Category:Hearing the Holy Names of God
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Pages in category "Hearing the Holy Names of God"
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- A pure devotee who has been trained in the practice of chanting and hearing the holy name of the Lord and His fame, qualities, form, paraphernalia and so on is never interested in elevation to the heavenly planets
- According to Hindu scripture, God's name is the most powerful hymn. If everyone hears the chanting of the name, the potency of the hymn will be lost
- According to Sri Sukadeva Gosvami, this way of attaining success (hearing the holy name of God) is an established fact, concluded not only by him, but also by all other previous acaryas. Therefore, there is no need of further evidence
- According to the present verse of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Madhya 16.186, quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.33.6), it is understood that even a lowborn person can immediately perform sacrifices if he sincerely chants and hears the holy name of the Lord
- According to this process, one hears, chants, remembers and engages in Deity worship, acting under the directions of the spiritual master. These are the essential primary activities of devotional service
- After offering her obeisances to the tulasi plant and Haridasa Thakura, she sat down at the door. Hearing Haridasa Thakura chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, she also chanted, "O my Lord Hari, O my Lord Hari"
- After saying this, Haridasa Thakura continued to chant the holy name of the Lord. Thus the woman sitting before him began to hear the chanting of the holy name
- After sowing this seed (of devotional service), one has to water it in the form of chanting and hearing the holy name of the Supreme Lord or by taking part in discussions about the science of devotional service in a society of pure devotees
- Always hearing them chant the holy names of Lord Krsna, the residents of all the other villages also became Vaisnavas
- Arjuna addresses Him: "Sthane Hrsikesa" (B.G. 11:36) - "the world becomes joyful hearing Your Name; and thus do all become attached to You." The process of chanting is herein authorized as the direct means of contacting the Supreme Absolute Truth the PG
- As stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 9.5.16), yan-nama-sruti-matrena puman bhavati nirmalah: simply by hearing the holy name of the Lord, one is immediately purified
- At that time (when Srivasa Pandita was hearing the thousand names of Lord Visnu in the sraddha ceremony of his father) Gaurahari (Lord Caitanya) appeared on the scene, and He also began to hear the thousand names of Visnu with full satisfaction
- Attachment for glorifying the Lord by hearing and chanting the holy name and activities of the Lord (sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23)) certainly brings one to the position where material contamination is absent
- By chanting and dancing or hearing the holy name of the Lord a devotee develops his original attitude of service to the Lord
- By chanting and hearing the holy names of Krsna, a person can remember the forms and qualities of Krsna
- By constant hearing of the holy name, their (persons who have no intelligence or no faith in the subject matter) hearts will be purified, and then they will be able to understand the transcendental position of the holy name
- By hearing the holy names and glories of the Lord, a person executes pious activities. Srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtanah (SB 1.2.17). Thus his material hankerings immediately stop
- Haridasa Thakura chanted the holy name of the Lord for three nights continuously and gave the prostitute a chance to hear him. Thus she became purified
- Haridasa Thakura never wanted to enjoy the prostitute, but he tricked her to deliver her by giving her a chance to hear the holy name of the Lord while he chanted
- Hearing of the holy name gradually promotes one to the stage of hearing about His form, about His attributes, His pastimes and so on, and thus the necessity of the chanting of His glories develops successively
- Hearing of the holy name, form and qualities of the Lord is essential
- Here (in SB 2.1.11) it is mentioned that one should constantly chant the holy name of the Lord after hearing it from authorities. This means that hearing from the authorities is the first essential
- Herein (SB 3.33.6) the spiritual potency of chanting, hearing or remembering the holy name of the Supreme Lord is greatly stressed
- If the reaction does not take place, even after continuous hearing and chanting of the holy name of the Lord, it may be considered to be due to offenses only. That is the opinion of the Sandarbha
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.2.36) Sukadeva Gosvami confirms that one should always think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - not only think of Him, but one should also hear and chant His name, fame and glories
- In the Kali-yuga, the maximum duration of life being one hundred years only and that combined with various difficulties, the recommended process of self-realization is that of hearing and chanting of the holy name, fame, and pastimes of the Lord
- It (relationship with Krsna) may be regained or revived by the process of hearing the Holy Name of Krsna and then the devotee engages himself in the service of the Lord which is his original or constitutional position
- It is said in the Padma Purana, atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih (CC Madhya 17.136). Chanting and hearing of the transcendental holy name of the Lord cannot be performed by the ordinary senses
- Kirtanam. The hearing of the holy name has been described. Now let us try to understand the chanting of the holy name, which is the second item in the consecutive order. It is recommended that such chanting be performed very loudly
- Krsna's name, form, qualities, pastimes, paraphernalia and abode are all part and parcel of Krsna. However, understanding Krsna begins with hearing and chanting His name. Then there is His form
- One has to practice hearing and chanting and follow the other regulative principles by washing the temple, cleansing oneself, rising early in the morning, attending mangala-arati and so on
- One may be the lowest of the low - a candala, or dog-eater - but if he takes to chanting and hearing the holy name of the Lord, he is immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices. This is especially true in this Age of Kali
- One thing we must remember that we are not professional musicians or concert party. Our main business is to vibrate the Holy Name of Krishna everywhere so that the people will be benefited by hearing the transcendental sound
