Category:Fallen Souls
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Pages in category "Fallen Souls"
The following 178 pages are in this category, out of 178 total.
- A man becomes the greatest soul by accepting the goodness of others' qualities, but by unnecessarily considering others' good qualities to be bad, you (Daksa) have become the lowest of the fallen souls
- A person who has understood little value of this Krsna consciousness, he should take this movement very seriously and distribute to the fallen souls. That is the best work
- Actually Lord Caitanya appeared on the request of Lord Advaita. Similarly, Lord Siva has a sampradaya, the Rudra-sampradaya. He is always thinking about the deliverance of the fallen souls, as exhibited by Lord Advaita Prabhu
- Advaita Acarya was always absorbed in thoughts of how to deliver the fallen souls of the entire world. "The entire world is full of nondevotees," He thought. "How will they be delivered"
- Akrura thought, "Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the spiritual master of all spiritual masters; He is the deliverer of all fallen souls and the proprietor of the three worlds"
- All glories to Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the most merciful savior of the fallen souls! All glories to the Supreme Personality
- All glories unto Sri Gaurahari, who is an ocean of mercy! All glories unto You, the son of Sacidevi, for You are the only friend of all fallen souls!
- All the revealed scriptures are prepared by the Lord through His incarnation in the body of Srila Vyasadeva just to remind the fallen souls, conditioned by material nature, of Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead
- All the Vedic literatures are put into systematic order for the benefit of the fallen souls, and it is the duty of the fallen souls to take advantage of such literatures and be freed from the bondage of material existence
- Although His pastimes are His only characteristic functions, by His causeless mercy He performs one activity for the fallen souls
- Although I am a fallen soul, the lowest of men, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered me from the blazing forest fire of great material opulence by His mercy
- Although it is very difficult to raise such creatures to spiritual understanding, Lord Siva takes charge of them, and therefore, as stated in the Vedas, Lord Siva is all-auspicious. Thus by his association even such fallen souls can be elevated
- Although they (women and sudras) are unfit to enter into the spiritual affairs of the Lord, can see Him as the arca-vigraha, who descends on the material world just to distribute favors to the fallen souls, including the above-mentioned women and sudras
- As a father Krishna is always sorry for the son is out of home, similarly Krishna is not very happy on account of so many bewildered fallen souls in the material world. He therefore comes personally to ask them to surrender again to Him
- As an incarnation of God, You are delivering so many fallen souls. I am also a greatly unhappy fallen soul. Kindly deliver me by Your mercy
- As living representative of Krsna, our duty is to save these fallen conditioned souls. That is our duty. One may agree to come or not come. It doesn't matter. You try your best to bring him to this Krsna consciousness position
- As soon as one is completely free from the reactions of sinful activities, he is eligible to render devotional service to the Lord. This is the process for engaging the fallen souls in devotional service
- As the Lord appeared just to maintain Lord Brahma from the attack of Madhu and Kaitabha, He also appeared to protect the great devotee Prahlada Maharaja. Similarly, Lord Caitanya appeared in order to protect the fallen souls of Kali-yuga
- Because so-called scholars superficially see that Caitanya Mahaprabhu associates with the fallen souls, they think that He is meant for a lower class of men but that they do not need Him. Thus such scholars do not take to the Krsna consciousness movement
- Because the Lord kicked a hole in the covering of the universe, the water of the Ganges came into this material world to deliver all the fallen souls
- Being a most fallen soul, I was victimized by the illusory energy and have become like a dancing dog led around by a woman's hand. Now I shall give up all lusty desires and free myself from this illusion
- Being in a transcendental position, he gave instructions on religion and transcendental knowledge because he is naturally extremely kind to the fallen souls. These instructions were free from all material contamination
- Bilvamangala Thakura wrote, "I know that I am not at all fit to offer my prayers to You, but because You are known as Dinabandhu, the friend of the fallen, I humbly pray that You will kindly purify me by the beams of Your transcendental glance"
- Both of them (Krsnadasa Brahmacari and Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) were expert in distributing love of Godhead to the fallen souls of this age
- Both Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami brought various scriptures to Vrndavana and collected the essence of these by compiling many scriptures on devotional service. In this way they delivered all rascals and fallen souls
