Category:Healthy Men
Pages in category "Healthy Men"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- A diseased man cannot enjoy himself properly; a man with jaundice, for instance, will taste sugar candy as bitter, but a healthy man can taste its sweetness. In either case, the sugar candy is the same, but according to our condition it tastes different
- A diseased man cannot enjoy life; his enjoyment of life is a false enjoyment. But when he is cured and is healthy, then he is able to enjoy
- A diseased man, he cannot imitate the healthy man. A healthy man eats as he likes, but a diseased man, if he eats as he likes, he'll die. Death is sure. So he has to be restricted, not the healthy man
- A diseased man, he cannot say, "I am perfect in health." That is not possible. Similarly, if we are defective in so many ways, and if I want to become teacher or preacher to give you the truth, then how can I give? This is not possible
- A diseased man, he is also eating, and the healthy man is eating. But he is having bitter taste. A man with jaundice, if you give him sugar candy, he will taste as bitter
- A diseased man, if you give a nice foodstuff, he cannot eat much. After tasting, "All right, that's all." Finished. Because he is diseased. And give to a healthy man, oh, he will take so much. This is a crude example
- A diseased man: he is also eating, he is also sleeping, he is also having other duties; but that he is eating, sleeping, and the healthy man's eating, sleeping is not the same thing
- A diseased person, he has to be brought into the healthy condition of life, to cure the disease. So just a man, when he's diseased and when he's healthy, from external feature, the same
- A doctor, medical man. He diagnoses according to the symptom. He finds out the cause. So symptom is required, not that a man has become diseased or healthy by birth. No
- A healthy man is engaged in healthy activities, and the diseased man is engaged in diseased activities. The diseased man is also lying down, and the healthy man is also lying down. There is vast of difference
- A healthy man, he thinks, "I am enjoying," but he does not see that even he is now healthy, he will be an old man, he will be attacked with disease, he will die, and still he thinks, - I am healthy
- A healthy man, if he is in the society of contamination, is it not his life is very risky? He may be contaminated and infected by disease any moment
- A man in his healthy condition, he is happy, but in his diseased condition he is not happy, similarly, we, being part and parcel of the Supreme, we are naturally jubilant, but on account of being contacted in material nature, we are morose
- A man is generally healthy, but sometimes he falls sick, so at the present moment our condition is sick. It is called bhava-roga
- Although these two men - Sisupala and Dantavakra - repeatedly blasphemed the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu (Krsna), the Supreme Brahman, they were quite healthy
- At the maximum enough food for two people, for man as well as for the cow. That person will be healthy and nourished other times he will chant Harinama. The cow will produce milk and after drinking it, the man will be healthy and nourished
- Fasting is recommended when a man is diseased. When he's in health, there is feasting. So spiritual world means health. Why there should be fasting?
- Fever subsides, that's all right. Fever has subsided. But healthy life is when he will work as a healthy man. Simply saying: "No, no more fever," no more fever, lying down on the bed, is the nirvana stage
- His condition is diseased, therefore, he actually cannot enjoy the sweetness of sugar candy. But when he is cured, a man in healthy state, if you give him sugar candy, oh, he will say, he will appreciate, - Oh, it is very sweet, very nice
- Hoping this meets you and the other men of your party in the best of health and spirits
- If a man is ghostly haunted, he cannot have healthy condition. He's in a troubled condition, ghostly haunted
- If I do not change for the better, then my life is very risky. Suppose a healthy man, if he is in the society of contamination, is it not his life is very risky?
- If more men come, then I shall describe all this anthill civilization. "Health." Nonsense, what "Health"? He'll be kicked out immediately
- If you stick to this point (rejecting false ahankara identification), and continue - just as you might continue your activities and keep your temperature at 98.6 degrees - then you are a healthy man
- In diseased state, if we imitate a healthy man's activity, then death is sure. Nobody can say - Oh, Krsna enjoyed with so many girls. Oh, let me enjoy also
- Sleep; you require some rest. But don't sleep twenty-six hours. Not like that. Utmost six hours to eight hours, sufficient for any healthy man
- Sometimes a small pot can be filled up with the water produced from my body like this, put. Of course, one must be healthy man; then he'll perspire and water will come out from the body
- The body must be considered a diseased condition. A diseased man cannot enjoy himself properly; a man with jaundice, for instance, will taste sugar candy as bitter, but a healthy man can taste its sweetness
- The doctor says, if anyone sleeps more than eight hours, he is diseased. He must be weak. Healthy man sleeps at a stretch six hours. That is sufficient. That's all
- The final cure is when one is not only out of fever, but he is acting like a healthy man. Otherwise it is again there is possibility
- The message of Godhead is always like nectar to the devotees, but it is just the opposite to the nondevotees. Sugar candy is always sweet to a healthy man, but it tastes very bitter to persons suffering from jaundice