Category:Four Kumaras
"Four Kumaras" | "Catuhsana Kumaras" | Kumaras | Catuhsana|"catuh-sanas"
- Four Kumāras, Catuḥsana Kumāras
- note: "incarnations of the knowledge of the Supreme Lord"
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Pages in category "Four Kumaras"
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- A kingdom, state or empire must be governed under the instructions of saintly persons and brahmanas like the Kumaras
- A liberated person like the Kumaras becomes angry when restricted in the discharge of duties for serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A list of incarnations is given in Srimad-Bhagavatam & they are: (1) Kumaras, (2) Narada, (3) Varaha, (4) Matsya, (5) Yajna, (6) Nara-narayana, (7) Kardami Kapila, (8) Dattatreya, (9) Hayasirsa, (10) Hamsa, (11) Dhruvapriya or Prsnigarbha, (12) Rsabha
- After passing through the six entrances of Vaikuntha-puri, the Lord's residence, without feeling astonishment at all the decorations, they saw at the seventh gate two shining beings of the same age, armed with maces and adorned with most valuable jewelry
- After the creation of Brahma, the two kinds of demigods were born: demigods like the four brothers Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, who are representatives of renunciation of the world
- After their (Four Kumaras) birth, when they were ordered by their father to become householders and increase human society, they refused the order
- Akrura also saw His Lordship (Maha-Visnu) surrounded by intimate associates like the four Kumaras - Sanaka, Sanatana, Sananda and Sanat-kumara - and other associates like Sunanda and Nanda, as well as demigods like Brahma and Lord Siva
- Alas, Lord Brahma, who has taken his birth from the lotus flower, does not know the principles of religion, nor do the great saints like Bhrgu and Narada, nor the four Kumaras, headed by Sanat-kumara
- All of these great sages (Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat) became great devotees, for without devotional service to the Personality of Godhead one cannot achieve success in any activity of spiritual value
- All of these great sages (the four kumaras) became great devotees, for without devotional service to the Personality of Godhead one cannot achieve success in any activity of spiritual value
- All the great sages mentioned in this verse (SB 4.29.42-44) have their planets near Brahmaloka, the planet where Lord Brahma resides along with four great sages - Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara
- All these twenty-five great sages (the seven great sages, the four other great sages, named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, and the fourteen Manus) are known as the patriarchs of the living entities all over the universe. BG 1972 purports
- Although Sanat-kumara, the well-known great saintly Kumara, was in the perfect stage of life, still he heard the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam from Lord Sankarsana
- Although Sukadeva & the four Kumaras were always absorbed in the thought of impersonal Brahman & were thus Brahmavadis, they were nonetheless attracted by the transcendental pastimes & qualities of Krsna. Therefore they later became devotees of Krsna
- Although the Kumaras were already liberated persons, they nevertheless became angry. This point is very important. Becoming liberated does not necessitate losing one's sensual activities. Sense activities continue even in the liberated stage
- Although the Kumaras were right in such acts of refusal (refusal to generate progeny, in order to aim at liberation), Brahma, being absorbed in the mode of passion, could not check his passionate anger
- Although there are many methods or boats by which one can cross the ocean, the Kumaras recommend that the King take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord, just as one would take shelter of a good boat
- Although they looked like five-year-old boys and traveled naked, the Kumaras were older than all other living creatures and had realized the truth of the self
- Although you (the four Kumaras) are traveling in all planetary systems, people cannot know you, just as they cannot know the Supersoul, although He is within everyone's heart as the witness of everything
- An ordinary child would cry, but these were not ordinary children, they immediately made preparations to punish the doormen, for the doormen had committed a great offense. Even to this day a saint is never checked from entering anyone's door in India
- Anger will continue even in the liberated stage. These four mendicant brothers, the Kumaras, were considered liberated persons, but still they were angry because they were restricted in their service to the Lord
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of recognized devotees, such as Brahma, Siva, the Kumaras, Manu, Kapila, King Prahlada, King Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja & their followers in disciplic succession, very easily finds the door of liberation open
- As soon as one is freed from the influence of the three modes of material nature, he is situated on the Brahman platform. Vivid examples of personalities thus situated are the four Kumaras and Narada
- At the seventh door they (four Kumaras) found two doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) of the same age. The significance of the doormen's being of the same age is that in the Vaikuntha planets there is no old age, so one cannot distinguish who is older than whom
- Because of their (the Kumaras) refusal to marry, Lord Brahma became so angry that his eyes became reddish. From between his eyes, Lord Siva, or Rudra, appeared. The mode of anger is consequently known as rudra
- Because the doormen were also devotees of the Lord, they were able to understand their mistake and were terrified when the four Kumaras were ready to curse them
- Because the four Kumaras wanted to engage themselves completely in the service of the Lord as brahmacaris, their refusal to obey their father's order was not irreligious
- Because the Kumaras were sons of Brahma, they had the opportunity to learn Vedic knowledge from the disciplic succession, and therefore, in spite of their impersonalist beginnings, they became, in the end, direct seers of the personal feature of the Lord
- Because they (the four Kumaras) were sincerely searching for the Lord, they finally saw His personal feature directly, which corresponded with the description given by their father. They thus became fully satisfied
- Being transcendentally situated, such personalities as the Kumaras are above all material considerations and are always neutral in respect to material dualities
- Brahma created the four great sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat to entrust them with these four principles (sankhya, yoga, vairagya and tapas) of spiritual advancement
- Brahma was struck with wonder. Why did Krsna ask such a question (which Brahma are you)? He informed the doorman, Please tell Him that Brahma, who is the father of the four Kumaras and who has four heads, has come to see Him
- Brahma, Visnu and Siva are qualitative incarnations. Empowered incarnations are those like the Kumaras, King Prthu and Maha-muni Vyasa (the compiler of the Vedas)
- Brahmaji, Lord Siva, Srimati Laksmiji and the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanatana, etc.) are leaders of the four desireless Vaisnava sampradayas
- By following in the footsteps of the four Kumaras, one can at once see the Supreme Personality of Godhead within oneself
- By mistake the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) held the sages (four Kumaras) from entering Vaikunthaloka, but because they were engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord, their annihilation was not expected by advanced devotees
- By the same sages (four Kumaras), who were very kind to them. "O doorkeepers (Jaya and Vijaya), after three births you will be able to return to your positions in Vaikuntha, for then the duration of the curse will have ended"
- Caitanya quoted a sloka from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.15.43) dealing with the Kumaras. When the Kumaras entered the temple, they were attracted by the aroma of flowers and tulasi leaves offered to the lotus feet of the Lord with pulp of sandalwood
- Catuhsana, or the Kumaras, specifically empowered to distribute transcendental knowledge - jnana-sakti
- Directly empowered incarnations are the Kumaras, Narada, Prthu, Sesa, Ananta, etc
- During the incarnation of Lord Caitanya to inaugurate the Krsna consciousness movement, even such personalities as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the four Kumaras took birth upon this earth, being allured by ecstatic love of Lord Krsna
