Category:Krsna's Saving
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Pages in category "Krsna's Saving"
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- If Krsna wants to kill someone no one can save him, and if Krsna wants to save someone no one can kill him
- Lord Krsna entered within the womb of Uttara to save her embryo from the attack of Asvatthama's brahmastra
- Saved by Krsna
- When Maharaja Pariksit was in the womb of his mother, Uttara, Krsna saved him from the attack of the brahmastra atomic weapon of Asvatthama
- A grha-vrata, one who has decided to live in a comfortable home although it is actually miserable, is in a condemned position. Only the mercy of Krsna can save one from such misery
- A person who surrenders unto Him (Krsna) by utilizing the chance to associate with the pure devotee, spiritual master or other authorized incarnations of Godhead, like Prthu Maharaja, is saved by Krsna. Then his life becomes successful
- After saving the boys and calves from the mouth of Aghasura, who was death personified, Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, brought them all to the bank of the river and spoke the following words - SB 10.13.4
- After talking about the terrible animal this way and that way, they (the boys) decided to enter the demon's (Aghasura's) mouth. They had full faith in Krsna because they had experienced how Krsna had saved them from the mouth of Bakasura
- After the Kuru dynasty was annihilated in the Battle of Kuruksetra, you also were about to be destroyed by the brahmastra atomic weapon released by the son of Dronacarya, but by the mercy of the Supreme P of Godhead, Krsna, you were saved from death
- Akrura began to think, "Just as a blade of grass floating on the waves of a river may by chance come near the shore and gain shelter, a conditioned soul carried away by the waves of material existence may sometimes be saved by the grace of Krsna"
- Akrura continued, "By Your (Krsna's) grace only, I can understand that my home, my wife, my children & my worldly possessions are all bonds to material existence. Please cut the knot & save me from this entanglement of false society, friendship & love"
- Akrura said, "My dear Krsna & Balarama, it is very kind of You to have killed Kamsa & his associates. You have delivered the whole family of the Yadu dynasty from the greatest calamity. The Yadus will always remember Your saving of their great dynasty"
- All of human society must take advantage of this offer and thus be saved by Krsna from the danger of being crushed by the wheel of time, the wheel of past, present and future
- All the gopis in Vrndavana saw beautiful Krsna entering the village. The boys composed nice songs describing how they were saved from being swallowed by the great serpent (Aghasura) and how the serpent was killed
- All the residents of Dvaraka approached and addressed Him, "Dear Lord (Krsna) of the three worlds, a great fiery demon is ready to burn the whole city of Dvaraka! Please save us"
- Although he (Jada Bharata) did not protest, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His agent could not tolerate the injustice of the dacoits; therefore he was saved by the mercy of Krsna, and the dacoits were killed
- Another gopi said, "Dear Lord, words spoken by You (Krsna) or words describing Your activities are full of nectar, and simply by speaking or hearing Your words one can be saved from the blazing fire of material existence"
- Arjuna was also saved by the Lord, although all dangerous weapons were employed by his great opponents like Bhisma
- Arjuna was defeated by Bhismadeva, and Lord Krsna saved him from the danger. This was not an insult for Arjuna because Bhismadeva was far superior to Arjuna in all ways, namely age, respect and strength
- As confirmed in BG 4.8, the Lord's pastimes consist of paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam - saving the devotees and killing the demons. To demonstrate these activities, the Lord called for devotees from different parts of the universe
- As Krsna promises, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami: (BG 18.66) "I shall save you from all sinful reactions"
- At the end of his wicked life, just by calling the name of "Narayana (Krsna)," he (Ajamila) was saved despite so much sin
- At the time of Draupadi's precarious position, when she was attacked by the Kurus who wanted to see her naked in the open assembly of the royal order, the Lord saved her from being stripped by supplying an unlimited length of sari to cover her
- Avasya raksibe krsna visvasa palana (Saranagati). This strong faith, that "Any dangerous condition, Krsna will save me," this is surrender
- Because He (Krsna) knows everything perfectly well, it was not difficult for Him to find a means by which He could save the boys and at the same time kill the demon (Aghasura). Thus He also decided to enter the demon's mouth
- Bhismadeva at once gave up his weapons and stood to be killed by Krsna, his beloved Lord. The fighting of the day was thus ended at that very moment, and Arjuna was saved
