Category:Krsna's Wonderfulness
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Pages in category "Krsna's Wonderfulness"
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- A child (Krsna) sitting on the lap of his mother was able to kill the gigantic Putana is extremely wonderful for the inhabitants of this planet
- A conditioned soul cannot reach the absolute Personality of Godhead by his imperfect endeavor, and therefore it is wonderful that Lord Sri Krsna, in the form of Lord Gauranga, has made it easy for everyone to approach Him
- Above Narayana, Krsna has four specific transcendental qualities - His wonderful pastimes, an abundance of wonderful associates who are very dear to Him (like the gopis), His wonderful beauty and the wonderful vibration of His flute
- Above that wonderful dance flew many airplanes carrying the denizens of the heavenly planets, who were very eager to see the wonderful dance of Krsna with the gopis
- After killing the Vyoma demon, Lord Krsna released all His friends from the caves of the mountain. He was then praised by His friends and by the demigods for these wonderful acts
- After observing such wonderful happenings (of Trnavarta trying to kill Krsna), Nanda Maharaja began to think of the words of Vasudeva again and again
- After performing such wonderful pastimes, Lord Sri Krsna went up on the shore of the Yamuna River, taking with Him all His beloved gopis
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord, there cannot be anything more wonderful than Your transcendental form. When I have seen Your transcendental form, what is there left to see"
- Akrura said, "My dear Lord, all wonderful things that are happening within this world, either in the sky or in the water or on the land, are factually appearing in Your universal form. So when I have seen You, what wonderful things have I not seen"
- All of the gopis were observing Krsna's wonderful achievement, and Krsna was also smiling at seeing the gopis
- All the cowherd men, including Nanda Maharaja, used to talk of the wonderful activities of Lord Krsna and Balarama, and they were always so much absorbed in those talks that they forgot the threefold miseries of this material existence
- Although Krsna did not manifest anything wonderful, Brahma could understand that the same wonderful person was present like an ordinary child, although He was the master of the whole creation
- Although Krsna was acting so wonderfully, Maharaja Nanda and mother Yasoda could not think of Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Instead, they always accepted Him as their beloved child
- Although Krsna was invincible to any enemy, the cowherd boys of Vrndavana became almost blackish with astonishment upon seeing His wonderful royal garments and His fighting feats on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Although these qualities are present in Narayana, the dominating Deity of the Vaikuntha planets, they are even more wonderfully present in Krsna
- An old woman in Vrndavana, present at the time of Krsna's pastimes, once stated in surprise: "How wonderful it is that Krsna speaks in Sanskrit with the demigods and in the language of the animals He can even speak with the cows and buffalo"
- An old woman in Vrndavana, present at the time of Krsna's pastimes, once stated in surprise: "How wonderful it is that Krsna, who owns the hearts of all the young girls of Brajabhumi, can nicely speak the language of Brajabhumi with the gopis"
- Another gopi said, "Everything appears wonderful when Krsna and Balarama travel in the forest of Vrndavana playing Their flutes and making intimate friendship with all kinds of moving and nonmoving living creatures"
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) are the greatest and most powerful of all. It is wonderful for You to protect us from so many dangers, but we are surprised that You are neglecting us at this moment"
- Arjuna is very joyful to see that his friend, Krsna, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and can show such a wonderful universal form. BG 1972 purports
- As Krsna wandered in the forest with Baladeva and the two of Them wonderfully played Their flutes, all the gopis became very much attracted. Thus they praised the Lord’s activities, describing how He was enthusing all the plants, birds, hills and water
- Authentic literatures, they give proof that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And by His wonderful activities we can understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But still, the atheistic rascal will not accept
- Because Krsna and Balarama were fighting with Jarasandha just like ordinary human beings, the affair appeared wonderful
- Because Krsna had caught the demon's neck, the demon (Trnavarta) was unable to throw Him off. He therefore thought of the child as wonderful, since he could neither bear the child nor cast aside the burden - SB 10.7.27
- Because of her pure maternal love, mother Yasoda thought that this wonderful child playing so many tricks must have had some disease. She did not appreciate the wonders shown by her child; rather, she wanted to close her eyes