- Brahma also does his duty very perfectly, not only by generating the living entities but also by spreading his party for reclaiming the fallen souls
- By distributing the holy name of the Lord, he cleanses the hearts of the most fallen people; therefore he extinguishes the blazing fire of the material world. Not only that, he broadcasts the shining brightness of Krsna’s effulgence throughout the world
- Caitanya is Lord Krsna Himself in His devotional attitude, descended on earth to bestow special favors upon the fallen souls of this age of Kali. There are two verses particularly suitable to offer as prayers to this Mahapurusa feature of Lord Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave this concession to the fallen souls of this age: "Simply chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and you will be delivered." This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's special concession - kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has particularly bestowed upon all fallen souls in this age the most potent method of devotional service - sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy name
- Even if one is not successful in reclaiming all the fallen souls back to Godhead, still, because he is Krsna conscious, his path to Vaikunthaloka is open
- Everyone else with a materially comfortable condition in this world should join the Krsna consciousness movement to elevate the fallen souls
- Everything is possible by the Grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu because he specifically appeared to reclaim the most fallen souls
- He ( Advaita Prabhu) prayed to Lord Krsna that, "You come Yourself. Without Your personal presence, it is not possible to deliver these fallen souls." So by His invitation Lord Caitanya appeared
- He (Abhirama Thakura) was a very influential personality, and nondevotees were very much afraid of him. Empowered by Sri Nityananda Prabhu, he was always in ecstasy and was extremely kind to all fallen souls
- He (God), however, is always anxious to get the fallen souls back home, back to Godhead, and for this He has given so many chances to the conditioned souls via the authoritative scriptures, His representatives, and personal incarnations also
- He (Gopala Capala) did not know that the deliverance of the fallen does not consist of curing their bodily diseases, although it is also a fact that when a man is delivered from the material clutches his material bodily diseases are automatically cured
- He (human being) certainly cannot succeed by mental concoction, which is not meant for devotees or religious people. Only an empowered personality can distribute the holy name of the Lord and enjoin all fallen souls to worship Krsna
- He (Krsna) descends out of His causeless mercy only to reclaim the fallen souls who are captivated by the illusory energy
- He (Krsna) descends to reclaim the fallen souls and to reestablish codes of religion which are directly enacted by Him
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) prays to the Lord that all of us fallen souls in this material world may, by the grace of the Lord, engage in the service of His servant and thus be delivered
- He (Prahlada) refused to go into the kingdom of God without taking all the fallen souls with him. This is a Vaisnava. Nanyam tvad asya saranam bhramato 'nupasye: "I simply want to teach them how to surrender unto You (God). That's all. That is my goal
- He (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) appeared in order to teach the fallen souls in this material world, for in this Age of Kali almost everyone has become attached to fruitive and ritualistic activities and mental speculation
- He (the Krsna conscious person not successful in reclaiming fallen souls) personally becomes qualified to enter the Vaikunthalokas, and if anyone follows such a devotee, he also enters into Vaikunthaloka
- He (the spiritual master) takes responsibility for all the fallen souls. That idea is also in the Bible. Jesus Christ took all the sinful reactions of the people and sacrificed his life. That is the responsibility of a spiritual master
- His (Krsna's) appearance in the material world as one of us is also His causeless mercy upon the fallen souls
- I must certainly deliver all these fallen souls who blaspheme Me and do not offer Me obeisances
- If one does not know of the material sufferings of fallen souls and becomes sympathetic because of bodily comforts, as in the case of Bharata Maharaja, such sympathy or compassion is the cause of one's downfall
- If one has awakened his dormant love for Krsna, then what is the use in executing austerities and penances unnecessarily. The Krsna consciousness movement is the unique gift of Lord Caitanya to the fallen souls of this age
- If You simply deliver us by Your transcendental strength, then certainly Your name will be known as Patita-pavana, the savior of the fallen souls
- In Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that persons who are trying to elevate the condition of the fallen souls by preaching the conclusion of Bhagavad-gita - namely, full surrender unto the Personality of Godhead - are very dear to Him
