Category:Hellish Planets
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Pages in category "Hellish Planets"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.
- A devotee is neutral in all conditions of life, whether in the heavenly planets or hellish planets, whether liberated from the material world or conditioned by it, and whether blessed with happiness or subjected to distress. These are all merely dualities
- A living entity can go wherever he likes - to heaven or to hell - simply by preparing himself for either place. There are many heavenly planets, many hellish planets, and many species of life
- A person who appropriates another's legitimate wife, children or money is arrested at the time of death by the fierce Yamadutas, who bind him with the rope of time and forcibly throw him into the hellish planet known as Tamisra
- According to the Vedic version, there is a hellish planet called Put, and one who delivers a person from there is called putra. The purpose of marriage, therefore, is to have a putra, or son who is able to deliver his father
- After bringing them within his jurisdiction, he (Yamaraja) properly judges them according to their specific sinful activities and sends them to one of the many hellish planets for suitable punishments
- After death such demons are put into the hell known as Sarameyadana. On that planet there are 720 dogs with teeth as strong as thunderbolts. Under the orders of the agents of Yamaraja, these dogs voraciously devour such sinful people
- After describing the hellish planets, Sukadeva Gosvami describes how pious persons are elevated to the highest planetary system, where the demigods live, and how they then come back again to this earth
- After hearing a description of such (hellish and heavenly) planets from Sukadeva Gosvami, Pariksit Maharaja said: "Sir, I have heard from you about the hellish planets. Men who are very sinful are sent to those planets." (SB 6.1.6)
- After human being, if we do not work properly with our advanced consciousness, then we go down again in the hellish planet that are down this universe. And if we act piously, then you go to the upper planetary system
- Agnostics may not believe in hell, but Sukadeva Gosvami affirms the existence of the Naraka planets, which lie between the Garbhodaka Ocean and Patalaloka
- All bodies in heavenly planets and hellish planets arise from mental concoctions, and the sufferings and enjoyments of material life are simply on the mental platform. They take place on the chariot of the mind (mano-ratha)
- All planets in the material world - beginning from Brahmaloka down to the hellish planets - are unfit places for a devotee. padam padam yad vipadam na tesam. A place where there is danger at every step is certainly not a comfortable place
- All sinful persons go to these hellish planets and how they are punished there by the assistants of Yamaraja
- All the hellish planets are situated in the intermediate space between the three worlds and the Garbhodaka Ocean. They lie on the southern side of the universe, beneath Bhu-mandala, and slightly above the water of the Garbhodaka Ocean
- All these planets (the hellish planets) are meant for punishing the living entities
- An advanced devotee like Narada Muni who is engaged in preaching work can serve the Supreme Lord anywhere. Sometimes he even goes to the hellish planets
- At the bottom of the universe lies the Garbhodaka Ocean. The hellish planets lie between Patalaloka and the Garbhodaka Ocean
- Because of his devotion, he thought even the topmost planet of this material world no better than the hellish planets
- Below our planetary system are seven lower planetary systems, the lowest of which is called Patalaloka. Beneath Patalaloka are other planets, known as Narakaloka, or the hellish planets
- By the results of fruitive activities, one can either go to the heavenly planets or the hellish ones
- By the supreme will of the Lord, he (Bali Maharaja) now had to go to the hellish planets, but because he went there by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he lived there more opulently than one could expect to live in the planets of heaven
- Foolish and demoniac persons go to the hellish planets is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me (Krsna) into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Fools deride Me (Krsna) when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be. (BG 9.11) That such foolish and demoniac persons go to the hellish planets is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- For a devotee, being situated in the heavenly planets and being in the hellish planets are equal, for a devotee lives neither in heaven nor in hell but with Krsna in the spiritual world
- For them the heavenly planets, liberation and the hellish planets are all the same, for such devotees are interested only in the service of the Lord
- From this statement of Indra it appears that anyone attempting to go to the higher planetary systems by mechanical means, which are here called maya, is condemned to go the hellish planets in the lower portion of the universe
- He (King Kulasekhara) fully understands the statement in the Bhagavad-gita that from the lowest planets up to Brahmaloka, the highest planet in the universe, there is no spiritual bliss, which the living beings hanker for
- He (one) is not concerned with happiness or distress, curses or favors, or heavenly or hellish planets. He sees no distinction between them
- He (Yamaraja) brings them (the conditioned souls) to the hellish planets and properly chastises them to bring them back to Krsna consciousness. By the influence of maya, however, the conditioned souls remain infatuated with the mode of ignorance
- Heated from below by fire and from above by the scorching sun, the copper surface of this planet is extremely hot. Thus the murderer of a brahmana suffers from being burned both internally and externally
- I have now described for you this planet earth, other planetary systems, and their lands (varsas), rivers and mountains. I have also described the sky, the oceans, the lower planetary systems, the directions, the hellish planetary systems and the stars
- If the world takes up this KC, the planet is certain to be peaceiul. Now the earth is quickly becoming a hellish planet, and if this KC is not taken up, this hellish condition will progress despite all advances in education and economic development
- In this Kali-yuga, especially Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy that you are chanting and dancing before Caitanya Mahaprabhu . . . so He is so merciful that if you continue this process, you are guaranteed that you will never go to the hellish planet
- May Devarsi Narada protect me from committing offenses in worshiping the Deity, and may Lord Kurma, the tortoise, protect me from falling to the unlimited hellish planets
- Modern astronomy, they have got calculation how far the moon planet is there from here, what is the distance, what is the distance between earthly planet, the sun planet. Similarly, there are hellish planets also