- Because of intense paternal affection, the cowherd men, headed by Nanda, could not believe that Krsna could have uprooted the trees in such a wonderful way. Therefore they could not put their faith in the words of the boys - SB 10.11.5
- Bhisma said, "My dear Krpacarya, just see the wonderful causeless mercy of Lord Krsna! I am most unfortunate. I have no qualifications"
- Brahma said, "Brahman realization or Paramatma realization are also not possible even after one searches for many, many years unless one is touched by the wonderful effect of devotional service"
- Brahma's stealing of calves & boys from Krsna may be a wonderful display of mystic power, but when Krsna exhibited His expansive power in so many calves & boys and maintained them without effort, Brahma could understand that his power was insignificant
- Brahma, being very joyful, began to shed tears, and he washed the lotus feet of Krsna with his tears. Repeatedly he fell & rose as he recalled the wonderful activities of the Lord
- Brahma, being very joyful, began to shed tears, and he washed the lotus feet of Krsna with his tears. Repeatedly he fell and rose as he recalled the wonderful activities of the Lord
- By nature they (women) are not very pure, nor are they very much attached to auspicious activities. Therefore, how wonderful it is that these women have developed transcendental love for Krsna, the Lord of all mystic yogis
- Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani's love, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love
- Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani's love, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and the happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love
- Each had a bugle made of buffalo horn and a stick and a flute, and each called his respective calves by their particular names. The cowherd boys were so proud of Krsna's wonderful activities that, while entering the village, they all sang His glories
- Early in the morning, the gopis used to go to the bank of the Yamuna to take a bath. They would assemble together and, holding one another's hands, loudly sing of the wonderful pastimes of Krsna
- Enhancing the wonderful beauty of Krsna is His three-curved style of standing. Above all these beautiful features, Krsna's eyes dance and move obliquely, acting like arrows to pierce the minds of Srimati Radharani and the gopis
- Everyone knows that lotus flowers grow in the water but water never grows from a lotus. All such contradictions, however, are wonderfully possible in Krsna: the great river Ganges has grown from His lotus feet
- He (Krsna) has delivered wonderful instructions in the shape of the Bhagavad-gita. He has shown marvelous capacities as a hero, as a householder, as a teacher and as a renouncer
- He (Krsna) is the Lord of all living entities because He performs wonderful and superhuman activities while He is on this earth. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) was then praised by His friends and by the demigods for these wonderful acts. He again returned to Vrndavana with His cows and friends
- He (Lord Brahma) saw that the demon was killed, and he was struck with wonder at the uncommon, glorious pastimes of the Personality of Godhead
- He (Nanda Maharaja) gave so many cows just for the welfare of his wonderful child (Krsna), and the brahmanas in return bestowed their heartfelt blessings. And the blessings offered by the able brahmanas were never to be baffled
- He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute. He has a wonderful excellence of beauty which cannot be rivaled anywhere in the creation
- He is greatly qualified to entice all other girls, not only in Vrndavana or Mathura but all over the universe. His wonderfully enchanting smile is so attractive and the movements of His eyebrows are so beautiful that He can call for any woman
- Here (in BG 11.6) it is stated that humans have neither heard nor known of all these forms and manifestations. Now Krsna reveals these wonderful forms. BG 1972 purports
- His (Krsna's) pastimes are wonderful even for other incarnations of the Lord, such as Sri Rama, Nrsimha & Varaha. His opulence was so superexcellent that His pastimes were adored even by the Lord of Vaikuntha, who is not different from Lord Krsna Himself
- His (Krsna's) wonderfully enchanting smile is so attractive and the movements of His eyebrows are so beautiful that He can call for any woman from the heavenly, middle or Plutonic planets
- How wonderful it is that I have never seen such a beautiful form! Although it is My own form, still, like Radharani, I am trying to embrace this form and enjoy celestial bliss
- How wonderful Krsna is! His mind is captivated by the eyebrows of Candravali in a smiling spirit, His snake-like arms are on the shoulder of His friend, and at the same time He is roaring like a lion to encourage Vrsasura to fight with Him
