Category:Even In The
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Pages in category "Even In The"
The following 126 pages are in this category, out of 126 total.
- A pure devotee is uninterested not only in elevation to the higher planetary systems but even in the perfections of mystic yoga. Real perfection is devotional service
- A pure devotee may be related with the Lord in any one of the transcendental humors, even in the humor of parenthood, but the devotee of the Lord is always a transcendental servitor
- According to the cult of devotion, generally known as the Vaisnava cult, there is no bar against anyone's advancing in the matter of God realization. A Vaisnava is powerful enough to turn into a Vaisnava even the Kirata
- According to Vedic injunction, one has to take his bath early in the morning even during the month of Magha (January-February). BG 1972 purports
- All the modes of material nature are binding; they are not sources of liberation. Even in the mode of goodness one is conditioned. BG 1972 purports
- Although the Kumaras were already liberated persons, they nevertheless became angry. This point is very important. Becoming liberated does not necessitate losing one's sensual activities. Sense activities continue even in the liberated stage
- Although we may take so many precautions against these vices and sinful reactions, even in the course of ordinary business exchanges and ventures we have to commit so many sins
- Anger will continue even in the liberated stage. These four mendicant brothers, the Kumaras, were considered liberated persons, but still they were angry because they were restricted in their service to the Lord
- Anything done on account of Krsna, that is pious. There is no contamination. Api cet suduracarah. Even in the public eye it may appear sometime that it is not pious, still it is pious
- Arjuna was able to discuss the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita even on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. We modern men have no time to get into the details of the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, even in the midst of our much more ordinary daily duties
- Atonement is certainly unnecessary when one has achieved spontaneous love and, above that, attachment with love, which are signs of increasing advancement in kadacitki. Even in the stage of abhasa-rupa bhakti, all the reactions of sinful life are uprooted
- Because of this opportunity, the inhabitants of Bharata-varsa are praised even in the heavenly planets. Even in the topmost planet of this universe, Brahmaloka, the position of Bharata-varsa is discussed with great relish
- Being distressed by hunger and thirst was only a show, because the King (Pariksit) endured much, even in the womb of his mother. He was never disturbed by the glaring heat of the brahmastra released by Asvatthama
- Being situated in such a position (trance, or samadhi), one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact
- By digging for water, even in the desert, we can produce food grains; when we produce food grains and vegetables, we can give protection to the cows; while giving protection to the cows, we can draw from them abundant quantities of milk
- By hearing such an authority (Narada Muni) one can have some idea of the results of devotional life, which are hardly delineated even in the original texts of the Vedas
- Dambhah is there even in the dog, even in the lower animal, even in the cat. But the divine characteristic, "Oh, I am so low," Trnad api sunicena, "I am lower than the grass. I am lower than the grass"... This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching
- Dhira means, I have already explained, not to be disturbed, even the cause of disturbance is there. So that is the qualification of becoming immortal
- Divorce by disagreement took place among low-class men, but marriage by agreement was found even in the very highest classes, especially in the royal ksatriya families
- Even in that helpless condition, the child Pariksit endured the unbearable temperature due to his being a great fighter by nature
- Even in the animal kingdom there are different kinds of animals, they do not touch meat-eating even. They do not touch. Every . . . every animal has to live by destroying or killing another animal. That is nature's law. Jivo jivasya jivanam
- Even in the civilized society, there are persons, they are put into such a circumstances that they will never be able to understand what is God consciousness or what is Krsna consciousness. They are so misfortunate
- Even in the highest planet in this material world, where the duration of life and standard of enjoyment are thousands and thousands of times greater than those on earth, there is still old age, disease and death
- Even in the liberated stage of brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) identification, he (an ordinary living being) engages in rendering service to His Lordship
- Even in the material creation, the living entities are innumerable. If by chance a living entity in the material world can associate with a pure devotee, he can engage in the pure devotional service of Krsna
- Even in the material nature there is a chance of an independent choice by the living entity, and according to his choice the material energy offers him different varieties of material bodies
- Even in the material world His Lordship retains His spiritual identity; therefore Lord Krsna exhibited all opulences even in His childhood body. There is no distinction between the body and the soul of Krsna
- Even in the material world we accept a great deal of information sent thousands of miles by telephone or radio. In this way we also accept sound as evidence in our daily lives - CC Intro
- Even in the material world, cow dung is accepted as purified and antiseptic. A person can keep stacks of cow dung in one place, and it will not create a bad odor to disturb anyone
- Even in the matter of evacuating stool, the refuse is controlled, so how can the living entity claim to be independent?
