Category:God Is Lord Kapiladeva
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- A person who is interested in inquiring about transcendental subjects, krsna-katha, makes a paramahamsa very glad. Therefore Kapiladeva was very glad to hear that His mother was eager to receive information on how to be delivered from material bondage
- About Kapiladeva it is said, kapilas tattva-sankhyata: "Kapila, the Supreme Person," "He can explain what is Absolute Truth." Kapilas tattva-sankhyata bhagavan. Without Bhagavan, nobody knows what is the actual position of the Ultimate Truth
- After hearing of His mother's uncontaminated desire for transcendental realization, the Lord thanked her within Himself for her questions, and thus, His face smiling, He explained the path of the transcendentalists, who are interested in self-realization
- After his son grew up, Kardama Muni, being a strict follower of the Vedas, left home and put his wife in the charge of his grown son, Kapiladeva
- Although Devahuti was the mother of Kapiladeva, she presented herself as a humble woman. It was not that she considered herself superior because she was His mother
- Although Kapiladeva is her son, Devahuti does not hesitate to take instructions from Him. She does not say, "Oh, He is my son. What can He tell me? I am His mother, and I shall instruct Him." Instruction has to be taken from one who is in knowledge
- Amongst the perpetually living entities, Kapila is considered an incarnation of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Amsuman said to Lord Kapiladeva the Supreme Personality of Godhead "Because You are beyond even the direct and indirect intelligence of Lord Brahma," he prayed, "unless we are enlightened by Your Lordship it will not be possible for us to understand You"
- Amsuman said: My Lord, even Lord Brahma is to this very day unable to understand Your position, which is far beyond himself, either by meditation or by mental speculation
- As far as the saktyavesa-avataras are concerned, they include Kapila and Rsabha, Ananta, Brahma (sometimes the Lord Himself becomes Brahma), Catuhsana (the incarnation of knowledge), Narada (the incarnation of devotional service)
- As stated here, sri-bhagavan uvaca. It does not say vyasadeva uvaca or kapiladeva uvaca. Similarly, in Bhagavad-gita, Vyasadeva says, sri-bhagavan uvaca. Bhagavan refers to Him who is above the defects of this material world
- As the Supreme Personality of Godhead, You have taken birth from my abdomen. O my Lord, how is that possible for the supreme one, who has in His belly all the cosmic manifestation?
- At that time (when we feel pleasure from hearing about Krsna and talking about Him), material suffering will not be felt at all. This is the practical effect of rendering devotional service, which Lord Kapila is pointing out to His mother
- Because we belong to Brahma's disciplic succession we should accept his statement that the real Kapila is the son of Devahuti and that real Sankhya philosophy is the system of philosophy which He introduced
- Being a yogi, Kardama Muni strictly followed these principles; therefore as soon as Kapiladeva was grown, Devahuti was placed in His charge. Kardama Muni then left home. As stated in this verse: pitari prasthite 'ranyam matuh priya-cikirsaya
- Being the wife of a great yogi, Devahuti understood her constitutional position; therefore she is placing her problem before her son, Kapiladeva, an incarnation of God
- Bhagavan Kapila is also known as Devahuti-putra Kapila. Both Kapilas expounded Sankhya philosophy, but the atheist Kapila expounded it without understanding, perception or realization of God
- But since he (Kardama Muni) knew that the Lord Himself, as Kapila, had taken birth in his home as his own son, why was he preparing to leave home to search out self-realization or God realization?
