Category:Example Of
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- A class of common men maintain that it does not matter how the Absolute Truth is addressed, for all names are one and the same. They give the example of a man with many names; if he is called by any of those names, he will answer
- A devotee of the Lord automatically has all good qualifications. And the Emperor was a typical example of this. Personally he had no attachment for all the worldly opulences in his possession
- A lusty woman in Kailasa once told Krsna, "My dear Krsna, may You have a long life!" Then, after saying this, she embraced Krsna. This is an example of incompatibility resulting from a mixture of parental love and conjugal love
- A similar example of becoming stunned was visible in Arjuna when he saw that Asvatthama was attempting to release his brahmastra at Krsna
- A very nice example of this obligatory behavior was manifested when Sudama Vipra went to Krsna's palace
- Action in KC has to be executed in accord with the examples of previous bona fide devotees. This is recommended in the 15th verse (of BG 4). Why such action should not be independant will be explained in the text to follow. BG 1972 purports
- Actually the example of the rope and the snake is not completely irregular. When we accept a rope to be a snake, it is to be understood that we have experienced a snake previously. Otherwise, how can the rope be mistaken for a snake?
- Although this (Parvati) young girl sat before Lord Siva and touched his genitals, Lord Siva was steady in meditation. Kalidasa says - Here is an example of a dhira, for despite a young girl's touching his genitals, he was undisturbed
- An example of a dhira is given by Kalidasa Pandita, a great Sanskrit poet who wrote a book called Kumara-sambhava, wherein he has given an example concerning Lord Siva
- An example of a sadhaka cultivating devotional service is Bilvamangala Thakur
- An example of an object which caused ecstatic dread is the Putana witch. Dread can be caused by mischievous demonic characters, such as King Kamsa, and it can be caused by great powerful demigods, such as Indra or Sankara
- An example of Krsna's self-satisfaction was exhibited when He, Arjuna and Bhima went to challenge Jarasandha, the formidable king of Magadha, and Krsna gave all credit to Bhima for the killing of Jarasandha
- An example of pravasa, or being out of contact because of living in a distant place, is given in the Padyavali as follows
- An example of shedding tears because of anger was exhibited by Bhima when he saw that Sisupala was insulting Krsna in the raja-suya arena of sacrifice
- An example of spontaneous action is the flowing of rivers into the ocean. Nothing can stop this flow of water. Similarly, when one’s dormant Krsna consciousness is awakened, it spontaneously flows to the lotus feet of Krsna without impediment
- An example of stillness was described by a friend of Krsna, who informed Him in Mathura that all the cowherd boys had become just like leafless trees on the tops of hills
- An example of tad-ekatma-rupa (the Lord Himself) is Sesa, and an example of a devotee is Vasudeva, the father of Lord Krsna
- An example of the attachment felt by Raktaka toward Lord Krsna can be understood from his statement to Rasada
- An example of this (enjoyer and enjoyed) relationship can be found in the material world between the husband and the wife: the husband is the enjoyer (purusa), and the wife is the enjoyed (prakrti)
- An example of this perseverance and reservation is found in the behavior of King Pariksit
- An example of vaibhava-prakasa is the son of Devaki. He sometimes has two hands and sometimes four hands
- Another example of being stunned took place when Krsna was surrounded by various wrestlers in the sacrificial arena of Kamsa. His mother, Devaki,* then became stunned, and her eyes dried up when she saw Krsna amongst the wrestlers
- Arjuna also, by his devotional service, made Krsna his chariot driver; he ordered the Lord, "Put my chariot here," and the Lord executed his order. These are some examples of how a devotee can acquire the exalted position of conquering the unconquerable
- As a historical example of this, learned sages recite the story of an ancient discussion between Prahlada Maharaja and a great saintly person who was feeding himself like a python
- As an example of the running down of saliva from the mouth, it is stated that sometimes when Narada Muni was chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, he remained stunned for a while, and saliva oozed from his mouth
- As soon as one is freed from the influence of the three modes of material nature, he is situated on the Brahman platform. Vivid examples of personalities thus situated are the four Kumaras and Narada
- At that time (when he witnessed the universal form) Arjuna forgot himself and could not understand that he was Arjuna, Krsna's friend, although he was always dependent upon Krsna's mercy. This incident is an example of inferior dependence
- Bali Maharaja cited the tangible examples of Maharaja Sibi and Maharaja Dadhici, who had given up their lives for the benefit of the general public
- By His actual behavior, Caitanya Mahaprabhu begged the blessings of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. In this way He set the example of how one should expect blessings from a Vaisnava regardless of his social position
- By the dictation of God, who lived also within the heart of the snake, it gave preference to Haridasa and decided to leave the place and not disturb him. This is a tangible example of how God gives protection to a bona fide devotee like Thakura Haridasa
- By the example of Arjuna we are to learn that we should only perform work which is sanctioned by Krsna. This is the mission of human life, but we do not know it
- By the example of Pariksit Maharaja, we can take the lesson that we do not know when we shall die, but before death we have to become competent in Krsna consciousness
- By the example of the earthen pots and dishes the Vedic version is presented: although the existence of the particular by-products of the Absolute Truth is temporary, the energy of the Supreme Lord is permanent
- By word jugglery he (Sankaracarya) has tried to prove that the individual identities of the living entities and the material world are illusory, and he has cited the examples of mistaking a rope for a snake or an oyster shell for gold
- Conditioned souls who are interested in devotional service should follow in the exemplary footsteps of Lord Caitanya in order to learn how Krsna can be achieved by DS. Thus the Supreme Lord Himself teaches the conditioned soul how He should be approached
- Contributing or distributing the holy name of the Lord is a sublime example of contributing or giving charity
- Devotional service discharged with such attachment is called ragatmika, and deep attachment with deep absorption in the object of love is called ragatmika. Examples of these can be seen in the activities of the residents of Vrajabhumi
