Category:In Any
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Pages in category "In Any"
The following 106 pages are in this category, out of 106 total.
- A conditioned soul should never give up the practice of sacrifice, charity and austerity, in any circumstances. The aim of all such sacrifices is to please the Yajna-pati, the Personality of Godhead; therefore the Lord is also Praja-pati
- A horse named Uccaihsrava was generated (during the churning of the ocean of milk). This horse was taken by Bali Maharaja. Then there appeared Airavata and other elephants that could go anywhere in any direction, and she-elephants also appeared
- A pure devotee may be related with the Lord in any one of the transcendental humors, even in the humor of parenthood, but the devotee of the Lord is always a transcendental servitor
- Although the nitya-siddhas appear in the material world and seem to be common members of the world, they never forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead in any condition. This is the symptom of a nitya-siddha
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 14.26): "One who engages in full devotional service, who does not fall down in any circumstance, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman"
- Atheists like King Vena, however, being unable to think of Krsna's form in any of these five ways, cannot attain salvation. Therefore, one must somehow think of Krsna, whether in a friendly way or inimically
- Bhagavad-gita is a well-read book all over the world. In any country you will find edition of Bhagavad-gita by the language of the country. So in this Bhagavad-gita we find that Krsna is giving instruction about what is dharma, religion
- Both taking sannyasa and dealing in pounds, shillings and pence are external affairs. In any condition, one should always consider how to please and satisfy Krsna. Thus even if one is involved in great material affairs, he will not become attached
- By our Krsna consciousness movement, we are trying to distribute Srimad-Bhagavatam so that anyone in any part of the world can be absorbed in the KC movement by chanting and hearing about the activities of Krsna and be free from all material tribulations
- Dear King, we do not find any reason that the demigods should feel insulted or neglected in any way, but still the demigods who are witnesses for the sacrifice do not accept their shares. We do not know why this is so
- Devotees are related to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in any of five transcendental mellows - namely neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parenthood and conjugal love. These relationships with the Lord are eternal
- Devotional service can be discharged in any condition
- Eight great elephants, which could go in any direction, were generated. They were headed by Airavana. Eight she-elephants, headed by Abhramu, were also generated
- Either in parental affection or conjugal love, friendship or servitorship (to krsna) - in any way - we must follow in the footsteps of the inhabitants of Vrndavana, not try to become like them. Therefore this description is provided here - in SB 10.9.3
- Even the poorest of devotees in any part of the world can secure a small flower, fruit or leaf and a little water, and if these offerings, and especially tulasi leaves and Ganges water, are offered to Krsna with devotion, He is very satisfied
- Every house should have our books, every gentleman, in any language. It doesn't matter. That is our propaganda. Now you are getting all languages, so we can capture the whole world
- Every living being, whether a man or an animal or a bird, thinks that he is free by himself, but actually no one is free from the severe laws of the Lord. The laws of the Lord are severe because they cannot be disobeyed in any circumstance
- Every living entity is eternally related to the Supreme Lord, and this relationship may be in any one of many transcendental humors. At the stage called asakti, attachment, a person can understand his relationship with the Supreme Lord
- Everyone is trying to get out of suffering, in any field of action; in the economic field, in the political field, or any field of activity, social or national, everyone is trying to get out of misery. There is no other activity
- Everyone knows that Deity is made of brass metal. But that is not metal. Because we cannot see Krsna in any other way at present, therefore Krsna has appeared as made of metal
- For a devotee there is no concern for this life or the next life because in any life he does not desire elevation in material prosperity or a high-grade or low-grade life
- For him (pure devotee) there is nothing agreeable or disagreeable because he does not act in any way for his personal sense gratification
- Four principles of material conditions are present everywhere in any part of the material cosmos
- Hare Krsna can be chanted by any man in any social position, in any country and in any age, for Krsna is the Supreme Lord of all people in all social positions, in all countries, in all ages
- He (a demoniac person) thinks that since no one can equal him in strength, power, or in wealth, he can act in any way and no one can stop him. BG 1972 purports
- He wanted to help me in any way in the government affairs. So immediately see him with some prasadam and flowers
- I have never compromised in any way and as a result of our sticking strictly to our principles our position is unique
- I think you should not waste your time in any other thing except Devotional service and maintain the body in proper order. Unnecessarily you should not waste your valuable time
- Idle talks regarding future development of matter into spirit are actually foolish because no matter has ever developed the power of seeing or moving in any part of the world
- If one is always conscious that Krsna is the supreme master and that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, he is a liberated person in any condition. Entangling material activities will not affect him
- In any assembly where there are discourses about saints and devotees, O King Yudhisthira, even the enemies of the demons, namely the demigods, what to speak of you, would cite Prahlada Maharaja as an example of a great devotee
- In any condition, even when liberated, we should never think ourselves independent of the spiritual master, but must refer to him as soon as there is some doubt regarding our progressive spiritual life
- In any country, in any place, this (chanting and dancing) can be performed. Therefore it is the easiest