- By developing Krsna consciousness, knowledge in renunciation, and by practicing yoga, in which the mind is always fixed in devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one achieves My (Kapiladeva's) association in this very life
- By nature we are part and parcel of Krsna, and Krsna is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. In order to transcend the darkness of material life & go to the world of light, we need to approach a guru. It is for this reason that Devahuti is approaching Lord Kapiladeva
- Devahuti continued: My dear Lord, please also describe in detail, both for me and for people in general, the continual process of birth and death, for by hearing of such calamities we may become detached from the activities of this material world
- Devahuti expressed that she was tired. Now that her husband had left home, she wanted to get relief by hearing the instructions of Lord Kapila
- Devahuti has submissively accepted her son as her guru. She wants to understand Krsna perfectly, by the grace of Kapiladeva
- Devahuti herein takes shelter of Kapiladeva and tells Him, "You are the ax capable of making me detached." When our attachment to the material world is severed, we become free. Bhakti is the means by which we can develop this detachment
- Devahuti inquired: My dear Lord, You have already very scientifically described the symptoms of the total material nature and the characteristics of the spirit according to the Sankhya system of philosophy
- Devahuti requested Lord Kapila to free her from that entanglement of false identification and false possession
- Devahuti said to her son, "My dear Lord, there are nine different kinds of devotional service, beginning from hearing and chanting"
- Devahuti said to Kapiladeva. Anyone who hears about Your pastimes, who chants about Your glories, who offers You obeisances, who thinks of You and, in this way, executes any of the nine kinds of devotional service
- Devahuti said to Kapiladeva: My dear Lord, if even a person born in a family of dog-eaters hears and repeats the chanting of Your glories, offers respects to You and remembers You, he is immediately greater than a brahmana
- Devahuti was given to her grown son, Kapiladeva, and Kapiladeva was fully aware that He had to take care of His mother
- Devahuti was not an ordinary woman. She was the wife of Kardama Muni, a great yogi. She had obviously learned something from her husband, for had she not been very exalted, how could Bhagavan Kapiladeva have become her son
- Devahuti's son was known as Kapila, and Akuti's son was known as Yajnamurti. Both of Them taught about religion and philosophical knowledge
- Devotees are not interested in speculative knowledge. Therefore, the Sankhya enunciated by Kapila Muni is meant to establish one firmly in devotional service
- Devotees are not interested in speculative knowledge; the Sankhya enunciated by Kapila Muni is meant to establish one firmly in devotional service
- During these talks (about self-realization) the topic of Lord Kapila had come up, and at that time Maitreya had repeated Kapiladeva's discussions with His mother, wherein the Lord states that attachment to material things is the cause of conditioned life
- He (Kapiladeva) will explain to His mother what tattva is, how one can approach the tattva jnana, and how one can actually enjoy tattva jnana. This is not simply dry speculation
- He (Kardama Muni) was a householder, although a yogi, but he had the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kapila Muni as his son
- He (Krsna) clearly says, bhaktya mam abhijanati: (BG 18.55) "Only by devotional service can I be understood." If we want to know Krsna as He is, we have to accept the process of bhakti. It is this bhakti process that Kapiladeva will reveal to Devahuti
- He (Lord Kapila) concluded that He should try to give her (Devahuti) the ultimate conclusion of philosophical knowledge, which is this Sankhya philosophy
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) did not approach Him to get some gold or some medicine. He went to find out his real self-interest. This is the real purpose for approaching a guru. Devahuti approached Lord Kapiladeva in the same way
- He described the Sankhya system of philosophy, which is a combination of devotional service and mystic realization, as received by disciplic succession
- Hearing from Krsna or His expansion or plenary expansion like Kapila is very pleasing to the senses
- Her (Devahuti) questions to Lord Kapila are very interesting for persons who are actually trying to get liberation from material entanglement and attain the perfectional stage of human life
- Here (in SB 3.25.14) we find that although Kapila Muni is the Lord Himself and is capable of manufacturing a new doctrine for His mother, He nevertheless says, "I shall just explain the ancient system which I once explained to the great sages
- His Lordship Kapila, the incarnation of the Lord, instructed His mother fully about the personal form of the Lord, and thereby she realized the personal form of the Lord and was able to achieve a place in the Vaikunthaloka where, Lord Kapila predominates
- How can this perfect yoga be attained? That is explained by Lord Kapila in the next verse: ratam va pumsi muktaye. If our consciousness is simply attached to Krsna, we will be liberated
- How devotional service vanquishes the reactions of sinful life is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.33.6) in a verse spoken during Lord Kapiladeva's instructions to His mother, Devahuti
- How the human being is born is described by Kapiladeva. The human being develops in the mother's abdomen and suffers there and comes out again
