to see the cowherd boys - SB 10.13.16
- When Krsna, in punishing the Kaliya serpent, appeared to have drowned Himself in the poisonous water of the Yamuna, Nanda Maharaj addressed Yasoda Devi thusly
- When Sri Krsna sees Srimati Radharani and wants to touch Her body, He prohibits Her from going to the spot where one can cross the river Yamuna
- When this story was being narrated by Sukadeva Gosvami, Maharaja Pariksit became eager to hear more about Krsna’s childhood pastimes. He inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami how Krsna chastised Kaliya, who had been living in the water for many years
- While He (Krsna) tended the calves on the bank of the River Yamuna, two or three incidents took place every day, and although these were serious, killing the demons one after another appeared to be His daily routine work
- While His father Vasudeva was crossing the Yamuna with the baby Lord Krsna for a safe place at Gokula on the other bank of the river from Mathura, the Lord fell down in the river, and by the dust of His lotus feet the river at once became sanctified
- While passing through the forest of Vrndavana on the bank of the Yamuna, Krsna sat down at a beautiful spot and allowed the cows to drink the cold and transparent water of the Yamuna. Being fatigued, the cowherd boys, Krsna and Balarama also drank
- While resting and drinking water, they (Krsna and Arjuna) saw a beautiful girl of marriageable age walking alone on the bank of the Yamuna
- While strolling on the bank of the Yamuna, Krsna recited various kinds of poetry. He thus enjoyed the company of the gopis in the soothing moonlight of autumn
- While they were walking on the bank of the Yamuna, Krsna would sometimes put His arms around a gopi’s head, breast or waist. Pinching one another and joking and looking at one another, they enjoyed
- While this scene (Kaliya and Krsna) was taking place on the bank of the Yamuna, there were ill omens manifest. The earth trembled, meteors fell from the sky, and the left side of men's bodies shivered. All these are indications of great immediate danger