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Pages in category "Disappointment"
The following 134 pages are in this category, out of 134 total.
- A devotee engaged in service to the Lord is not disappointed in the satisfaction of his senses. If he wants to satisfy his senses, Krsna fulfills that desire
- A sane and sensible man never desires to work hard under the conditions of threefold miseries, only to die in disappointment
- According to Bharata Muni, this disappointment is inauspicious. But there are other learned scholars who have accepted such disappointment as being in the mood of neutrality and as being a preservative for ecstatic love
- After hearing about the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, a pure devotee should be very anxious to follow in his footsteps, but such a devotee might be disappointed, thinking that not every devotee can come to the standard of Prahlada Maharaja
- After she (Kalakanya) was disappointed by me (Narada Muni), with my permission she approached the King of the Yavanas, whose name was Bhaya, or Fear, and she accepted him as her husband
- Akrura became a little disappointed by these words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he could not disregard the order. He therefore entered Mathura and informed Kamsa about the arrival of Krsna, and then he entered his own home
- Almost fifty percent of my devotees are, they are collected from these disappointed persons, young men. They are going astray. So they appreciate that I have saved them. Therefore they are after me, this younger generation
- Although Nrsimha Brahmacari felt jubilation within his heart to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu eating everything, for the sake of Lord Nrsimhadeva he externally expressed disappointment
- Although the men came down disappointed, baffled and angry, as soon as they saw their own children, their hearts melted with great affection. At once their anger, dissatisfaction and unhappiness disappeared
- An expression of disappointment was made by Indra, the King of heaven. When he saw the sun-god, Indra told him, "My dear sun-god, your sunshine is very glorious because it reaches unto the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, the master of the Yadu dynasty
- Another gopi said, "It is an unreasonable hope for us to expect Krsna to come back to Vrndavana. We should try instead to be happy in disappointment. Even Pingala, the great prostitute, said that disappointment is the greatest pleasure"
- As soon as our enthusiasm is agitated, it is better to sit down in any temple suitable and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. There is no question of being disappointed. After all, we commit so many mistakes. That is human nature. To err is human
- At the fag end of life, we are disappointed, we are frustrated. Brdhya kala aula saba sukha pagala. When we cannot again . . . no more we can enjoy with our senses, then we become very much depressed
- Because he (Dhrtarastra) was blind from birth, he was disqualified from his rightful claim (the throne of Hastinapura). But he could not forget the bereavement, and his disappointment was somewhat compensated after the death of Pandu, his younger brother
- Because leaders are all fools and rascals, the ultimate result of following them is disappointment
- Being disappointed even in taking shelter of Lord Siva, Durvasa Muni went to Vaikuntha-dhama, where the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, resides with His consort, the goddess of fortune
- Being disappointed in not getting a son from either of the two queens, the King (of Magadha, father of Jarasandha), along with his wives, left home to live in the forest for austerities
- Being very much aggrieved, sometimes one goes to a sinful person for help, but he has no means to help because he has no intelligence. Thus the living entity is disappointed. This is like running after a mirage in the desert in an effort to find water
- Bhima became disappointed, but Krsna gave him hints about Jarasandha's being joined together as an infant, and thus Bhima dissected him again and so killed him
- Bodily symptoms which express overwhelming ecstatic love: disappointment, lamentation, humility, guilt, fatigue, intoxication, pride, doubt, apprehension, intense emotion, madness, forgetfulness, disease, confusion, death, laziness, inertness
- By arithmetic calculation the mathematicians say that "The point has no length and breadth." This is a disappointment. Because he cannot measure the length and breadth of the point, therefore he says like that. But point has length and breadth
- Dhrtarastra must have been very glad that Arjuna was not going to fight & was instead leaving the battlefield for the begging profession. But Sanjaya disappointed him again in relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies. BG 1972 purports
- Dhrtarastra must have been very glad to understand that Arjuna was not going to fight and was instead leaving the battlefield for the begging profession. But Sanjaya disappointed him again in relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies
- Dhruva Maharaja wanted the material benediction of a kingdom greater than that of his father, and although he received a spiritual body, he also got the kingdom, for the SP of Godhead does not disappoint anyone who takes shelter of His lotus feet
- Disappointed, Urvasi cursed Arjuna and left. In the heavenly planet he also met the great celebrated ascetic Lomasa and prayed to him for the protection of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Disappointment gives rise to the greatest satisfaction
- Each time he had to return home disappointed. Each time, the princely order of the Yadu dynasty arrested Jarasandha in the same way and again released him in an insulting manner, and each time Jarasandha shamelessly returned home
- Even though a person takes to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord, he may sometimes become diseased, impoverished, or disappointed by life's events
- Everyone is disappointed. Both sides, the lover and the beloved, both sides. You have got very good experience in this country. They marry, again they are divorced, because disappointed
- First of all, there must be a class of men, ideal men, brain; people will follow them. My request is therefore that you should become ideal men. If we fight . . . now there is fighting amongst ourself. That is very disappointment to me
