Category:Krsna's Certainty
Pages in category "Krsna's Certainty"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.
- A person who is constantly engaged in reading literature enunciating the cultivation of Vaisnava devotional service is always glorious in human society, and certainly Lord Krsna becomes pleased with him
- A person who properly performs his regulative duties according to varna and asrama but does not develop his dormant attachment for Krsna or awaken his taste for hearing and chanting about Krsna is certainly laboring fruitlessly
- After consulting together, They (Krsna and Balarama) decided to go to Hastinapura to show sympathy to Their relatives. Krsna and Balarama certainly knew that the Pandavas could not have been killed in the devastating fire
- Akrura thought, "Certainly Krsna and Balarama will call me ‘Akrura, Uncle,’ and at that time my whole life will be glorious. Unless one is recognized by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his life cannot be successful"
- Akrura thought, "When I bow down before Lord Krsna in that way, certainly He will place His fearless lotus hand on my head. His hand is offered to all conditioned souls who take shelter under His lotus feet"
- Akrura thought, "When Krsna & Balarama are pleased with my behavior, certainly They will take my hand, receive me within Their home & offer me all kinds of respectable hospitalities, & They will surely ask me about the activities of Kamsa & his friends"
- Another gopi said, "Certainly the killing of women is a great sin, and if You (Krsna) do not come to see us and we die, You will suffer the reactions of sin. So please come see us"
- Any person who hears with faith and devotion about how Krsna, the SP of Godhead, killed Putana, and who thus invests his hearing in such childhood pastimes of Krsna, certainly attains attachment for Govinda, the supreme, original person - SB 10.6.44
- Anyone who says unto the Lord, "You are the same Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead" is certainly liberated instantly, and consequently his entrance into the transcendental association of the Lord is guaranteed. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who understands Lord Krsna to be the Supreme, or who says unto the Lord "You are the same Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead," is certainly liberated instantly. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was fighting on behalf of his elder brother, Yudhisthira. Because Krsna and Arjuna were on the side of Yudhisthira, Yudhisthira's victory was certain
- As you are trying your best to make our preaching propaganda as most authoritative on the Vedic culture, Krsna will certainly help you. I think the book which I have sent you will help and the balance Krsna will teach you
- Because the King has shown so much love for you, Lord Krsna will certainly accept him
- By practicing meditation, the yogi can study the psychic movement of other men, and certainly Krsna could understand the desire of the gopis
- By reading your letter, it seems that you are very fortunate. Krsna has given you the best opportunity for developing your Krsna consciousness and certainly He wants to help you. Therefore He has advised you to approach me
- I started this movement alone in a foreign country and Krsna gave me all success. Krsna will certainly help you if you simply remain sincere and try to present Krsna consciousness as it is
- If Krsna's enemies could get freed from material contamination and become one with the Supreme, then certainly His dear friends like the gopis can achieve such freedom and much more
- If Krsna's enemies could get freed from material contamination and become one with the Supreme, then certainly His dear friends like the gopis can achieve such freedom and much more. Besides that, in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna is called Hrsikesa
- If one carries out Krsna's order, Krsna is certainly pleased, but if one sometimes breaks His order due to ecstatic love, that gives Him millions of times greater happiness
- In Vrajabhumi Krsna is certainly the central point of love, but no one knows Him there as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Rather, a person may know Him as a friend, son, lover or master. In any case, the center is Krsna
- Indra said, "The waves of the material qualities are never able to touch You (Krsna), and You certainly do not accept them when You are present within this world. Your Lordship is never conditioned by the laws of material nature"
- It is certain from the text of the Bhagavatam that it was compiled before the disappearance of King Pariksit and after the departure of Lord Krsna
- Krishna will certainly bestow His Mercy upon you, and I pray that you will live long for chanting HARE KRISHNA continuously
- Krsna certainly has form, but His form, as stated before, is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1), eternal, full of bliss, and full of knowledge. The attributes of His transcendental body are summarized by Lord Brahma in this way - Bs. 5.1
- Krsna said, "Now, Paundraka, I shall force you to give up this false representation. You wanted Me to surrender unto you. Now this is your opportunity. We shall now fight, & if I am defeated & you are victorious, I shall certainly surrender unto you"
- Krsna, who was within her womb, was to appear not only to diminish the burden of the world but specifically to protect the interests of the Yadu dynasty, and certainly to protect Devaki and Vasudeva
- Krsna, You are certainly a refined gentleman with all good qualities. You are well-behaved, softhearted and merciful. I know that there is not even a tinge of fault to be found in You. Yet Your mind does not even remember the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- Lord Krishna killed his own dynasty under His personal supervision. So certainly Krishna didn't like the idea that future dynasties would be able to identify having Krishna's blood. Krishna has no material blood; neither He is different from His body
- Lord Sri Krsna certainly wanted to establish the kingdom of the Pandavas for the good of all in the world. When there is a pious king ruling over the world, the people are happy. When the ruler is impious, the people are unhappy
- She (the wife of the brahmana) said, "You are a householder; therefore without money you are in distress. But as soon as He (Krsna) understands your position, He will certainly give you sufficient riches so that you can live very comfortably"
- Since Lord Krsna is the basis of the impersonal, formless Brahman, He is certainly far superior it. The mosquito net is inside the house, not the other way around; the ink-pot is on the table, not vice versa
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura therefore says, yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah: if one very sincerely serves the spiritual master, Krsna certainly becomes favorable to such a devotee
- The devotee said, "Certainly You (Krsna) must have learned this dancing art directly from the goddess of love"
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, certainly You know how much we are saddened when You go out of Vrndavana village to tend the cows in the forest"
- The gopis continued, "They (these other footprints) are beside the footprints of the son of Maharaja Nanda. It is certainly Krsna passing through, resting His hand on some other gopi, exactly as an elephant goes side by side with his beloved mate"
- The gopis said, "You can be certain that both of Them sat together here." Krsna is self-sufficient: He has nothing to enjoy from any other source
- The next moment he (Kamsa) began to consider: "The boy (Krsna) is certainly not common, because He has lifted Govardhan Hill with His left hand. So what can I do in this connection? Let me go to Vrndavana and inflict pains on all the residents there"
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, certainly has no business being anyone's husband or son or father, because everything belongs to Him and everyone is under His control. He does not require anyone's help for His satisfaction
- When a devotee fully surrenders and has no aspiration for material profit, the Lord certainly gives him all opportunities for service. This is the position of the Lord when conquered by His devotees
- When Krsna desired to go to the house of Kubja, He certainly had no desire for sense gratification. By supplying the sandalwood pulp to Krsna, Kubja had already satisfied His senses
- When the gopis were overwhelmed with dissatisfaction due to Lord Krsna's absence from the rasa-lila, Krsna returned to them and told them, 'My dear gopis, our meeting is certainly free of all material contamination'
- When the pure soul wants to give up the Lord's service to enjoy the material world, Krsna certainly gives him a chance to enter the material world