- Dhrtarastra is a typical example of an attached old man in household life
- During these democratic days, monarchy is disliked by the people, but here is an example of how an emperor (Rsabhadeva) of the whole world kept all the citizens fully satisfied by supplying the necessities of life and following the Vedic principles
- Emperor Bharata is a typical example of detachment. He had everything enjoyable in the material world, but he left it. This means that detachment does not mean artificially keeping oneself aloof and apart from the allurements of attachment
- Even at the risk of death such a devotee is never bereft of the transcendental loving service of the Lord. A glorious example of this ecstatic love was exhibited by King Pariksit when he was at the point of death
- Even if the Lord takes away a devotee's material opulences, the Lord immediately offers him a position of which the demigods cannot even dream. There are many examples of this in the history of devotional service
- Even in the poetic compositions of such great poets as Bhavabhuti, Jayadeva and Kalidasa there are many examples of faults
- Even in the poetic compositions of such great poets as Bhavabhuti, Jayadeva and Kalidasa there are many examples of faults. Such mistakes should be considered negligible. One should see only how such poets have displayed their poetic power
- Everything emanates from the Supreme Spirit. This is realized by a gradual process of realization and purification. One vivid example of this is Dhruva Maharaja
- Examples of anubhava as follows: dancing, rolling on the ground, singing very loudly, stretching the body, crying loudly, yawning, breathing very heavily, neglecting the presence of others, drooling, laughing like a madman, wheeling the head and belching
- Examples of devotees in the second stage, servitorship, are Raktaka, Citraka and Patraka. These are all servants of Krsna in Gokula. In Dvaraka there is Daruka, and in the Vaikuntha planets there are Hanuman and others
- Examples of direct or saksad-avataras are the Sesa incarnation and the Ananta incarnation. In Ananta the power for sustaining all planets is invested, and in the Sesa incarnation the power for serving the Supreme Lord is invested
- Examples of indirect avataras are the four Kumaras, Narada, Prthu and Parasurama. These are actually living entities, but there is specific power given to them by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Examples of santa-bhaktas are the nine Yogendras and the four Kumaras. Examples of devotees in dasya-bhakti are innumerable, for such devotees exist everywhere
- Examples of santa-bhaktas, or devotees in the neutral stage, are the nine yogis named Kavi, Havi, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra, Dravida or Drumila, Camasa and Karabhajana
- Examples of such vilasa-vigrahas are Baladeva, Narayana in Vaikuntha-dhama, and the catur-vyuha-Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha
- Examples of this subordination are Sarana, Gada and Subhadra. They were all members of the Yadu dynasty, and they always used to think themselves protected by Krsna. Similarly, Krsna's sons, such as Pradyumna, Carudesna and Samba, felt the same way
- Following His (Caitanya's) directions, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami renovated Radha-kunda. This is one of the brilliant examples of how the Gosvamis excavated lost places of pilgrimage
- Following the examples of the previous acaryas, all the members of the Krsna consciousness movement should try to benefit the conditioned souls by inducing them to become Krsna conscious and giving them all facilities to do so
- Following this example (of Bhaktisiddhanta), the devotees of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness now render service as preachers in various parts of the world. Now they can allow the spiritual master to retire from active preaching work
- For the Supreme Lord, both the asuras and the demigods are equal, but the demigods are obedient to the Lord, whereas the asuras are not. Therefore, the example of picking out a thorn by another thorn is quite befitting
- Generally liberation takes place after one gives up this body but one who lives according to the example of Prthu Maharaja is liberated even in this lifetime
- Generally the Materialistic philosophers give the example of a waterpot and clay. Clay is the cause of the waterpot, but the clay can be found as both cause and effect. The waterpot is the effect & clay itself is the cause, but clay is visible everywhere
- God is unlimited, and His desires are also unlimited. This (CC Adi 9.38) example of unlimited fruits is factually appropriate even within the material context, for with the good will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there can be enough fruits
- Guru refers to one who gives proper direction under the authority of the Vedic injunctions and according to the examples of the lives of great personalities. The best way to mold one's life is to follow in the footsteps of the authorized personalities
- Had Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu not chastised Junior Haridasa for slight deviation, so-called devotees of the Lord would have exploited the example of Junior Haridasa to continue their habit of illicit connections with women unrestrictedly
- He (Kholaveca Sridhara) was a great devotee of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is a typical example of how a poor man with no material possessions can become a most exalted devotee of the Lord
- He (Madhumangala) jokingly said, "My dear Lord, please be merciful upon me. I am praying for Your mercy." This is an example of uparasa in fraternal affection and neutrality
- Here is a factual example (Maru - a descendent of Kusa) of perfection: a yoga-siddha can live as long as he likes
- Here is an example of incompatibility due to a mixture of neutrality and high conjugal love
- Here is another example of a dhira (Haridasa Thakura and the prostitute) who has control of his body (deha), words (vac), and intelligence - buddhi
- Hiranyakasipu was a vivid example of this dissatisfied state of humanity
- His (Krsna's) leaving the battlefield is an example of His supermost opulence, renunciation
- Holding of a great personality's lotus feet is certainly very good for the person who takes the dust, but this (CC Adi 17.244) example of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's unhappiness indicates that a Vaisnava should not allow anyone to take dust from his feet
- I am so glad to see that one of my sincere disciples has sacrificed everything for spreading Krishna Consciousness, and I am so pleased upon you that you are showing the example of an ideal householder
- I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly
- I have given you the spiritual name of Prthu dasa Brahmacari. King Prthu was the ideal ruler of the citizens, so you should also set the example of ideal person and spread this ideal very widely to all the citizens of your country
- I'll give you one practical example of how things are misinterpreted...