- During the reign of Maharaja Prthu, everything on the surface of this globe was sinless, and therefore the Kumaras decided to see the King. Ordinarily they do not go to any planet which is sinful
- Even personalities like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Manu, the Prajapatis (headed by Daksa), the four Kumaras, Marici, Atri, Angira, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrgu, Vasistha and even Narada himself could not properly receive the causeless mercy of the Lord
- Even though the four Kumaras were instructed by their great learned father, Brahma, they could not actually understand the Absolute Truth
- Examples of indirect avataras are the four Kumaras, Narada, Prthu and Parasurama. These are actually living entities, but there is specific power given to them by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Examples of santa-bhaktas are the nine Yogendras and the four Kumaras. Examples of devotees in dasya-bhakti are innumerable, for such devotees exist everywhere
- First of all, in the beginning of creation, there were the four unmarried sons of Brahma (the Kumaras), who, being situated in a vow of celibacy, underwent severe austerities for realization of the Absolute Truth
- Footsteps of the four Kumaras
- For one who has unflinching devotional faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is engaged in His service, all good qualities become manifest in his person." (SB 5.18.12) Thus the Kumaras were very much pleased
- Four bachelor-devotees
- From Brahma all the seven great sages, and before them four other great sages, named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana, and Sanatkumara, and the fourteen Manus, are manifest. BG 1972 purports
- From Brahma came Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, then Rudra, and then the seven sages, and in this way all the brahmanas and ksatriyas are born out of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- From the material point of view, the four sages' disobedience to the order of their father (Brahma) was certainly abominable, but because such disobedience was for a higher purpose, they were free from the reaction of disobedience
- From the very beginning of their lives, Sukadeva Gosvami and the four Kumaras, known as catuh-sana, were liberated and self-realized on the Brahman platform. Nonetheless, they were attracted by the qualities of Krsna, and they engaged in His service
- God decorated as described in this chapter (SB 3.15) as He appeared before the four sages (Kumaras). This Narayana form is Krsna's expansion; therefore the Krsna consciousness movement which is now spreading is the real, topmost process of yoga practice
- Great impersonalists like Sukadeva Gosvami and the four Kumaras were attracted by the beauty of the Deities in the temple, by the decorations and by the aroma of tulasi offered to the Lord, and they became devotees
- Great personalities and Vaisnavas like the four Kumaras are also invisible to ordinary persons, although they are traveling all over the universe in different planetary systems
- Great, self-realized mystic yogis such as the four Kumaras also derive great transcendental bliss from realizing the Supersoul within themselves
- Growing into youth one's senses sometimes become disturbed and celibacy becomes difficult. The Kumaras therefore purposefully remained children because in a child's life the senses are never disturbed by sex
- He (Akrura) also saw there the Lord in His Visnu form as well as Narada and the four Kumaras, who were worshiping Him
- He (Brahma) is always accompanied by such great personalities as Marici, Kasyapa and the seven sages, as well as by great mystic yogis, the Kumaras and many other spiritually advanced living entities, but he has his own interest, separate from the Lord's
- He (Brahma) returned to his own planet with the four Kumaras and Narada because they were not going to be married
- He (Krsna) is the greatest well-wishing friend of everyone, and the Kumaras wanted to see Him. The doorkeepers (Jaya & Vijaya) should have known that the four sages had no other business, and therefore to restrict them from entering the palace was not apt
- He (Maharaja Yadu) was like the four Sanakas (catuh-sana), who refused the order of their father, Brahma, for the sake of a better cause
- He could not imagine what kind of pious activities he had performed. This is a sign of humility on the part of King Prthu, whose life was so full of pious activities that even Lord Visnu came to see him and predicted that the Kumaras would also come
- Here (in SB 3.15.31) we can mark that even great saintly persons like the Kumaras were also angry, but they were not angry for their personal interests. They were angry because they were forbidden to enter the palace to see the Personality of Godhead
- Here (SB 3.15.42) also, for the devotee-sages, the Kumaras, the Lord appeared in His most beautiful feature, and they continued to see Him without satiation and wanted to continue seeing Him more and more
- Here they (Kumaras) express their gratitude because although they were foolish impersonalists in the beginning, by the grace of the Lord they could now have the good fortune to see His personal feature
- Hiranyakasipu thus passed a long time being very much proud of his opulences and transgressing the laws and regulations mentioned in the authoritative sastras. He was therefore subjected to a curse by the four Kumaras, who were great brahmanas
- I am completely assured that personalities like you are the only friends for persons who are blazing in the fire of material existence. I therefore ask you how in this material world we can very soon achieve the ultimate goal of life
- I have described the authorities. Brahma is authority, Lord Siva is authority, and Kapila is authority, Kumara, four Kumaras and Manu is authority. Similarly, Prahlada Maharaja is authority. Janaka Maharaja is authority. The twelve authorities
- I myself (Brahma), Siva, Visnu, great generators of living beings like Daksa and Prajapati, yourselves (Narada and the Kumaras) appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- I shall therefore deem it a favor done to Me if you order that, although reaping the fruit of their transgression, they may return to My presence soon and the time of their exile from My abode may expire before long
- I take this to be an offense by Myself; therefore I seek your forgiveness for the incident that has arisen
- If the authorities or the leaders of society do not give special respect to the brahmanas then the path of progress will be lost to human civilization. The Lord personally wanted to teach this, and therefore He offered so much praise to the Kumaras
- If we simply follow these big, big devotees (Brahma, Siva, Narada, four Kumaras, Kapiladeva, Prahlada Maharaja, Bhisma, Janaka Maharaja, Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami. Bali Maharaja and Yamaraja), then our life is successful
- In the administration of this universe there are many demigods distributed throughout the planetary system, and the chief of them are Brahma, Lord Siva and the four great Kumaras and other patriarchs. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning Brahma begot so many sons, and each of them were asked to increase the population. Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana, they were also requested by their father to increase population, but they refused
- In the beginning of the creation there was a great need of population; Lord Brahma was creating one son after another and ordering them to increase. However, when the Kumaras were requested to do so, they declined
- In the beginning, Brahma created four great sages named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara. All of them were unwilling to adopt materialistic activities because they were highly elevated due to their semen's flowing upwards
- In the beginning, the Kumaras were self-realized impersonalists
- In the beginning, the Kumaras were self-realized impersonalists, but gradually they became attracted to the personal pastimes of the Supreme Lord
- In the present day there are many apasampradayas, or sampradayas which are not bona fide, which have no link to authorities like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the Kumaras or Laksmi. People are misguided by such sampradayas
- In the previous creation the spiritual truth was devastated, but the four sanas explained it so nicely that the truth at once became clearly perceived by the sages
- In the previous verse (SB 3.15.30) it has been clearly mentioned that the Kumaras were liberated persons. Viditatma-tattva means "one who understands the truth of self-realization."