- By enlarging Himself within the throat of the demon, Krsna suffocated and killed him (Aghasura) and at the same time saved Himself and His associates from imminent death and also saved the demigods from lamentation
- By His grace was the demon named Maya saved from the blazing Khandava Forest, and thus we could build our assembly house of wonderful architectural workmanship, where all the princes assembled during the performance of Rajasuya-yajna and paid you tributes
- By Krsna's grace, the Pandavas conquered in the Battle of Kuruksetra and were saved from many dangers posed not only by kings but sometimes even by the demigods. Thus they are a practical example of how to live in security & safety by the grace of Krsna
- By teaching the human beings the science of self-realization, Lord Krsna has twice personally tried to save the people of this age from groveling in carnal pleasures
- By the mercy of the guru and Krsna, one receives the seed of bhakti. This association saves a devotee from the greatest fear
- Devaki said, "My Lord, I request You to save me from the cruel hands of Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena. I am praying to Your Lordship to please rescue me from this fearful condition because You are always ready to give protection to Your servitors"
- Devaki, although safe because she had already given birth to her own son, Krsna, was anxious to save the daughter of someone else. This was natural for her
- Do not be misled by this illusion as others are being. Stick to Krsna to save
- Draupadi prayed, "Krsna, if You like, You can save." So this is the position. So long we try to save ourself, then that is not very good. If you simply depend on Krsna, "Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise kill me, as You like"
- During our exile, Durvasa Muni, who eats with his ten thousand disciples, intrigued with our enemies to put us in dangerous trouble. At that time He (Lord Krsna), simply by accepting the remnants of food, saved us
- During the Khandava forest fire, Krsna saved the demon Mayasura. Upon being saved, Mayasura felt obliged to the Pandavas and Lord Krsna, and he constructed a wonderful assembly house within the city of Hastinapura
- Durvasa would become angry, and the Pandavas would be cursed. But Krsna saved them from this calamity by His trick and by His all-cognizant quality
- Especially for the conditioned soul, Narada Muni recommends that one somehow or other be absorbed in thoughts of Krsna, for that will save one from all the dangers of material existence
- Even if there are accidental sins committed by the devotee, the Lord saves the surrendered soul from all sins, as confirmed in all scriptures
- Even when everything was done away with, there was the brahmastra released by the son of Dronacarya to kill the child within the womb of Uttara, and so the Lord (Krsna) saved the only surviving descendant of the Kurus, Maharaja Pariksit
- Everyone should follow the example of the Pandavas, who showed how to be saved by the grace of Krsna
- Harati means take away. He comes here just to give you benediction, to save you from all kinds of miseries. Therefore His name is Hari
- He (Kamsa) kept Devaki and Vasudeva in prison for a long time (ati-ciram) and killed all their sons. Finally, Krsna appeared and saved Vasudeva and Devaki
- He (Karna) advised that "Make her (Draupadi) naked in this assembly." To become naked in the . . . so many people, that is a great insult for woman. So actually, they tried to insult. Not tried, it was fact. But Krsna saved
- He (Krsna) immediately enlarged Himself within the demon's (Aghasura's) throat, just to save Himself and the cowherd boys, His own associates, from the demon who wished to smash them - SB 10.12.30
- He (Prahlada's father) was very powerful king, and whatever he ordered (to throw him into fire, to give him poison, to pull him from hill), his servant carried out. But he was saved in all circumstances by Krsna
- He can assume so small body. Just like Pariksit Maharaja, when he was within the womb of his mother, attacked by the atomic energy, so Krsna entered the womb of his mother and saved him. Just imagine how small He became
- Here in this narration we find that although Banasura was a great devotee of Lord Siva, when he faced death by Krsna, Lord Siva was not able to save him. But Lord Siva appealed to Krsna to save his devotee, and this was sanctioned by the Lord
- I went to Mauritius, South Africa and again Mauritius where I met with a major motor accident in my car. All my men got slightly injured and they were saved by Krsna. The accident was very disastrous, but still Krsna saved
- If one sincerely surrenders to Krsna once, he is saved even if by chance he falls down by committing sinful activities
- If one somehow or other chants the holy name of the Lord (Hare Krsna) when he meets with an accident and dies, he will be saved from hellish life after death
- If we simply regard the lotus feet of Krsna as our ultimate shelter, we shall be saved from all these waves of maya, which are variously exhibited as mental and sensual activities and the agitation of rejection and acceptance