- If a poor man loses some money or gold, he at once becomes very agitated. Similarly, the mind of Maharaja Bharata would become agitated when he did not see the deer. This is an example of how our attachment can be transferred
- If he (the Brahman realized person) wants, he can continue to stay in the Brahman position and then gradually rise up to Paramatma realization and then to the realization of the SPG. There are many examples of this in Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- If some percentage of Americans become Vaishnavas, it will be wonderful for the future of the world. It will be a great example for the world
- Impersonalists generally give the example of a river flowing into the ocean and merging. This may be a source of happiness for the impersonalist, but the personalist keeps his personal individuality like an aquatic in the ocean. BG 1972 purports
- In Sanskrit, these activities are called pravrtti and nivrtti-positive and negative action. There are many examples of negative action. For instance, a diseased person has to be cautious and take medicine in order to avoid some unfavorable illness
- In the present age such demoniac men (like Ravana) are striving to reach the higher planetary systems by mechanical arrangement. These are examples of bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- In the summer they (tapasvis) also ignite fires all around themselves and sit down in the midst of the blazes and meditate. These are examples of severe tapasya undertaken by many ascetics in India
- In the Tenth Canto, 29th Chapter, 27th verse, another example of faltering of the voice was exhibited by the gopis when they came to Krsna, desiring to dance with Him
- In the third part of Bhagavad-gita, devotional service was established by the example of past acaryas and the Brahma-sutra, the Vedanta-sutra, which cites that devotional service is the ultimate purpose of life and nothing else. BG 1972 purports
- In the verse (CC Adi 16.41) beginning with mahattvam gangayah there are five literary ornaments and five examples of faulty composition
- In this connection, Prahlada Maharaj cited the example of Hanuman, the eternal servitor of Lord Ramacandra, who also set an example by never asking any material favor from the Lord
- In this respect, the example of the father's being angry at the son and the son's trying to pacify the father with smiling and sweet words is very appropriate
- In this verse (SB 4.22.56) Maharaja Prthu is compared to the kings of the moon and sun. The king of the moon and the king of the sun serve as examples of how the Lord desires the universe to be ruled
- In Vrndavana, examples of devotees in fraternity are Sridama and Sudama; in Dvaraka the Lord's friends are Bhima and Arjuna, and in Vrndavana the devotees in parental love are mother Yasoda and father Nanda Maharaja
- Innocent persons misled in this way (by the tendency toward religious ritualistic ceremonies and philosophical speculation) are deprived of unalloyed krsna-bhakti, devotional service to the Lord. Tapana Misra is a vivid example of such a person
- Isvara Puri and Ramacandra Puri, are examples of the objects of a great personality's benediction and punishment. Madhavendra Puri instructed the entire world by presenting these two examples
- It is a child’s nature to engage all day and night in playing, not caring even for his health and other important concerns. This is an example of preyas. But there are also sreyas, or activities which are ultimately auspicious
- It is confirmed herein (SB 1.12.4) by the example of Maharaja Yudhisthira, the personality of goodness
- It is very difficult for one to surrender fully unto the Personality of Godhead without being purified by devotional service. The example of the learned brahmanas and their wives is vivid
- Kaliya's wives were flattering Krsna so that He would spare their husband. Therefore this is an example of uparasa, or imitation
- Karanapatava refers to imperfectness of the material senses. There are many examples of such imperfection
- Karanarnavasayi Visnu electrifies the matter to put it in motion because He is a plenary expansion of Krsna. The example of electrification is quite appropriate
- King Bharata, who took his third birth in the family of a good brahmana, is an example of good birth for the revival of previous transcendental consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- King Puranjana was actually thinking of becoming her (the shy girl) husband and consequently was asking her whether she was thinking of her prospective husband or whether she was married. This is an example of bhoga-iccha - the desire for enjoyment
- Krsna Himself gives an example of His omnipresence in this way (BG 9.6) - As the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, always rests in ethereal space, know that in the same manner all beings rest in Me
- Krsna said, "You (Krsna's boys and family members) should learn from the example of King Nrga that even if someone unknowingly usurps the property of a brahmana, he is put into a miserable condition of life"
- Liberated souls can join in this blissful reciprocation of predominator and predominated without materially concocted ideas. example of such a transcendental exchange between the predominator and the predominated is the Lord's rasa-lila with the gopis
- Lifting a mountain at the age of seven years and marrying sixteen thousand wives in the prime of His youth are some of the examples of His infinite energy
- Mad emotional talks include ten divisions, called prajalpa and other names. An example of this is the ten verses spoken by Srimati Radharani called The Song to the Bumblebee
- Maharaja Prthu is the perfect example of an ideal chief executive
- Maharaja Rsabhadeva remained an ideal grhastha and taught His sons how to become perfect in spiritual life. These are some examples of how He ruled the earth and completed His mission as an incarnation
- Manu's obedience to his father (Brahma) on material grounds was certainly free from envy, and in the material world it is imperative for ordinary men to follow the example of Manu