- In the Vaikuntha world entered by the four Kumaras, even the birds and flowers are conscious of service to the Lord
- In this verse (SB 3.15.38) we find the word acaksataksa-visayam. The Supreme Lord cannot be seen by ordinary eyes, but He now became visible to the eyesight of the Kumaras. Another significant word is samadhi-bhagyam
- In this verse it is figuratively stated that the younger brother of desire suddenly appeared in person when the sages (the four Kumaras) were forbidden to see their most beloved Personality of Godhead
- Indeed, he (Lord Siva) is one of the mahajanas, the twelve authorities on Vaisnava philosophy (svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh, etc.) - SB 6.3.20
- It appears from this verse (SB 3.15.43) that the four Kumaras were impersonalists or protagonists of the philosophy of monism, becoming one with the Lord. But as soon as they saw the Lord's features, their minds changed
- It is stated by the Kumaras that the lotus feet of Lord Krsna are the ultimate reservoir of all pleasure. One should therefore take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord instead of trying unsuccessfully to stop desires for material enjoyment
- It is to be understood that the parampara system begins with the Personality of Godhead Narayana Rsi. We should remember that this Veda-stuti is narrated by Kumara Sanandana, and the narration is repeated by Narayana Rsi in Badarikasrama
- It may be remembered that after their birth these Kumaras were requested by their father to get married and beget children in order to increase the population of the newly created universe
- King Prthu spoke: My dear great sages, auspiciousness personified, it's very difficult for even the mystic yogis to see you. Indeed, you are very rarely seen. I don't know what kind of pious activity I performed for you to grace me by appearing before me
- Kumaras said "How wonderful it is that although we are completely liberated, free from desire and situated at the stage of paramahamsa, we are still aspiring to taste the pastimes of Radha and Krsna"
- Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods, is fabulously rich. Thus Lord Siva's association with the Kumaras and Kuvera indicates that he has all transcendental and material opulences
- Living entities include great personalities like the four Kumaras, and also low-class foolish people, trees, plants, birds and beasts
- Lord Brahma said: After seeing the Lord of Vaikuntha, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the self-illuminated Vaikuntha planet, the sages left that transcendental abode
- Lord Brahma said: My four sons Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, who were born from my mind, are your predecessors. Sometimes they travel throughout the material and spiritual skies without any definite desire
- Lord Brahma, being the creator of all living beings in the universe, is originally the father of several well-known sons, like Daksa, the catuh-sanas, and Narada
- Lord Brahma, Bhagavan Narada, Lord Siva, the four Kumaras, Lord Kapila (the son of Devahuti), Svayambhuva Manu, Prahlada Maharaja, Janaka Maharaja, Grandfather Bhisma, Bali Maharaja, Sukadeva Gosvami and I myself know the real religious principle
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara), Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami and Narada are all pure devotees, eternal servants of the Lord
- Lord Caitanya explained that even great liberated souls like the Kumaras and Sukadeva Gosvami were also attracted to the transcendental qualities of the Supreme Lord
- Lord Siva sat there, surrounded by saintly persons like Kuvera, the master of the Guhyakas, and the four Kumaras, who were already liberated souls. Lord Siva was grave and saintly
- Lord Sri Ananta is worshiped by all the uncontaminated devotees mentioned above - Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara), Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami and Narada
- Mahajano yena gatah so panthah. Then you accept the mahajana. Mahajana means following the parampara system. According to Vedic system, there are twelve mahajanas. Svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh, janako bhismah and vaiyasakir vayam
- Maharaja Prthu inquired from the four Kumaras about the fallen conditioned souls who are rotting in this material world due to their past bad or inauspicious activities. Is there any possibility for their auspicious spiritual life
- Maharaja Prthu was assured of this fact; instead of wasting time by asking the Kumaras about their welfare, he preferred to inquire from them whether he could soon be relieved from the dangerous position of materialistic existence
- Marking these and many other omens of evil times, everyone but the four sage - sons of Brahma, who were aware of the fall of Jaya and Vijaya and of their birth as Diti's sons, was seized with fear
- Narada and the Kumaras travel throughout the universe to educate the conditioned souls that their business in the world is not that of sense gratification but of reinstating themselves in their original position of devotional service to the S P of God
- Narada Muni is also a mahajana, and Sambhu is Lord Siva. Kumara refers to the four Kumaras - Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara
- Not only were the Kumaras born of the best brahmana (Lord Brahma), but they are addressed herein (in SB 4.22.12) as dvija-sresthah ("the best of the brahmanas") on account of their being Vaisnavas also
- Now you have realized Me without doubt; therefore I will not hesitate to lop off My own arm if its conduct is found hostile to you
- O great sages, I approve of the punishment that you who are devoted to Me have meted out to them
- O Lord, we pray that You let us be born in any hellish condition of life, just as long as our hearts and minds are always engaged in the service of Your lotus feet
- O Lord, we therefore offer our respectful obeisances unto Your eternal form as the Personality of Godhead, which You have so kindly manifested before us
- O Lord, You are worshiped by all demigods like Brahma, the four Sanas and even the King of heaven. You are the ultimate rest for those who are really aspiring to achieve the highest benefit of life
- O my Lord, sages freed from the influence of the three modes of material nature - sages such as the four Kumaras (Sanat, Sanaka, Sanandana and Sanatana) - are able to think of You, who are concentrated knowledge
- Once the Catuhsana Kumaras went to Vaikuntha to visit Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they were stopped from entering the palace at the seventh gate by two doorkeepers named Jaya and Vijaya
- One must follow in the footsteps of such great personalities as Lord Brahma, Narada, Lord Siva, Kapila, Manu, the Kumaras, Prahlada Maharaja, Bhisma, Janaka, Bali Maharaja, Sukadeva Gosvami and Yamaraja
- One of the four Kumaras, known as Sanandana, gave the following speech: O Supreme Truth! If the living entities were not infinitesimal sparks of the supreme spirit, each minute spark would be all-pervading and would not be controlled by a superior power
- One through the channel of Brahma, one through the channel of Lord Siva, one through the channel of Laksmi and one through the channel of Kumaras. So they are called four sampradaya
- Ordinarily there are twelve great devotees of the Lord, namely Brahma, Narada, Siva, Kumara, Kapila, Manu, Prahlada, Bhisma, Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami, Bali Maharaja and Yamaraja
