Category:Japa Beads
"japa beads"|"japa-mala beads"|"big beads for chanting"|" chanting on beads. This is known as Japa"|"
Pages in category "Japa Beads"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- After due chanting I am sending both your beads by separate first class post parcel. Receive it and chant without any offense. The 10 kinds of offenses are like this...
- As Vaisnavas count 108 beads, which represent the 108 individual gopis, so Krsna would also count on 108 beads to count the different groups of cows
- Attend the arotrikas and the classes and read my books very carefully and chant on the japa mala beads 16 rounds daily
- Enclosed please find one set of japa mala, as a sample. I want to purchase similar style beads, as good, if not better, quality and in large numbers. These beads are available in Calcutta and especially in Navadvipa they have got the best quality beads
- Even though such offenders may dress as Vaisnavas with false tilaka and mala, they are never forgiven by the Lord if they offend a pure Vaisnava
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street sankirtan, etc. In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna’s business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you all will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- Generally, we recommend our disciples to chant at least 16 rounds on their japa beads daily, and this should be completed
- George Harrison, the famous Beatle, he is supplying beads and bags to his friends: "Chant Hare Krsna." And he has written in his record that "Anyone who is friend of Krsna, I am his friend"
- I am receiving weekly not less than ten to fifteen such requests from new students. So it is becoming very expensive to send so many sets of beads such long distance, and it has become little bothersome for me also
- I have duly chanted them as you have desired, and they are returned herewith enclosed. However, in future, please be very careful to keep these sanctified beads. You should be more heedful
- I hope that you are trying to follow the regulative principles and that both you and your husband are chanting your beads regularly daily. These two duties are essential for advancement in Krsna Consciousness
- If we are in spiritual strength, there will be no scarcity of money; and the spiritual strength is that each and every one of us must chant the sixteen rounds of beads and follow the rules and regulations with great adherence
- If you follow the prohibitive rules: no meat eating; no intoxication, no illicit sex life & no gambling & regularly chant 16 rounds of beads daily & try to understand this philosophy by reading our books, then surely you will make rapid advancement in KC
- If you work hard, Laksmi will come. Our institution is working so hard, all our devotees; therefore we have no scarcity. We are not babajis, taking a mala & smoking bidi. "I do not go beyond Vrndavana." Rascal, loitering & associating with so many women
- In addition to these four prohibitions (yama), there are positive regulative principles (niyama), such as the daily chanting of sixteen rounds on japa-mala beads
- In L.A. things are going on very nicely and just this week 40 new devotees were initiated. So the stock of japa beads I brought with me has been depleted
- In order to be initiated by us, one has to chant at least 16 times around his japa beads daily (the HK maha-mantra), he has to follow strict rules such as: no meat, fish, eggs, no intoxication - including tea and cigarettes, no illicit sex, & no gambling
- In our KC movement we are teaching our followers to chant the Hare Krsna mantra continuously on beads. Even those who are not accustomed to this practice are advised to chant at least sixteen rounds on their beads so that they may be trained
- Padma Purana said, "And when they (people lower than sudra) are properly dressed, with tilaka on their bodies and beads in their hands and on their necks, they appear to be coming from Vaikuntha"
- People are coming to our society, in our centers, and after one week, automatically he takes a bag and beads and shaves himself. Automatically
- She (Visnupriyadevi) chanted her beads, and after finishing one round, she collected one grain of rice. In this way, as many rounds as she chanted, she would receive the same number of rice grains and then cook them and so take prasada
- So far we are concerned we are trying to train first class men. How much great responsibility we have to follow regulative principles, chant the beads, live with personal character etc
- So far we are concerned, every one of us must chant the beads according to the vow and follow the regulative principles in all departments of our activities, and this will give us spiritual strength to convince the audience about our aims and object
- Such people (who dress themselves in loincloths trying to imitate Srila Rupa Gosvami) carry a bead bag and chant, but at heart they are always thinking about getting women and money
- Thakura Haridasa would not even accept prasadam nor even sleep for a moment without finishing his daily routine of chanting with his beads three hundred thousand names. BG 1972 purports
- That is our process. When we accept a disciple we give him beads, we give him direction
- The austerity in our Gaudiya-sampradaya is very simple: following the four principles, restriction, avoiding the offenses, and chanting regular beads. That's all. And hearing. Chanting and hearing, both things. Not only chanting; we have to hear SB
- The difficulty will be the Mohammadans will not agree to shave their heads and beards. Our principle is anyone can live with us provided he becomes clean shaved, dresses like us, follows the regulative principles and chants the beads regularly
- The Governing Body Commission's duty is to see that every member is following the rules and regulations and chanting sixteen round regularly on the beads
- The neophyte devotees are advised to engage in devotional service, such as to hear and chant the holy name of God, to remember Him always, to chant on beads Hare Krsna
- The reason for the Japa beads is so that you can keep track of how many times you are chanting Hare Krishna mantra daily. It should be chanted a steady amount of times regularly
- Wherever you may be please continue your preaching. I also may ask you to cooperate with the temple authorities there and always chant Hare Krishna on your beads and follow the rules and regulations as I have given
- Who is that rascal sannyasi who has recommended to chant Pancha Tattwa mantra on the japa beads? First, send me his name
- Without being jolly, one cannot make any tangible progress in KC and without strictly following the regulative principles and chanting the prescribed number of rounds on the beads, nobody can become free from the unhappiness of this material world