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Pages in category "Impression"
The following 75 pages are in this category, out of 75 total.
- Although one comes here, stays for a brief time and then goes away, he has the foolish notion that he is the lord of the world. The whole world moves under this impression. BG 1972 purports
- Although one may be conducted by some impression, or some conception of life, still, originally, he is nirguna, or transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, he has got a natural inheritance of spiritual life. Unfortunately, at the present moment the leaders are under wrong impression that in India, being too much spiritually inclined, material advancement has been checked
- Even very wonderful activities performed by a person who is not one's friend will not create any impression. It is because of love that one's wonderful activities create an impression in the mind
- Everyone is under the impression that "I'm this body." "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian" - bodily upadhi, designation. He does not become free from the designation
- For one who takes shelter of His (Krsna's) feet, it is said that the material universe is no more significant than a puddle of water found in the impression of a calf's hoofprint. There is certainly no difficulty in crossing over such a small puddle
- From 1922 to 1933 practically I was not initiated, but I got the impression of preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. That I was thinking. And that was the initiation by my Guru Maharaja. Then officially I was initiated in 1933
- I am always thinking of Caracas temple. Although I went there once, it has given me some impression. Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it
- I am glad to hear from you that because there was some misinformation that we had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness
- I am pleased that my generous father gave the first impression which was developed later into regulative devotional service by His Divine Grace
- I tell you the that impression will never go. It is such a thing. But if we take it up very seriously and go on molding our life in that way, then it becomes quickly successful
- I was endowed with specific powers to supersede the fortune of all the three planetary systems by being decorated with the impressions of the flag, thunderbolt, elephant-driving rod and lotus flower, which are signs of the lotus feet of the Lord
- If we come here and take the impression and simply think of Him, our life is perfect. This is Krsna consciousness. What is the difficulty and what is your loss? If you gain such big profit simply by thinking of Krsna, why should you lose this opportunity
- If we simply speak nicely to a person and try sincerely to get him to take the book he'll take it. Why should we adopt unfair means? We should not do anything which will create a bad impression or make us unpopular
- Impressions of a godly relation must be impregnated from the beginning of childhood, otherwise one may miss the opportunity of the human form of life, which is very valuable although it is temporary like others
- In dreams we create so many things out of various impressions in the subconscious mind, but all such creations are simply temporary and unreal
- In the Bhagavad-gita, God says that "All living entities are My part and parcels." He's undergoing a great struggle for life under the bodily impression that he is this body, but this kind of understanding is animal civilization
- Maharaja Prahlada also advised that such impressions of a godly relation must be impregnated from the beginning of childhood, otherwise one may miss the opportunity of the human form of life, which is very valuable although it is temporary like others
- Make it so that people may not think too repressive so they will not go away - impressive but not repressive, that is the system
- Material advancement does not become hampered by spiritual knowledge. That is a wrong impression. Rather, if you become spiritually advanced, your material necessities will be very nicely adjusted
- Material advancement does not become hampered by spiritual knowledge. That is a wrong impression. Rather, if you become spiritually advanced, your material necessities will be very nicely adjusted. That is the injunction
- Material opulence is sometimes dangerous because it diverts one's attention to false prestige by giving one the impression that he is the owner and master of everything he surveys, although actually this is not the fact
- Mayavadi philosophers take advantage of this doctrine of transference by saying that the living entity is under the wrong impression when he thinks himself to be part and parcel of the Supreme
- Narada Muni had come to advise Priyavrata about the value of spiritual life, knowledge, renunciation and bhakti, and Lord Brahma knew that Narada's instructions were very impressive
- Narottama dasa Thakura has forbidden us to go to such places of pilgrimage because in this age, the times having so changed, a sincere person may have a different impression on seeing the behavior of the present residents of the pilgrimage sites
- Persons who are under the impression that the Absolute Truth is impersonal are described as asuras, which means one who does not know the ultimate feature of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Prahlada prayed to Nrsimhadeva, "I now consider the happiness of brahmananda to be no more than the water in the impression left by a cow's hoof in the earth, compared to this ocean of bliss"
- Professional reciters have created the impression that Srimad-Bhagavatam deals only with Krsna’s rasa-lila, although Krsna’s rasa-lila is described only in chapters 29 through 33 of the Tenth Canto
- Seeing the lines of Lord Visnu's palm on King Prthu's right hand and impressions of lotus flowers on the soles of his feet, Lord Brahma could understand that King Prthu was a partial representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- So long the regulative principles are followed, everything else will follow, and at least we shall command the respect of the public. People may not have the impression that they are the same hippies under different dress