- Our words are made beautiful (by speaking of Your activities) just as tulasi leaves are beautified when offered unto Your lotus feet, and as long as our ears are always filled with the chanting of Your transcendental qualities
- Out of the four sampradayas, namely Brahma-sampradaya, Sri-sampradaya, Kumara-sampradaya and Rudra-sampradaya, the disciplic succession of spiritual master to disciple known as the Kumara-sampradaya is coming down from the four Kumaras
- Out of the twelve authorities, first is Lord Brahma; the next, Narada; the next, Lord Siva; then next, the Kumaras; then Kapiladeva; then Manu, Vaivasvata Manu; then Prahlada Maharaja; then Janaka Maharaja; then Bhismadeva; then Bali Maharaja
- Pariksit questioned Sukadeva, and Sukadeva referred the matter to Narada, who had in the same way questioned Narayana Rsi, who had put the matter to still higher authorities on the planet of Janaloka, where it was discussed among the great Kumaras
- People may ask how the Kumaras could refuse the orders of Brahma, who was their father and above all the creator of the universe
- Persons who have no material desires, like the Kumaras, who are self-satisfied sages, worship You to be liberated from material contamination. In other words, they accept the process of bhagavata-dharma to achieve shelter at Your lotus feet
- Principally there are four sampradayas; Nimbarka sampradaya coming from the four Kumaras; Sri Sampradaya coming from Laksmi; Rudra Sampradaya coming from Lord Siva; and Brahma Sampradaya
- Prthu Maharaja is asking about auspiciousness not for the sake of the Kumaras but for his own sake
- Prthu Maharaja was already a self-realized soul; he had a natural inclination to glorify the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Kumaras assured him that there was no chance of his falling victim to the illusory energy of God
- Prthu Maharaja was in the topmost position of spiritual advancement, and as such, he was attracted by the Kumaras, who were of the same category. It is said that a man is known by his company
- Prthu Maharaja was the ideal Vaisnava king; he taught others by his personal behavior how to receive and respect saintly persons like the Kumaras
- Rudra was born from between Brahma's eyes when Brahma was very angry at the four Kumaras
- Rupa Gosvami describes, "The sound vibration created by the flute of Krsna wonderfully stopped Lord Siva from playing his dindima drum, and the same flute has caused great sages like the four Kumaras to become disturbed in their meditation"
- Sages like the four Kumaras, as well as fools and birds, can engage in the Lord's transcendental service. By being favored with Krsna's causeless mercy, anyone and everyone can be elevated to the platform of Krsna consciousness
- Saintly persons like the Kumaras, Narada, Prahlada, Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami and Kapiladeva, as well as the followers of such authorities as the Vaisnava acaryas and their servants, can render a valuable service to humanity
- Saints (like the Kumaras) were not to be forbidden to enter the kingdom of Vaikuntha, but by chance the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) objected to their entrance. This was not fitting
- Sanaka Kumara was attracted by the aroma of the flowers offered to Krsna, and the other Kumaras were attracted by the transcendental qualities of the Lord and thus engaged in His devotional service
- Simply by seeing the Lord and smelling the aroma of tulasi and saffron from His lotus feet, the Kumaras became devotees and abandoned their long-cherished impersonalism
- Simply by smelling the aroma of these offerings (to the lotus feet of the Lord with pulp of sandalwood), the minds of the Kumaras turned to the service of the Supreme Lord, despite the fact that the Kumaras were already liberated souls
- So these (Four Kumaras) great saints have been living for millions of years now, but still they appear to be just like boys of four or five years
- Some devotees, as is evidenced from revealed scriptures, have had immediate results by such association, although this is not possible for all. For example, the Kumaras immediately became devotees simply by smelling the incense in the temple
- Some saktyavesa-avataras are the four Kumaras, Narada, Maharaja Prthu and Parasurama. When a living being is empowered to act as Lord Brahma, he is also considered a saktyavesa-avatara
- Sri Maitreya said: After thus speaking to Kardama Muni & his wife Devahuti, Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, who is also known as Hamsa, went back to the highest of the three planetary systems on his swan carrier with the four Kumaras and Narada
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 6.3.20) states that there are twelve mahajanas: Brahma, Narada, Sambhu, the four Kumaras, Kapila, Manu, Prahlada, Janaka, Bhisma, Bali, Sukadeva and Yamaraja
- Struck with wonder at observing the wonderful boarlike form in the sky, Brahma, with great brahmanas like Marici, as well as the Kumaras and Manu, began to argue in various ways
- Such authorities (like the four Kumaras and Narada) can by nature understand the position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but a conditioned soul not freed from the influence of material nature is unable to realize the Supreme
- Sukadeva Gosvami and the Kumaras, although situated in the transcendental position, became converted by another feature of bhava and turned into pure devotees of the Lord
- That incident was not forgotten by Brahma (that Brahma's previous sons the four kumaras, refused to obey their father), and therefore the obedience of Manu Svayambhuva was very encouraging
- That is the way of Vedic understanding. Great sages like the four Kumaras, headed by Sanaka, followed these principles of Vedic knowledge and came gradually from impersonal understanding to the platform of personal worship of the Supreme Lord
- The 12 mahajanas, or great souls are: (1) Brahma, (2) Siva, (3) Narada, (4) Vaivasvata Manu, (5) Kapila (not the atheist, but the original Kapila), (6) the Kumaras, (7) Prahlada, (8) Bhisma, (9) Janaka, (10) Bali, (11) Sukadeva Gosvami and (12) Yamaraja
- The appearance of the Kumaras is both (vaikrta, e.g., mahat-tattva, false ego, sense perceptions, knowledge, working capacity, controlling deities, ignorant darkness and prakrta creations e.g., immovable entities, lower species of life, human beings)
- The consciousness of that great personality is the abode of religious principles - mine, yours, and those of the four bachelors Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanat-kumara and Sanandana. That consciousness is also the abode of truth and transcendental knowledge
- The demigods never touch the surface of the earth. They walk and travel in space only. Like the great sage Narada, the Kumaras do not require any machine to travel in space. There are also residents of Siddhaloka who can travel in space without machines
- The devotional service of Vyasa, Suka and the four Kumaras has already been well celebrated. Now let Me explain how immovable living entities like trees and plants engage in the Lord's devotional service
- The discussion of spiritual matters amongst devotees is beneficial for everyone, without exception. Consequently the Kumaras admitted that not only was the King benefited by such a meeting, but the Kumaras were as well