- I believe, my Lord, that You are Lord Visnu Himself under the name of Kapila, and You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Brahman
- I will speak to you about the symptoms of yoga system - "with authorized statement." He (Kapiladeva) is Bhagavan, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Whatever He speaks, that is authorized. You cannot argue
- If a recognized devotee brings forth the Supreme Personality of Godhead as his son, how he should be praised! Brahma, therefore, not only worshiped the incarnation of Godhead Kapila but also praised His so-called father, Kardama Muni
- If anyone wants to understand Krsna and wants relationship with Krsna, then one must take to this process of bhakti-yoga. That is sankhya-yoga. That will be explained by Kapiladeva. Bhakti-yoga means sankhya-yoga
- If one is fortunate enough to get the association of a spiritual master like Kapila Muni or His representative, then by his grace one can be delivered from the mire of ignorance
- If simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord one becomes sanctified instantly, then what can be said of those persons who see the Supreme Lord face to face and who understand the descent of the Lord, as Devahuti understands Kapiladeva
- If we actually want to attain a state beyond fear, we have to accept this bhakti-yoga process enunciated by Lord Kapiladeva
- If we want to approach God, we have to take shelter of the guru in the beginning. Devahuti is begging the mercy of Kapiladeva in order to understand the way to approach Krsna
- In his book Laghu-bhagavatamrta, Srila Rupa Gosvami has enumerated the following twenty-five lila-avataras: Catuh-sana, Narada, Varaha, Matsya, Yajna, Nara-Narayana, Kapila, Dattatreya, Hayasirsa (Hayagriva), Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Rsabha
- In old age the progress of woman depends on the grown-up son. The ideal son, Kapila Muni, is assuring His father of the deliverance of His mother so that His father may go peacefully without anxiety for his good wife
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.33.7) Devahuti says to Kapiladeva: O my Lord, even a person born in a low family of dog-eaters is glorious if he always chants the holy name of the Lord
- In the previous verse (SB 3.25.1), the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Devahuti-putra Kapiladeva has been explained as bhagavan atma-mayaya
- In the previous verse Kapiladeva instructed: yoga adhyatmikah pumsam mato nihsreyasaya. The soul is entrapped in the body, and the process of perfect yoga is the process of saving the soul from bodily confinement and the four miseries that plague the body
- In these verses (SB 3.25.39-40), Kapiladeva is describing the devotee's acceptance of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as the most dear to us
- In this verse (SB 3.24.17) the activities and bodily features of Kapila Muni are very nicely described
- In this verse (SB 3.25.38) Kapiladeva addresses His mother as santa-rupa, indicating that the opulences of devotees are fixed because devotees are eternally fixed in the Vaikuntha atmosphere
- In this way (satisfying Krsna's senses) our senses are spiritualized, and this is called adhyatmika-yoga or bhakti-yoga. This is the yoga that Lord Kapiladeva is herein expounding
- Is it not a fact that your good self is the direct representative of Kapiladeva, the incarnation of the SPG? To examine people and see who is actually a human being and who is not, you have presented yourself to be a deaf and dumb person
- It is clearly stated by Kapila Muni that bhakti activities, or activities in devotional service, are transcendental to mukti. This is called pancama-purusartha
- It is confirmed by Kapiladeva that bhakti, or devotional service, is gariyasi, more glorious than siddhi, liberation
- It is noteworthy that BG or SB never states that krsna uvaca ("Krsna says") or kapiladeva uvaca ("Kapiladeva says"). Rather, it states bhagavan uvaca ("the Supreme Personality of Godhead says"). This means that the version is perfect
- It is said of Kapiladeva: kapilas tattva-sankhyata bhagavan. Lord Kapila is Bhagavan. Nowadays Bhagavan is taken very cheaply because the word is misused, but actually Bhagavan is not an ordinary man
- It is stated here by Lord Kapila, Without My mercy
- Kapila Muni appeared as the son of Kardama Muni, but because Kapila is an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kardama Muni offered respectful obeisances unto Him with full surrender
- Kapila Muni explained the glories of devotional service to His mother, Devahuti. If we follow Him, we may learn the truth of devotional service
- Kapila Muni herein (in SB 3.25.24) advises His mother, Devahuti, that if she wants to be free from material attachment, she should increase her attachment for the sadhus, or devotees who are completely freed from all material attachment
- Kapila Muni is accepted as an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Kapila Muni is explaining (in SB 3.25.35) how the devotees see the decorated body and face of the Deity and how they speak with Him in devotional service
- Kapila Muni is explaining to His mother the glories of devotional service. So if we follow Him, then we also get informed what is the truth of devotional service. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah
- Kapila Muni is the direct expansion of Krsna, who is the sun of spiritual knowledge
- Kapila Muni. He is also incarnation of God, and He preached the sankhya philosophy, original. Later on, in the, just in this Kali-yuga, there is an imitation sankhya philosophy. So there are two sankhya philosophies: atheistic and nonatheistic