- In his prayer to the Lord, Prahlada Maharaja said that he was not personally interested in liberation from this material world; rather, he did not wish to be liberated from this material condition until all fallen souls were delivered
- In the Bhagavad-gita (6.41-42) we are assured by the Lord that the souls fallen from the path of self-realization, are given a chance to rectify themselves by taking birth either in the families of good brahmanas or in the families of rich merchants
- In the Vaikunthalokas the Lord is merciful toward the liberated or nitya-mukta living entities, but in His pastimes in the mortal world He is merciful even to the fallen souls who are nitya-baddha, or conditioned forever
- In this age it is not possible for the fallen souls to understand and undergo all the lessons of all these various scriptures in a varna and asrama system
- In this age this ocean of faults, there is a very valuable thing. That is special concession to these fallen souls of this age. Because Krsna is so kind, He is always anxious to deliver us
- In this way, Srila Nityananda Prabhu introduced the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to everyone without discrimination. Even though the people were fallen souls and blasphemers, they were delivered by this process
- It is (The Lord's rasa-lila with the gopis) the highest perfectional stage of the exchange of feelings between the Lord and the living entities. The Lord gives the fallen souls the chance for this highest perfection of life
- It is predicted how fallen souls will behave. They will keep their hair long and consider themselves very beautiful, or they will pluck out their hair as the Jains do. They will keep themselves unclean and will not wash their mouths
- It is the concern of the acarya to show mercy to the fallen souls. In this connection, desa-kala-patra (the place, the time and the object) should be taken into consideration
- It is the duty of the saints and sages to enlighten the fallen souls, and reciprocally it is the duty of the householder to receive the saints and sages cordially, as the peacock dances in ecstasy at the presence of clouds in the sky
- King Prthu's activities took place in Satya-yuga, and in this age this practice of yoga is misunderstood by fallen souls who are not capable of practicing anything. Consequently the sastras enjoin: kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha
- Krsna Consciousness movement is inaugurated by Caitanya and Nityananda Who are Krsna and Balarama respectively. They have descended very kindly to reclaim all fallen souls of this age of whom the typical examples are the two brothers Jagai and Madhai
- Krsna is an ocean of mercy. He is especially merciful to the poor and fallen. Without His mercy, there is no possibility of happiness
- Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Simply by the causeless mercy of the devotees engaged in licking honey from His lotus feet, even a fallen soul becomes eternally liberated
- Living entities, who are part and parcel of the SPG, are loitering in this material world suffering. When they are instructed by God Himself about bhagavata-dharma and they adopt it, that is victory for the Lord, for He then reclaims these fallen souls
- Lord Caitanya has made all these subject matters (Bhagavad-gita and Bhagavata Purana) easier for the fallen people of this age to accept, and Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has therefore presented them for the easy understanding of all concerned
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu very mercifully reclaimed the fallen souls especially in this age by this short-cut method of chanting Hare Krishna Mantra
- Lord Caitanya's special gift to the fallen souls of this age of quarrel and disagreement is to induce the people in general, the religionists, the philosophers and everyone to take to the chanting of the holy name of Krsna
- Lord Krsna appeared on this earth, and sometimes as His devotee, as did Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu - and sometimes He sends His bona fide devotees to reclaim all the fallen souls
- Lord Krsna is so kind to the fallen souls that He personally incarnates Himself amongst the different kinds of living entities and takes part with them in daily activities
- Lord Sri Krsna Himself, as Lord Caitanya, again appeared to teach the fallen souls of this material world the way to approach Lord Krsna
- Maharaja Prataparudra considered himself a most fallen soul because he had to deal with material things constantly and enjoy material profits
- Many fallen souls will be delivered (in the next 10,000 years) back to home, back to Godhead (by this movement)
- Moksa means to become one with the Lord. So these things are going on. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to save all these fallen souls
- Narada appeared in the garden to give the two sons of Kuvera the seed of devotional service, even though they were intoxicated. Saintly persons know how to bestow mercy upon the fallen souls
- Narada Muni is our original Spiritual Master and he has dragged so many fallen souls towards Krishna, and we are also hoping to be dragged by Him through the disciplic succession