- The doormen (Jaya and Vijaya), who were also devotees, could understand the punishment meted out to them, for they were conscious of the great offense they had committed by not allowing the sages (four Kumaras) to enter Vaikunthaloka
- The doormen said: It is quite apt that you have punished us for neglecting to respect sages like you. But we pray that due to your compassion at our repentance, the illusion of forgetting the SPG will not come upon us as we go progressively downward
- The examples of Brahma and Lord Siva are specifically cited here because Brahmaji, Lord Siva, Srimati Laksmiji and the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanatana, etc.) are leaders of the four desireless Vaisnava sampradayas. They are all freed from all pretensions
- The four boy-sages, who had nothing to cover their bodies but the atmosphere, looked only five years old, even though they were the oldest of all living creatures and had realized the truth of the self
- The four brahmana sages (Kumaras) were nevertheless extremely delighted to behold Him (Lord Visnu), and they experienced a thrill throughout their bodies
- The four brahmana sages were nevertheless extremely delighted to behold Him, and they experienced a thrill throughout their bodies. They then spoke as follows to the Lord, who had revealed the multiglories of the SP through His internal potency, yogamaya
- The four brahmana-sages stated that Krsna is naturally the protector of the cows and brahmanas: go-brahmana-hitaya ca
- The four Kumaras (Catuhsana), Sukadeva Gosvami and the nine Yogendras were absorbed in Brahman realization, and how they became devotees is described herein
- The four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatkumara and Sanatana) are also examples of this stage - of santa-bhaktas, or devotees in the neutral stage
- The four Kumaras and all other authorized sages know perfectly that devotional service in Krsna consciousness is the essence of all Vedic literature, and they preach this on different planets, traveling in outer space
- The four Kumaras and Narada are naisthika-brahmacaris. Naisthika-brahmacari refers to one who never wastes his semen at any time
- The four Kumaras and Sukadeva Gosvami were liberated from the beginning, yet in their later life they became attracted to the pastimes of Krsna and became devotees
- The four Kumaras are described herein (in SB 4.22.2) as siddhesvaran, which means "masters of all mystic power." One who has attained perfection in yoga practice immediately becomes master of the eight mystic perfections
- The four Kumaras are parampara spiritual masters of the Vaisnava sampradaya
- The four Kumaras came to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana. The word suhrttama, "best of all friends," is important. As Lord Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita, He is the best friend of all living entities. Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam - BG 5.29
- The four Kumaras hear Srimad-Bhagavatam from His lips, and they in turn repeat it in the transcendental bliss of love of Godhead
- The four Kumaras inaugurated their own spiritual party, or sampradaya, known as the Kumara-sampradaya, or later on as the Nimbarka-sampradaya, for the advancement of bhakti
- The four Kumaras represent the Supreme Lord's opulence of knowledge. Narada represents the devotional service of the Supreme Lord. Devotional service is also represented by Caitanya, who is considered to be the full representation of devotional service
- The four Kumaras walked everywhere in the guise of five-year-old boys, and similarly there are many brahmanas, knowers of Brahman, who traverse the globe either as young men, children or avadhutas
- The four Kumaras were attracted by the aroma of the flowers offered at the lotus feet of Krsna, and in this way they became devotees
- The four Kumaras were cognizant of their situation in the modes of passion and ignorance because, although in Vaikuntha, they wanted to curse devotees of the Lord
- The four Kumaras were situated first in the impersonal Brahman conception of truth, but then they gradually rose to the platform of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- The four Kumaras were the first-born sons of Brahma; therefore they are known as purva-jata. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that the parampara system, or the disciplic succession, begins with Krsna Himself
- The four Kumaras were turned into Vaisnavas simply by smelling the aromatic tulasi mixed with saffron
- The four Kumaras, headed by Sanat-kumara, who all knew the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, glorified the Lord in rhythmic accents with selected words full of affection and love
- The four sages (Kumaras) felt so much obliged to the Lord that they offered their respectful obeisances unto Him again and again
- The four sages (Kumaras) now offer their humility to the Personality of Godhead because of their having been haughty in cursing two other devotees of the Lord - Jaya and Vijaya
- The four sages (Kumaras) were the first-born sons of Brahma. Therefore all other living entities, including Lord Siva, are born later and are therefore younger than the four Kumaras
- The four sages Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara also became attracted by the features of the Lord and the transcendental aroma of the dust of His lotus feet, as already described in verse 43 - SB 3.15.43
- The four sages Sanat-kumara, Sanatana, Sanandana & Sanaka are described as actually sincere devotees. Although they had heard from their father, Brahma, about the personal feature of the Lord, only the impersonal feature - Brahman - was revealed to them
- The four sages were impersonalists in the beginning of their spiritual life, but afterwards, by the grace of their father and spiritual master, Brahma, they understood the eternal, spiritual form of the Lord and felt completely satisfied
- The four sons of Brahma, the Kumaras, declined to become family men even on the request of their great father, Brahma. Those who are serious about gaining release from material bondage should not be entangled in the false relationship of family bondage
- The great sage Maitreya said: The four great Kumara sages headed by Sanaka, as well as Narada, Rbhu, Hamsa, Aruni and Yati, all sons of Brahma, did not live at home, but became urdhva-reta, or naisthika-brahmacaris, unadulterated celibates
- The great sage Maitreya said: While the citizens were thus praying to the most powerful King Prthu, the four Kumaras, who were as bright as the sun, arrived on the spot
- The great sage Narayana continued, "There was a great meeting of the denizens of the heavenly planets, and almost all the important brahmacaris, such as the four Kumaras - Sanandana, Sanaka, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara - attended"
- The King continued: Therefore, my dear brahmanas, my life, wife, children, home, furniture and household paraphernalia, my kingdom, strength, land and especially my treasury are all offered unto you
- The King said: O brahmana, O powerful one, formerly Lord Visnu showed me His causeless mercy, indicating that you would come to my house, and to confirm that blessing, you have all come
- The Kumaras and Narada are known as naisthika-brahmacaris. Such brahmacaris are called vira-vrata because their vow of celibacy is as heroic as the vows of the ksatriyas