- Kapila said that the system of Sankhya philosophy was not exactly being introduced by Him; it was already current, but in course of time it was mysteriously lost & therefore He appeared to reintroduce it. That is the purpose of the incarnation of Godhead
- Kapiladeva became very happy by seeing His mother so eager to understand about the spiritual subject matter. Therefore, thanked her, "O My dear mother, thank you very much. You are so interested in the subject matter." Because people are not interested
- Kapiladeva comes to propound this Sankhya philosophy, which is unalloyed devotion to the Lord. Herein Kapiladeva says that one is condemned to death unless he takes shelter of the Lord. There is no other way to be saved
- Kapiladeva discusses pious and impious activities and the symptoms of those who are devoid of devotional service to Krsna
- Kapiladeva explained this Sankhya philosophy to His mother, and although He had a natural affection for His mother, we should not think that Devahuti was an ordinary woman
- Kapiladeva explains that once one takes to the path of bhakti-yoga, one never actually falls down
- Kapiladeva has advised His mother, Devahuti, as follows, "My dear Mother, My pure devotees are charmed by seeing My different forms, the beauty of My face, the structure of My body so enchanting"
- Kapiladeva instructed His mother in sankhya-yoga, but the importance of bhakti-yoga is mentioned here (CC Madhya 22.162). Later sanhkya-yoga was imitated by atheists, whose system was founded by a different Kapiladeva, Rsi Kapiladeva
- Kapiladeva instructs His mother and says, "My dear Mother, devotees whose hearts are always filled in the service of My lotus feet, and who are prepared to do anything for My satisfaction"
- Kapiladeva is referred to as Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Bhagavan makes no mistakes. Narayanah paro 'vyaktat: even Sankaracarya says that - Bhagavan, Narayana, does not belong to this material world
- Kapiladeva replies, "The spiritually powerful message of Godhead can be properly discussed only in a society of devotees, and it is greatly pleasing to hear in that association"
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "My laughing, My pastimes and My glance appear to them so beautiful that their minds are always absorbed in thoughts of Me, and their lives are dedicated fully unto Me"
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "Those who assemble together to understand My qualities, pastimes and form, and thus glorify Me congregationally and derive transcendental pleasure therefrom, such fortunate devotees never desire to become one with Me"
- Kapiladeva said to His mother, "My dear Mother, those who are My pure devotees, who have no desire for material benefit or philosophical speculation, have their minds so much engaged in My service that they are never interested in asking Me for anything"
- Kapiladeva said, "My dear Mother, when a person is actually in association with pure devotees, the sublime potency of My devotional service can be experienced"
- Kapiladeva says that He previously delivered this yoga system to the great rsis, the great sages. This is the process of sravana, hearing
- Kapiladeva uses the word mam to emphasize that the Personality of Godhead is the ultimate feature of the Absolute Truth
- Kapiladeva was about twenty-five years old and was quite able to take charge of His mother, Devahuti. He knew that because His father left His mother in His charge, He should take care of her and always please her. Matuh priya-cikirsaya
- Kapiladeva was anxious that His mother not feel the absence of His father, and He was ready to take the best care of her and give her knowledge
- Kapiladeva was not irresponsible, but was always ready to please His mother. Kapiladeva was a brahmacari, and His mother took lessons from Him. That is the prerogative of the male
- Kapiladeva was very glad that His mother was interested only in spiritual advancement. This material world is called pavarga, and to nullify it is called apavarga
- Kapiladeva was very glad, and He began to speak. Kapiladeva was an incarnation of God and was a young boy; therefore His face was very beautiful
- Kardama begot nine good daughters and one son, Kapila Muni, and thus his householder duty was also performed nicely, and now his duty was to leave
- Kardama Muni said, After many, many years of human suffering, all the demigods are now satisfied because Kapiladeva, the incarnation of Godhead, has appeared
- Kardama Muni said: You, my dear Lord, who are always increasing the honor of Your devotees, have descended in my home just to fulfill Your word and disseminate the process of real knowledge
- Kardama Muni, he was a great penance taker, and he worshiped this incarnation of God, and he was blessed with a son. He was also incarnation of God, Kapila Muni
- Krsna says at the conclusion of BG (18.55), 'bhaktya mam abhijanati: if one actually wants to understand Krsna and one's relationship with Him, one must take to this process of bhakti-yoga. Bhakti-yoga as explained by Lord Kapiladeva is sankhya-yoga
- Later, another Kapiladeva appeared who expounded atheistic Sankhya philosophy, which dealt with the twenty-four elements but gave no information about God. The original Kapila is called the Devahuti-putra Kapila, and the other is called the atheist Kapila
- Lord Caitanya's teachings are identical to those given by Lord Kapila, the original propounder of sankhya-yoga, the sankhya system of philosophy. This authorized system of yoga teaches meditation on the transcendental form of the Lord - CC Preface