- So our present situation is that the whole civilization is going on under the wrong impression that everyone is the body. That is not a fact. Therefore, this Krsna kirtana, this Hare Krsna movement, it has got a special effect
- Sometimes we dream of coming to a place we have never known or experienced in this lifetime, but this is proof that in a past life we experienced this. The impression is kept within the mind and sometimes becomes manifest either in dream or in thought
- That man who is under false prestige, impression that, "I am this," "I am that," "I am higher," he cannot deliver himself even, because what is the value of false prestige? False prestige has no value
- The activities of a person, even if they are not very extraordinary, create an impression of wonder in the heart and mind of the person's friends
- The general impression of the people, that "I die, you die." But BG says, na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). Nobody dies, even after the destruction of this body. This is the beginning of that instruction. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. We are eternal
- The impression (of a previous life) is there in the stockpile of the mind, and it suddenly expresses itself. It is like fermentation taking place in the depths of water, which sometimes manifests itself in bubbles on the water's surface
- The impressions from the rims of Maharaja Priyavrata's chariot wheels created seven oceans and seven islands
- The living entities are parts and parcels of the of Godhead, they are all sons of the Lord, and for their benefit, because they are hovering under the impression that they can lord it over material nature, the Vedas are given to them for their guidance
- The living entity labors under the bodily conception of "I am this, I am that. My duty is this, and therefore I shall do it." These are all mental impressions, and all these activities are temporary
- The mind contains hundreds and thousands of impressions, not only of this life but also of many, many lives of the past. These impressions sometimes come in contact with one another and produce contradictory pictures
- The mistaken impressions can never be rectified by the "mistaker" himself or by another, similar person apt to commit similar mistakes
- The Nelson Column is a very impressive statue of Lord Nelson and can be seen from a good distance. Just as the residents of Puri compared the Ratha-yatra car to Mount Sumeru, the residents of London considered the car rival to the Nelson Monument
- Their (Krsna's, Arjuna's and Bhima's) shoulders were marked with impressions due to carrying bows, they had beautiful bodily structure, and their voices were grave and commanding. Thus he definitely concluded that they were not brahmanas but ksatriyas
- Then, in 1923, I left Calcutta on business account, and I started my business at Allahabad. But I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, although I was that time not initiated. But the impression was there
- These boys and girls are also initiated for the last two years only - they are not very great scholars in theological studies, but still by the Grace of Krishna they have created some impression in a city like London simply by their sincere effort
- They (Mayavadi sannyasis) are always under the impression that unless one is a brahmana and a very good Sanskrit scholar, especially in grammar, one cannot accept the renounced order of life or become a preacher
- They (professional reciters) have in this way (by creating the impression that SB deals only with Krsna's rasa-lila) presented Krsna to the Western world as a great woman-hunter, & therefore we sometimes have to deal with such misconceptions in preaching
- They (the unintelligent people) consider activities in devotional service the same as activities in material consciousness. Under such a wrong impression, they sometimes dare joke about the spiritual activities of the Lord and His devotional service
- They thought, "This man is grhastha. He is embarassed with family life. What he'll do?" That was their impression. But I never neglected. Guru Maharaja told me
- This wrong impression is cleared by Lord Siva himself, who says that the impersonal Brahman, which is spread all over the universe, is nothing but the Supreme Lord Himself
- Those who are under the impression that there is material contamination in the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and in His devotional service are called Mayavadi
- We cannot get many followers. Because everyone is under this impression, "I am this body." And to get him released from this conception is not so easy job. So we cannot expect many thousands and millions
- We had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness. Working together to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We should be very much careful to publish anything in our paper which will give impression to the public that we are inclined to the hippy movement
- What kind of impression is it to the members that we always have to approach them to borrow their car? Please get it. But one thing is that I have heard that you are taking the money from the BBT to pay for it
- When Priyavrata drove his chariot behind the sun, the rims of his chariot wheels created impressions that later became seven oceans, dividing the planetary system known as Bhu-mandala into seven islands
- When there is Deity in the temple, you see and you get the impression. When out of the temple also you can see within your heart, if you have developed love for Krsna
- While sometimes the movies that are demonstrated in the plane, I close my eyes. I do not like to see them because that impression carries. It is a very disturbing fact to me
- With your multifarious duties you come here thrice in a week and try to understand. This is also spiritual culture. This will not go in vain. This will give you impression. Even you stop coming here, that impression will never go
- Yes, the mind is subject to so many impressions from past activities as well as so many past lifetimes, so when disturbing thoughts enter your mind you should simply ignore them. Actually the process is to always remember the Lotus Feet of the Lord
- Yoga club and programs in general is very impressive, particularly that you have a regular four credit college course at Fordham University wherein the students are required to read some of my books