- I request you to follow the simple path of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and help me spread this wonderful mission all over the world. Keep yourself pure and fixed up in Krsna Consciousness by following the basic principles that I have given
- If we simply stick to describing how wonderful is Krishna, then whatever we may lie or exaggerate, that will not be lie! But other things, lies, they will not help us to train ourselves in truthfulness
- In His (Krsna's) babyhood, He was administered deadly poison by Putana, a she-demon who tried to kill the wonderful baby
- In the feature of Lord Krsna He (the Lord) accepts service very plainly from His fathers, teachers and other elders who are His superiors, as well as from His equals and His subordinates. This is very wonderful
- In the Padma Purana there is a statement about remembering the activities of the Lord, "A person who is always engaged in meditation on the sweet pastimes and wonderful activities of the Lord surely becomes freed from all material contamination"
- Inhabitants of Vrndavana say, "He (Krsna) holds His wonderful flute in His lotus hands. He is dressed in yellow silks and bedecked with a peacock feather on His head"
- King Nanda said, "After telling me this, Gargacarya returned home, and since then we have been continually seeing the wonderful activities of this child (Krsna)"
- King Nanda said, "Gargacarya thus concluded that my child (Krsna) would grow to be exactly like Visnu in transcendental beauty, qualification, activities, influence and opulence, and so we should not be very astonished by His wonderful activities"
- Krsna and Sridama were very intimate friends, yet Sridama, out of anger with Krsna, challenged Him. When both of them began to fight, all the friends on the bank of the Yamuna enjoyed the wonderful fighting of the two friends
- Krsna appears periodically as a devotee to take part in various wonderful activities depicted in His sublime philosophy and teachings
- Krsna can do wonderful things. In Bombay He has done the most wonderful things. Everyone, the whole Bombay appreciates how wonderful. If Krsna likes He can do anything
- Krsna has different avataras, or incarnations, all of which are wonderful and which arouse one's inquisitiveness, but generally such avataras as Matsya, Kurma and Varaha are not as attractive as Krsna
- Krsna has dressed Himself in such an enchanting way, as though He had defeated all kinds of players at the chessboard. He lives wonderfully at the topmost height of artistic craftsmanship
- Krsna has four extraordinary transcendental qualities absent in Lord Narayana. These four qualities are (1) His wonderful pastimes, which are compared to an ocean, (2) His association in the circle of the supreme devotees in conjugal love (the gopis)
- Krsna has four more qualities, they are as follows: 61) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes (especially His childhood pastimes). 62) He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute
- Krsna has left us many wonderful narrations about Him. Simply by reading these narrations, as they are described in Krsna, the SPG, one gains salvation from this material world and gradually develops attachment to and devotion for Govinda, Adi-purusa
- Krsna is so wonderful and attractive that He Himself becomes attracted by His own beauty, and this is proof that He is full of all inconceivable potencies
- Krsna is the linguist of all wonderful languages. He is a truthful and very pleasing speaker. He is expert in speaking, and He is a very wise, learned scholar and a genius
- Krsna is wonderful undoubtedly. Who can become more wonderful than Krsna? Mattah parataram nanyat (BG 7.7). Always remember, Krsna is wonderful
- Krsna killing the gigantic Putana is extremely wonderful for the inhabitants of this planet, but on other planets the inhabitants are more advanced, and therefore the pastimes the Lord performs there are still more wonderful
- Krsna satisfied all great sages by His wonderful pastimes. He demolished all of the demoniac activities of the cruel royal order, protected all pious men, and killed all cruel fighters on the battlefield. Therefore He is all-auspicious for all men
- Krsna was struck with wonder at how the external energy works so wonderfully. He began to consider how He could kill the demon & at the same time save the boys and calves. Although there was no factual concern on Krsna's part, He was thinking like that
- Krsna's and Balarama's chariots were marked with pictures of Garuda and palm trees, respectively. The women of Mathura all stood on the tops of the houses, palaces and gates to see the wonderful fight
- Krsna's appearance as a man bewilders the foolish. No human being could perform the wonderful acts that Krsna performed while He was present on this earth. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna's friends told Him, "My thighs became almost completely stunned so that I could not move even an inch. Therefore, my dear friend, I must acknowledge the wonderful vibration of Your transcendental flute"