- For the moment, she (mother Yasoda) was disappointed, thinking, My endeavors to protect my son by charity and other auspicious activities are useless
- God is not meant for supplying your orders because He takes service. He does not serve anybody. So if we want to bring God for our service, we may be disappointed because God does not agree to serve anybody
- Guru is essential. It is necessary. But take the real guru. But if you go to the bogus guru, you must be disappointed
- Having little hope, she (Rukmini) thought that perhaps Krsna had found reason to become dissatisfied and had rejected her fair proposal. As a result, the brahmana might have become disappointed and not come back
- He (devotee) finally becomes disappointed in material activities, and in that stage of frustration in all endeavors, he can fully surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Maharaja Drupada) was disappointed when he heard the false news of Arjuna's death in the fire of a shellac house intrigued by Duryodhana
- His Divine Grace wanted this mission to be fructified during His presence but He was so much disappointed in the last days of His life for many of His follower's indisciplinary activities
- I (Usa) am sorry to inform you (Citralekha) that just after this he disappeared, and I have been thrown into the whirlpool of disappointment. My dear friend, I am very anxious to find this wonderful young man, the desired lord of my heart
- I love my children, I love my wife, or I love my country, my society. Love is there. But this love is not giving me satisfaction. We are disappointed
- If a woman gets married and wants a child immediately, she will be disappointed. It is not possible to have a child immediately. She must wait. Similarly, we cannot expect that just because we engage ourselves in KC we can see Krsna immediately
- If one is trained only according to the bodily conception of life, he simply leads a disappointed life because bodily sense enjoyment finishes within forty years or so
- If we have the same relationship with Krsna, we will never be cheated or disappointed. Our enthusiasm will increase more and more. Therefore Krsna encourages us to accept Him as our son, as our friend and as our master. Then we will be happy
- In addition to jubilation, there are sometimes symptoms of disappointment. Pradyumna once addressed Samba with these words
- In America especially, despite all material opulences, there you are becoming confused and frustrated and disappointed, because wood and stone will not satisfy you. You must have spiritual food, and that is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In disappointment, Sanatana Gosvami considered, "I am of a low caste, and my body is useless for devotional service"
- In Kali-yuga the citizens will abandon their attempts to lead a peaceful life and will leave their homes and hearths and go to the forest in sheer disappointment
- In spite of so much hard labor, at the end we find disappointment. Bha means bhaya, or fear. In material life, one is always in the blazing fire of fear, since no one knows what will happen next
- In such expressions of ecstatic love there are many other subsidiary symptoms, such as jubilation, withering, silence, disappointment, moroseness, reverence, thoughtfulness, remembrance, doubtfulness, confidence
- In this kind of disappointment (coming from when one is forced to act in a way which is forbidden, or to refrain from acting in a way which is proper) one becomes full of anxiety, sheds tears, changes bodily color, feels humility and breathes heavily
- In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to manifest wonderful ecstatic symptoms. His mind appeared vacant, and there were only hopelessness and disappointment in His words
- In Your absence all these people have been exactly like thirsty cataka birds crying in disappointment. Kindly accept them
- Just see how these trees are maintaining every living entity! Their birth is successful. Their behavior is just like that of great personalities, for anyone who asks anything from a tree never goes away disappointed
- Just the counterpart of our society is the hippies-frustrated, all disappointed, mad
- Just then (when cowherd boys were looking for Krsna) they could hear on the hill a faint vibration from Krsna's flute. Immediately all of them became very much engladdened. This is an instance of satisfaction in the midst of disappointment
- Karna and the other disappointed princes offered an unusual stumbling block to Arjuna while he was leaving with Draupadi. Specifically, Karna fought with him very valiantly, but all of them were defeated by Arjuna
- King Puranjana began to search for a suitable place to live, and thus he traveled all over the world. Even after a great deal of traveling, he could not find a place just to his liking. Finally he became morose and disappointed
- Krsna never disappoints a sincere devotee, regardless of what he wants, but He never allows anything which will be detrimental to the individual's devotional service
- Lack of rain, scarcity of food grains, and overtaxed by the government, so much so that people will give up their hearth and home and go to the forest and hills in disappointment and confusion. So these are the symptoms of Kali-yuga, gradually degrading
- Laksmana said, "All the princes who tried to pierce the target were disappointed, being baffled in their attempts, and some candidates even left the place without making an attempt"
- Laksmana said, "My dear Draupadi, when I accepted Lord Krsna as my worshipable husband and He accepted me as His maidservant, there was a tumultuous roaring among the disappointed princes"
- Last night you were disappointed. Please excuse my offense. I shall certainly accept you
- Maharaja Bharata thought that the animal was disappointed in his protection and had left him for protection of a demigod. Regardless, he ardently desired to see the animal again within his asrama eating soft grass and not fearing tigers and other animals
- Maharishi Mahesa has left your land (America) with great disappointment - but his mission to cheat your people was successful. He wanted to collect some money and he cheated so many people because they wanted to be cheated
- Mayavadi philosophers cannot understand these transcendental forms of the Lord, and being disappointed, they say that the Supreme Lord is impersonal. But that is not a fact; whenever there is form there is a person.