- In the beginning of creation, Lord Brahma was attacked by two demons - Madhu and Kaitabha - but Krsna saved him. Therefore Krsna is addressed as madhu-kaitabha-hantr
- It (the incident of Krsna's saving Himself and His associates from death and of giving deliverance to Aghasura) was disclosed in Vrajabhumi after one year, as if it had taken place on that very day - SB 10.12.37
- It is a fact that Krishna has saved you. Yamaraja couldn't touch you because you are Krishna conscious
- It is not very good to try to save oneself. Rather, one should simply depend on Krsna - Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise, kill me. You may do as You like
- It is our earnest endeavor to preach this philosophy very vigorously to clear out the diseased condition of impersonal and voidist philosophy which are so much misleading. So you are very fortunate. Krsna has saved you from the impersonal calamity
- It is recommended, kirtaniyah sada harih (CC Adi 17.31) - one should always chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, so that Krsna will save us
- It is stated by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura that Krsna saved the cowherd boys from the blazing forest fire within a second, while their eyes were closed
- Jayadeva Gosvami sung as follows: "He (Krsna) has annihilated all the atheistic persons in the form of Kalki. And He has saved all the poor animals in the form of Lord Buddha"
- Jayadeva Gosvami, in his Gita-govinda, has sung as follows: "The Lord has saved the Vedas in His form as a fish, and He has borne the whole universe on His back in the form of a tortoise"
- Just to tolerate little and chant HK, pray to Krsna, "Please save me from these disturbances." And we should materially also control. Control means atyaharah prayasas ca prajalpo niyamagrahah (NOI 2). Atyaharah, too much eating, that is also agitating
- Kaliya continued, "I did not know Your actual position, and out of ignorance I have committed such horrible offenses. Please save me. I am a most unfortunate, foolish creature. Please be merciful to me"
- Kaliya said, "By Your (Krsna's) maya we remain enslaved. My dear Lord, kindly excuse me (Kaliya) for my inevitable material tendencies. I surrender unto You. Now You can punish me or save me, as You desire"
- King Nanda said, "He (Garga Muni) also said that formerly this boy saved the world from an unregulated condition, and He (Krsna) saved all honest men from the hands of the dishonest thieves"
- Krsna can create millions of servants by His mere desire. So that is not the point. But if we surrender to Krsna, we shall be saved, for Krsna says, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami - I shall free you from all sinful reactions
- Krsna comes for this purpose (save us from the cycle of birth and death) and sends His devotees, who work day and night to propagate this Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna concluded, "I must save them by My mystic power"
- Krsna had saved the Pandavas, Maharaja Pariksit's grandfathers, on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, and Krsna had saved Maharaja Pariksit himself when he was attacked by the brahmastra of Asvatthama
- Krsna is also a name of Draupadi, and so the word krsna-sakha also indicates Lord Krsna's relationship with Draupadi, whom He saved from being insulted when Duryodhana and Karna attempted to strip her naked
- Krsna is the reservoir of art and culture, and He is the panacea that saves My life. O My dear friend, since I live without Him, who is the best among My friends, I condemn the duration of My life. I think that Providence has cheated Me in many ways
- Krsna lifted Govardhana Hill with the small finger of His left hand and used it as an umbrella to save all the people of Vrndavana from Indra's torrents. All of this is related in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Krsna said: "Only in order to save them (cows) from the danger of your (Kaliya's) presence have I been obliged to banish you from this place"
- Krsna saved His foster father, Nanda Maharaja, from the fear of the demigod Varuna and released the cowherd boys from the caves of the mountain, for they were placed there by the son of Maya
- Krsna saved. Unless Krsna saves, who can? So I had the experience of riot in Calcutta in my childhood
- Krsna serves as a patron for one who is devoted to Him. When one is in difficulty, his patron saves him
- Krsna showed how He fulfills His promise by delivering the parijata flower to Satyabhama, by saving Draupadi from being insulted and by freeing Arjuna from the attacks of all enemies
- Krsna was struck with wonder at how the external energy works so wonderfully. He began to consider how He could kill the demon & at the same time save the boys and calves. Although there was no factual concern on Krsna's part, He was thinking like that
- Krsna, being unlimitedly potent, decided to wait for an intelligent means by which He could simultaneously save the boys and kill the demon. Then He entered the mouth of Aghasura - SB 10.12.28
- Krsna, by His mystic power, entered the womb of Uttara and saved the child.