- Material nature has no power by herself. Her activity begins by the grace of the Lord. The example of a woman’s conception can help us understand this subject. The mother is passive, but the father puts his energy within the mother, & thus she conceives
- Materialistic scientists and philosophers generally use such words as maybe and perhaps because they do not have actual knowledge of complete facts. Therefore their instructing others is an example of cheating
- Neither the tree nor any other body of a living creature has any tendency or intuition; the tendency and intuition exist because the soul is present within the body. In this connection, the example of a car and driver may be given very profitably
- Now you are the leader of so many men, so you have got the blessings of Krishna's favoring you, because now He is forcing you to be responsible for becoming yourself perfectly example of Krishna Conscious devotee
- Of course we cannot imitate, but we should always try to remember the example of our predecessors and follow their example always
- One cannot argue, How is it that Dhruva Maharaja, who was prevented from getting up on the lap of his father, could press down the whole earth?" This argument is not very much appreciated by the learned, for it is an example of nagna-matrka logic
- One devotee said, "My dear Govinda, here is a nice flowery bush in Kailasa. I am a young girl, and You are a young poetic boy. After this, what more can I say? You just consider." This is an example of uparasa, caused by impudence in conjugal love
- One need not try to earn a livelihood to maintain body & soul together. This is illustrated by the example of the great python, which lies in one place, never going here & there to earn a livelihood to maintain itself, & yet is maintained by Lord
- One night, after the Putana demon had been killed, baby Krsna could be seen playing upon her breast. Upon seeing this, Yasoda became stunned for some time. This is an example of a conjunction of various symptoms of ecstatic love
- One should read Bhagavad-gita very scrutinizingly with the help of a person who is a devotee of Sri Krsna and try to understand it without personally motivated interpretations. The example of clear understanding is there in the Bhagavad-gita itself
- One should try to understand how they (Krsna's pastimes) are taking place by understanding the example of the sun
- One who is spiritually situated does not think that he is the body. Therefore he can transcendentally execute severe penances in the renounced order of life. The best example of such renunciation is Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- Only fools give up the service of the spiritual master and think themselves advanced in spiritual knowledge. In order to check such fools, Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself presented the perfect example of how to be a disciple
- Our point is to always follow the example of the acaryas and this will bring us to the perfectional stages with no doubt
- Pariksit Maharaja's question was how to be freed from falling down into hell or into the hands of the Yamadutas. In reply, Sukadeva Gosvami is citing this old historical example (of Ajamila) to convince Pariksit Maharaja of the potency of bhakti-yoga
- Pradyumna said, "Our father, Lord Krsna, still took you (Samba) up on His lap. But I am so unfortunate that I could never get such love from our father!" This statement is an example of disappointment in love
- Prahlada Maharaja is the vivid example of a great person fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness
- Sankaracarya gives the example of a rope being mistaken for a snake, and sometimes the example of mistaking an oyster shell for gold is cited, but surely such arguments are ways of cheating
- Simply a few examples (of the opulences and energies of the Supreme) are being described to Arjuna to pacify his inquisitiveness. BG 1972 purports
- Since the soul is actually a spiritual particle, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, it is due to illusion (vivarta-vada) that a human being, like an animal, identifies the body with the self. This is a proper example of vivarta, or illusion
- So we, of course, we are not so advanced, but we have got many examples of advanced devotees. Still there are in India. You will find in Vrndavana and other places. Actually, they have no means - simply depending
- So-called devotees of God would have exploited the example of Junior Haridasa to continue their habit of illicit connections with women unrestrictedly. Indeed, they still preach that such behavior is allowed for a Vaisnava. But it is strictly not allowed
- Sometimes people ask why this Krsna consciousness movement simply advocates worship of Krsna to the exclusion of the demigods. The answer is given in this verse (SB 4.31.14). The example of pouring water on the root of a tree is very appropriate
- Sometimes there are indirect sarcastic remarks which also create atihasita circumstances. An example of one such remark was made by one of the cowherd girls to Kutila, the daughter of Jatila and sister of Abhimanyu, the so-called husband of Radharani
- Srila Rupa Gosvami says that although he has no expert knowledge about the sounds and meanings and mellows of the symptoms of ecstatic love, he has tried to give some examples of different varieties of love of Krsna
- Suhrdah sarva-dehinam (SB 3.25.21). Sometimes a Vaisnava becomes superficially angry at a nondevotee, but this is good for the nondevotee. We have several examples of this in Vedic literature
- Sukadeva Gosvami and the wives of the brahmanas who were performing yajna are vivid examples of devotees who achieved the perfectional stage of devotional service by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sukadeva Gosvami, after citing the example of Maharaja Khatvanga, who prepared himself for the next life within a very short time, encouraged Maharaja Pariksit
- Suniti cited the example of Lord Brahma, who was Dhruva Maharaja's great-grandfather. Although Lord Brahma is also a living being, by his penance and austerity he acquired the exalted position of creator of this universe by the mercy of the Supreme Lord