- Even in the modern age, in some communities or states, the old men are given poison so that they will die as soon as possible
- Even in the nonliberated stage, a living entity can be directly engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna or His plenary expansions like Rama and Narasimha
- Even in the ordinary moral codes (maintained by Canakya Pandita, the great politician and moralist) there is no harm in taking lessons from a person who may be by birth less than a sudra. This is one part of the answer
- Even in the paramahamsa stage, one cannot give up chanting. Haridasa Thakura and the Gosvamis were all engaged in chanting a fixed number of rounds; therefore chanting on beads is very important for everyone, even though one may become a paramahamsa
- Even in the poetic compositions of such great poets as Bhavabhuti, Jayadeva and Kalidasa there are many examples of faults. Such mistakes should be considered negligible. One should see only how such poets have displayed their poetic power
- Even in the Spiritual World there is some fault and envy. Sometimes the Gopis will quarrel over Krishna's favor
- Even in the stage of convalescence, if one is not very careful, one may have a relapse
- Even in the stool, the worms in the stool, he's also thinking, "I have got so much stool to eat." This same mastership. - I am the monarch of all I survey. I have got so much stool
- Even in the tailor's shop you will find in the window some woman and some man. (Manu Smrti, 5.56): pravrttir esa bhutanam nivrttis tu mahaphalam So this attachment is already there
- Even in the topmost level, the President of United States, he was also caught dealing very unfavorably, and he was forced to resign. And what to speak of others? He is not a poor man, he is not uneducated, the topmost man
- Even Narada used to visit the palace of Maharaja Yudhisthira and what to speak of other celestial demigods. It is only the spiritual culture of the people concerned that makes interplanetary travel possible, even in the present body
- Even we do not know what varieties are there even in this planet. If you go on the sea, if you go on the sky, you are perfectly illusioned. So our knowledge is always imperfect. That we must admit
- Everyone in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s devotional cult should accept the words of the spiritual master and thus spread the Krsna consciousness movement
- Everyone is trying to become master. Even in the cats' and dogs' society you will find one dog is trying to predominate by barking that "I am better than you." So this is called struggle for existence
- Everyone should engage himself in that transcendental loving service of the Lord, even in the present conditional state of material existence; that will gradually give one the clue to actual life and please him to complete satisfaction
- For devotees the Lord is present even in the material energy. This is the inconceivable potency of the Lord
- From Africa, if anyone goes anywhere, they require yellow fever injection. So if you haven't got yellow fever injection, then even in the airport, there is arrangement, you have to wait in the quarantine area for six days
- He (a pure devotee) is not concerned with any of them because he is always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. By the grace of the Lord, even in the Kumbhipaka hell a pure devotee can adjust the situation and turn it into Vaikuntha
- Here is a difference between male and female that exists even in the higher statuses of life-in fact, even between Lord Siva and his wife. Lord Siva could understand Citraketu very nicely, but Parvati could not
- Hiranyakasipu asked Brahma to award him the blessings of immortality, but Brahma said that he himself was subject to death, even in the topmost planet, so how could he award him the benediction of immortality?
- Human beings even in the lower statuses of life (a merchant, a woman or a laborer) can attain the Supreme. One does not need highly developed intelligence. BG 1972 Introduction
- I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation
- If anyone will read this Nectar of Devotion very carefully, he will have all guidance in Bhakti cult. So in the temple class some portions of this book must be regularly discussed
- If somehow or other one is promoted to that stage of KC, what is the result? "Upon gaining this, he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty." - Bg. 6.22
- If we act from the material platform, even in the modes of goodness, that is also not solution of my life. But even, even in the spiritual, from the spiritual platform, if we act which apparently may seem to be acts of passion, that is not reactionary
- In Bhagavad-gita (2.69) it is also said, ya nisa sarva-bhutanam tasyam jagarti samyami: "What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled." Even in the higher planets, everyone is under the spell of the illusory energy
- In the authoritative transcendental literature which we have published as The Nectar of Devotion, it is stated that one can be liberated from all material suffering simply by seeing the Ratha Yatra cart passing
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.16) it is said by the Lord that even in the topmost planet of the universe, namely the Brahmaloka, where the duration of life is multiplied by millions of years by earth calculation, one cannot satisfy his hunger
- In the material world a living entity is never satisfied. Even in the position of Brahma or in the position of Indra or Candra, one is full of anxiety simply because he has accepted this material world as a place of happiness
- In the society the parental affection is taken as very good qualification. But such qualification is visible even in the animals. So that is not a very good qualification. That is nature's law
- Indeed, his mind is agitated even if one is in the renounced order of life
- It appears that even in the higher planetary systems, to which people are promoted by pious activities, disturbances are created by asuras like Hiranyakasipu. No one in the three worlds can live in peace and prosperity without disturbance