- Kunti continued, "We may be put into various types of dangerous conditions by our family members, the Kurus, but I am confident that You (Krsna) remember us and always keep us safe and sound"
- Kunti is remembering how Krsna saved her and her sons one time after another. This is smaranam, thinking of Krsna. - Krsna, You are so kind to us that You saved us from many great dangers. Without You there was no hope
- Kunti prays to Krsna by describing how He saved the Pandavas on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. Mrdhe mrdhe 'neka-maharathastratah - SB 1.8.24
- Kuntidevi was shown far more favor because Lord Krsna did not save the other children of Devaki, whereas He saved the children of Kuntidevi
- Kuntidevi, along with her children, was also saved from a series of dangers
- Lamenting for Krsna Radharani said, Where is your friend, the best of all men, so expert in dancing in the circle of the rasa dance? Where is He who is the real medicine to save Me from dying of heart disease
- Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is omnipotent, and if He wants to kill someone, no one can save that person. Similarly, if He wants to save someone, no one can kill him
- Lord Sri Caitanya specifically drew attention to the mercy of Krsna. That mercy is more powerful than anything else, for it had saved Raghunatha dasa from the strong bondage of materialistic life, which the Lord compared to a hole where people pass stool
- Lord Sri Krsna saved Bhima from His (Baladeva's) wrath. But He left the place at once, being disgusted at Bhimasena, and after His departure Duryodhana fell to the ground to meet his death
- Lord Sri Krsna wanted to save Mathura from the eighteenth attack of the great military divisions of King Jarasandha. To prevent further killing of soldiers and to attend to other important business, Lord Krsna left the battlefield without fighting
- Maharaja Pariksit very much appreciated Krsna's activities for many other reasons. Not only was his grandfather saved by Krsna, but he himself also was saved by Krsna
- Maharaja Pariksit was saved by Lord Krsna while in his mother’s womb
- Maharaja Pariksit was saved by the Lord in the womb of his mother, so he could certainly be saved from an untimely death due to the ill will of the son of a brahmana
- Maharaja Pariksit's other name is Visnurata because he was saved by Lord Visnu Himself while still within the womb
- Maharaja Pariksit, after hearing about those (childhood) pastimes of Krsna, who had saved him in the womb of his mother, became steady in his mind and again inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami to hear about those pious activities - SB 10.12.40
- Maharaja Pariksit, who was engaged in hearing the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna (who saved the life of Maharaja Pariksit while he was in the womb of his mother), became more and more interested to hear about Him
- Maharaja Yudhisthira said: For what reason did the demon Maya Danava vanquish Lord Siva's reputation? How did Lord Krsna save Lord Siva and expand his reputation again? Kindly describe these incidents
- Many great misfortunes befell the Pandavas, but in all circumstances they simply depended on Krsna, who always saved them. Queen Kunti's response to these misfortunes is recorded in the next verse - SB 1.8.25
- My dear King Yudhisthira, long, long ago in history, a demon known as Maya Danava, who was very expert in technical knowledge, reduced the reputation of Lord Siva. In that situation, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, saved Lord Siva
- My dear Sanatana, Krsna has saved you from Maharaurava, life's deepest hell. He is an ocean of mercy, and His activities are very grave
- My Lord, because You (Krsna) dispel all the fear of Your devotees, I request You to save us (Devaki and Vasudeva) and give us protection from the terrible fear of Kamsa - SB 10.3.28
- Nanda continued, "We remember how He saved us from the forest fire, how He saved us from the great snake Kaliya in the Yamuna, and how He saved us from so many other demons"
- Narada Muni said, "I shall also see how You (Krsna) save King Nrga from a hellish condition. This You shall enact in Dvaraka. I shall also be able to see how You get Your wife and the Syamantaka jewel"