- One who hears the Hare Krsna mantra thus vibrated is awakened to spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. In this way one’s mind gradually becomes purified, as stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - ceto-darpana-marjanam - CC Antya 20.12
- One who hears the transcendental sound vibration of the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krsna, also improves in health
- Prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama, sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama: (CB Antya-khanda 4.126) "In every town and village throughout the world," said Lord Caitanya, - the chanting of My holy name will be heard
- Pure devotees chant the Hare Krsna mantra, and simply by hearing this chanting from a purified transcendental person, one is purified of all sinful activities, no matter how lowborn or fallen one may be
- Sanatana means eternal, always and everywhere. Bhagavata means pertaining to Bhagavan, the Lord. The Lord is the master of all time and all space, and therefore the Lord's holy name must be heard, glorified and remembered everywhere in the world
- Simply by hearing the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, and the names of Krsna diligently, submissively, and from the bona fide source, we can immediately get some relief from this material existence
- Sravanam. Hearing of the holy name of the Lord (sravanam) is the beginning of devotional service. Although any one of the nine processes is sufficient, in chronological order the hearing of the holy name of the Lord is the beginning. It is essential
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra to give everyone a chance to hear Krsna's holy name, for simply by hearing Hare Krsna one becomes purified, CC Antya 20.12: ceto-darpana-marjanam
- Sri-visnoh sravane pariksid abhavad vaiyasakih kirtane (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.265). According to this verse, Maharaja Pariksit became liberated by fully concentrating his mind on hearing the Lord's holy name, attributes and pastimes
- Sridhara Svami has remarked that a pure devotee takes advantage of another pure devotee by trying to hear from him about the holy name, form and qualities of the Lord. If there is no such opportunity, he alone chants and hears the Lord's holy name
- Srila Sanatana Gosvami has forbidden us to hear the holy name of Krsna chanted by non-Vaisnavas, such as professional actors and singers, for it will have no effect. It is like milk touched by the lips of a serpent
- That (God's holy name must be heard, glorified and remembered) will bring about the desired peace and prosperity so eagerly awaited by the people of the world. The word ca includes all the remaining processes or methods of bhakti-yoga, as mentioned above
- The chanting of the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - is pleasing to the ear, and it expands good fortune to the audience who hears it chanted
- The holy name of the Lord is the Lord Himself. If one chants and hears, he becomes purified. Gradually all material contamination disappears
- The holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so powerful that if once heard without offenses, it can purify the lowest of men
- The Lord has innumerable forms and names and devotees may meditate upon a particular form and chant the holy name according to his attraction. The best course is to hear of the holy name, form and so on from a pure devotee of the same standard as oneself
- The lowest of men, who are called candalas, are less than sudras, but they also can be purified simply by hearing the holy name of the Lord, not to speak of personally seeing the Lord
- The neophyte devotees are advised to engage in devotional service, such as to hear and chant the holy name of God, to remember Him always, to chant on beads Hare Krsna
- The ninth offense is to preach the glories of the holy name of God to a faithless person who is not interested in hearing them
- The only method of controlling the senses is to chant and hear the holy name of the Lord; otherwise, one will always be disturbed, as a householder with more than one wife would be disturbed by them for sense gratification
- The process (hear God's name) is recommended not only for the progressive students in different departments of ideological success, but also for those who are successful in their achievement as fruitive workers, as philosophers or as devotees of the Lord
- The simple process of offenselessly chanting and hearing the holy name of the Lord will gradually promote one very soon to the stage of emancipation
- The tenth and last offense is to maintain material attachment even after hearing and chanting the holy names of God
- The tenth offense (against the holy name of God) is to become uninterested in the holy name of the Lord even after hearing of the transcendental nature of the holy name
- The transcendental holy name of the Lord may be heard and chanted accordingly to the attraction of the devotee. One may chant the holy name of Lord Krsna, or one may chant the holy name of Lord Rama or Nrsimhadeva
- Thinking of Krsna, hearing the holy name of Krsna or hearing the pastimes of Krsna will make one pure, and then he will become a devotee
- This (chanting and hearing the holy name of God) is especially recommended in this age of Kali
- This process (hearing the holy name of God) is recommended not only for the successful execution of devotional service, but also even for those who are materially attached
- We have already discussed developing a taste for hearing and chanting the holy sound. It is done through the medium of service to the pure devotee of the Lord
- What is impossible for the servants of the Lord? By the very hearing of His holy name one is purified
- What to speak of stopping death, no one can enhance the short period of life even by a fraction of a moment. The only hope of suspending the cruel slaughtering process of Yamaraja is to call him to hear and chant the holy name of the Lord
- When a man is sleeping, he can be awakened by sound vibration; therefore every conditioned soul should be given the chance to hear the Hare Krsna mantra chanted by a pure Vaisnava
- When Caitanya heard the holy name of Lord Nrsimha He became angry like Him. His eyes became red, His bodily hairs stood on end, all the parts of His body trembled, and He made a thundering sound
- When He (Caitanya) heard the holy name of Lord Nrsimha, Lord Caitanya became absorbed in thought, and He became angry like Nrsimha Prabhu in His angry mood
- When the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is heard by any person, that person is immediately sanctified. The Supreme Lord is master of the devotees, and the devotees, under His shelter, naturally come to own His opulences - said by Durvasa
- While chanting and dancing or hearing the holy name of the Lord, one automatically remembers the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and because there is no difference between the holy name and Krsna, the chanter is immediately linked with Krsna