- It is definitely stated that spiritual rasa, which is relished even in the liberated stage, can be experienced in the literature of the Srimad-Bhagavatam due to its being the ripened fruit of all Vedic knowledge
- It is said that in Kali-yuga lying is a common affair: mayaiva vyavaharike. Even in the most common dealings, people are accustomed to speaking so many lies
- It is the duty of a mother to chastise her beloved son, even in the case of the Supreme Lord. It is to be understood that mother Durga was justified in punishing Citraketu
- Leaving aside their leader even in the very beginning of the fight, they decided to flee because all their prowess had been taken away by the enemy
- Liberation is like a state of convalescence, in which one is free from a fever but is still not healthy. Even in the stage of convalescence, if one is not very careful, one may have a relapse
- Maharaja Ambarisa was a truly religious person, and consequently for his protection the Sudarsana cakra was ready to punish even such a strict brahmana as Durvasa Muni because he had acted like a demon. There are demons even in the form of brahmanas
- Man's activities in agriculture, mining, farming, industries, gardening, etc., were all on the same scale as they are now, even previous to the present creation, and the same activities will remain as they are, even in the next creation
- Material world means politics, jealousy, diplomacy, enviousness, so many things. This is material world. So even in the heavenly planets, these things are there, politics. Even in animal kingdom, these politics are there. This is the nature
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition
- One can execute devotional service even in the most poverty-stricken condition. The Lord says, patram puspam phalam: He is ready to accept from the devotee any kind of offering, never mind what. BG 1972 purports
- One who is constantly engaged in Krsna's service, to him He gives intelligence, not to the rascals. Krsna is there, but - even in the heart of the pig or dog - but He does not give any instruction to the pig and dog
- Paramatma does not hate anyone; indeed, He is in the heart of a brahmana, but he is also even in the heart of a pig
- Perception of sexual pleasure is there even in the body of the dog, but there is no sense of God consciousness. The human form of life is distinct from that of the dog by the perception of God consciousness
- Personal misunderstanding exists even in the higher levels. There is competition of loving Krishna even in the party of Srimati Radharani. It is a kind of rasa to compete in loving affection centering around Krishna
- Saubhari Muni regrets that he had bad association even in the deepest part of the water. Because of the bad association of the sexually engaged fish, he fell down. A secluded place is also not secure unless there is good association
- Simply we are creating problems by godless civilization. That is a fact. Just take example from your country. You are constructing so many highways, freeways. Still, there is problem. Still there is, even in the highways, sometimes blocked
- Since she (Devahuti) had learned austerity even in the presence of her husband, there was no difficulty for her to be austere. Still, because her body underwent severe austerity after the departure of her husband and son, she became thin
- So this line of devotional service, there is direction in the sastras. Therefore we have made prohibition that no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat, fish-eating, no intoxication. Even the smallest intoxication, that is also dangerous. Just like fire
- Some of them (impersonalists), who are not situated even in the impersonal existence, return to this material field to exhibit their dormant desires for activities. BG 1972 purports
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami was a liberated soul from his very birth. He was liberated even in the womb of his mother, and he did not undergo any sort of spiritual training after his birth
- Srimad-Bhagavatam was spoken five thousand years ago, and the statements of this verse (SB 7.8.33) prove that the symptoms of a very advanced civilization then existed, even in the upper planetary systems, as well as in the lower planetary systems
- Such benedictions are available automatically, even in the lives of living entities suffering in hellish conditions. My dear Lord, You can certainly bestow merging into Your existence, but I do not wish to have such a benediction
- That is the characteristic of a pure devotee. Even in the greatest difficulty, even in the greatest danger, he is not shaken; he is steady
- That successful life is there even in the cats and dogs and hogs. The hogs are also laboring very hard. The cats and dogs, they are also for their food. And the sex is there. Everything is there. That is not successful life
- That you should understand. Not that remembering or not remembering. Even in the spiritual world, they do not know that Krsna is God
- The animals were sacrificed to test the strength of Vedic mantras; yajnas were performed as a test of the mantra. Even in the modern age, tests are executed on animal bodies in the physiology laboratory
- The childish propensity of stealing is there even in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore this propensity is not artificial. However, in the spiritual relationship there is no inebriety to this stealing propensity
- The difference between sakama and akama devotees is that when sakama devotees, like the demigods, fall into difficulty, they approach the SPG for relief, whereas akama devotees, even in the greatest danger, never disturb the Lord for material benefits
- The happiness and distress of the body and mind and will relish a transcendental peace eternal, even in the midst of worldly happiness and distress
- The level of enjoyment (even in the highest planet) is insignificant in comparison to the eternal bliss enjoyed in the company of the Supreme Lord