- Narottama dasa Thakura has sung, sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu daya kara more. He prays for Lord Caitanya’s mercy because He is the mercy incarnation, having appeared especially to reclaim the fallen souls
- No one within the three worlds is sufficiently powerful to deliver us. You are the only savior of the fallen souls; therefore there is no one but You
- O most powerful, insurmountable Lord, who are kind to the fallen souls, I have been put into the association of demons as a result of my activities, and therefore I am very much afraid of my condition of life within this material world
- Of these 427,000 years, the 10,000 years of the sankirtana movement inaugurated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu 500 years ago provide the opportunity for the fallen souls of Kali-yuga to take to the Krsna consciousness movement
- One of his (A sadhu) qualifications, therefore, is karunika, great mercy to the fallen souls
- One of the qualifications of a sadhu is that he is very tolerant and is merciful to all fallen souls
- One should always think of himself as the most fallen among souls so that Krsna will take care of him
- One should look unto the Lord; one should not be disturbed by the so-called manifestations of happiness or distress, but he should try to cooperate with the Lord in His outward activities for correcting the fallen souls
- One who claims to be the supreme, therefore, should be understood to have fallen to the last snare of maya. One who is thus fallen cannot even be liberated, for he is bound by false impressions
- One who tries to relieve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s anxiety for the fallen souls is certainly a most dear and confidential devotee of the Lord
- Patita-pavana-hetu tava avatara: "My Lord, Your incarnation is for the reason to deliver all the fallen souls." So He gave one example by delivering Jagai and Madhai, but by His grace, now thousands of Jagai-Madhais are being delivered
- Prahlada is always situated in the Vaikuntha planets of the spiritual world, but on behalf of the fallen souls he asks how, when his mind is always disturbed by material things, he can discuss the transcendental position of the Lord
- Saintly persons know how to bestow mercy upon the fallen souls
- Saints and sages mercifully try to uplift fallen souls from the dark well of householder life. An enlightened householder therefore takes pleasure in the appearance of such saints and sages at his house
- Sannyasa asrama is meant for uplifting the fallen souls, who are merged in materialism. But unless the sannyasi is freed from all cares and anxieties, like a white cloud, it is difficult for him to do anything good for society
- Sati accused her father: A man becomes the greatest soul by accepting the goodness of others' qualities, but by unnecessarily considering others' good qualities to be bad, you have become the lowest of the fallen souls
- Seeing the miserable condition of the living entities in the Kali-yuga, Lord Caitanya, the savior of the fallen souls, has expounded a method for their salvation. This method is taken from the scriptures and is applicable to everyone
- So Lord Caitanya introduced this fighting principle of Sankirtana Movement to reclaim all the fallen souls, who consist of so-called philosophers, half-educated scientists, misguided educationists and a miscreant society
- Somebody informed (to Nityananda Prabhu) that - There are two brothers, Jagai & Madhai, very fallen souls, they were born in brahmana family, very nice, rich family. But being addicted to drinking and prostitution, they have become now rogues
- Sometimes it is seen that great personalities meet with fallen souls, not for any personal interest but for the benefit of those souls. In the creation of the Lord there are different kinds of living creatures
- Sometimes it is very risky to give great philosophical instructions to ordinary people, but Caitanya , for the benefit of the fallen souls of Kali-yuga, has given us a very nice instrument, the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- Sri Baladeva appeared as Sri Nityananda Prabhu during the advent of Lord Caitanya, and the great Lord Nityananda Prabhu exhibited His causeless mercy by delivering a pair of extremely fallen souls, namely Jagai and Madhai
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is called maha-vadanyavatara because although He is Sri Krsna Himself, He is even more favorably disposed to the poor fallen souls than Lord Sri Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is known as maha-vadanyavatara, the most magnanimous incarnation, for He does not consider the offenses of the fallen souls
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is well known as Patita-pavana, the savior of all fallen souls, and He proved this in His behavior toward His personal servant, Krsnadasa, whom He saved
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He's also Krsna. He has appeared as devotee. He appeared first of all as the Supreme Lord, Krsna, and He instructed Bhagavad-gita to the fallen souls and He asserted His Lordship
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna Himself, is always very unhappy to see the fallen souls in the material world