- That (to follow mahajanas) is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita: evam parampara praptam (BG 4.2). So there is no question of blind faith. If we follow the mahajana, example of the authorities, then our life is success
- The best examples (of being conditioned by mode of goodness) are the scientist and philosopher: each is very proud of his knowledge, and because they generally improve their living conditions, they feel a sort of material happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The best examples of such devotees (Sevanistha) are Lord Siva, King Indra, King Bahulasva, King Iksvaku, Srutadeva and Pundarika
- The best examples of this subordination are Sarana, Gada and Subhadra. They were all members of the Yadu dynasty, and they used to always think themselves protected by Krsna
- The best way of understanding is to accept such a divine instruction, and Brahma, the prime spiritual master of everyone, is the living example of this process of receiving transcendental knowledge
- The brahmanas and Vaisnavas are not greedy for material wealth. An example of this was given by Vamanadeva. Acting as a brahmacari, Lord Vamanadeva wanted only three paces of land
- The cosmic manifestation is nondifferent from You, and the annihilation is also caused by You. This relationship between Your Lordship and the cosmos is illustrated by the example of the seed and the tree, or the subtle cause and the gross manifestation
- The difference between atma and Paramatma is that the atma, or the soul, is present only in a particular body, whereas the Paramatma is present everywhere. In this connection, the example of the sun is very nice
- The exact example of varna-sankara is the hippies at the present moment. All over the world, not only in the Western countries but in India also. So the population, hippie population means sankara population
- The example of a cloud is very nicely given. All of a sudden there may appear a big cloud in the sky. This cloud is perceived in two ways
- The example of a dark well is given because in the fields there are many wells, unused for years and covered over by grass, and poor animals, not knowing of them, fall into them, and unless rescued they die
- The example of a dog is very significant in this connection (CC Adi 10.1). A dog naturally does not become a devotee at any time, but still it is sometimes found that a dog of a devotee gradually becomes a devotee also
- The example of a mango can be given here. If one gets an unripe mango, it is still a mango, and when it is ripe it remains the same mango, but it has become more tasteful and relishable
- The example of a mountain peak's being covered by incessant rain is just suitable, for when a mountain is covered by incessant rain, all dirty things are washed from the body of the mountain
- The example of a player and his playthings should not be misunderstood. One may argue that since the Lord is bound to award the reactionary results of our own actions, the example of a player cannot be applied. But it is not so
- The example of a tree and its fruits and flowers is very simple and clear. A tree stands for many years, but with the seasonal changes its fruits and flowers undergo six transformations - birth, existence, growth, transformation, dwindling and then death
- The example of an uprooted tree mentioned here by the demon is very significant. Devotees accept that God is the root of everything
- The example of both grandfathers (Brahma and Yudhisthira) for maintaining equanimity of mind is quite fitting
- The example of dhira is given in the Kumara-sambhava poetry, by Kalidasa. We had our syllabus studying Kumara-sambhava in our I.A. class in college
- The example of Dhruva Maharaja indicates that every Krsna conscious person can expect to reach the topmost summit of all three planetary systems within the universe
- The example of Dhruva Maharaja is very fitting. Simply by becoming agreeable to the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead & by developing love of Godhead, Dhruva got the chance to personally meet the confidential servants of Lord Visnu face to face
- The example of Dhruva Maharaja's austerities can immediately generate a feeling of devotional service in the hearts of the hearers
- The example of electrical energy is very appropriate in this connection. The expert electrician can utilize the electrical energy for both heating and cooling by adjustment only
- The example of Indra is very appropriate in this connection. The king of heaven is the controlling deity for arranging clouds and supplying rains in the universe, as such he does not have to take the trouble to dig a well for his personal water supply
- The example of Kardama Muni should be understood very clearly; a person whose main concern is Krsna consciousness, even if he is entrapped in household life, should always be ready to leave household enticement as soon as possible
- The example of King Nrga definitely proves that fruitive activities, even if very pious, cannot give us eternal blissful life
- The example of Krsna's gentle behavior was manifested when He was coming to the arena of the raja-suya sacrifice arranged by Maharaj Yudhisthira, Krsna's older cousin
- The example of Lord Krsna's being the Supreme Personality of Godhead is appropriate in regard to understanding the spiritual master
- The example of Maharaja Khatvanga in performing devotional service is brilliant. Maharaja Khatvanga engaged himself for only a moment in devotional service to the Lord, but he was promoted back to Godhead
- The example of misunderstanding a rope to be a snake is mentioned in the Mandukya Upanisad, but it is meant to explain the error of identifying the body with the soul
- The example of one who associates with the mode of goodness is a qualified brahmana. Such a brahmana knows past, present and future because he consults the Vedic literature and sees through the eyes of sastra
- The example of Ramananda Raya is certainly unique. The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has given this description (of Ramananda Raya's serving two young girls by massaging their bodies with oil) because in perfect DS one can attain such a position
- The example of searching for the Supersoul within the heart by the less intelligent mystics is very instructive
- The example of sound is given herein (CC Madhya 19.217). Sound not only exists in the sky, or ether, but it is also present in air, fire, water and earth. This is a scientific explanation of devotional service
- The example of the boat disturbed by whirling wind is suitable in this respect. The diverted mind of the pantheist can never reach the perfection of self-realization, due to the disturbed condition of the selection of object
- The example of the damsels of Vrajabhumi Vrndavana (the gopis) is given because these eternal consorts of God terribly suffered the separation of Lord Krsna when God was absent from their presence for His engagement in tending the cows in the forest
- The example of the earthen pot is very suitable: the form of the earthen pot may be temporary, but it has a specific purpose. The purpose of the earthen pot is to carry water from one place to another
- The example of the elephant in danger who was saved by the Supreme Lord is especially cited here (SB 3.19.25) because even if one is an animal he can approach the PG in ds, whereas even a demigod cannot approach the Supreme Person unless he is a devotee
- The example of the eyes and the bodily limbs is very appropriate. If the limbs could see, they could walk forward without the help of the eyes, but that is impossible
- The example of the father of mankind may be rigidly followed by mankind, and that will advance the cause of the relationship of fathers and sons
- The example of the fish on land is very appropriate (for SB 3.2.11). If one takes a fish from the water and puts it on the land, it cannot be made happy by any amount of offered pleasure
- The example of the gopis is very instructive to persons who are trying to be absorbed in Krsna consciousness. One can very easily associate with Krsna simply by remembering His transcendental pastimes. Everyone has a tendency to love someone
- The example of the player cited in this verse is quite appropriate, for the Supreme Will is absolutely free to do whatever He likes, and because He is all-perfect, there is no mistake in any of His actions or reactions
- The example of the postbox and post office may be applied here. The little postboxes distributed all over the city have the same potency as the postal system in general. The duty of the post office is to carry letters from one place to another
- The example of the sky within the pot and the sky outside the pot may be helpful to the student for his realization of the all-pervading quality of the cosmic consciousness of the Absolute Truth
- The example of the spider is very significant also. The spider is an individual living entity, and by its energy it creates a cobweb and plays on it, and whenever it likes it winds up the cobweb, thus ending the play
- The example of the sun and the sunshine is given. The sunshine is not the sun, but still the sunshine is not separate from the sun
- The example of the sun is very significant. The sun is so kind that he distributes his sunshine everywhere, without consideration. Dhruva Maharaja requested Narada Muni to be merciful to him
- The example of the sun planet is given here because the sun is ever-illuminating, like the spiritual sky, where there are innumerable illuminating Vaikuntha planets
- The example of the sunshine and the material manifestation is very appropriate in understanding the living entity's contact with the material world. In the morning the sun rises, and the heat and light gradually expand throughout the whole day
- The example of the water pot cannot be accepted because a waterpot has no perception of pleasure and distress. Such perception is within. Therefore the covering body, or the waterpot, cannot be synchronized with it
- The examples of Brahma and Lord Siva are specifically cited here because Brahmaji, Lord Siva, Srimati Laksmiji and the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanatana, etc.) are leaders of the four desireless Vaisnava sampradayas. They are all freed from all pretensions
- The examples of spontaneous devotional service can be easily seen in Krsna's direct associates in Vrndavana. The spontaneous dealings of the residents of Vrndavana in relationship with Krsna are called raganuga
- The famous example of this (SB 3.33.8) was presented by Lord Caitanya, who accepted Thakur Haridasa as one of His most important disciples. BG 1972 purports
- The gopis give a perfect example of how one can execute Krsna consciousness even while performing various types of material engagements
- The highest example of pure devotional service is that of the gopis in Vrndavana. They are not interested in understanding Krsna, but only in loving Him
- The impersonalist philosophy, vivarta-vada, generally cites the acceptance of a rope to be a snake as an example of this fact. According to this example, the varieties within our vision are false, just as a rope seen to be a snake is false
- The kings began to manage the affairs of their kingdoms in accordance with the instructions of Lord Krsna, and all those kings and their subjects passed their days very happily. This is a vivid example of a Krsna conscious society
- The living entity does not suffer due to the body's fatigue. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti gives an example of a child heavily decorated with ornaments; although the child's body is very delicate, he does not feel fatigue
- The Lord deputes Himself in the state of Supersoul to supervise the arrangements for such material enjoyment. The example of a temporary fair is quite appropriate in this connection - CC Adi 2.10
- The mass of people follow the example of a leader in society and imitate his behavior. They accept as evidence whatever the leader accepts
- The Mayavadi philosophers, the impersonalists, interpret this verse of SB (SB 3.15.33) to mean that the small sky and the big sky are one, but this idea cannot stand. The example of the big sky & the small skies is also applicable within a person's body
- The Mayavadis are also fond of using the example of the water pot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound. But are we waterpots? How can we be compared to them?