- Lord Kapila describes how persons engaged in activities of sense gratification to maintain a family are treated by the messengers of Yamaraja, called Yamadutas
- Lord Kapila has said that perfect yoga enables one to transcend the platform of material distress & happiness. How this can be done is explained here (in SB 3.25.16): one has to purify his mind & consciousness. This can be done by the bhakti-yoga system
- Lord Kapila states that the yoga system is the science of the spirit
- Lord Kapila the incarnation of Godhead appeared as the son of Kardama Muni long, long ago, during the time of Svayambhuva Manu; the modern age is the age of Vaivasvata Manu
- Lord Kapila was very much satisfied by His mother's questions because the answers stimulate one's desire for liberation from the conditional life of material existence. Such questions are called apavarga-vardhanam
- Lord Kapila will eventually explain how it (the yoga system) is transcendental, but the preliminary introduction is given here (in SB 3.25.13)
- Lord Kapila, the Personality of Godhead, replied: O noble lady, there are multifarious paths of devotional service in terms of the different qualities of the executor
- Lord Kapila, the propounder of Sankhya philosophy, He is also accepted as incarnation of God
- Lord Kapiladeva states here: tam imam te pravaksyami yam avocam puranaghe. The word anaghe refers to one without sin. The word agha refers to past sins, and an means "without." Therefore one cannot understand Krsna consciousness unless he is free from sin
- Lord Kapiladeva, in the next verse (SB 3.25.17), points out the results that follow the successful completion of this purificatory process
- Lord Siva, Narada the sage amongst the demigods, and Kapila, the incarnation of Godhead, all know very confidentially about His glories through direct contact
- Lord Varaha appeared from the nostril of Brahma, and Lord Kapila appeared from the semen of Kardama
- Mahajana means authority. There are twelve authorities according to Vedic sastra. One of them is this Kapila
- Material nature cannot independently become an agent for supplying the material ingredients. This is more clearly explained by Sri Kapiladeva, an incarnation of Godhead, in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 3.28.40
- May Lord Dattatreya, the master of all mystic power, protect me from falling while performing bhakti-yoga, and may Lord Kapila, the master of all good qualities, protect me from the material bondage of fruitive activities
- My appearance in this world is especially to explain the philosophy of Sankhya, which is highly esteemed for self-realization by those desiring freedom from the entanglement of unnecessary material desires
- My dear Lord, although personally You have nothing to do, You have distributed Your energies in the interactions of the material modes of nature, and for that reason the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation take place
- My dear Lord, You are just like the sun, for You illuminate the darkness of the conditional life of the living entities
- My dear Lord, You are self-determined and are the Supreme Personality of Godhead for all living entities. For them You created this material manifestation, & although You are one, Your diverse energies can act multifariously. This is inconceivable to us
- My dear Lord, Your lotus feet are the reservoir that always deserves to receive worshipful homage from all great sages eager to understand the Absolute Truth
- My dear mother, I have explained to you the process of devotional service and its identity in four different social divisions. I have explained to you as well how eternal time is chasing the living entities, although it is imperceptible to them
- My dear mother, I therefore advise that you take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for His lotus feet are worth worshiping. Accept this with all devotion and love, for thus you can be situated in transcendental devotional service
- Now be pleased, my Lord, to dispel my great delusion. Due to my feeling of false ego, I have been engaged by Your maya and have identified myself with the body and consequent bodily relations
- Now I shall request You to explain the path of devotional service, which is the ultimate end of all philosophical systems
- Nowadays, as soon as there is little discrepancy, disagreement, and divorce: find out another husband. No. She (Devahuti) remained. And then she got the nicest child, Personality of Godhead, Kapila
- O completely peaceful Lord, although material nature, fruitive activities and their consequent material names and forms are Your creation, You are unaffected by them
- O King Pariksit, when Amsuman had glorified the Lord in this way, the great sage Kapila, the powerful incarnation of Visnu, being very merciful to him, explained to him the path of knowledge
- O my Lord, sages freed from the influence of the three modes of material nature - sages such as the four Kumaras (Sanat, Sanaka, Sanandana and Sanatana) - are able to think of You, who are concentrated knowledge
- O my Lord, those whose hearts are bewildered by the influence of lust, greed, envy and illusion are interested only in false hearth and home in this world created by Your maya. Attached to home, wife and children, they wander in this material world
- On hearing this statement of the Lord, Devahuti inquired: What kind of devotional service is worth developing and practicing to help me easily and immediately attain the service of Your lotus feet?