- Krsna's pastimes cannot be imitated. Krsna married over 16,000 wives and kept them nicely in 16,000 palaces, but an ordinary man cannot even keep one wife nicely. It is not that Krsna just spoke so many wonderful things; He also acted wonderfully
- Krsna's qualities as follows: 59) He is the giver of salvation to the enemies whom He kills. 60) He is the attractor of liberated souls. All these transcendental qualities are manifest wonderfully in the personal feature of Krsna
- Krsna-karnamrta (32): O Krsna, O wonderful flute player, the beauty of Your boyhood activities is very wonderful in this world. You know the agitation of my mind, and I know what You are. No one knows how confidential our relationship is
- Krsna’s attractiveness is wonderful and unlimited. No one can know the end of it. Srimati Radharani alone can relish such extensiveness from Her position in the asraya category
- Let the glories of Lord Krsna be! Who could be aware of all of them? His abode, Vrndavana, has many wonderful opulences. Just try to see them all
- Lord Balarama's thoughts of astonishment at such wonderful retaliation (of how Krsna responded by replacing all the calves and boys in the field which Lord Brahma stole by his mystic power) are recorded in this verse - SB 10.13.37
- Lord Krsna incarnated Himself as He is and played very wonderful parts as the Lord Himself, and the Bhagavad-gita concerns such wonderful actions and knowledge. Yet foolish men will not accept Lord Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- Lord Krsna thought: "Taking these pure devotees with Me, I shall descend and sport in various wonderful ways, unknown even in Vaikuntha. I shall broadcast such pastimes by which even I am amazed"
- Mother Yasoda concluded that the wonderful things she saw within the mouth of her child were due to Him, although she could not clearly ascertain the cause
- My dear friend, please tell Me what I should do. Krsna is as attractive as a wonderful cloud, and My eyes are just like cataka birds, which are dying of thirst because they do not see such a cloud
- My dear friend, this dramatic actor appears like a second form of My own self. Like a picture, He displays My pastimes as a cowherd boy overflowing with wonderfully attractive sweetness and fragrance, which are so dear to the damsels of Vraja
- My dear Lord Krsna, where is that woman within the three worlds who would not be captivated by the rhythms of the sweet songs coming from Your wonderful flute? Who would not fall down from the path of chastity in this way
- My sweetness is wonderful, infinite and full. No one in the three worlds can find its limit
- Nanda continued, "How wonderful it is that for seven days continuously He (Krsna) held up Govardhana Hill with one hand! How wonderful it is that He has killed all the demons like Pralambasura, Dhenukasura, Aristasura, Trnavarta and Bakasura"
- Nanda continued, "Krsna killed all these animals and demons just as a lion kills an ordinary animal. How wonderful it is that Krsna took in one hand the big, heavy bow made of three joined palm trees and broke it very quickly"
- Nanda Maharaja smiled to hear about the extraordinary abilities of his son. He came forward and untied the knot just to free his wonderful child. After being freed by Nanda Maharaja, Krsna was taken onto the laps of the elder gopis
- Nanda said, "And above all, I have a son like Krsna, who is such a powerful, wonderful worker. Therefore, even though I am a householder, I am feeling so satisfied!" This is an instance of mental endurance resulting from the absence of all distress
- Nanda said, "How wonderful He (Krsna) looks, and how He is increasing my transcendental bliss more and more"
- No one can estimate the wonderful activities of the Supreme Lord, and therefore He is known as urukrama, the wonderful actor. In the Visvaprakasa dictionary, the word krama is defined as - an expert display of energies or stepping forward very quickly
- Nothing exists without Him (the Supreme Personality of Godhead), and therefore everything, however wonderful it may appear to our meager knowledge, is but the work of the magical wand of the Supreme Lord
- O inaugurator of the material energy (Krsna), this wonderful creation works under the control of powerful time, which is divided into seconds, minutes, hours and years - SB 10.3.26
- O King (Dhrtarastra), as I (Sanjaya) remember the wonderful form of Lord Krsna, I am struck with wonder more and more, and I rejoice again and again
- O King, when I remember the wonderful form of Lord Krsna, I am struck with even greater wonder, and I rejoice again and again. BG 18.77 - 1972
- O Krsna, O flute-player, the sweetness of Your early age is wonderful within these three worlds. You know My unsteadiness, and I know Yours
- Oh, how wonderful it is! Putana, the sister of Bakasura, wanted to kill Krsna by smearing deadly poison on her breasts and having Krsna take it
- On other planets the inhabitants are more advanced, and therefore the pastimes the Lord (Krsna) performs there are still more wonderful
- One description was given by a gopi to her friend: "My dear friend, just see how the enemy of Agha has assumed such wonderful features!"