- The lightning becomes unsteady in its friendship, failing to remain faithfully in any 1 of the clouds, although they are the friends of the entire world, just as lusty women do not remain steady even in the company of men who possess excellent qualities
- The living being, the soul, is constantly changing bodies one after another. Even in the present life, the body changes from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to youth, and from youth to old age
- The living entities' relationships with the Lord are directly and indirectly existing everywhere, even in this material world
- The Lord can be worshiped in all stages of life. For instance, even in the wombs of their mothers Maharaja Prahlada and Maharaja Pariksit worshiped the Lord; even in his very childhood, at the age of only five years, Dhruva Maharaja worshiped the Lord
- The Lord, being the Lord of intelligence in everyone (even in the nondevotee), favors His devotee with proper intelligence so that automatically the pure devotee is enlightened with the factual truth about the Lord and His different energies
- The material qualities of jubilation and moroseness are present even in the demigods, who are very highly situated in the upper planetary system
- The method for understanding transcendental subject matter is given by Lord Krsna Himself in Bhagavad-gita, where Krsna tells Arjuna at the beginning of the Fourth Chapter
- The more you think as imperfect, the more you make actual progress in Krishna Consciousness. This hankering after perfection is seen in even the most perfect devotees. So we should never think of being perfect at any stage
- The propensity to utilize nature's own gifts is still there, even in the heart of modern civilized man
- The six excellent opulences which He displayed in the mortal world by the agency of His internal potency, yoga-maya, are rare even in the Vaikunthalokas
- The spirit soul transmigrates even in the duration of one life as the body changes
- There are different types of opulences on earth, in the heavenly planets and even in the lower planetary system, known as Patala
- There are those who are not attached to the personal form of Krsna. They are so firmly detached that even in the preparation of commentaries to Bhagavad-gita they want to distract other people from Krsna
- There have been many cases, even in the present day, in which women have killed their husbands to take advantage of their insurance policies. This is not a criticism of women but a practical study of their nature
- There is death even in the topmost planet of this universe, and what to speak of other planets, which are far, far inferior in quality to Brahmaloka, the residing planet of Brahma
- This demonic nature of opposition to the sankirtana movement existed even in the time of Prahlada Maharaja. He used to chant in sankirtana although his father did not like it, and that was the reason for the misunderstanding between the father and son
- This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to do that, trying everyone to become a bona fide brahmana. Without becoming a brahmana you cannot become Vaisnava. So this reformatory process is recommended in the sastras
- This poor fund of knowledge, even in the so-called learned circles of the world, is killing the vitality of human energy, & the awful result is being keenly felt. Yet the foolish materialistic men do not care about what is going to happen in the next life
- Those who are overly attracted to their life situation are forced to remain in a ghostly body and are not allowed to accept another gross body. Even in the body of a ghost, they create disturbances for neighbors and relatives
- Those who draw distinctions between the two are concocting their own laws. Even in the Ten Commandments it is prescribed, "Thou shall not kill." This is a perfect law, but by discriminating and speculating men distort it
- Thus learned men describe the births and activities of the unborn and inactive, which is undiscoverable even in the Vedic literatures. He is the Lord of the heart
- To make one God conscious is not artificial. God consciousness is there, even in the life of aborigines, most crude people. It has to be awakened by education
- Transcendental bliss is experienced even in the stage of devotional practice (sadhana-avastha), if properly undertaken under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master
- We can teach even in the womb of the mother because it is spiritual, it is not material. No material condition can check this teaching. Ahaituky apratihata - SB 1.2.6
- We experience these (adhyatmika) miseries even in the womb of our mother. As we well know, there are many types of miseries that take advantage of the delicate human body and give us pain
- When a man steals some money, if he is caught and agrees to return it, he is not freed from the criminal punishment. By the law of the state, even though he returns the money, he has to undergo the punishment
- When a person is undisturbed even in the presence of various causes of disturbance, he is called reserved and perseverant
- When Krsna descends in this material world, His consciousness is not materially affected. Had His consciousness been materially affected, He was unfit to speak about the transcendental subject matter in the Bhagavad-gita
- While Samba so diligently fought alone with the six great warriors, they all appreciated the boy's inconceivable potency. Even in the midst of the fighting they admitted frankly that this boy Samba was wonderful
- Yajno danam tapas caiva pavanani manisinam (BG 18.5): even one who is very much advanced in spiritual realization must still execute the Vedic principles. Even in the lowest stage, the karmis are advised to work for the sake of the Lord
- You can still advance in krsna consciousness even in the office by chanting and giving some percentage to the mandir. Our philosophy is that all the fruits of our activity go to Krsna for His enjoyment
- You should not give publicity. You must even in the beginning verify that we are not hippies. Hare Krsna movement is not for hippies. In many places this is a notion, that we are hippies