- The Kumaras appeared in the Kaumara creation of the material world, and to teach us the process of Brahman realization, they underwent a severe type of disciplinary action as bachelors
- The Kumaras are called naisthika-brahmacari, meaning they are never to marry
- The Kumaras are described herein (in SB 4.22.6) as the elder brothers of Lord Siva. When the Kumaras were born out of the body of Lord Brahma, they were requested to get married and increase the population
- The Kumaras are empowered with transcendental knowledge. Sri Narada is empowered with devotional service. Maharaja Prthu is an empowered incarnation with executive function
- The Kumaras concluded that the only reason for the doormen's checking them was that the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) themselves were imposters
- The Kumaras confirm: "You are the ultimate Absolute Truth." The impersonalist may argue that since the Supreme Personality of Godhead was so nicely decorated, He was therefore not the Absolute Truth
- The Kumaras did not accept the offering of their father (Lord Brahma) because they were elevated far beyond the business of generating a great number of sons
- The Kumaras entered all the six doors of the palace, and no one checked them; therefore when they attempted to enter the seventh door and were forbidden by the doormen, who checked them with their sticks, they naturally became very angry and sorrowful
- The Kumaras said, "No, we are not going to be entangled in these material affairs. We shall remain kumaras, brahmacari, and preach the glories of God," by which Brahma was angry. And while he was angry, from his anger Rudra, Siva, was produced
- The Kumaras said: Our dear Lord, You are not manifested to rascals, even though You are seated within the heart of everyone. But as far as we are concerned, we see You face to face, although You are unlimited
- The Kumaras, however, were maha-bhagavatas because after scrutinizingly studying the Absolute Truth, they became devotees. In other words, they were in full knowledge of the Vedic conclusion
- The Kumaras, therefore, upon seeing the Lord coming forward with His associates, who were holding an umbrella and a camara fan, were struck with wonder that they were seeing the Lord face to face
- The Kumaras, they said: "My dear father, we are not going to marry. We are not going to be entangled in this material way of life. We shall remain as brahmacari and cultivate KC." Oh, the father was very angry. - Oh, you are refusing my order
- The Lord could understand that the quarrel between the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) and the sages (four Kumaras) was taking a different turn, and therefore He instantly came out of His place and went to the spot to stop further aggravation
- The Lord is always anxious to serve sages like the Kumaras, but in spite of knowing this fact, the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya), astonishingly and outrageously, prohibited them from entering
- The Lord stated that the punishment inflicted by the sages upon the doorkeepers Jaya and Vijaya was conceived by the Lord Himself
- The Lord's excellent speech was difficult to comprehend because of its momentous import & its most profound significance. The sages heard it with wide-open ears & pondered it as well. But although hearing, they could not understand what He intended to do
- The Lord's glorious activities referred to in this connection took place after His personal bodyguards Jaya and Vijaya became Daityas, having been cursed by the great sages Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanat-kumara and Sanandana
- The mahajanas, or great personalities, are Brahma, Lord Siva, Narada Muni, Manu, the Kumaras, Prahlada Maharaja, Bali Maharaja, Yamaraja, Bhisma, Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami and Kapila Muni
- The minds of the four boy sages (Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara) were attracted to the lotus feet of Krsna by the aroma of the tulasi that had been offered to the Lord
- The minds of the four Kumaras were attracted by the aroma of the flowers offered to Krsna's lotus feet. Being thus attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna, they engaged in pure devotional service
- The nine Yogendras are Kavi, Havi, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra, Dravida (Drumila), Camasa and Karabhajana. The four Kumaras are Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanat-kumara and Sanatana
- The opulence Lord Siva possesses is enjoyable in renunciation and love of God, not in material exhibition of sense gratificatory methods. Such opulences are possessed by personalities like the Kumaras, Narada and Lord Siva, not by others
- The other sons of Brahma, the Kumaras, directly engaged in devotional service, and thus they had no need to execute the principles of varnasrama-dharma
- The personalities sitting with Lord Siva are significant because the four Kumaras were liberated from birth
- The Personality of Godhead said: These attendants of Mine, Jaya and Vijaya by name, have committed a great offense against you because of ignoring Me
- The power of knowledge was invested in the four Kumaras, and the power of devotional service was invested in Narada. The power of creation was invested in Lord Brahma, and the power to carry innumerable planets was invested in Lord Ananta
- The principles of religion are known to these 12 personalities - Lord Brahma; the great saint Narada; Siva; 4 Kumaras; Kapila, the son of Devahuti; Svayambhuva Manu; Prahlada; King Janaka; grandfather Bhisma; Bali Maharaja; Sukadeva Gosvami; & Yamaraja
- The residents of the planet known as Siddhaloka can travel in outer space from one planet to another without vehicles. The special power of the Kumaras mentioned herewith (in SB 4.22.2) is that whatever place they went to would immediately become sinless
- The rsis, the four Kumaras, reached Vaikuntha by becoming lighter than the lightest and thus passing over the space of the material world
- The sages (four Kumaras) felt an unprecedented happiness because Vaikuntha was not predominated by an ordinary man. The Vaikuntha planets are predominated by expansions of Krsna, who are differently named as Madhusudana, Madhava, Narayana, Pradyumna, etc
- The sages (four Kumaras), therefore, were surprised to see that the two doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) who checked them from entering the palace were not exactly like the residents of Vaikunthaloka
- The sages (Kumaras) were so eager to see the Lord within Vaikuntha-puri that they did not care to see the transcendental decorations of the six gates which they passed by one after another. But at the seventh door they found two doormen of the same age
- The sages (the four Kumaras) tried with wide open ears to understand the words from the lips of the Supreme Lord, but although His speech was very concise and meaningful, the sages could not completely comprehend what He was saying
- The sages said: O Supreme Personality of Godhead, we are unable to know what You intend for us to do, for even though You are the supreme ruler of all, You speak in our favor as if we had done something good for You
- The sages said: Who are these two persons who have developed such a discordant mentality even though they are posted in the service of the Lord in the highest position and are expected to have developed the same qualities as the Lord?
- The sages wanted to stress that although the Lord, out of His causeless mercy, says that He worships the brahmanas and Vaisnavas, actually the Lord is worshipable not only by the brahmanas and Vaisnavas but also by the demigods
- The senses not only can be controlled from rubbish engagement, but can be engaged in the Lord's transcendental service, as aspired to by the four sages Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara
- The specific importance of the Kumaras is that they were brahmacaris, living the life of celibacy from birth
- The spiritual qualities of Krsna are also unlimited. Great personalities like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the four Kumaras cannot estimate the spiritual qualities of the Lord
- The statements we have heard about You from our father, Brahma, through the ears have now been actually realized by Your kind appearance
- The succession from Lord Siva (Sambhu) is called the Rudra-sampradaya, the one from the goddess of fortune, Laksmiji, is called the Sri-sampradaya, and the one from the Kumaras is called the Kumara-sampradaya
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always anxious to elevate the living entities, who are His parts and parcels, and for their special benefit, the Lord travels all over the world in the form of self-realized persons like you
- The transcendental loving service of the Lord is performed in three ways - with the body, with the mind and with words. Here (in SB 3.15.49) the sages (four Kumaras) pray that their words may always be engaged in glorifying the Supreme Lord
- Their (Four Kumaras) complexions are very fair, there is an effulgence in their bodies, and they always travel naked. These four saintly persons almost always remain together
- Their (the four Kumaras) complexions are very fair, there is an effulgence in their bodies, and they always travel naked. These four saintly persons almost always remain together
- Their aim (Narada and the Kumaras) is that all the conditioned souls may be educated to revive their original consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, and thus gain relief from the miserable conditions of material life
- There (in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta) is also a description of twenty-five lila-avataras, namely Catuhsana (the Kumaras), Narada, Varaha, Matsya, Yajna, Nara-narayana Rsi, Kapila, Dattatreya, Hayagriva, Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Rsabha, Prthu, Nrsimha, Kurma
- There are also lila-avataras, and these include (1) Catuhsana, or the four Kumaras, (2) Narada, (3) Varaha, (4) Matsya, (5) Yajna, (6) Nara-Narayana, (7) Kardami Kapila, (8) Dattatreya, (9) Hayasirsa, (10) Hamsa, (11) Dhruvapriya, or Prsnigarbha
- There are different kinds of transcendentalists, namely the jnanis, or impersonalists, the mystic yogis and, of course, all the devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Kumaras were both yogis and jnanis and finally bhaktas later on
- There are four lines of disciplic succession: one from Lord Brahma, one from Lord Siva, one from Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, and one from the Kumaras
- There are four sampradayas of great devotees of Lord - one from Brahma, one from Siva, and one from Laksmi and one from the Kumaras
- There are four sampradayas, or chains of disciplic succession, through which Vedic knowledge is distributed - one from Brahma, one from Laksmi, one from Lord Siva, and one from the four Kumaras
- There are four sampradayas: one from Brahma; one from Sri, Laksmi; one from Sambhu, Lord Siva; and one from Kumara
- There are innumerable universes and innumerable planets within each universe, and each planet is full of population of different varieties. All of them are born of these 25 patriarchs (the 7 great sages, the 4 Kumaras, and the 14 Manus). BG 1972 purports
- There are many examples of how Krsna attracted even great liberated souls like Sukadeva Gosvami and the Kumaras. In this connection the following statement was given by the Kumaras
- There are several instances of this, a prime one being the advancement of the four Kumaras
- There was nothing wrong in the acts of the Kumaras when they refused their great father's request that they become family men
- These four brahmacaris, the Kumaras, are recognized scholars in the Vedas and other sastras. Their unlimited volumes of knowledge, backed by austerities and penances, are exhibited by their sublime, ideal character
- These four devotees (the Kumaras) prayed to the Lord that although they might go to hell because they had cursed devotees, they might not forget the service of the Lord
- These four Kumaras, as siddhesvaras, had achieved all the yogic perfectional achievements, and as such they could travel in outer space without machines
- These four Kumaras, they represented the knowledge opulence of the Supreme Lord
- These four Kumaras, they were vastly learned, and they..., first they preached the philosophical way of understanding the Absolute Truth. Sanakadye. Later on, they become devoted, devotees, and they have got a sampradaya
- These four sanas (four Kumaras) were incarnations of the knowledge of the Supreme Lord, and as such they explained transcendental knowledge so explicitly that all the sages could at once assimilate this knowledge without the least difficulty
- These four sanas were incarnations of the knowledge of the Supreme Lord, and as such they explained transcendental knowledge so explicitly that all the sages could at once assimilate this knowledge without the least difficulty
- These principles (austerity, cleanliness and mercy), indicated by the prayers of the four Kumaras, should be followed by the devotees who are engaged in Krsna consciousness
- These servants of Mine have transgressed against you, not knowing the mind of their master
- These twenty-five Personalities of Godhead (Catuhsana, Narada, Varaha, Matsya, Yajna, Nara-Narayana etc.) are known as lila-avataras. Because they appear in each day of Brahma, or in each kalpa (millennium), they are sometimes known as kalpa-avataras
- They (four kumaras) are very amiable and gentle in behavior, and for them there is no distinction between friends, well-wishers and enemies
- They (Four Kumaras) said that they had already decided not to become entangled with family life; they would rather live as saintly brahmacaris for their own perfection
- They (Four Kumaras) went to visit the Lord of Vaikuntha-loka in the spiritual sky, and when they bowed down before the Lord, the aroma of the tulasi, mixed with saffron, entered their nostrils and immediately attracted their minds