- In any form of life and on any planet in the material world, a living entity cannot be happy because everything in the material world is unsuitable for the spirit soul
- In any form of life, we are related with Visnu, who is the most beloved, the Supersoul, son, friend and guru
- In any life in which one is born, as a householder, or even as an animal, one must have some children, some resources or some possessions, but a devotee is not anxious to possess anything. He is satisfied with whatever is obtainable by God's grace
- In any one of the above-mentioned castes and orders of life, the four processes, namely glorifying, hearing, remembering and worshiping, are general occupations. Without these principles of life, no one can exist
- In any planet, you can raise yourself, you can elevate yourself, you can go there, but the four principles of material existence are there. What is that? Birth, death, disease and old age
- In any sastra one may examine, especially the Vedic sastra, the same advice is given: one should give up his materialistic life and return to his original, spiritual life
- In India any man in the villages, unaffected by the industrial cities of India, can still live in any condition and make spiritual advancement
- In KC every man is so important because all of the activities of a devotee of Lord Krishna is beneficial to all living entities. So if there are any questions that he would like me to help him with, I am always at your service to help in any way I can
- Indulging in sex in any way, looking at and whispering with girls, and determining or endeavoring to engage in sex life are all against the principles of brahmacarya. One executes real brahmacarya when all these activities come to a halt
- It is the duty of the government to see that the citizens act according to these material divisions for their spiritual advancement. No one should remain unemployed or unoccupied in any way
- Krsna conscious persons are not interested in any temporary planet, even if it offers a long duration of life
- Krsna is the supreme person, the whole spirit, and He danced with the spiritual bodies of the gopis. There is therefore no reason to accuse Krsna in any way
- Krsna says, "One should know the acarya as Myself and never disrespect him in any way. One should not envy him, thinking him an ordinary man, for he is the representative of all the demigods"
- No one can excel God in any capacity, and therefore no one can be equal to or greater than Him, nor can anyone attain the stage of equality with God by any kind of endeavor. Jnana, yoga and bhakti are three recognized processes of spiritual realization
- No process (of reformatory ceremonies) is strictly followed now in any part of the world, and therefore 99.9 percent of the population is naradhama. BG 1972 purports
- One can understand and see the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the process of devotional service, and not in any other way
- One doesn't have to give up his occupation as a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or whatever. In any position, while discharging his prescribed duty, one can develop Krsna consciousness simply by associating with devotees who are Krsna's representatives
- One must adopt this simple way of devotional life in order to attain the highest perfection available in any category of the human form of life in any part of the world
- Our opportunity, is obtained in this human form of life. We should not waste our valuable time in any other occupation or business
- Prahlada Maharaja advises his friends (SB 7.6.3): My dear friends, material pleasure which is due simply to this material body - is essentially the same in any body. And just as misery comes without our trying for it
- Preaching is independent. If you have got desire, you can preach in any circumstances and Krsna will help you. I have practically experienced. I went to your country without any help, without any money. Alone
- Pure or impure, there are two conditions. Someone is impure, someone is pure. So either way, in any condition, yah smaret pundarikaksam: anyone who remembers Visnu or Krsna, he immediately becomes cleansed inside and outside
- Saintly persons and great devotees like the gopis cannot give up Krsna in any circumstances. Lord Caitanya therefore prayed, "Krsna, You are free and independent in all respects"
- Scholars take pride in explaining everything in their own way, and they declare that one can understand the Vedic scriptures in any way he likes. This "any way you like" method is foolishness, and it has created havoc in the Vedic culture
- Siva said, "If they are elevated to the higher planetary systems, or if they get liberation from material contamination, or if they are pushed down to the hellish condition of life - in fact, in any situation whatever - they are not afraid of anything"
- Srimati Rukmini, however, was not interested in any of them (the princes); in her heart she was simply expecting Krsna to come and carry her away
- The association of a saintly person in any way bears the same result. For example, Lord Krsna met many kinds of living entities, and some treated Him as an enemy, and some treated Him as an agent for sense gratification
- The boy (Abhimanyu) left his wife, Uttara, mother of Maharaja Pariksit. The Lord is always pleased to satisfy His devotees in any capacity. Only His devotees can play the parts of His relatives. The Lord is absolute
- The devotees can constantly think of the object of worship, the Supreme Lord, in any of His features, Narayana, Krsna, Rama, etc., by chanting Hare Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The devotees can surpass the reactions of karma and achieve wonderful results, even without effort. It is also said, phalena pariciyate: one's success or defeat in any activity is understood by its result
- The living entity is satisfied in any abominable condition. Even if he is born as a worm living within the intestine or abdomen in the midst of urine and stool, still he is satisfied. This is the covering influence of maya
- The Lord blessed Brahma, after giving him lessons on the Bhagavatam, that he would never be bewildered in any kalpa whatsoever
- The Lord can appear in any family. Sometimes He appears as a fish incarnation (matsya-avatara) or a boar incarnation (varaha-avatara). Thus the Lord is completely free and independent to appear anywhere and everywhere by His internal potency
- The Lord is the proprietor of all the universes, and therefore He may be known in different places by different names, but that does not in any way qualify the fullness of the Lord
