Category:Know Very Well
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Pages in category "Know Very Well"
The following 99 pages are in this category, out of 99 total.
- A devotee knows very well that everything, even his body, belongs to the Supreme Lord. If one lives perfectly in such Krsna consciousness, it is to be understood that he is especially favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A devotee who has fully surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord knows very well that the creative energy of the living entities, from Lord Brahma down to the small ant, exists because the living entities are part and parcel of the Lord
- A learned man does not look upon the dresses that externally cover the living entity, but sees the pure soul within the varieties of dress and knows very well that the varieties of dress are the creation of nescience (avidya-racitam)
- A spiritual master knows very well how to engage each disciple in a particular duty, but if a disciple, thinking himself more advanced than his spiritual master, gives up his orders and acts independently, he checks his own spiritual progress
- A Vaisnava acarya like Narada Muni knows very well that persons engaged in such animal-killing in the name of religion are certainly becoming involved in the cycle of birth and death, forgetting the real aim of life: to go home, back to Godhead
- Although Indra was stealing the horse from his father, Vijitasva knew perfectly well that Indra was not an ordinary thief
- Although Lord Balarama knew very well that by slight provocation people are prepared to fight with one another in the Age of Kali, He did not like the idea that the two great dynasties, the Kuru dynasty and the Yadu dynasty, would fight amongst themselves
- Although such a position is rarely obtained, Maharaja Ambarisa did not care for it at all, for he knew very well that all such opulence is material. Like that which is imagined in a dream, such opulence will ultimately be destroyed
- Although the servants of Lord Visnu, Narayana, in the Vaikuntha planets are equally situated with the Lord, the devotees there know very well that the Lord is the master whereas they are servants
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) are the supremely powerful hero, and we know that You can kill the unnecessary pride of Your devotee, as well as the pride of women like us, simply by Your beautiful smile"
- At the present moment we know very well that a few men look upon other women, besides one's married wife as mothers; very few men will look upon other's wealth as pebbles on the street
- Balarama said, "King Ugrasena knows very well that you warriors of the Kuru dynasty improperly fought with the pious Samba, who was alone, and that with great difficulty and unrighteous tactics you have arrested him"
- Because both (Vrtrasura and Indra) of them were devotees, the Lord (Visnu) awarded them the respective benedictions they wanted. Vrtrasura never wanted material possessions, for he knew very well the nature of such possessions
- Because of his disobedience to the orders of the Vedas & the brahmanas, King Vena, Prthu Maharaja's father, was killed by the brahmanas. Prthu Maharaja knew very well that it behooved him to rule the planet as the servant of saintly persons and brahmanas
- Because our cows know very well that we are not going to kill them, they are happy, and they give ample milk. Therefore this instruction given by Lord Krsna - go-raksya - is extremely meaningful
- Because the Lord is all-powerful, it is possible for Him to adjust opposites such as birth and no birth, power and defeat, fear and fearlessness. A pure devotee knows very well how it is possible for the Lord to adjust opposite things
- Being the agent of Krsna, Narada Muni knew very well that the hunter would not suffer by breaking the bow. There was no doubt that Krsna would supply him food
- Brahma knew very well that without devotional service to the Lord there is hardly any benefit for the conditioned souls, and therefore he at last created his worthy son Narada, who is the supreme spiritual master of all transcendentalists
- Daksayani, Sati, knew very well that her husband, Lord Siva, was not very much interested in the glaring manifestation of the material world, which is caused by the interaction of the three modes of nature
- Devaki knew very well that because the killing of her many children had been ordained by destiny, Kamsa was not to be blamed. There was no need to give good instructions to Kamsa
- Diti knew well that her request might be rejected because of the untimely situation, but she pleaded that when there is an emergency or a distressful condition, there is no consideration of time or situation
- He (a KC person) knows very well that by pouring water on the root of the tree, the water will be distributed to all the leaves and branches, or by supplying food to the stomach, the energy is automatically distributed throughout the body. BG 1972 pur
- He (Citraketu) knew very well that one suffers or enjoys the results of one's past deeds as ordained by daiva-netra-superior authority, or the agents of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Dhrtarastra) knew very well that his sons were equally blind in the matter of religion, and he was sure that they could never reach an understanding with the Pandavas, who were all pious since birth. BG 1972 purports
- He (Dhrtarastra) knew very well that this (the holy place of Kuruksetra) would influence Arjuna and the sons of Pandu favorably, because by nature they were all virtuous. BG 1972 purports
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) wanted to take advantage of Narada Muni's presence because he knew very well that if Narada Muni, the greatest devotee of Lord Krsna, could bless him or show him the path
- He (Krsna) smiled and in a grave voice said, "My dear King Nagnajit, you know very well that anyone in the princely order who is regular in his position will never ask anything from anyone, however exalted he may be"
- I am in due receipt of your "Simple Living and High Thinking" magazine. The article is very well-written and convincing. Thank you very much
- If something is taken before being offered to the Deity, the entire preparation is polluted and can no longer be offered. Those engaged in Deity worship must know this very well so that they may be saved from committing offenses in Deity worship
- It is a matter of understanding Krishna - that is the real qualification. Whether one is grhastha or sannyasi, how well he knows Krishna
- Jambavan continued, "This island is now said to be Ceylon. Lord Ramacandra's construction of a bridge over the ocean from Cape Comorin to Ceylon is still well known to everyone"
- Jatila said: "Krsna, You are standing here, and Radharani, who has just been married to my son, is also standing here. Now I know both of You very well, so why should I not be very anxious to protect my daughter-in-law from Your dancing eyes?"