- One devotee exclaimed, "How wonderful is the personal feature of Lord Krsna! How His neck is just like a conchshell! His eyes are so beautiful, as though they themselves are encountering the beauty of a lotus flower"
- One of the friends of Mother Yasoda continues, "But still, just see how wonderful it is that this great Govardhan Hill is resting on the finger of your child's left hand, just as though it were a toy. Is this not very mysterious?"
- One of them said, "My dear friends, considering His (Krsna's) wonderful activities, how is it possible that such an uncommon boy would come and live with us in Vrndavana? It is really not possible. Just imagine! He is now only seven years old"
- One old gopi informed King Nanda, "Your son (Krsna) possesses various wonderful fate lines on His palms. There are the signs of lotus flowers and wheels on His palms"
- Pariksit Maharaja specifically mentions that the wonderful activities of baby Krsna, which amazed mother Yasoda and the other inhabitants of Vraja, are especially attractive
- Paurnamasi tells Nandimukhi, "Just see how wonderful it is! Great sages meditate upon Krsna after being relieved from all material transactions, and with great difficulty they try to situate Krsna in their hearts"
- Please describe other pastimes of Krsna, the Supreme Personality, who appeared on this planet earth, imitating a human child and performing wonderful activities like killing Putana - SB 10.7.3
- Salva struck a severe blow to Krsna's left side, where the Lord carried His bow, Sarnga, and as a result the Sarnga bow fell from Lord Krsna's hand. This dropping of the bow was indeed wonderful
- Sanandana said, "The Vedas personified describing His (Lord's) wonderful transcendental pastimes, exactly like servants of a king"
- Sanjaya said: Thus have I heard the conversation of two great souls, Krsna and Arjuna. And so wonderful is that message that my hair is standing on end. BG 18.74 - 1972
- Seeing the activities and wonderful prowess of Krsna, all the citizens of Mathura began to consider the two brothers to be demigods who had come down to Mathura, and they all looked upon Them with great astonishment
- She (Devaki) could adjust the events only by thinking that Lord Krsna can perform anything wonderful in His pastimes because His potencies are all inconceivable
- Simply by giving people a chance to hear this wonderful Hare Krsna mantra and Krsna's philosophy as stated in Bhagavad-gita, so many people will become interested and actually they will join us
- Since I am but a poor, sinful brahma-bandhu, not brahminically qualified although born in a brahmana family, & You, Lord Krsna, are the shelter of the goddess of fortune, it is simply wonderful, my dear Lord Krsna that You have embraced me with Your arms
- Sometimes the residents of Vrndavana see Krsna's wonderful activities and think, "Krsna must be some demigod who has come here." They never recognize that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead - or if they do, Krsna makes them immediately forget
- Sometimes they (seeing something very wonderful happened because of Krsna's activities, Nanda Maharaja, Yasoda) and the others suggested that some great demigod had appeared there as Krsna
- Sri Suta Gosvami said: Due to the mercy of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, who acts wonderfully, Maharaja Pariksit, though struck by the weapon of the son of Drona in his mother's womb, could not be burned
- Sri Suta Gosvami said: O learned saints, the childhood pastimes of Sri Krsna are very wonderful - SB 10.12.40
- Such mock-fighting (as with Krsna and Sridama) generally takes place amongst chivalrous persons and creates wonderful excitement for all viewers
- The above statements describe some of the wonderful reservoirs of pleasure within Krsna, as well as the transcendental qualities of His personality
- The activities of the Lord (Krsna) are always inconceivable to the tiny brain of the living entities. Nothing is impossible for the Supreme Lord, but all His actions are wonderful for us, and thus He is always beyond the range of our conceivable limits
- The cowherd boys said, "He (Krsna) is so wonderful that He saved us from the clutches of the great serpent and killed him," But little did they know that one year had passed since the killing of Aghasura
- The cowherd men said, "By picking up Govardhana Hill, just as a child picks up a mushroom, He (Krsna) saved us so wonderfully. May He continue to glance mercifully over us and our cows. May we live peacefully under the protection of wonderful Krsna"
- The cowherd men, who had come to execute the ritualistic function of worshiping Lord Siva and Ambika, finished their business and prepared to return to Vrndavana. While returning, they recalled the wonderful activities of Krsna