- My dear King Pariksit, in the province of Yamaraja there are hundreds & thousands of hellish planets. The impious people I have mentioned - & also those I have not mentioned - must all enter these various planets according to the degree of their impiety
- O great one, O Supreme Lord, because of combination with pleasing and displeasing circumstances and because of separation from them, one is placed in a most regrettable position, within heavenly or hellish planets, as if burning in a fire of lamentation
- One should not endeavor to be promoted to the higher planetary systems, only to return to this earth or descend still lower to the hellish planets. To stop this cycle of going up and coming down, one must take to Krsna consciousness
- One who is always engaged in sinful activities must utilize the process of ablution called prayascitta. Without doing so, one surely will be transferred to hellish planets to undergo miserable lives as the result of sinful activities. BG 1972 purports
- Sir - he (Maharaja Pariksit) said, - you (Sukadeva Gosvami) have described that because of one's sinful activities he is put into a hellish condition of life or in a hellish planetary system. Now, what are the methods by which such a person can be saved
- Some authorities say that there is a total of twenty-one hellish planets, and some say twenty-eight. My dear King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva Gosvami) shall outline all of them according to their names, forms and symptoms
- Sometimes he (nitya-baddha jiva) is elevated to higher planetary systems, and sometimes he is degraded to hellish planets and subjected to the tribulations of the external energy
- Sometimes he even goes to the hellish planets. Hellish conditions do not affect Narada Muni because he is engaged in greatly responsible activities in devotional service
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that the different hellish planets within this universe are held slightly above the Garbhodaka Ocean and remain situated there
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives evidence of where these planets (hellish and heavenly planetary systems) are and indicates how far they are from this planet, just as astronomers have calculated how far the moon and other heavenly bodies are from earth
- The hellish planets are situated in the lower portions of this universe. Therefore they are called adho bhuvah. Ajamila could understand that the Yamadutas had come from that region
- The names of the different hells are as follows: Sarameyadana, Avici, Ayahpana, Ksarakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka, Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana and Sucimukha. All these planets are meant for punishing the living entities
- The rule is that you should go down to live in the hellish planets, because you have been unable to give charity according to your promise. Therefore, in accordance with the order of Sukracarya, your spiritual master, now go down and live there
- The witnesses and the Supreme Lord both exist, and therefore so many living entities are elevated to higher planetary systems or degraded to lower planetary systems, including the hellish planets
- There are different planetary systems, known as Devaloka (the planets of the demigods), Pitrloka (the planet of the Pitas) and Niraya (the hellish planets)
- There are different planetary systems, known as Devaloka (the planets of the demigods), Pitrloka (the planet of the Pitas) and Niraya - the hellish planets
- There is a path toward liberation in the higher planetary systems and a path toward the hellish planets, but a narayana-para devotee is unafraid wherever he is sent; he simply wants to remember Krsna, wherever he may be
- This is the perfection of life and the real solution to life's problems (to go back to Godhead). We should not be eager to go to the higher, heavenly planetary systems, nor should we act in such a way that we have to go to the hellish planets
- This material world resembles the waves of a constantly flowing river. Therefore, what is a curse and what is a favor? What are the heavenly planets, and what are the hellish planets?
- This universe is fully described in the Fifth Canto of SB. You will see it, where, which planet, where it is situated, what is the dimension, what kind of people live there. Everything is there. Similarly, there are description of the hellish planet
- Those who are devotees of Narayana or Krishna, they are not afraid of any planet, even they are sent in the heavenly planets or the hellish planets, because they have Narayana within their heart, they are equally situated
- Those who are sinful, they do not take immediately birth. They first of all trained up in the hellish planet how to suffer to become accustomed and then they are taken birth, then suffer
- To perform this activity, it doesn't require much energy, much austerity. Simply you join the sankirtana movement, and ecstasy you dance, take prasadam. By this process you are guaranteed you will never go to the hellish planet
- We (Yamadutas) were bringing the most sinful Ajamila toward the hellish planets, following your (Yamaraja's) order, when those beautiful persons from Siddhaloka forcibly cut the knots of the ropes with which we were arresting him
- We can promote ourself in the heavenly planets and we can degrade ourself to the hellish planets also - both ways. Because as soon as we are engaged in karma, unknowingly or knowingly we commit some sinful activities. This is the position
- When he (the conditioned spirit soul) is punished for his abominable activities, he is thrown into hellish planets where he suffers the miseries of material existence more acutely
- When Pariksit Maharaja inquired how a human being could free himself from sinful activities so as not to be forced to go to hellish planetary systems after death, Sukadeva Gosvami answered that the process of counteracting sinful life is atonement
- Where is the sun is situated & how far above the sun the moon is situated, how far above the moon the Mars, Jupiter - everything is clearly described. Where the hellish planets are situated, & how in the hellish planets different sinful men are suffering
- Whether one is in the heavenly or hellish planets or is a rich or a poor man's son, material conditions are everywhere. Therefore no condition of life is at all pleasing
- Without this consciousness (the original consciousness), one melts into complete darkness. Whether one goes to the upper planetary systems or the hellish planetary systems, he simply wastes his time
- Yamaraja is not a fictitious or mythological character; he has his own abode, Pitrloka, of which he is king. Agnostics may not believe in hell, but Sukadeva Gosvami affirms the existence of the Naraka planets
- You are not thinking it is hellish? This is hellish planet. What do you mean by hellish planet? Especially this London, (laughter) always dark and moist, and what do you want more, hellish?
- You will develop unadulterated DS unto Me and be freed from all material contamination. At that time, being completely unattached to material enjoyment in the so-called heavenly planets as well as in hellish planets, you will return home, back to Godhead