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Pages in category "Filthy"
The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total.
- A hog generally lives in a very filthy state, eating stool, but if one tries to separate it from its condition and give it a nice place, the hog will be unwilling
- A hog's life is degraded in its standard of happiness, which entails living in a filthy place, engaging in sex enjoyment at every opportune moment, and laboring hard in a struggle for existence, but this is unknown to the hog
- Air is carrying some flavor from flower garden or some filthy place. You cannot see the air, you cannot see the smell, but you can perceive the bad smell or good smell. So the subtle body carries like that
- Although the air sometimes carries the odor of a filthy place, the air has nothing to do with such a place. Similarly, the SP of Godhead, being all-good and all-auspicious, is never affected by the material qualities like an ordinary living entity
- Any literature that has no connection with God is just like a place where crows take enjoyment. Where do crows enjoy? In a filthy place. But white swans take pleasure in nice clear waters surrounded by gardens
- Anyone who, disregarding the pure Ganges, wishes to be purified instead by the filthy water flowing in a drain, cannot be successful. Similarly, one can successfully attain pure knowledge of the Absolute only by hearing from the pure Absolute Himself
- As we accept valuable metal like gold from a filthy place, similarly we should allow any Karmi to work for Krsna
- Bad odors are perceived in filthy places, good smells are perceived from camphor, menthol and similar other products, pungent smells are perceived from garlic and onions, and acidic smells are perceived from turmeric and similar sour substances
- Because mushrooms grow in a filthy place, they are not usually offered to Krishna
- By the beautifully positioned garden houses there were many luxuriant birds, such as swans, cakravakas, karandavas and cranes (in the palace of Maharaja Uttanapada). These birds generally do not live in filthy places like crows do
- Canakya says that one must catch what is right from any source. If there is a glass of poison with some nectar in it, he says, one should take out the nectar and leave the poison. In the same way, if one finds gold in a filthy place, he should take it
- Crows will never come to a nice place. They'll go to the filthy place, where everything rubbish is thrown out. The crow will take advantage of it: "Oh, here is enjoyable thing." Tad vayasam tirtham
- He lives in filthy places like crematoriums, and his companions are the ghosts and demons
- Hog is eating stool, living in a very filthy place, having sex without any discrimination, but you see, hogs are very fatty. They feel very happy. Unless one feels very happy, he cannot become fatty. This is a psychology
- I have stopped the political movement because it will not help us. It is a very filthy atmosphere. Better you do not indulge in those things with expenditure of money and spiritual energy
- If hogs and dogs in their material bodies live in filthy places, one should not think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Paramatma feature also lives in a filthy place
- If the wind passes over a garden of roses, it will carry the aroma of roses, and if it passes over a filthy place, it will carry the stench of obnoxious things
- It is called hog civilization. Hog, they are living in a filthy place, eating stool. If you request the hog, "Please come with me. I shall give you nice place to live in. I shall give you halava," they'll not come. So this is the position
- It is said that the intelligent man should pick up nectar from a stock of poison, should accept gold even from a filthy place, should accept a good and qualified wife even from an obscure family
- It is understood that all the people depended on nature's gifts of fruits and flowers without industrial enterprises promoting filthy huts and slums for residential quarters
- One cannot imitate the sun, which can exhaust water even from a filthy place; the most powerful can do something which is all-good, but our imitation of such acts will put us into endless difficulty
- Our birthplace, even it is hell, it is better than heaven. That is maya. Just like hog. Hog is living most abominable condition of life, with stools and filthy water, but still, he is thinking he's living in heaven
- Picking up something from a filthy place is done by a boar, and the all-powerful Personality of Godhead displayed this wonder to the asuras, who had hidden the earth in such a filthy place
- Prakasananda Sarasvati asked Caitanya: My dear Sir, why are You sitting in that filthy place? Please come and sit with us
- Take the case of a hog. Of course, here in New York City no hog is seen. But in villages in India one sees the hog. Oh, how miserable his life is, living in a filthy place, eating stools and always unclean
- The autumn season takes away the rolling of dark clouds in the sky as well as the polluted water. Filthy conditions on the ground also become cleansed. Similarly, a person who takes to KC immediately becomes cleansed of all dirty things within & without
- The child is tossed downward by the airs that press the embryo during the weeks preceding delivery. Like the worms born of the same filthy abdominal cavity, he cannot remain in one place
- The incarnation of the boar was to take the earth out of Pluto's region of filthy matter
- The sages said, "The demon (Balvala) occasionally comes here and profusely throws upon us contaminated, impure things like pus, blood, stool, urine and wine; he pollutes this sacred place by showering such filth upon us"
- The sky or air is spread everywhere; air is within a pot, but it also touches filthy places and sanctified places alike. In any case, the sky is uncontaminated
- The sun absorbs water from the surface of the earth, but it does not absorb water only from the sea. It also absorbs water from filthy sewers and ditches containing urine and other impure substances. The sun is not polluted by absorbing such water
- The sun evaporates water from filthy places and yet is not infected with the quality of the filth. Similarly, Brahma remains unimpeachable in all conditions
- The sun makes the filthy place pure
- The sunshine also touches filthy places and sanctified places, and both are actually produced by the sun, but in any case the sun is aloof from all filthy things. Similarly, the Lord exists everywhere
- There are a thousand and one rash literatures on the market, but one who has taken interest in the Srimad-Bhagavatam loses all interest in such filthy literatures
- There is a similar statement by a person fallen in the hellish condition of life. He addressed the Supreme Lord thus: "My dear Lord, Yamaraja has placed me in a situation which is full of filthy and obnoxious smells"
- There is no bodily disqualification of a devotee, just as there is no qualitative difference between the Ganges water and the filthy drain water when they are amalgamated
- When you see a hog is eating stool and lying in filthy place, you become compassionate. But he's thinking that he's very happy. So that is applicable to every one of us. We are not actually in happy condition of life. We are in distressed condition
- Worldly literatures are like places where crows take pleasure. In the bird society, there are crows and swans, and crows are interested in places where filthy things are thrown