- Mukti means those who are disappointed. Disappointed must be because nobody can be happy here with this karmi plan. That is not possible. So he will be disappointed. But disappointed when? After many, many births' struggle for existence
- On the occasion of Bhaumasura's being killed by Lord Krsna, all the demon's relatives screamed in disappointment, and the saintly persons glorified the chivalrous activities of the Lord
- One who wastes his life simply by committing sinful activities in youth immediately becomes disappointed and disillusioned when the brief period of youth is over
- Others joined the conspiracy because they were disappointed in not having the hand of Satyabhama. Some of them incited Satadhanva to kill Satrajit and take away the jewel
- People without spiritual education do not know that the ultimate goal of life is to go back home, back to Godhead. Forgetting this aim of life, they are working very hard in disappointment and frustration
- Pradyumna said, "Our father, Lord Krsna, still took you (Samba) up on His lap. But I am so unfortunate that I could never get such love from our father!" This statement is an example of disappointment in love
- Prahlada Maharaja wanted to impress upon the sons of the demons that although such knowledge can be understood only by a saintly person like Narada, they should not be disappointed
- Radharani tells Her friend, "I am now unable to see Him, it would be good for Me to be a blind woman." This is another instance of disappointment due to separation from Krsna
- Radharani trembled as She told one of the gopis, "Don't joke with this disappointing boy! Please ask Him not to approach Me, because He is always the cause of all grief for us"
- Skepticism means they do not believe in anything. Everything is false. They are so disappointed, they think everything is false. We are not going to deal with such men. What is the use?
- So to become God conscious, Krsna conscious, is not very cheap thing. It requires a great amount of austerity, penance to come to this stage. So never be disappointed that because people are not responding
- Sometimes they (preacher devotees) are defeated, sometimes disappointed, sometimes able to convince; there are different kinds of people. So, not that every devotee is very well equipped
- Sometimes they felt diseased from their separation from Krsna, and being so greatly disappointed, they were aimlessly wandering on the banks of the Yamuna
- Sometimes we see a horse foaming at the mouth with heavy labor. Ba means byarthata, disappointment
- Struck with wonder and disappointment upon seeing the strength of the demon, the demigods lost their own strength. Therefore they all met together to try to please the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, by worshiping Him
- The demigods and demons were disappointed, and their faces seemed to shrivel because the mountain had been sunk by the strength of providence
- The friction that occurs when these (pride, despondency, humility, remembrance, doubt, impatience caused by insult, fear, disappointment, patience and eagerness) combine is called sabalya
- The Gurudeva said, "Thus you (Krsna and Sudama) will never be disappointed in this life or the next"
- The impersonalists, Sankarites, even the Buddhists, they also, some way or other, they accept that there is the voidness. But the Bhagavad-gita does not disappoint you in that way. That voidness philosophy has created atheism
- The Lord told Govinda, Since you have been living with Me for a long time, you should not be foolishly disappointed in this situation. Bring all the food to Me, and you will see that I can eat it
- The material enjoyments of youth are especially pleasing to a person who has no spiritual training. If one is trained only according to the bodily conception of life, he simply leads a disappointed life because bodily sense enjoyment finishes
- The path of fruitive activities leads to difficult mountains, and sometimes the conditioned soul wants to cross these mountains, but he is never successful, and consequently he becomes more and more aggrieved and disappointed
- The same sex life at home, chewing, and go to the naked club, chewing. