Category:Krsna's Lips
Pages in category "Krsna's Lips"
The following 77 pages are in this category, out of 77 total.
- A fragrance and taste that are uncommon and greatly enchanting and that make one forget all other experiences are attributes of Krsna's lips
- A peacock feather decorates His (Krsna's) head, and on His neck hangs a lovely necklace of brilliant pearls. As He holds His charming flute to His lips, His face looks as beautiful as the full autumn moon
- A peacock feather decorates His head, and on His neck hangs a lovely necklace of brilliant pearls. As He holds His charming flute to His lips, His face looks as beautiful as the full autumn moon
- Also in that chapter, the glories of maha-prasadam are explained, and a verse is tasted describing the effect of nectar from the lips of Krsna
- Although priceless, the nectar of Krsna's face is distributed to everyone. Some purchase the moonrays of His sweet smiles, and others purchase the nectar of His lips. Thus He pleases everyone
- Although the flute is unfit, he is drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips. Seeing this, we qualified gopis are dying of unhappiness. Therefore, we must consider the austerities the flute underwent in his past life
- Although the nectar of Krsna's lips is the absolute property of the gopis, the flute, which is just an insignificant stick, is forcibly drinking that nectar and loudly inviting the gopis to come drink it also
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, we cannot even think of His bamboo flute - what sort of pious activities did it execute so that it is now enjoying the nectar of the lips of Krsna, which is actually the property of us gopis?"
- As if catching us by our hair, they forcibly take us away and deliver us unto You to become Your maidservants. Hearing of these incidents, people laugh at us. We have thus become completely subordinate to the flute
- Aside from conscious living beings, even unconscious matter is sometimes made conscious by Your lips. Therefore, Your lips are great magicians
- Aside from the rivers, the trees standing on the banks like great ascetics and engaging in welfare activities for all living entities drink the nectar of Krsna's lips by drawing water from the river with their roots
- Because of Your joking and laughing, You are becoming responsible for the killing of women. It would be better for You to satisfy us by giving us the charity of the nectar of Your lips
- Becoming fully absorbed in that vision, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had assumed the mood of the gopis, so much so that everywhere He looked He saw Krsna standing with His flute to His lips
- Being very angry and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, Krsna, with false tears in His eyes, broke the container of yogurt with a piece of stone. Then He entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter in a solitary place - SB 10.9.6
- Bilvamangala said, "His eyes are always moist, and His lips are colored like copper, and through those lips there comes a sound vibration which drives one madder than a mad elephant. I want so much to see Him at Vrndavana"
- Dear Krsna, by seeing Your beautiful face decorated with tresses of hair, by seeing the beauty of Your earrings falling on Your cheeks, and by seeing the nectar of Your lips, the beauty of Your smiling glances
- Dear Krsna, we have simply surrendered ourselves as Your maidservants, for we have seen Your beautiful face decorated with tresses of hair, Your earrings falling upon Your cheeks, the nectar of Your lips, and the beauty of Your smile
- He (Krsna) pressed His teeth and lips, and taking up a piece of stone, He immediately broke the butter pot. He took butter out of it, and with false tears in His eyes, He began to eat the butter in a secluded place
- Her (Radharani's) ears are always attracted to His sweet voice, Her nostrils are enchanted by His fragrance, and Her tongue hankers for the nectar of His soft lips
- His (Maha-Visnu's) navel was very deep, and His abdomen was marked with three lines. His hips were broad and big, resembling those of a woman, and His thighs resembled the trunks of elephants
- His garment glowed yellow-gold, and He was garlanded with a Vaijayanti necklace. Dressed in such an attractive way, Krsna filled up the holes of His flute with the nectar emanating from His lips
- His slight smiling and fragrant illumination are compared to camphor, which enters the sweetness of His lips. That sweetness is transformed and enters into space as vibrations from the holes of His flute
- I am ashamed to say that Your impudent lips sometimes attract even Your flute, which is also considered a male. It likes to drink the nectar of Your lips, and thus it also forgets all other tastes
- If You do not give up Your shame and fear, however, I shall continuously drink the nectar of Krsna's lips. I am slightly fearful because You also have the right to drink that nectar, but as for the others, I consider them like straw
- In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna is hearing about God from the lips of Sri Krsna Himself. In this way Arjuna set the criterion for understanding the Supreme by submissive hearing
- In the beginning of the pauganda age there is a very nice reddish luster on His (Krsna's) lips, His abdomen is very thin, and on His neck are circles like those on a conchshell
- It advertises its qualities and says to the gopis, 'O gopis, if you are so proud of being women, come forward and enjoy your property - the nectar of the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead'
- It is natural that when a child becomes angry he can begin crying with false tears in his eyes. So Krsna did this, and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, He broke the pot with a stone, entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter
- It is therefore to be understood that such an unfit person must have obtained the nectar of Krsna's lips on the strength of some austerity
- It is to be understood that the spiritual nectar of Krsna's lips has touched these ordinary ingredients and transferred to them all their spiritual qualities
- Kindly give us the nectar of Your lips, which are touched by Your transcendentally vibrating flute, for that nectar makes all human beings forget all other attachments
- Krsna no longer gives us the enchanting nectar of His lips; instead, He now gives that nectar to the women of Mathura
- Krsna sometimes kisses the gopis; therefore the transcendental nectar of His lips is available only to them. They asked, "How is it possible that the flute, which is nothing but a bamboo rod, is always engaged in enjoying the nectar from Krsna's lips?"
- Krsna's lips are so sweet when combined with the camphor of His gentle smile that they attract the minds of all women, forcing them to give up all other attractions
- Lalita said: "Standing with His right foot placed below the knee of His left leg, the middle of His body curved in three places, and His neck gracefully tilted to the side, Krsna takes His flute to His pursed lips and moves His fingers upon it"
- Lord Caitanya said in the mood of Srimati Radharani, "My dear lover, let Me describe some of the characteristics of Your transcendental lips"
- Lord Sri Krsna's beauty, the sound of His words and the vibration of His flute, His touch, His fragrance and the taste of His lips are full of an indescribable sweetness. When all these features attract My five senses at once, My senses all ride together
- Maha-Visnu appeared beautiful with His raised nose, broad forehead, attractive ears and reddish lips. His arms, reaching to the knees, were very strongly built. His shoulders were high, His chest was very broad, and His neck was shaped like a conchshell
- My dear friend, the all-surpassing nectar from the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, can be obtained only after many, many pious activities. For the beautiful gopis of Vrndavana, that nectar vanquishes the desire for all other tastes
- My dear gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krsna's lips independently and leave only a taste for us gopis, for whom that nectar is actually meant
- My dear Krsna, since You are a male, it is not very extraordinary that the attraction of Your lips can disturb the minds of women
- O dear Krsna, by Your smiling glances and melodious talk, You have awakened a fire of lusty desire in our hearts. Now You should extinguish that fire with a stream of nectar from Your lips by kissing us
- O friends, just think of His wives, whose hands He has accepted. How they must have undergone vows, baths, fire sacrifices and perfect worship of the Lord of the universe to constantly relish now the nectar from His lips (by kissing)
- O hero of charity, please deliver unto us the nectar of Your lips. That nectar increases lusty desires for enjoyment and diminishes lamentation in the material world
- O My dear friend, that Krsna, who is the son of Nanda Maharaja and whose lips are exactly like nectar, is attracting My five senses by force
- Radha said, "Only once did your master Krsna give Me the chance to taste the touch of His lips, He left Me altogether. I know that the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, who is always in the midst of the lotus flower, is constantly engaged in Krsna's service"
- Radharani continued, "The nectar from the lips of Lord Krsna and His transcendental qualities and characteristics surpass the taste of the essence of all nectar, and there is no fault in tasting such nectar"
- Since everyone had previously tasted these ingredients, why had they become extraordinary and spiritually delicious? This was proof that food, prasadam, becomes uncommonly flavorful and delicious by touching Krsna's lips