- The Mayavadis are fond of using the example of the waterpot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound - CC Intro
- The members of the impersonalist school explain their idea of oneness by the example of the mixing of river water with the seawater. But we should know that within the water of the sea there are living beings, who do not merge into the existence of water
- The practical example of this (one who takes bath in water of the Ganges becomes free from all sinful reactions) is that the sons of Maharaja Sagara went to the heavenly planets when water from the Ganges merely touched the ashes of their burnt bodies
- The small fruit of a banyan contains hundreds of seeds, and in each seed is the potency to produce another banyan tree with the potency to produce millions more of such fruits. This is but an insignificant example of the potency of Godhead
- The special purpose of Deity worship is to keep oneself always pure and clean. Grhastha devotees should be actual examples of cleanliness
- The specific example of Bhavani is very significant. Bhavani means the wife of Bhava, or Lord Siva. Bhavani, or Parvati, the daughter of the King of the Himalayas, selected Lord Siva, who appears to be just like a beggar, as her husband
- The state of India should better follow the examples of Maharaja Pariksit, the ideal executive head, than to imitate other materialistic states which have no idea of the kingdom of Godhead, the ultimate goal of human life
- The Supreme Brahman is the Absolute Truth, and the energies that have emanated from Him and are existing separately, such as the living entities and the cosmic manifestation, are also truths. This is an example of transformation
- The term karma-yoga is often used in Bhagavad-gita - , and herein (in SB 4.22.51) Maharaja Prthu is giving a practical example of what karma-yoga actually is
- The two examples of the eagle and the cloud are sufficient to prove that flying and floating can be made possible through adjustments of the air. The planets, in a similar way, are floating because material nature adjusts the air
- The typical example of the beast of burden is the ass. This humble beast is made to work very hard by his master. The ass does not really know for whom he works so hard day and night. BG 1972 purports
- The typical examples of such attraction are found in Vrndavana, where everything and everyone is attracted by Krsna
- The various expansions of the Supreme Lord who act to empower the material energy are known as plenary expansions or incarnations. As illustrated by the example of many flames lit from one flame, all these plenary expansions are as good as Visnu Himself
- The very example of Devahuti was that when she was not married, she was under the care of her father, Svayambhuva Manu and he gave her to Kardama Muni in charity. She was under the care of her husband in her youth, and then her son, Kapila Muni, was born
- The vivid example of this presence of God both before the theist and atheist simultaneously is Lord Nrsimhadeva
- The wives of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices gave up their relatives just to satisfy Krsna. This is an example of a wife rejecting a husband who cannot deliver her from the impending dangers of birth and death
- There (in the verse of CC Adi 16.41) are two examples of the fault called avimrsta-vidheyamsa and one example each of the faults viruddha-mati, punar-ukti and bhagna-krama
- There are also examples of devotees who discharged all the different items together
- There are different types of atonement. If a person commits a sin and counteracts it by penance, that is atonement. There are examples of this in the Christian Bible
- There are hundreds of examples of reactions changed by the Lord in the history of the world
- There are many devotees attached to Lord Ramacandra, and Murari Gupta is a vivid example of such unalloyed devotion. He never agreed to give up Ramacandra's worship, not even upon Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s request. Such is the chastity of devotional service
- There are many examples of a woman whose husband, being dependent on the result of his own fruitive actions, cannot maintain his wife, her children, her wealth or her duration of life. Therefore, factually the only real husband of all women is Krsna
- There are many examples of sannyasis who give up the world, renouncing it as false, saying, "Let me turn to Brahman," but they again become entangled in the work of the world when they set up hospitals and perform philanthropic work & welfare activities
- There are many examples of sincere devotees in the history of the world, especially in India, and they are our guides on the path of self-realization
- There are many examples of yogis who practiced austerities but did not emerge completely pure. Visvamitra Muni, for example, was a ksatriya who wanted to become a brahmana and therefore began to practice austerity
- There are three categories of incarnations of Godhead: partial incarnations, qualitative incarnations and empowered incarnations. The purusas and Matsya are examples of partial incarnations
- There are various theories regarding consciousness. Here in Bhagavad-gita the example of the sun and the sunshine is given. BG 1972 purports
- There have been many actual examples of yogis' being buried in trance and exhumed alive and in good condition several hours later. A yogi can keep himself alive in a transcendental state even if buried not only for many days but for many years
- There is a nice example of this detachment in connection with the character of King Bharata
- There is a railway station on the South Indian Railway known as Simhacala. The temple known as Simhacala is the best temple in the vicinity of Visakhapatnam. This temple is very affluent and is a typical example of the architecture of the area
- There is an example of a mixture of conjugal love and fraternal affection when Srimati Radharani said, My dear friends, just see how Krsna is resting His hand on the shoulder of Subala, who is dressed up just like a young girl
- There is the following example of a mixture of parental love and laughter. A friend of Mother Yasoda told her, "My dear Yasoda, your son has very cunningly stolen a lump of butter from my home"
- These methods of karma-yoga and bhakti-yoga are being broadcast all over the world by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Anyone can learn these methods simply by following the examples of the members of the Society
- They (queens) certainly never went to the forests and tolerated all the difficulties of living in the wilderness. In Vedic civilization there are hundreds of similar examples of such renunciation on the part of queens and dedication to the husband
- This (counteracting freezing cold, scorching heat, etc.) is an example of the struggle for existence, the attempt to counteract the onslaught of material nature. This creates enmity in society, and consequently society is filled with envious people
- This (Kamsa's cruelty towards Devaki) is a graphic example of a cruel demon who could sacrifice all relationships for the sake of personal gratification
- This (SB 9.9.33) is an example of destiny. King Saudasa was condemned by the curse of Vasistha, and therefore even though he was well qualified he could not restrain himself from becoming a tigerlike Raksasa, for this was his destiny
- This actually happened in the life of Priyavrata: he is a most glorious example of this truth. In due course of time, he no longer wanted to enjoy his material opulences and his wife, kingdom and sons; instead, he wanted to renounce them all