- On the bank of the Bindu-sarovara Lake, Kapiladeva personally expounded Sankhya philosophy to His mother, Devahuti, just as Krsna personally expounded the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita to His friend Arjuna
- One can get liberation by seriously discharging devotional service unto Me and thereby hearing for a long time about Me or from Me. By thus executing one's prescribed duties, there will be no reaction, & one will be freed from the contamination of matter
- One has to become faithful by practicing the controlling process of the yoga system and must elevate himself to the platform of unalloyed devotional service by chanting and hearing about Me
- One should consult the discussion between Kapiladeva and Devahuti on the subject matter of devotional service. This is found in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto
- One should either chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra or read Srimad-Bhagavatam and thereby try to understand the characteristics and instructions of the Supreme Lord, who appeared as Lord Rsabhadeva, Lord Kapila and Lord Krsna
- One who comes to the senses, that "This is simply struggle. Life after life, there is no enjoyment," then he can become a devotee of Krsna. So that requires knowledge, association of sadhu, devotee. That is being explained by Kapiladeva
- Our philosophy is not void; it is full of variety and transcendental bliss. This will later be specifically enunciated by Lord Kapiladeva
- People are so foolish that they claim not to understand God. If we try to see God through the instructions given to Devahuti by Lord Kapila, our lives will be successful
- Performing his prescribed duties, one should worship the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead until one realizes My presence in his own heart and in the hearts of other living entities as well
- Prasuti was asking the favor of Lord Visnu in an affectionate mode; since she was His aunt, she sought some special favor
- Sankhya philosophy is the philosophical system enunciated by Kapila, the son of Devahuti. The other Kapila, who is not the son of Devahuti, is an imitation. This is the statement of Brahma
- Sankhya philosophy is very well known in the world as propagated by another Kapiladeva, but that Sankhya philosophy is different from the Sankhya which was propounded by the Lord Himself
- Sankhya philosophy, as stated herein (SB 3.24.36) by Kapiladeva, is tattvanam. The Sankhya philosophy system is designed to afford understanding of the real truth
- Satam gatih, the path of the eternal, is very interesting to persons who are after liberation, and His Lordship Kapila began to speak about that path
- Saunaka Muni states here (in SB 3.25.1) that Kapila, the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, took birth, or appeared, simply to appreciate and disseminate transcendental knowledge
- She (Devahuti) said, - My dear Kapila, You have come as my son, but You are my guru because You can inform me how I can cross the ocean of nescience, which is the material world
- She (Devahuti) thinks herself, because woman, yosa, durbodham. So she is accepting her son as guru and very submissively, and she wants to understand the very difficult subject matter very easily by the grace of Kapiladeva
- She (Devahuti) was very submissive, and when Kapiladeva saw this, He became very compassionate. He saw that she was eager to know about the Absolute Truth, and He considered that, after all, He had received His body from her
- She approaches Him very humbly saying, - My dear Kapila, You are the SPG, but I am a woman, and my intelligence is not very sharp. Nonetheless, I want to understand these sublime transcendental subjects from You. It is possible by Your mercy
- Simply by seeing the form of the Lord as He presents Himself by His own internal potency as Krsna or Rama or Kapila, one can directly see the brahmajyoti, because the brahmajyoti is no more than the effulgence of His bodily luster
- Svayambhuva Manu had two daughters, named Akuti and Devahuti. From their wombs, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared as two sons named Yajnamurti and Kapila respectively. These sons were entrusted with preaching about religion and knowledge
- Tasmin bindusare 'vatsid bhagavan kapilah kila. It is noteworthy that in this verse Kapiladeva is referred to as Bhagavan, which indicates that He possesses all wealth, fame, knowledge, beauty, strength and renunciation
- That realization (struggling life after life & no real enjoymen) requires knowledge, & that knowledge can be acquired by association with a sadhu. Freedom from this struggle with material existence is further explained by Lord Kapila in the next verse
- The description of the dealings of Kapiladeva and His mother is very confidential, and anyone who hears or reads this narration becomes a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is carried by Garuda
- The devotee should regularly see My statues in the temple, touch My lotus feet and offer worshipable paraphernalia and prayer. He should see in the spirit of renunciation, from the mode of goodness, and see every living entity as spiritual
- The etymological meaning of sankhya is "that which explains very lucidly by analysis of the material elements." This was done for the first time by Lord Kapila, who is said herein (SB 1.3.10) to be the fifth in the line of incarnations