- The Muhammadans, they pronounce s as h. So from "Sindhu," it has come to "Hindu." Otherwise, this "Hindu" name is not mentioned in any Vedic literature
- The original king, Maharaja Prthu, his eyes full of tears and his voice faltering and choked up, could neither see the Lord very distinctly nor speak to address the Lord in any way. He simply embraced the Lord within his heart and remained standing
- The person whose only desire is to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead may be situated in any condition in the material world, but he is to be understood as jivan-mukta
- The point is that in any religion there is a conception of worshiping God or symbol of God
- The relationship between husband and wife in any society, whether higher or lower than human society, is nothing but the same relationship between he-goat and she-goat, for the material relationship between man and woman is one of sex
- The sannyasi dress is actually an attraction for material formality. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not like such formality, but He wanted the essence of it - service to Mukunda. Such determination in any condition is paratma-nistha. That is required
- The sufferings and enjoyments of the sons are indirectly the sufferings and enjoyments of the father. Still the father is not in any way affected directly by the suffering and enjoyment of the sons
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead can exhibit His full potencies in any shape or form without any change
- The word parama-kalyana is significant because Krsna, in any of His incarnations, appears in order to protect the sadhus (paritranaya sadhunam) - BG 4.8
- There are some theosophists who declare that because Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such cultivation (of love for Krsna) is easy for Him but difficult for the living entity and that one can therefore approach Krsna in any way he likes
- There are ten offenses which one can commit while chanting the transcendental names, and these should be avoided as far as possible, but in any event, one should try to chant the holy names of the Lord at all times
- There is no scarcity. Krsna has created this world in such a way that there is no question of starvation in any part of the world. There is no question. Sufficient
- They (devotees and associates of the Lord) are transcendental instruments in the hands of the Lord and can be used in any way the Lord desires. The pure devotees also enjoy such pastimes of the Lord because they want to see Him happy
- They are creating societies of sense gratification. Therefore, in any group, either in societies, or communities, or nations, or at last in the United Nations, they are all unhappy. Because the real point is missing
- They may take it as "new smrti," but smrti is smrti - it is not new. In any spiritual statement, you have to give references to sruti and smrti. Otherwise, it is not valid
- This instruction by Krsna to the brahmana is very significant. The purport is that a true brahmana should not be disturbed in any situation. In this modern age, Kali-yuga, the so-called brahmanas have accepted the abominable position of sudras
- To be saved from faulty association, King Kulasekhara prays fervently to the Lord that he may never forget His lotus feet in any future birth
- To become successful in any attempt, one not only has to undergo severe penances and austerities, but also must be dependent on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- To go back to Godhead, one may live alone anywhere, in any condition, and simply sit down, meditate upon the Supersoul and chant and hear about the Lord. Thus there is no difficulty in approaching the Lord
- To train the innocent boy to be a sense gratifier at the early age when the child is actually happy in any circumstance is the greatest violence
- Vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau, the six Gosvamis, six Gosvamis, and if we follow their footprints, rupanuga-varaya te, then he also becomes gosvami. This is the process. Therefore in any way you go, it is required, mahat-seva
- Vedic civilization recommends that a woman stay under the protection of a man. During childhood she should be cared for by her father, in youth by her husband, and in old age by a grown son. In any stage of life, a woman should not have independence
- We are Indians, especially mendicant, we can adjust things in any kind of place. But I shall stay in any place hell or heaven, if it is approved by you
- We know that the paraphernalia to perform the sacrifice is well collected by you with great faith & care and is not polluted. Our chanting of the Vedic hymns is also not deficient in any way, for all the brahmanas & priests present here are expert
- What for we are accepting initiation? In any condition, in any condition we shall be purified by chanting Hare Krsna, ceto-darpana-marjanam (CC Antya 20.12), if we chant really
- When Hiranyakasipu found that he could not in any way harm Prahlada, who was completely sinless, he was in great anxiety about what to do next
- Whenever you are in doubt you can ask me, and I am at your service. But one point you should not miss is that this life is very important to awaken our dormant Krishna Consciousness, and we should not miss this opportunity in any circumstance
- Wherever I get chance to chant is good for me. I have no idea for sight seeing in any country because I know that all land belong to Krishna and anywhere I remain I remain at His Lotus Feet
- Whether one is without desire (akama) or with desire (sakama), or whether one desires liberation (moksa-kama), he is advised to worship the Supreme Lord and execute devotional service unto Him. By so doing, one attains all perfection in any field of life
- Why you have interpreted the picture as one has to be naked before the Lord to become perfect? We have no interpretation in any one of the verses in the Gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Without engaging in devotional service, neither the citizens nor the government can be happy in any way
- You are giving your forefather's hard-earned money, and I don't want to see it spoiled in any way
- You can serve Krsna in any capacity-provided you want to serve. And if you want to engage Krsna for your service, that is blunder
- You have heard many times the caste system of India: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. This is not artificial. It is natural. In any society you go, not only in India, in any other country, these four classes of men are there