Category:In A Circle
Pages in category "In A Circle"
The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.
- Lalita chastised Krsna for staying in Mathura: "Simply by dancing in the circle of the rasa dance, You attracted Srimati Radharani's love. Why are You now so indifferent to my dear friend Radharani? She is lying nearly unconscious"
- Lamenting for Krsna Radharani said, Where is your friend, the best of all men, so expert in dancing in the circle of the rasa dance? Where is He who is the real medicine to save Me from dying of heart disease
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a single personality, but when He danced and jumped high in a circle, He appeared like the alata-cakra
- Scarcity of language which you are now feeling in this connection (presenting Krsna Consciousness Movement in the circle of educated people) will be fulfilled by Krsna by the process of your eagerness to serve Him
- So Krsna is giving you good chance for presenting Krsna Consciousness Movement in the circle of educated people. Do it to your best and Krsna will give you more and more strength
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued; My dear King, as stated before, the learned say that the sun travels over all sides of Manasottara Mountain in a circle whose length is 95,100,000 yojanas (760,800,000 miles)
- The gopis were dancing in a circle, and in the middle of that circle, Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, danced with Radharani
- Thus attacked, Kaliya looked for an opportunity to bite Him, but Krsna moved around him. As Krsna and Kaliya moved in a circle, the serpent gradually became fatigued, and his strength seemed to diminish considerably
- We are after some fame. I want to be famous, you want to be famous, but we are famous in a circle, in a circle, in a country, in a society. But nobody is famous like Krsna. You see?
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu danced and jumped high, roaring like thunder and moving in a circle like a wheel, He appeared like a circling firebrand
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu whirled the rod in a circle like a firebrand, the heart of everyone who saw it was astonished