- They (Four kumaras) were impersonalist mayavadis, but after smelling the remnants of flowers and incense in the temple, they turned to become devotees
- They (the four Kumaras) could not even comprehend the purport of the speech or what the Supreme Lord wanted to do. Nor could they understand whether the Lord was angry or pleased with them
- They (the four Kumaras) could only understand the Supreme Absolute Truth when they personally saw the Personality of Godhead with their own eyes
- They (the four kumaras) found that the spiritual sky was illuminated by highly decorated airplanes piloted by the best devotees of Vaikuntha and was predominated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They (the four kumaras) were inquisitive and were always asking Suta Gosvami about Krsna. Thus they achieved the association of a pure devotee and became pure devotees themselves
- They (the four Kumaras) were not at all duplicitous, and they entered the doors exactly as little children enter places without any idea of what it is to trespass. That is a child's nature. A child can enter any place, and no one checks him
- They (the Kumaras) have their sampradaya (disciplic succession), and even to date the sampradaya is being maintained and is known as the Nimbarka-sampradaya. Out of the four sampradayas of the Vaisnava acaryas, the Nimbarka-sampradaya is one
- They (the Kumaras) kept themselves as small children about four or five years old because by growing into youth one's senses sometimes become disturbed and celibacy becomes difficult
- They (the Kumaras) prayed to the Lord that even in the hellish condition of life their minds might not be distracted from the engagement of service to the lotus feet of Lord Narayana
- They (the Kumaras) refused (to get married and beget children), and at that time Lord Brahma was angry. In that angry mood, Rudra, or Lord Siva, was born. Thus they were intimately related
- They (the Kumaras) wanted to remain brahmacari throughout life and be engaged fully in the devotional service of the Lord
- This is Prahlada Maharaja. He is one of the authorities of Krsna consciousness. There are twelve authorities mentioned in the sastras: svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh prahlado janako bhismo balir vaiyasakir vayam
- This mission of Brahmaji (to renovate knowledge of the Absolute truth in the new creation) was fulfilled by the grace of the Lord when the four sanas, namely Sanaka, Sanat-kumara, Sanandana and Sanatana, appeared as his four sons
- Those parampara system (from Brahma, Laksmi, Siva & Kumaras), line of disciplic succession, are still existing in India. Practically India's spiritual life is still being controlled by these lines of disciplic succession
- Those really learned leaders of society like Brahma, Siva, Kapila, the Kumaras, Manu, Vyasa, Devala, Asita, Janaka, Prahlada & Bali, who are faithful philosophers, politicians, educators, scientists, etc.-surrender to the lotus feet of the God. BG 1972 p
- To create different planetary systems I (Brahma) had to undergo austerities and penance, and the Lord, thus being pleased with me, incarnated in four sanas (Sanaka, Sanat-kumara, Sanandana and Sanatana)
- To preach this process of devotional service, sages and saints like Narada and the Kumaras travel all over the universe educating people and increasing their disciples
- We have to approach an authoritative representative of Krsna appearing in one of these sampradayas (one from Brahma, one from Laksmi, one from Lord Siva, and one from the four Kumaras), and then we can receive real knowledge
- We have to follow in the footsteps of such devotees (as Siva, Yamaraja, Brahma, the Kumaras, Kapila, etc.), for by this one easy process one can cross the great ocean of nescience just as one might cross a small hole created by the hoof of a calf
- We should try to understand the appearance of Lord Krsna in this spirit, as the Kumaras pray to Him
- When Jaya and Vijaya saw them (Four Kumaras) trying to enter Vaikunthaloka, these two gatekeepers, thinking them ordinary children, forbade them to enter
- When Jaya and Vijaya saw them trying to enter Vaikunthaloka, these two gatekeepers, thinking them ordinary children, forbade them to enter
- When Krsna inquired from His servant which Brahma was at the door to visit, Lord Brahma was surprised. He replied that of course Lord Brahma, the father of the four Kumaras, was waiting at the door
- When Lord Visnu appeared in the great arena of sacrifice at the time when King Prthu was performing a great sacrifice (asvamedha), He predicted that the Kumaras would very soon come and advise the King
- When the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves and saffron from the lotus feet of the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead entered through the nostrils into the hearts of those sages (the Kumaras), they experienced a change in both body and mind
- When the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves from the toes of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead entered the nostrils of those sages (the four Kumaras), they experienced a change both in body and in mind
- When the doorman asked, 'Which Brahma? Lord Brahma was surprised. He told the doorman, Please go inform Lord Krsna that I am the four-headed Brahma who is the father of the four Kumaras
- When the doormen of Vaikunthaloka, who were certainly devotees of the Lord, found that they were going to be cursed by the brahmanas, they at once became very much afraid and fell down at the feet of the brahmanas in great anxiety
- When the great sage Narada was glorifying the pastimes of the Lord with his vina, the four Kumaras, headed by Sanaka, although merged in the impersonal conception of Brahman, were trembling all over
- When the Kumaras, although by far the fittest persons, were thus forbidden entrance by the two chief doorkeepers of Hari while other divinities looked on, their eyes suddenly turned red because of anger due to their great eagerness to see Sri Hari
- Yamaraja states herein (SB 6.3.20-21) that this religious principle is understandable if one follows the parampara system of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the four Kumaras and the other standard authorities
- You are the supreme objective of religious principles, and in our opinion You are inexhaustible and unchangeable eternally
- Your supreme, eternal form cannot be seen by unfortunate, less intelligent persons, but we are so much satisfied in our mind and vision to see it