- Sri Krsna, being the primeval Lord, appears not in order to make such administrative adjustments (in the cosmic creation) but only to exhibit His transcendental pastimes and thus attract the fallen souls back home, back to Godhead
- Sri Vyasadeva and his many disciples were all historical personalities, and they were very kind and sympathetic toward the fallen souls of this age of Kali
- Srila Advaita Acarya sets the standard for acaryas in the Vaisnava sampradaya. An acarya must always be eager to deliver the fallen souls
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given some practical hints to the effect that an uttama-adhikari Vaisnava can be recognized by his ability to convert many fallen souls to Vaisnavism
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura sings in his Prarthana (39): You (the Lord) appear as an incarnation just to reclaim the conditioned, fallen souls, but I assure You that You will not find a soul more fallen than me
- Stalwart, highly advanced Vaisnava devotees are not interested in seeing prostitutes, but when a prostitute or any other fallen soul becomes a Vaisnava, stalwart Vaisnavas are interested in seeing them
- Taking to Krsna consciousness and bringing fallen souls to Krsna consciousness is victory for Lord Krsna
- The benediction of being able to approach the Lord can be achieved after many, many births, yet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has awarded this benediction to everyone, even to the fallen souls who have no heritage of anything in spiritual life
- The conclusion is that the Lord is not impersonal in the ultimate issue. He is the Supreme Person and He has His different activities. He is the leader of all living entities, He descends at His will and by His personal energy to reclaim the fallen souls
- The devotee should show mercy to the fallen souls and also give them the assurance of fearlessness
- The devotees of Lord Visnu offer all kinds of sacrifices for His pleasure. The devotees are always attached to the service of the Lord, whereas fallen souls are attached to the pleasures of material existence
- The devotees, concerned only with rescuing the fallen souls from this material world, apparently take birth in different places in the material world just to save the conditioned souls
- The dust and shade of the lotus feet of the Vaisnavas have been granted to this fallen soul by the mercy of Lord Nityananda
- The fallen souls are very eager to receive novel informations every day, and the transcendentalists like Vyasadeva or Narada can supply such eager people in general with unlimited news from the spiritual world
- The fallen souls of this age prone to be misled by false association and false spiritual masters, unfortunate in every respect, and continuously disturbed by innumerable material problems
- The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is successfully claiming all fallen souls to free them from contamination
- The kingdom of Godhead is where the erotic principles of Godhead are eternally relished in their real form, distinct from the perverted sexual love so much adored and indulged in by the fallen souls in their diseased condition
- The Lord (Krsna) condescends to enter into each and every one of the innumerable universes as the Garbhodakasayi Visnu because fallen souls cannot see anything beyond matter
- The Lord in the temple in the worshipable form is never to be considered to be made of stone or wood, for the Lord in His arca incarnation as the Deity in the temple shows immense favor to the fallen souls by His auspicious presence
- The Lord is always prepared to shower His mercy upon fallen souls struggling against miserable material conditions
- The Lord is always ready to help the fallen souls, but because they are fools and rascals, they do not take to Krsna consciousness and abide by the instructions of Krsna
- The Lord is always seeking the opportunity to reclaim the fallen souls to His abode, the kingdom of God
- The Lord is ever increasingly merciful upon the fallen souls of this material world. The whole cosmic manifestation is a chance for all to improve themselves in devotional service to the Lord, and everyone is meant for that purpose
- The Lord is so compassionate upon the fallen souls within this material world that He comes Himself or sends His devotees and His servants to fulfill His desire to have all the fallen souls come back home, back to Godhead
- The Lord is so merciful that He Himself descends to take the fallen souls back home
- The Lord is very much anxious to get back His parts and parcels, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita. No one is more dear than the one who takes the task of reclaiming the fallen souls back to Godhead
- The Lord's form as Kapila directs the fallen souls and enriches them with knowledge and devotion so that they may go back to Godhead
- The Lord's mercy upon the fallen souls is equally distributed. He has no one as the specific object of hostility
- The proper way of reclaiming all the fallen souls: by Krsna consciousness movement. Krsna says, mam hi partha vyapasritya. One has to be educated to take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna. Mam hi partha vyapasritya