- So the waters of the lakes and rivers of Vrndavana were in a happy mood, full of blooming lotus flowers, because the waters were thinking, "How is it that our son, the bamboo rod, is enjoying the nectar of Krsna's lips"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu considered, "Where has such a taste in this prasadam come from? Certainly it is due to its having been touched by the nectar of Krsna's lips"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "This nectar from Krsna's lips is supremely difficult to obtain, but if one gets some, his life becomes successful"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu first showed him the four-handed form and then appeared before him in His original form of Krsna, with a blackish complexion and a flute to His lips
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "These are remnants of food that Krsna has eaten and thus turned to nectar with His lips. It surpasses heavenly nectar, and even such demigods as Lord Brahma find it difficult to obtain"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw Lord Krsna standing with His beautiful body curved in three places, holding His flute to His lips. Wearing yellow garments and garlands of forest flowers, He was enchanting even to Cupid
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has accordingly composed a nice verse (see Adi 5.224) that describes the beautiful boy called Govinda standing by the bank of the Yamuna with His flute to His lips in the shining moonlight
- Standing there with His flute to His lips, Krsna, who enchants millions upon millions of Cupids, attracted the eyes and minds of all the world with His unlimited beauty
- Such is the policy of these lips. Just consider some other injustices. Everything that touches those lips - including food, drink or betel - becomes just like nectar. It is then called krsna-phela, or remnants left by Krsna
- That flute is a very cunning male who drinks again and again the taste of another male's lips
- The gopis continued, "In the congenial atmosphere of that wonderful land, You may enjoy Your pastimes, with Your flute dancing on Your lips, and surrounded by us, the gopis, whose hearts are always enchanted by unpredictable ecstatic emotions"
- The nectar of Krsna's lips, combined with the vibration of His flute, attracts all the people of the three worlds. But if we gopis remain patient out of respect for religious principles, the flute then criticizes us
- The nectar of Your lips and the vibration of Your flute join together to loosen our belts and induce us to give up shame and religion, even before our superiors
- The redness of the white conchshell due to the lip-touch of the Lord is a symbol of spiritual significance
- The same gopi said, "This smiling boy Govinda is standing on the bank of the Yamuna and playing His flute, His lips brightened by the beams of the full moonlight"
- The white and fat-boweled conchshell, being gripped by the hand of Lord Krsna and sounded by Him, appeared to be reddened by the touch of His transcendental lips. It seemed that a white swan was playing in the stems of red lotus flowers
- Thereupon, the flute said angrily to Me, 'Give up Your shame, fear and religion and come drink the lips of Krsna. On that condition, I shall give up my attachment for them'
- They (Krsna's lips) agitate the mind and body of everyone, they increase lusty desires for enjoyment, they destroy the burden of material happiness and lamentation, and they make one forget all material tastes. The whole world falls under their control
- They vanquish shame, religion and patience, especially in women. Indeed, they inspire madness in the minds of all women
- This boy (Krsna) has a reddish luster in seven places - His eyes, the ends of His hands, the ends of His legs, His palate, His lips, His tongue and His nails. A reddish luster in these seven places is considered to be auspicious
- This verse (SB 9.24.65) gives a hint of how beautiful His face is. Krsna's smiling face, with His cheeks, His lips, the ornaments in His ears, His chewing of betel nuts - all this was minutely observed by the gopis
- When Krsna takes His bath in universally purifying rivers like the Yamuna and the Ganges of the celestial world, the great personalities of those rivers greedily and jubilantly drink the remnants of the nectarean juice from His lips
- Why can't I again see Krsna holding His flute to His lips? My eyes are wandering in hopes of seeing Him once more
- Yet this flute is always drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips, which surpasses nectarean sweetness of every description. Only by hoping for that nectar do the gopis continue to live
- Your lips increase the greed of the tongue and thus attract it. Considering all this, We see that the activities of Your transcendental lips are always paradoxical