Category:Highest Standards
Pages in category "Highest Standards"
The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total.
- A king should give protection to the citizens for their development to the highest standard of life, and he can therefore levy taxes from them
- A pure devotee has nothing to do with mundane religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, or salvation, nor is he concerned whether his standard of material existence is the highest or the lowest. To him, heaven and hell are of equal value
- According to Vedic principle, even one is fallen, he can be raised to the highest standard
- As long as we do not diminish or neglect the highest standard of purity in performing our routine work, not that we require to display or announce ourselves in very clever ways to get attention
- As the wife of a GBC member you have got the responsibility to help your husband to maintain the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness both in yourselves and in all the other devotees in the Temple
- As you have elevated yourself from animal consciousness, animal body, to this beautiful human body, similarly, you have to still more elevate yourself to higher standard of life. They are called demigods
- Because the devotee knows Vasudeva, he knows everything within the creation of Vasudeva (vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah). Such a devotee does not give much value to the highest standard of happiness within this material world
- By chastising Junior Haridasa, the Lord set the standard for acaryas, or the heads of institutions propagating the Caitanya cult, and for all actual devotees. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to maintain the highest standard
- Conditioned soul should hear the rasa-lila dance from an authorized spiritual master and be trained by him so that he can understand the whole situation thus one can be elevated to the highest standard of spiritual life; otherwise one will be implicated
- Considering the present status, everything has topsy-turvy - therefore to bring everything on the equal level of high standard and perfectional standard is Krsna consciousness
- Follow the regulative principles very diligently, maintain the highest level of standard in routine work such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, street sankirtan, etc., always keep the devotees satisfied, like that
- Following our routine work very strictly and maintaining the highest standards of Krishna Consciousness, and by distributing more and more of books and literatures, then there is no doubt about it, that very soon we shall go back to Home, back to Godhead
- For any small temple especially that is a detrimental factor to maintaining the highest standard in other temple activities besides, because there are not enough men
- I count you and your godbrothers among those few men who are treading seriously on the path back to Home, back to Godhead, and now we must maintain such exalted position and not fall back by neglecting our highest standards of devotional practices
- I have formed this GBC for that purpose, to keep the devotional standards at the highest level and at the same time to manage a world-wide organization
- I have heard that you are well qualified to worship the Deity at highest standard and this is very much necessary. One who is worshiping the Deity must be always attentive and mindful of his occupation at all times
- I have not heard from you for some time, so I had become worried what is your position. As GBC man you should become very responsible to see that the highest standards of Krishna Consciousness should be maintained all over the Society
- I think you will have no difficulty, as long as our routine work is attended to nicely and the highest standards are maintained. Routine work means rising early, cleansing, chanting minimum 16 rounds, having kirtan, reading scriptures, deity worship
- If men want to live in harmony and peace, they must take to Krsna consciousness, for they cannot achieve the highest standard while absorbed in the bodily concept of life
- In order to raise oneself to the highest standard of life, these principles of varnasrama-dharma should be followed. You cannot become M.A. without becoming a student in the school and college
- Instead of offering respect to self-realized persons, foolish men who cannot approach the highest standard of self-realization are always envious, although there is no reason
- It is necessary to reestablish the brahminical qualifications in order to raise the fallen human society to the highest standard of spiritual consciousness
- It is the duty of the GBC to maintain the devotees, keep them in the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness, and give them all good instruction, and let them go out and preach for making more devotees
- It is very difficult to keep the high standard of living in this age, so one must work very hard and engage one's son in the same way
- Now concentrate your efforts by bringing our regular program up to the highest standards
- Now people are degraded from their high standard of living, from spiritual point of view, material point of view. And still, they stand, previous social construction, their living condition, their feelings of religion. It is still going on. Climate also
- One thing is, that I want that the highest standards of devotional service be maintained
- Our first business is to preach to the devotees and to maintain the highest standard of Vaisnava education. Management must be there as well, just as I am preaching daily from S. Bhagavatam, B.G., but I am also going to the bank, making investments, etc
- Our philosophy of political leadership is of the highest standard and morality
- Our students are strictly observing the four rules or restraints from impure habits and they are factually living according to the highest standard of religious life
- Our unique asset is our purity. No one any where can match it. That will be noticed eventually and appreciated, as long as we do not diminish or neglect the highest standard of purity in performing our routine work
- The chicken is also dying; you are also dying. What is your improvement? That they cannot say. Real problem they cannot solve. Simply a little high standard of living, and they think this is advancement
- The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana
- The highest standard of bodily comfort is achieved by a fruitive worker who by pious activities reaches the plane of heaven, or the kingdom of the creative gods with their delegated powers
- The highest standard of education is knowledge of the science of Krsna. The standard of material education is sense gratification, but the highest standard of spiritual education is knowledge of the science of Krsna
- The king (Maharaja Khatvanga) at once left the heavenly kingdom, which is always full of material enjoyment of the highest standard, and coming down to this earth, took ultimate shelter of the all-safe Personality of Godhead
- The secret of preaching work is that one must keep himself fit in spiritual strength by maintaining always the highest standard of purity in Krsna consciousness
- The standard of material education is sense gratification, but the highest standard of spiritual education is knowledge of the science of Krsna
- This (chanting Hare Krsna) is meant for the foolish, who cannot speculate and do not have any higher standard of knowledge - But that is not so
- This deity worship is very serious program, and it must be kept to the utmost highest standard and never allowed to be neglected. So if you are willing and able to initiate such program in Baltimore center, I have no objection
- We can increase the duration of life and standard to the highest capacity, and yet by the law of material nature we will be unhappy
- We do not know why the pasandis of the present day protest that we are deteriorating the Hindu religion by spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world and claiming all classes of men to the highest standard of Vaisnavism
- We must be very careful to avoid anything scandalous in our dealings, and always keep to the highest standards of respect and courtesy
- We shall always be careful to avoid any kind of jeopardizing our high standing in the society by some foolish and small act of illegal stealing
- What is the highest standard of education? Lord Caitanya began His inquiry, and Ramananda Raya immediately replied that the highest standard of education is knowledge of the science of Krsna
- Worship of Sri Sri Radha Krishna is the ultimate in arcana worship, so the standard must be the highest