- The demigods in the celestial planets showered flowers on Krsna for His wonderful achievement. Krsna was already the life and soul of the inhabitants of Vrndavana, and after killing this demon in the shape of a bull, He became the cynosure of all eyes
- The devotee's prayer continues, "You (Krsna) are so beautiful and attractive that my mind does not want anything else besides this wonderful form"
- The excellence of His rasa-lila at Vrndavana and His householder life with sixteen thousand wives is wonderful even for Narayana in Vaikuntha and is certainly so for other living entities within this mortal world
- The first wonder is that both brothers appear simultaneously, and the other is that They illuminate the innermost depths of the heart
- The gopis and the men began to converse amongst themselves about how wonderful it was that child Krsna had been attacked in so many ways and so many times by so many demons, and yet the demons themselves had been killed and Krsna had remained uninjured
- The husbands began to discuss this amongst themselves: "How wonderful is the attraction for Krsna, that it has made these women leave us without any care!" This is the influence of Krsna
- The killing of Pralambasura & the devouring of the devastating forest fire by Krsna and Balarama became household topics in Vrndavana. The cowherd men described these wonderful activities to their wives and to everyone else, & all were struck with wonder
- The Lord's acceptance of the role of a devotee in the eternal form of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is another of the Lord's wonderful features
- The Lord, Sri Krsna, appeared as a human being, yet He performed many uncommon and wonderful pastimes by His own potency. How can I say more about His activities than what has already been said by great saintly persons?
- The minds of the Narayanas are attracted by the beauty of Krsna's body. In addition, the goddesses of fortune, who are the wives of the Narayanas & are the women described in the Vedas as most chaste, are also attracted by the wonderful Krsna's beauty
- The most wonderful manifestation of the Lord's power is exhibited when the infinite Lord becomes visible to our eyes as one of us. Yet His activities are different from those of the finite beings
- The Nagapatnis said, "My dear Lord, the dust of Your lotus feet is very wonderful"
- The same gopi said, "These are the wonderful reactions to the vibration of the transcendental flutes of Krsna and Balarama"
- The story of Bhaumasura - how he kidnapped, made captive sixteen thousand princesses by collecting them from the palaces of various kings, how he was killed by Krsna, the S L of wonderful character - is all described by Sukadeva to Pariksit in SB
- The transcendental mellow of conjugal love of Krsna is so wonderful that Krsna Himself accepts the form of a devotee to relish and taste it fully
- The transcendental qualities of Krsna as follows: 07) a wonderful linguist; 8) truthful; 9) talks pleasingly; 10) can speak fluently in all languages; 11) highly learned; 12) highly intelligent; 13) a genius; 14) artistic; 15) extremely clever; 16) expert
- The village named Annakuta-grama is referred to in the Bhakti-ratnakara (Fifth Wave) - Here all the gopis and the gopas enjoyed wonderful pastimes with Sri Krsna
- The wonderful beauty of Krsna is presented in the supreme planet, Gokula (Goloka Vrndavana). Inferior to that is His representation in the spiritual sky, and inferior to that is His representation in the external energy (Devi-dhama)
- The wonderful form of Krsna in His personal feature is so great that it attracts even Krsna to taste His own association. Indeed, Krsna becomes very eager to taste it
- The wonderful potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is bewildering even to the jugglers. That potential power is unknown even to the self-sufficient Lord, so it is certainly unknown to others
- The wonderful varieties of this material world are also created by You (Krsna), and You have entered as the Supersoul into all of them, down to the atom. You are the vital force of all these manifestations and also their supreme cognition
- The word sahasra-sirsnah is very significant. One who has diverse energies and activities and a wonderful brain is known as the sahasra-sirsnah. This qualification is applicable only to the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, and no one else
- The words tvaritam jagmuh indicate how happy the village women were to understand that mother Yasoda had given birth to a wonderful child known as Krsna
- There is nothing wonderful in this pastime. All the palaces of the more than 16,000 queens of Krsna were filled with suitable gardens, furniture and other paraphernalia, of which there is no parallel in this world