- The reason the Lord displays the rasa-lila is essentially to induce all the fallen souls to give up their diseased morality and religiosity, and to attract them to the kingdom of God to enjoy the reality
- The sages of Naimisaranya are anxious to disentangle all fallen souls, and here they are seeking the remedy from Srila Suta Gosvami
- The sannyasa-asrama is meant for complete freedom from all anxieties, and it is meant for uplifting the fallen souls, who are merged in materialism
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is so kind and merciful to human society that He is always anxious to take the fallen souls back home, back to Godhead
- The water of the Karana Ocean, which is the original cause, is therefore spiritual. The sacred Ganges, which is but a drop of it, purifies the fallen souls
- The whole creation of material existence is made for this purpose, just to give a chance to the fallen souls who rebelled against the will of the Supreme Father and thus became conditioned by material nature
- The whole world is going to hell and everyone is suffering. In light of this, how can we argue amongst one another and neglect our responsibility for reclaiming these fallen souls for going Back to Home, Back to Godhead
- These Gosvamis left their very comfortable lives as ministers. Zamindars and learned scholars and joined Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement, just to show mercy to the fallen souls of the world - dina-ganesakau karunaya
- They (devotees) are always anxious for the welfare of the fallen souls, who are attached to the false enjoyment of materialistic life, in which they forget their eternal relation with God
- They (fallen souls) are under the clutches of maya, suffering. So various means adopting, just try to save them. This is Vaisnava business
- They (God's confidential servants) descend out of their causeless mercy, just to benefit the fallen souls who are apt to be illusioned by the material energy of Godhead, called the modes of nature
- They (Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) have appeared just to reclaim the fallen souls of this age. So They are more kind than Krsna. Krsna, He is also very kind. He comes to deliver. But Krsna demands that first of all surrender
- They (the inhabitants of Satyaloka) have nothing to do in this world save and except reclaim the fallen souls rotting in material existence, deluded by material energy
- They (vaisnavas) are not unhappy, and they can tolerate any unhappy position. Therefore they come to deliver so many fallen souls
- This chanting process, Hare Krsna, will actually deliver all these fallen souls without any failure. It is not bogus propaganda. Anyone who will take to this chanting process, whatever, you don't consider about his past life. He will become saintly
- This material world is a dark well of ignorance. The fallen soul in this dark well must take shelter of the lotus feet of Gaura-Nitai, for thus he can easily emerge from material existence
- This process of self-realization (chanting the holy names of the Lord) is very suitable for the fallen souls of this age, when life is short and when people are slow in understanding the importance of spiritual realization
- To become advanced in spiritual life of devotional service to Krsna means to acquire spiritual strength, and this spiritual strength is for impressing devotional service into the hearts of the fallen souls
- Two Lords, Nitai-Gauracandra, Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, They are very kind, you see? They have appeared just to reclaim the fallen souls of this age
- Vaisnava is very, very merciful. They are merciful to the fallen souls. Their only concern is how to deliver these fallen souls
- Vyasadeva and Lord Krsna are both on the transcendental plane, and therefore they collaborated in doing good to the fallen souls of this age. The BG is the essence of all Vedic knowledge. It is the first book of spiritual values, as the Upanisads are
- We are sure that we are delivering many fallen souls, making them bona fide candidates for going back home, back to Godhead
- We are very, very fallen souls. We cannot do anything. It is very, very difficult. Although at any time, as it is said before, kevalaya bhaktya. Simply by bhakti, devotional service, one can become liberated from all contamination. That's a fact
- When material resources are withdrawn by the Lord (Krsna), the devotee is cent percent attracted toward the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Thus the Lord snatches the fallen soul from the mire of material existence
- When the Lord is unhappy because of the condition of the fallen souls, the devotee consoles Him, saying, "My dear Lord, do not be in anxiety." This is service
- Who is a fallen soul? Fallen soul means anyone who has taken birth in this material world, he is a fallen soul, never mind what he is. He may be Brahma or he may be an insignificant ant. Anyone who is within this material world
- With great difficulty we get a man. We have to reform them. Our business is to become sympathetic to fallen souls. So in future do not do it all. Everything should be done amicably
- Within the memory of everyone, Lord Caitanya also appeared for the same purpose: to show special favor to fallen souls of this age of iron industry