Category:Have Made
"have made"
Pages in category "Have Made"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- All the great acaryas of the four Vaisnava sampradayas have made commentaries on the Vedanta-sutra, but the so-called devotees known as prakrta-sahajiya carefully avoid the study of Vedanta-sutra
- Although we have made our friendship with Krsna and He will always protect us, but at the same time this devotional line is risky also, that we create so many enemies
- Arjuna had to keep the promise he had made before Draupadi just to pacify her. And he also had to satisfy both Bhima and Krsna, who advised killing him (Asvatthama). This dilemma was present before Arjuna, and the solution was awarded by Krsna
- Dr. Radhakrishnan's writing lacked spiritual insight: in many places he had mishandled and misinterpreted the text, and thus he had made his book unacceptable to spiritualists in the line of pure devotion
- Duhkhalayam means the place of miseries. We are thinking that we have made a paradise, but actually the place is miserable, because the threefold miseries, they are there
- Economy will not suffer, but economy will be simplified because we have made some artificial economy. Actually, in the Bhagavad-gita we find the economic problem is solved by producing food grains
- Everyone can understand it (that we are spirit souls). It is very simple thing. But the modern education has made them so dull brain, they cannot understand, neither do they try to understand. That is the difficulty
- Foolish people think, "Why God has made me poor? Why God has made so many poor men?" God has not made. They have made themselves poor. God has not made. He does not make any distinguish. He says the plain truth
- For the past five hundred years many scholars have made elaborate commentaries upon Srimad-Bhagavatam and have displayed unique scholarship
- From India a large number of renowned persons frequently visit temples throughout the world and they have made remarks to the effect that in each and every temple arrangements for daily worship and functions are remarkably done smoothly and methodically
- He (Christ) said - that is in the Bible - that he took all the sinful reactions of the people and sacrificed his life. But these Christian people have made it a law for Christ to suffer while they do all nonsense. Such great fools they are
- Hiranyakasipu murmured to himself, - Lord Visnu, who possesses great mystic power, has made this plan to kill me, but what is the use of such an attempt? Who can fight with me
- However nicely you have made all these material facilities, amenities, you cannot stay here. You have got a certain amount of energy. So that energy is meant for some other purpose
- I am training some, I mean to say, advanced students so that they may be very easily take up the charge. I have made them GBC. They are under my direct training, and I think they will be able to conduct this movement
- I have made a Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. That is my will, and I have given my will that fifty percent of the collection should be spent for reprinting the books and fifty percent should be spent for spreading the movement
- I have made it a policy that there must be at least ten initiated brahmanas in a temple before deities are installed
- I hope you are continuing to study Bengali. I shall be glad to know how much progress you have made by this time
- I thank you for so promptly sending the dried banana. You are always seeing to my comforts and your service in this regard is much appreciated by me. I also thank you for the nice shirts you have made
- I understand from Gurudasa that you had some meeting amongst yourselves to chalk out the plan and I shall be glad to know what plan you have made, as he has mentioned this meeting in his letter, which I am replying herewith
- In future if they follow, they will also be delivered. This is wanted. We have made some plan. We are making. So this will be left. When we shall die this will be left. And anyone who will accept this parampara system will be promoted to Krsna
- People will not die without coffee and tea. But they have made the whole world self-dependent on coffee and tea, mercantile policy. There is anartha
- Prajapati Daksa condemned Narada Muni because Narada, a brahmacari who could beg from door to door, had made sannyasis of Daksa's sons, who were being trained to be grhasthas
- Recently I have made one record in Los Angeles, so in trying to train our men in that rhythm is not difficult. Just arrange for sixteen men; four mrdangas, harmonium, tamboura, and the rest playing karatalas
- Religion means to know the real law, how this world is going on, what is the law. That is religion. Religion is not a sentiment. They have made it a kind of faith
- Small problems are automatically solved. Even the animals are enjoying mating, sleeping, eating and defending. The arrangements are all provided. These demands of the body are not really problems, but we have made them into problems
- So this line of devotional service, there is direction in the sastras. Therefore we have made prohibition that no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat, fish-eating, no intoxication. Even the smallest intoxication, that is also dangerous. Just like fire
- Sunya means zero, one who has made all material desires zero. That is the way (of pure devotees). In the Buddha philosophy it is called nirvana. Nirvana means make zero, sunyavadi. But we cannot remain in the sunya. That is not possible
- The advanced scientists have made no attempt to understand the living spark, the spirit, which is always the most important subject. This is our gross ignorance. This is our helplessness
- The anxiety caused by separation from Krsna has made Me (Lord Caitanya) impatient, and I can think of no way to meet Him. O My friends, you are also deranged by lamentation. Who, therefore, will tell Me how to find Him?