- There were many demons that attacked the boys, and every day the boys would return to their mothers and say, "Mother, Krsna is so wonderful," and they would explain what had happened that day. And the mothers would say, - Yes, our Krsna is wonderful
- Thereafter, on the tenth day, the inhabitants of Vrndavana were talking amongst themselves about the wonderful activities of Krsna, and the next day, Ekadasi, was observed by Nanda Maharaja
- These are: (1) Krsna is like an ocean filled with waves of pastimes that evoke wonder within everyone in the three worlds. (2) In His activities of conjugal love, He is always surrounded by His dear devotees who possess unequaled love for Him
- These pastimes were wonderful for everyone, even for those proud of their own opulence, including the Lord Himself in His form as the Lord of Vaikuntha. Thus His (Sri Krsna's) transcendental body is the ornament of all ornaments
- These wonderful features of Krsna's body never failed to astonish Mother Yasoda. At the end of His kaumara age, Krsna carried a small stick in His hand, His clothing was a little longer, and He had a knot around His waist, resembling the hood of a snake
- They (cowherd boys) did not know Krsna is God, the Supreme Person. They only knew that Krsna is wonderful, that's all. And the more they perceived Krsna's wonderful activities, the more their love increased. "Perhaps He may be a demigod," they thought
- They (Krsna's friends) began to perceive the wonder of the situation simply by guessing how Krsna had saved them. This is another instance of indirect perception causing astonishment in devotional service
- They (the cowherd men and women) began to talk about how wonderful it was that the demon (Trnavarta) had taken away the child (Krsna) to devour Him but could not do so; instead he fell down dead
- They (the elderly gopis) took Him away to the courtyard of the house and began to clap, praising His wonderful activities. Krsna danced along with their clapping, just like an ordinary child
- They (the inhabitants of Vraja) offered their blessings to the child (Krsna) for His wonderful deed of killing Putana - 10.6.42
- This attachment of the gopis to Krsna is wonderful and transcendental. The center of all the activities of the gopis was Krsna. When Krsna was there they were happy, and when Krsna was not there, they were unhappy
- Those who are devotees can automatically give up material life and also enjoy the transcendental bliss of hearing and chanting the wonderful activities of Lord Krsna
- Thus Nanda Maharaja did not accept the fact that Varuna worshiped Krsna because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead; rather he took it that because Krsna was such a wonderful child He was respected even by Varuna
- To exhibit the strength of His own spiritual potency, Lord Krsna manifested a form just suitable for His pastimes in the material world. This form was wonderful even for Him and was the supreme abode of the wealth of good fortune
- To know what is Krsna, what is His energies, how they are working, how these wonderful acts are going on within this universe. This is Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is not a bogus movement. It is a very scientific movement
- Uddhava tells Vidura, "His (Krsna's) wonderfully attractive form was present during His pastimes on this planet, and by His internal potency He exhibited His opulences, which are striking to everyone"
- Uddhava tells Vidura, "My dear sir, Krsna's form was most wonderful when He appeared on this planet and exhibited the potency of His internal energy"
- Vasudeva said - My dear Lord (Krsna), it is not very wonderful that You appeared within the womb of Devaki, for the creation was also made in that way
- Vasudeva saw the newborn child, who had very wonderful lotuslike eyes and who bore in His four hands the four weapons sankha, cakra, gada and padma On His chest was the mark of Srivatsa and on His neck the brilliant Kaustubha gem - SB 10.3.9-10
- Vyasa disclosed this (universal form of Krsna) to his disciple, Sanjaya, who remembered that wonderful form of Krsna exhibited to Arjuna and enjoyed it repeatedly. BG 1972 purports
- When Aghasura was killed & the demigods were looking on the incident with great surprise, Brahma, who was born of the lotus flower growing out of the navel of Visnu, also came to see. He was surprised how a little boy like Krsna could act so wonderfully
- When Akrura saw the footprints of Krsna on the land of Vrndavana, his eyes became overflooded with tears, and in such ecstasy he jumped out of the chariot and fell down on the ground and began to chant, "How wonderful this is! How wonderful this is!"