- This example (of a burning lamp lighting up other lamps in the second line of the purport of CC Adi 2.89) also explains the appearance of qualitative incarnations like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma
- This example of Maharaja Pariksit's behavior, his remaining patient even at the last point of his life, his undisturbed condition of mind, is an example of reservation
- This expression of Rohinidevi's anger toward Yasoda is an example of ecstatic love in anger caused by Krsna
- This is a typical example of materialistic persons. At night they waste their time by sleeping more than six hours or in sex indulgence. This is their occupation at night, and in the morning they go to their office or business place just to earn money
- This is an example of a less intelligent person worshiping a material thing. In the BG it is stated, less intelligent persons, in order to get immediate results from their fruitive activities, worship the demigods created within this universe
- This is an example of asuric life. Atheists can advance materially and create an extremely comfortable situation for the senses, but because they are controlled by the senses, they cannot be satisfied. This is the effect of modern civilization
- This is an example of conjugal love mixed with ghastliness, but there is no incompatibility
- This is an example of conjugal love mixed with neutral love, but there is no incompatibility
- This is an example of fatigue caused by laboring in the rasa dance
- This is an example of how a devotee can become inert due to ecstatic love
- This is an example of incompatibility in which conjugal love is the whole and servitorship is the part
- This is due to their (some brahmanas's who do not very much admire Siva) ignorance of Lord Siva's position. Nandisvara was affected by the cursing, but he did not follow the example of Lord Siva, who was also present there
- This is one of the examples of astonishment in devotional service by direct perception. One of the friends of Mother Yasoda says, "Yasoda, just see the fun"
- This may be understood by the example of the sun and the sunshine, in which Brahman is like the sunshine and Krsna Himself is like the sun
- This story (that Jiva Gosvami thought manuscript of CC of Krsnadasa Kaviraja would hamper his reputation as a big scholar and therefore threw it into a well) is another ignominious example of blasphemy against a guru and Vaisnava
- This symptom of ecstatic love is an example of the result of fulfillment of desire
- Thus one may understand the glories of the Lord through different modes of worship, as the example of the sun illustrates
- To achieve success in life, one should follow the example of Lord Brahma, the first living creature in the beginning of creation
- To explain how maya acts by Krsna’s power, the author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta gives the example of an iron rod in a fire
- To give an example of vikara, milk is a truth, but the same milk may be transformed into yogurt. Thus yogurt is a transformation of milk, although the ingredients of yogurt and milk are the same
- Upon seeing this, Narada Muni was struck with wonder, and he began to stare without moving his eyelids. This is an example of anurasa, or imitation
- Using the example of a touchstone, which by its energy turns iron to gold and yet remains the same, we can understand that although the Supreme Personality of Godhead transforms His innumerable energies, He remains unchanged
- Vaisnavas - must be keenly interested in His (God's) pastimes in His features of the purusavataras in connection with srsti-tattva, creational functions, following the examples of Pariksit, the ideal disciple & Sukadeva Gosvami the ideal spiritual master
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura cites the example of mother Yasoda's seeing the whole cosmic manifestation within the mouth of Lord Krsna. By the grace of Lord Krsna, mother Yasoda saw all the universes and planets within the mouth of Krsna
- Vivid examples of brahmacaris who accepted this principle of life (lifting the semen up to the brain instead of allowing them to be driven downwards) are the four sages Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, as well as Narada and others
- We are also jyoti, effulgent, like God, but God is brahma-jyoti, all-pervading and infinite. According to the Mayavada theory, we are the same as that brahma-jyotir. Mayavadis give the example of a pot and the sky
- We are given the example of a psychiatrist who, when requested to examine a murderer, proclaimed that since all the patients with whom he had come in contact were more or less crazy, the court could excuse the murderer on those grounds if it so desired
- We have often given the example of Ambarisa Maharaja. Sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayor vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane. The mind must be controlled in Krsna consciousness
- We have often given the example of impersonal understanding being like the understanding of the sunshine
- When a smiling person claps his hands and leaps in the air, the smiling expression changes into atihasita, or overwhelming laughter. An example of atihasita was manifested in the following incident
- When Akrura understood that Krsna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he bowed his head to Krsna's lotus feet and with folded hands began to pray in a faltering voice. There are also examples of faltering of the voice caused by fearfulness
- When Krsna plays with His young friends, mother Yasoda is very much disturbed by thoughts that Krsna, because of always playing and not taking His food properly, must be getting weak. These are examples of the exalted ecstasy felt in Krsna's service
- When Krsna was fleeing away from the battlefield, from a distant place Jarasandha was watching Him with restless eyes and was feeling very proud. Being thus puffed up with his conquest, he was repeatedly laughing. This is an example of aparasa
- When Maharaj Pariksit heard of this wonderful victory, he immediately rubbed the tears from his eyes and became overwhelmed with joy. This instance is an example of astonishment in devotional service by indirect perception through aural reception
- When Srivasa Thakura performed sankirtana, everyone felt the presence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, even in His absence. This is another example of avirbhava
- When the brahmanas or Vaisnavas curse someone in an angry mood, the person who is cursed does not take it upon himself to treat the brahmanas or Vaisnavas in the same way. There are many examples of this
- When the gopis were searching after Krsna & all of a sudden He came out from the bushes & creepers, all of them became stunned & almost senseless. In this state the gopis appeared very beautiful. This is an example of pralaya, or devastation in happiness
- Who is that mystic yogi who can follow the examples of Lord Rsabhadeva even with his mind? Lord Rsabhadeva rejected all kinds of yogic perfection, which other yogis hanker to attain. Who is that yogi who can compare to Lord Rsabhadeva?
- You complain that as a householder it is very difficult. Especially you want to preach. There are examples of great preachers who were householders, such as Bhaktivinode thakur, although we cannot hope to imitate him
- You must treat your father as respectful as myself; even if you are sometimes ill-treated, you should tolerate. You should follow the example of Prahlada Maharaja