- Just like a layman does not know how the sun appears and disappears, but an astronomer, he knows very well the movements of the sun, moon, and other planets' appearance and disappearance
- Kamsa knew very well that Yogamaya was, after all, the maidservant of Krsna and Visnu and that although Yogamaya had appeared as the daughter of Devaki, she might have been forbidden to disclose this fact. Actually this was what had happened
- Kardama Muni knew very well, by his power in progressive spiritual life, that Visnu, the Personality of Godhead, was his worshipable Deity
- Knowledge does not mean how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life, and how to defend. That is not knowledge. These things are there in the animals. The animals also know very well how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life and how to defend
- Krsna conscious devotees know very well that this material world is designed by the complete arrangement of the Lord to fulfill all the necessities of life for all living beings, without their having to encroach upon the life or rights of one another
- Krsna continued, "What is the ultimate goal of My life? They know very well that I was a cowherd boy in Vrndavana"
- Krsna said, "You know very well that even I Myself offer My obeisances to the brahmanas with great respect three times daily. You should therefore follow My instruction & example. I shall not forgive anyone who does not follow them & I shall punish him"
- Lord Brahma knew the mind of Lord Siva very well, and he was confident that the demigods, who were offenders at his lotus feet, could mitigate their offenses by going to him and surrendering without reservation
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu knew very well that Raghunatha dasa was already liberated
- Lord Krsna said, "My dear brahmana friend, you are a most intelligent personality, and you know very well the principles of religious life"
- One must know very well that Vaisnava philosophers are not sentimentalists or cheap devotees like the sahajiyas. All the Vaisnava acaryas were vastly learned scholars who understood Vedanta philosophy fully
- One who is apramatta, a sane, sober person, a dhira, knows very well that a human being's primary duty is to render service to the Supreme Person
- Ravana's wife Mandodari and the other wives knew very well how cruel a person Ravana was. The very word "Ravana" means - one who causes crying for others
- Rukmini knew very well that obtaining the favor of Krsna was not easy. Since even Lord Siva must purify himself for this purpose, surely it would be difficult for Rukmini, who was only the daughter of a ksatriya king
- Sanatana Gosvami, however, knew Jagadananda Pandita very well and was consequently somewhat ashamed. Jagadananda therefore left the cooking pot on the stove and spoke as follows
- Since Lord Siva is himself associated with women, he knows very well their defective nature, and he might not take very seriously Diti's unavoidable offense, which occurred due to her faulty nature
- Sri Narada Muni, as the spiritual master of Vyasadeva, knew very well the position of Vyasadeva, and thus he certified the qualities of Srila Vyasadeva as fixed in the Absolute Truth with great vow, etc
- Srila Vasudeva Datta knew very well that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the original Personality of Godhead, Transcendence itself, above the material conception of illusion and maya
- Students of Vedic philosophy know very well how strongly Sri Ramanujacarya's visistadvaita-vada and Sri Madhvacarya's tattva-vada contest the impersonal Mayavada philosophy
- Such a self-realized person knows quite well that material happiness is the very cause of continued material existence and forgetfulness of one's own constitutional position
- Such council members (advisors to the King) were not fools or representatives to compose a fool's paradise. They were all self-realized souls, & they knew perfectly well how all living beings in the state would be happy, both in this life and in the next
- The cowherd boys said, "O earthly gods, kindly hear us, who are ordered by Lord Krsna and Balarama. We hope you know Them both very well, and we wish you all good fortune. Krsna and Balarama are tending cows nearby, and we have accompanied Them"
- The fortunate demigods said: O great one, just see this darkness, which you know very well and which is causing us anxieties. Because the influence of time cannot touch you, there is nothing unmanifest before you
- The gopis approached Krsna to enjoy themselves with Him in the rasa dance. Krsna knew this very well, but He was superficially trying to avoid them
- The individual soul cannot understand what is taking place in another's body, but the Supersoul knows very well what is happening in all bodies
- The karma-yogi knows very well that Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is the enjoyer of everything, and that He is the Lord of all living entities
- The leaders of the Kurus, especially Dhrtarastra & Duryodhana, were joyful because they knew very well that Balarama was a great well-wisher of Kurus. There were no bounds to their joy on hearing the news (Balarama arrived), & so they welcomed Uddhava
- The Lord is anxious to give protection to the devotees. Diti knew well that the killing of her sons by the Lord would also be His mercy, and therefore she says that the wheel and arms of the Lord are magnanimous
- The Lord is seated in the heart of all living beings, and thus he knows very well the movements of all individual persons