- When all the cowherd men had very attentively heard the statements of Gargacarya through Nanda Maharaja, they better appreciated the wonderful activities of Krsna and became very jubilant and satisfied
- When Kamsa came to understand about the breaking of his wonderful bow and the killing of the caretakers and soldiers by Krsna, he could partially realize the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When Krsna and Balarama had been going from Vrndavana to Mathura, the inhabitants of Vrndavana had imagined the great fortune of the citizens of Mathura in being able to see the wonderful beauty of Krsna
- When Krsna appeared as the son of Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda, He did so by His causeless mercy. Consequently, for Him to exhibit His unlimited opulence was not at all wonderful - SB 10.12.38
- When Maharaj Pariksit heard of this wonderful victory, he immediately rubbed the tears from his eyes and became overwhelmed with joy. This instance is an example of astonishment in devotional service by indirect perception through aural reception
- When mother Yasoda saw this (inside of Krsna's mouth), her heart began to throb, and she murmured within herself, "How wonderful this is!" She could not express anything, but simply closed her eyes. She was absorbed in wonderful thoughts
- When mother Yasoda saw this wonderful manifestation within the mouth of her child, she began to argue within herself about whether it was a dream. Then she considered, I am not dreaming, because my eyes are open. I am actually seeing what is happening
- When Nanda Maharaja, Krsna's father, talked among his friends, the friends would talk about Krsna and say, - Oh, Nanda Maharaja, your child Krsna is wonderful
- When something very wonderful happened because of Krsna's activities, the inhabitants of Vrndavana - the cowherd men, the cowherd boys, Nanda Maharaja, Yasoda and the others - were surprised, but they never considered their son Krsna, the SP of Godhead
- When the Lord Himself appears amongst us, as Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha or in His original form as Krsna, He performs many wonderful acts which are humanly impossible
- When they (the cowherd boys) arrived home, they spoke of the wonderful activities of the son of Nanda
- When They play on Their flutes, all moving living entities are stunned, and nonmoving living entities experience ecstatic jubilation by Their sweet music. All these things are certainly very wonderful
- Who manifests an abundance of sweetness greater than Mine, which has never been experienced before and which causes wonder to all? Alas, I Myself, My mind bewildered upon seeing this beauty, impetuously desire to enjoy it like Srimati Radharani
- Without fear, the child Krsna was playing on the upper portion of Putana Raksasi's breast, and when the gopis saw the child's wonderful activities, they immediately came forward with great jubilation and picked Him up - SB 10.6.18
- Without understanding the intricacies of Krsna, the SP of God, and without knowing His uncommon spiritual opulences, the innocent cowherd boys & men of Vrndavana began to discuss the wonderful activities of Krsna, which surpass the activities of all men
- Women, fourth-class men, uncivilized hill tribes, hunters and many others born of low families, as well as birds and beasts, can engage in the service of the S P of Godhead - who acts very wonderfully - and follow the path of the devotees
- Wonderful effects of Lord Caitanya's pastimes will bring love for Krsna