- The fifth incarnation, named Lord Kapila, is foremost among perfected beings. He gave an exposition of the creative elements and metaphysics to Asuri Brahmana, for in course of time this knowledge had been lost
- The followers of the Vedas do not support the atheistic Kapila, because the Kapila mentioned in the Vedas is a different Kapila, the son of Kardama and Devahuti
- The Fourteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita nicely explains how one can free oneself of contamination by the material modes. Now Kapiladeva advises, - Mother, if you want to get rid of the contamination of material nature, you should associate with a sadhu
- The great Amsuman saw the sage named Kapila, the saint who is an incarnation of Visnu, sitting there by the horse. Amsuman offered Him respectful obeisances, folded his hands and offered Him prayers with great attention
- The incarnations of Rama and Dhanvantari displayed His fame, and Balarama, Mohini and Vamana exhibited the Lord's beauty. Dattatreya, Matsya, Kumara and Kapila exhibited His transcendental knowledge
- The inhabitants of the temple are actually in Vaikuntha. Lord Kapiladeva next explains the nature of the special opulences of the devotees
- The Kapila who is the son of Kardama Muni is accepted as an incarnation of Vasudeva
- The Lord appeared as the son of Devahuti and Kardama Muni as Kapiladeva, the first propounder of the Sankhya philosophy
- The Lord continued: My dear mother, devotees who receive such transcendental opulences are never bereft of them; neither weapons nor the change of time can destroy such opulences
- The Lord descends either as Kapila or Rama, Nrsimha or Varaha, and whatever forms He assumes in the material world are all manifestations of His own personal internal energy. They are never forms of the material energy
- The Lord then appeared as the Kapila incarnation, being the son of the prajapati brahmana Kardama and his wife, Devahuti, along with nine other women (sisters)
- The Lord's form as Kapila directs the fallen souls and enriches them with knowledge and devotion so that they may go back to Godhead
- The mind can be unlimitedly agitated, and thus one can put forward an unlimited number of theories. Sankhya philosophy is not like that; it is not mental speculation. It is factual, but at the time of Kapila it was lost
- The name of Kapila Muni is significant in this verse because He was the expounder of the Sankhya philosophical system, and His father, Kardama Muni, was a great yogi and mystic
- The Padma Purana gives evidence that the Supreme Personality of Godhead Vasudeva takes birth in the incarnation of Kapila and, by His expansion of theistic Sankhya philosophy, teaches all the demigods and a brahmana of the name Asuri
- The philosophy propounded by the atheist Kapila is an analysis of the material elements and is very much appreciated by Western philosophers. The sankhya-yoga explained by Lord Kapiladeva, the son of Devahuti, is practically unknown in the West
- The purpose of Kapiladeva's Sankhya philosophy is to propagate pure, uncontaminated devotional service, and therefore He is addressed as the most important personality amongst those who know the transcendental occupation of the living entity
- The questions are raised by Devahuti, and the answers are given by Kapiladeva. That is apavarga-vardhanam
- The real Sankhya philosophy, propounded by Kapiladeva, is transcendental to the twenty-four elements and material activity. Thus in this Sankhya philosophy, which is actually bhakti-yoga, there is no desire for material benefits
- The Sankhya philosophy is compiled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His appearance as Kapila
- The six opulences - wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation - are indicated here by Kardama Muni, who addresses Kapila Muni, his son, as param
- The statements by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kapila that under His direction the air is blowing, the fire is burning and the sun is giving heat are not sentimental
- The understanding derived from bhakti-yoga is complete, and even if partially executed, it has potency. It is also recommended by the great mahajanas like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Kapiladeva
- The Vedas are expanded by many branches and subbranches by great devotees and empowered incarnations of the Lord like Vyasa, Narada, Sukadeva Gosvami, the Kumaras, Kapila, Prahlada, Janaka, Bali and Yamaraja
- The woman must remain at home. She has only three stages of life: dependency on the father in childhood, dependency on the husband in youth and, in old age, dependency on the grown-up son, such as Kapila
- Their (devotees) relative, son, preceptor, benefactor and Supreme Deity, they cannot be deprived of their possessions at any time because they accept Me as their friend
- There are actually two Kapilas: one Kapila, the son of Kardama Muni, is an incarnation of God, and the other is an atheist of the modern age. The atheistic Kapila is often misrepresented to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There are innumerable forms of God - Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha, Krsna, Kapiladeva, Balarama and so on. Sometimes foolish people ask, - You are worshiping Krsna. Why don't you worship Rama
- There are many incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, like those of the boar, the fish, the tortoise and the half-man half-lion. Lord Kapiladeva is also one of the incarnations of Godhead