- Narada Muni said, "I shall also see how You (Krsna) save the son of a brahmana from death after he has already been transferred to another planet. After this, I will be able to see You kill the Paundraka demon and burn to ashes the kingdom of Kasi"
- O my dear devotees of Lord Krsna, may the left hand of Lord Krsna, which has lifted Govardhana Hill like a ball, save you from all dangers
- O Vidura, King Indra, his honor having been insulted, poured water incessantly on Vrndavana, & thus the inhabitants of Vraja, were greatly distressed. But the compassionate Lord Krsna saved them from danger with His pastime umbrella, the Govardhana Hill
- One cowherd boy said, "Krsna saved His friends and cows from a severe forest fire, and He chastised the Kaliya serpent in the lake of the Yamuna River and forced him to leave the vicinity of the Yamuna; He thereby made the water of the Yamuna poisonless"
- One gopi said, "My dear friend, whose hand is this touching my body (Krsna was touching her body)? I had become very afraid after seeing the darkened forest on the bank of the Yamuna, but suddenly the touch of this hand has saved me from hysterical fits"
- One should not look for help from imperfect living beings or demigods, but one should look for all help from Lord Krsna, who is competent to save His devotees
- Salva addressed Krsna, "You rascal, Krsna! Look. This is Your father, who has begotten You and by whose mercy You are still living. Now just see how I kill Your father. If You have any strength, try to save him"
- She (Draupadi) cried and prayed to Krsna, "Save my honor," but she also tried to save herself by holding on to her sari
- She (Draupadi) thought, "It is impossible to save my honor in this way," and she let go and simply raised her arms and prayed, "Krsna, if You like You can save me." Thus the Lord responded to her prayers
- She (Kunti) was certainly living like a poor innocent animal in the midst of several tigers. Being a devotee of Lord Krsna, she always thought of Him and expected that one day Krsna would come and save them from their dangerous position
- She (Kunti-devi) remembered the past calamities of her life and how by the grace of Krsna she and her sons, the Pandavas, had been saved
- Simple surrender unto Krsna will save him from unnecessarily wasting time. One can thus make all progress at once and be freed from all sinful reaction. BG 1972 purports
- So at that time Krsna entered the womb of Uttara and saved the child from the brahmastra. So Maharaja Pariksit is such a devotee that he was protected from the embryo by Krsna
- So far my health is concerned, there was a slight indication of a heart attack but it was not very acute. Krishna saved me. I have had many times such slight heart attacks since 1970 but it does not hamper my activities in Krishna Consciousness
- So many great devotees have had to undergo difficulties, and the great example among women was Queen Kunti whose family life was perpetual danger, but because she always thought of Krsna she was saved
- Sukadeva Gosvami told the King, "Now hear of this secret with attention. After saving His friends from the mouth of Aghasura and killing the demon, Lord Krsna brought His friends to the bank of the Yamuna and addressed them as follows"
- That is My (Krsna) true mission: to save the devotees and to annihilate the nondevotees. So here I have brought them all together in this battlefield, and it will be finished
- That surrender (to Krsna) will save him (Arjuna) from all kinds of sinful reactions, for the Lord personally promises to protect him. BG 1972 purports
- The all-powerful Lord (Krsna), who is present everywhere, within and without, could counteract it (brahmastra) by His all-powerful potency just to save a bona fide servant of the Lord and descendant of another devotee, Maharaja Yudhisthira
- The child in the womb continued, "Because I am living in such a condition, I am suffering great pangs. Therefore, O divine ocean of mercy, please be kind to me. I have no capacity to be engaged in Your loving devotional service, but please save me!"