- The anxiety of Prahlada Maharaja, "How these rascals, who have made a plan for happiness of a few men, gorgeous plan." And they're . . . for happiness of the government servant, that's all
- The charge is false. Those who have made that charge do not know what "Hinduism" is
- The conditioned soul has become so dull and rascal, he does not take seriously that "Why I am dying?" Therefore they have made their own theory, that there is no life after death, everything finished after death
- The end is the same - sex, that's all, which the cats and dogs enjoy in the street. And they have made this civilization, you see. Working very hard, and enjoy the sex. Is it not
- The King's (Pariksit's) anger and envy, directed toward the brahmana sage (Srngi's father), were unprecedented, being that circumstances had made him hungry and thirsty
- There are bugs, worms, mosquitoes, stool, urine and so many things attacking the new body. These are the threefold miseries, yet we think that we have made such progress
- There cannot be any other name of the Absolute Truth than Krsna - "the all-attractive." Learned sages have made extensive research in this connection, and they have firmly concluded that Krsna is the Supreme Godhead
- There is no money, but they (the city people) have made economic condition in such a clever way that we are accepting these papers as money. Real riches is actually the grains and milk. That is real riches
- They have made the whole aim of life sense gratification. - Indriyartha. And for that purpose, a few years, they're making huge arrangement, "How we shall become happy?" And next life a dog. It is risky
- Those who are devotees, they have no kama. Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Brs. 1.1.11). Anya. Anya means other than Krsna's service. They have made all, everything zero. We don't want all these things. We simply want to serve Krsna
- Those who have made up their minds to remain in this material world and enjoy sense gratification cannot become Krsna conscious - SB 7.5.30
- To pacify Rukmini, Lord Balarama said to her, "You should not be sorry that your brother (Rukmi) has been made odd-looking. Everyone suffers or enjoys the results of his own actions"
- We have made such a civilization that no responsibility for marriage. Let the girls become prostitutes and enjoy and go away. Horrible civilization
- We have made the process easy, that's all, by following great, stalwart personalities. But it is not that it is a blind following. It is based on philosophy and science, this Krsna consciousness
- Whatever property we have now made, Krsna has given us. But now, to maintain this, to save this prestigious position, that is difficult. Little mismanagement, there may be so many difficulties
- Whatever you are, that doesn't matter. But act it on the platform of consciousness. And that platform, acting on the consciousness, is Lord Caitanya has made very easy
- Whole educational system is defective because there is no spiritual education. That has made everything impossible
- You (Gopala Capala) have made Srivasa Thakura appear to have been worshiping the goddess Bhavani. Simply for this offense, you will have to fall down into hellish life for ten million births
- You are with us practically for the last four years and still if you think you cannot surrender to Krishna without any doubt, then what kind of progress you have made by this time?
- You cannot say that, "I have worked so hard. I have made my country, my family, my house so nice. Why I shall get out?" "No. You must." Or "Let me stay here for some days more." - No, not even a second. You must get out
- You cannot say: "No, I have made my philosophy to become a child." That may be your personal philosophy, but law will not allow you. Ignorance is no excuse
- You cannot say: "Why the government has made me uneducated?" Government is giving facility to everyone, "Come on." And is that argument, "Why government has made me criminal?" You have made yourself criminal
- You have created this material civilization, very advancement. That is all right. But whether you have made any security arrangement that you'll be able to enjoy them? Is there any arrangement? This requires little brain
- You have earned this, you have made this America so nice by tapasya, by austerity. It has not come out automatically. You have labored hard. That is called tapasya
- You have made me lose my sons once, and now you have again done the same inauspicious thing. Therefore you are a rascal who does not know how to behave toward others. You may travel all over the universe, but I curse you to have no residence anywhere