- There is an imitation Kapila who has a Sankhya philosophical system, but Kapila the incarnation of God is different from that Kapila
- There may be many obstacles, but they can all be transcended by Krsna's mercy. We only have to be determined in our devotion. The rest will follow. This is the essence of Lord Kapila's instructions to His mother
- Thereafter, having heard with great eagerness and in all detail from her son, Kapiladeva, the eternally smiling Personality of Godhead, Devahuti began to meditate constantly upon the Visnu form of the Supreme Lord
- These verses (of CC Madhya 22.88-90), quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.31.33-35), were spoken by Kapiladeva, an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His mother
- They should follow their father's instructions, their husband's instructions and the instructions of their grown, scholarly sons like Kapiladeva. In this way, their lives can be perfect. In all cases, women should always remain dependent
- This (CC Madhya 22.162) was spoken by Kapiladeva to His mother Devahuti and is recorded in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 3.25.38
- This (the material energy) has all been properly analyzed in sankhya-yoga by the great acaryas, especially by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, in His incarnation as Devahuti-putra Kapila. This is indicated here (SB 7.7.22) by the word acaryaih
- This path of self-realization, which is difficult to understand, has now been lost in the course of time. Please know that I have assumed this body of Kapila to introduce and explain this philosophy to human society again
- This verse (CC Antya 3.189) is spoken by Lord Kapila, an avatara of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 3.29.13
- This verse (SB 3.25.44) marks the conclusion of bhakti-yoga, as described by Lord Kapiladeva to His mother. Bhakti-yoga is the business of one advanced in jnana-vairagya, knowledge and renunciation
- Thus by not engaging in the service of the modes of material nature but by developing KC, knowledge in renunciation, & by practicing yoga, in which the mind is always fixed in DS unto the SPG, one achieves My association in this very life
- Twelve personalities - Brahma, Narada, Lord Siva, Kumara, Kapila, Manu, Prahlada Maharaja, Janaka Maharaja, Bhisma, Bali, Sukadeva Gosvami and Yamaraja - are agents of the Lord authorized to speak and propagate the principles of religion
- We have information from the SB that Kardama Muni, the father of the great sage Kapiladeva, manufactured a huge plane that resembled a great city. It included lakes, gardens, streets, and houses, and the whole city was able to fly all over the universe
- We learn from the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam that the inhabitants of the planet called Siddhaloka can travel in space from one planet to another without impediment. They showered flowers on the earth when Lord Kapila, the son of Kardama, appeared
- We may say, "I cannot find Krsna. How can I follow His order?" It is the role of the sadhu to impart Krsna's orders. Since Krsna's representative is the sadhu, Kapiladeva advises His mother to associate with sadhus
- We should find a sadhu and associate with him. Then our path of liberation will be open. In the next verse, Lord Kapila further explains the activities of a sadhu
- We should take advantage of the perfect knowledge given by Vedic literatures, by the great rsis and Bhagavan Kapiladeva, as well as by Bhagavan Sri Krsna, in order to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death
- What is that real truth? The real truth is knowledge of how to get out of the material body, which is the source of all trouble. Lord Kapila's incarnation, or descent, is especially meant for this purpose
- When a student hears spiritual subjects attentively, the spiritual master becomes very happy. Kapiladeva was very happy to see His mother eager to understand spiritual subject matters. He therefore thanked His mother for her inquiry
- When Kapiladeva or His representative sees someone a little interested, he becomes very glad and thanks him. When Kapiladeva saw His mother interested, He thanked her from within, not openly
- When Kardama Muni understood that his son, Kapila, was Visnu Himself, he wanted to offer his obeisances. Therefore, when Kapila was alone he offered his respects and expressed his mind
- When the sages, headed by Saunaka, inquired about Kapiladeva, the incarnation of Godhead, Suta Gosvami, who was the topmost devotee of the Lord, quoted talks about self-realization between Vidura and Maitreya, a friend of Vyasadeva's
- Why should we accept a competitor? We should not simply engage in mental speculation but should accept Krsna in full consciousness and be happy. This is made possible by the help of the guru; therefore Devahuti is further questioning her son, Kapiladeva
- With a glad heart he (Brahma) praised Kardama Muni because the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as Kapila, had appeared as his son
- You are full in opulence, renunciation, transcendental fame, knowledge, strength and beauty, and therefore I surrender myself unto Your lotus feet
- You have come to give spiritual knowledge, and you are a direct representative of Kapiladeva, the incarnation of God and the plenary portion of knowledge. I am therefore asking you, O spiritual master, what is the most secure shelter in this world?