- The child Pariksit was saved by the all-powerful and all-pervasive Visnu (Lord Krsna) for two reasons
- The citizens of Mathura continued, "Krsna held up the great Govardhana Hill in one hand for seven continuous days and saved all the people of Gokula from incessant rain, hurricane and hailstorm"
- The citizens of Mathura spoke among themselves, "Sankhacuda, Kesi, Dhenukasura and many other demons were killed by Krsna and Balarama in Vrndavana. Krsna also saved all the cowherd men of Vrndavana from a devastating fire"
- The cowherd boys said, "He (Krsna) is so wonderful that He saved us from the clutches of the great serpent and killed him," But little did they know that one year had passed since the killing of Aghasura
- The cowherd men said, "By picking up Govardhana Hill, just as a child picks up a mushroom, He (Krsna) saved us so wonderfully. May He continue to glance mercifully over us and our cows. May we live peacefully under the protection of wonderful Krsna"
- The cowherd men said, "When angry Indra sent torrents of rain, accompanied by showers of ice blocks and high wind, He immediately took compassion upon us and saved us and our families, cows and valuable possessions"
- The denizens of the heavenly planets appealed to the Supreme Lord to save them, for they had been conquered by the demonic king, Bali Maharaja
- The gopis continued, "Your (Krsna's) talks with us in lonely places were heartwarming. Now we are all aggrieved to remember Your behavior. Please save us"
- The great example among women was Queen Kunti whose family life was perpetual danger, but because she always thought of Krsna she was saved
- The Lord (Krsna) saved Draupadi by supplying an immeasurable length of cloth, and Duryodhana's party failed to see her naked
- The Lord (Krsna) was fully satisfied when King Yudhisthira was on the throne and the seedling of the dynasty of Kuru, in the person of Maharaja Pariksit, was saved
- The Lord at once appeared Himself within the womb by His all-powerful energy because he (Maharaja Pariksit) was a devotee of the Lord, and the child could see that someone else had come to save him
- The Lord is all-pervading by His inconceivable potency, and thus He entered the womb of Uttara to save His beloved devotee Maharaja Pariksit
- The Lord is all-powerful, and therefore He can both save and kill as He likes
- The Lord saved Draupadi by supplying an immeasurable length of cloth
- The Lord told Sanatana that Krsna is very merciful and is the deliverer of fallen souls. "He has saved you from Maharaurava," the Lord said
- The Lord, along with Balarama, saved them simply by closing His eyes. Such are the superhuman activities of the Lord
- The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees
- The only remaining hope was the child in the womb of his daughter-in-law, Uttara, and he was also attacked by Asvatthama, but by the grace of the Lord the child was saved
- The sage Saunaka said: The womb of Uttara, mother of Maharaja Pariksit, was spoiled by the dreadful and invincible brahmastra weapon released by Asvatthama. But Maharaja Pariksit was saved by the Supreme Lord
- The situation (Aristasura entering Vrndavana) became very terrible, all the inhabitants of Vrndavana began to cry, "Krsna! Krsna, please save us!" Krsna saw that the cows were running away, He immediately replied, "Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid"
- The word sat means "gentle," and asat means "rude." Therefore Kuntidevi prays to Lord Krsna, - You saved Draupadi in that assembly of rude men
- The world is full of dangers. But Kuntidevi says, - Because Devaki is Your devotee, You saved her from the distresses imposed upon her by her envious brother
- Then Krsna, the supreme mystic, the powerful Personality of Godhead, immediately swallowed up all the flames of the fire. The cows and boys were thus saved from imminent danger
- There is another hopelessness, however, which shows attachment for Krsna. When the bull demon attacked the damsels of Braja, they began to cry out, "My dear Krsna - please save us! We are now gone!" This is hopelessness with attachment for Krsna
- There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from sinful reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept Krsna as the supreme savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one should surrender unto Him. BG 1972 purports
- There is no need to be worried, for the Lord (Krsna) Himself assures that He will care for His devotee and save him from the reactions of sinful activities. Material bondage is a result of sinful activity
- There is no way out other than surrender to Krsna. Krsna says that He will save us, even though we are very sinful
- There was a slight indication of heart attack but Krishna saved me. It was not very acute. So long Krishna will keep me fit I will go on working, so you devotees should pray to Krishna that I might go on serving Him up to the last point of my death
- There was no possibility of Arjuna's death because the Lord Himself was on the chariot, but because Bhismadeva wanted to see Lord Krsna take up some weapon to save His friend, the Lord created this situation, making Arjuna's death imminent
- There were torrents of rain, and the Lord saved the residents of Vrndavana by lifting Govardhana Hill and resting it on the little finger of His left hand for seven days
- They (Krsna's friends) began to perceive the wonder of the situation simply by guessing how Krsna had saved them. This is another instance of indirect perception causing astonishment in devotional service