- The Lord, being situated in the heart of every individual living entity, knows very well the tendency of such conditioned souls in terms of past, present and future, but the bewildered conditioned soul hardly can know Him in His eternal form
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord (Krsna), we know very well that Jarasandha cannot defeat You at any time, for Your power, strength, resources and authority are all unlimited. No one can equal You or surpass You"
- The Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme engineer of this cosmic creation, knows very well what is happening in every nook and corner of the cosmic creation, although activities appear to be performed by someone else
- The rtvijah, the priests at the sacrifice, knew very well the distinction between karma and bhakti, and because they considered themselves under the influence of karma, fruitive activity, they begged the Lord's pardon
- The status of real knowledge is explained in this verse (SB 3.28.29). There are many children, but we accept some children as our sons and daughters because of our affection for them, although we know very well that these children are different from us
- There are nine different processes of devotional service to Krsna, the most important being sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23) - hearing and chanting. Haridasa Thakura knew this science very well
- There are rules and regulations because all these departments know it very well that any businessman or karmi, he is sure to commit sinful activities. Therefore there are so many regulations just to stop him as far as possible
- There is no place in My mind for jnana-yoga or dhyana-yoga. Although You know Me very well, You are still instructing Me in jnana-yoga and dhyana-yoga. It is not right for You to do so
- These four items (religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and salvation) are by far inferior to engagement in the devotional service of the Lord. Sri Vyasadeva, as the authorized scholar, knew very well this difference
- They (highly qualified brahmanas) know very well that those horrible features of the Supreme Lord are all different servitors of the Lord under different conditions, yet they reject the worship of both horrible and attractive features of the demigods
- They (the Vaisnavas) know very well the ceremonials called diksa, pasu-samstha and sautramani. One is permitted to take food after the procedure of diksa and before the animal sacrificial ceremony and the sautramani
- They knew very well that even though their father committed a mistake (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter), there must have been some great purpose behind the show, otherwise such a great personality could not have committed such a mistake
- This Krsna book, Bhagavad-gita, is very well known, so take this opportunity, both ladies and gentlemen in India, and present Krsna consciousness without any adulteration
- This material world is called dvaita, the world of duality. A devotee knows very well that everything within this material world is but a manifestation of the Supreme Lord's energy
- Those who have full knowledge of self-realization, who know very well that the spirit soul is eternal whereas the body is perishable, are not overwhelmed by lamentation. But persons who lack knowledge of self-realization certainly lament
- Those who know the Absolute Truth know it in three phases, as explained in SB 1.2.11: Those who are in knowledge of the nondual Absolute Truth know very clearly what is Brahman, what is Paramatma, and what is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Vasudeva knew very well that as soon as the daughter (of Nanda Maharaja, an expansion of Yogamaya) was in the prison house of Kamsa, Kamsa would immediately kill her; but to protect his own child, he had to kill the child of his friend
- Vasudeva knew very well that he could not by force rescue Devaki from the imminent danger. Devaki was actually the daughter of Kamsa's uncle, and therefore she is described as suhrt, meaning "relative"
- Vidura asked all relevant questions of Maitreya because he knew well that Maitreya was the right person to reply to all the points of his inquiries
- Vidyadhara said to Krsna, "I know very well that persons who are constantly engaged in chanting Your holy name attain release from all sinful reactions, & certainly persons who are fortunate enough to be personally touched by Your lotus feet are freed"
- Yes I know very well that Gargamuni Maharaja is an expert collector and preacher. He is so expert in collecting therefore I call him Gargamoney
- You (Krsna) are living as the Supersoul in all the multiforms of living entities, and You know very well what is going on within their bodies and minds
- You know very well that I went to India this time empty handed but we spent there not less than five lakhs Rupees during my 10 month stay and all the money was collected simply on the strength of our books and literatures
- You know very well that when I began my preaching work in New York I never followed this policy of lecturing amongst the stereotyped politicians or elites of the society
- You should know very well that even amongst the demigods there are many unwanted desires
- Yudhisthira continued, "We know very well that the great mystics who always engage in meditation to capture You (Krsna) do not find it easy to obtain such grace, nor can they draw any personal attention from You"