- They (Kunti and her sons) were put into trouble by Duryodhana and his party due to the kingdom, and each and every time the sons of Kunti were saved by the Lord
- They (the boys) wanted to enjoy the sport of entering the demon's (Aghasura's) mouth and being saved by Krsna, the enemy of Bakasura
- They began to say, "Our dear Krsna! O S. Personality of God! Our dear Balarama, reservoir of all strength! Please try to save us from this all-devouring and devastating fire. We have no shelter other than You. This devastating fire will swallow us all"
- This child (Pariksit Maharaja) was also hit by atomic energy, brahmastra, but Krsna saved him. Krsna wanted that - The descendant of My devotees, they must prolong
- This incident of Krsna's saving Himself and His associates from death and of giving deliverance to Aghasura, who had assumed the form of a python, took place when Krsna was five years old - SB 10.12.37
- Though their tribulations were not ordinary, still Draupadi was not discouraged. She knew that because Krsna was their friend, ultimately they would be saved
- Thus they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) prayed to Krsna, saying that they could not take any shelter other than His lotus feet. Lord Krsna, being compassionate upon His own townspeople, immediately swallowed up the whole forest fire and saved them
- To get relief from tedious business of accepting one body & then giving it up to accept another & again another in continued material existence, just give up this process of sense gratification & surrender unto Me. Then you will be saved. - This is KC
- Uddhava advised the gopis that they could be saved from the fire of separation by closing their eyes and meditating on the activities of Krsna from the very beginning of their association with Him
- Uddhava said, "(If we can somehow gain victory over Jarasandha) The imprisoned kings will be released, and with great pleasure we shall enjoy the spread of Your transcendental fame for having saved the innocent kings whom Jarasandha has imprisoned"
- Uttara said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), kindly save my child! I do not mind if I myself must be killed by the brahmastra of Asvatthama." This is an instance of humility caused by fear
- We have got so many duties, but in this age, we have lost everything. Therefore, our only duty is to surrender unto the lotus feet of Mukunda, Krsna. That will save us
- We may struggle for existence as far as our intelligence allows and may try to take care of ourselves, but unless the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, ultimately saves us from danger, our attempts will be useless
- We should always pray, "Krsna, kindly save me from the pitfalls of maya." He'll do it. But if we want to cheat Krsna and cheat guru, then you'll be cheated. That's all. The guru will not be cheated, neither Krsna will be cheated. You'll be cheated
- We should always remain in full understanding, that whether our time is being properly utilized in Krsna consciousness. Then we are saved. Otherwise we are under the clutches of maya
- When Krsna had extinguished the fire, the cowherd boys opened their eyes and saw that they had been relieved from the danger and that their cows and calves were all safe
- When Krsna saved the inhabitants of Vrndavana from the wrath of Indra by lifting Govardhana Hill, a surabhi cow from Goloka Vrndavana, as well as King Indra from the heavenly planets, appeared before Him
- When Pariksit Maharaja's mother, Uttara, approached Krsna, Krsna, seeing the danger of abortion, entered her womb as the Supersoul and saved Maharaja Pariksit
- When Pariksit was cursed by a brahmin to die within seven days, why Krsna did not save him, or why he did not seek Krsna's protection? This question may be raised. He was young man. He was not old man. He could live. That question was made
- When that weapon was unleashed, Pariksit Maharaja's mother, Uttara, felt that she was going to have a miscarriage, and therefore she approached Krsna, saying, - Please save me
- When the spiritual master is in suffering, Krsna saves him. Krsna thinks, - Oh, he has taken so much responsibility for delivering a fallen person
- When they (pandavas) were exiled in the forest, Bhima had to fight with the man-eater demon Hidimba Raksasa, but the Lord (Krsna) saved him. So it was not finished there
- When we have the strength to refuse to allow our senses to be engaged other than in the service of Krsna, then we shall be saved
- While they were taking rest, a great serpent from the nearby forest appeared before them and hungrily began to swallow up Nanda Maharaja. Nanda cried out helplessly, "My dear son, Krsna, please come and save me from this danger!"
- Within that deep water, the earth was put, and Krsna in the shape of Varaha saved it. So Krsna will save you. Others may disturb you, put you into the difficulty, but Krsna will save you. Be assured. Don't be disappointed
- You (Krsna) have saved us from the weapon of Asvatthama
- You fools, you are talking about philosophical speculation, grammatical meaning, and eschewing. Oh, these are all nonsense. You cannot save yourself by doing this. When there will be death, Govinda can save you. The Govinda can save you from falling down
- You need not send the Murtis by air cargo to London because some devotee here has contributed a Radha-Krishna Murti pair imported from Jaipur. It is 42" high and very nice. So Krishna has saved us in this point
- You should give all protection to this important animal. Krsna does not say that you should protect the pigs and hogs or other animals. He especially meant the cows, because cow is very important animal to the human society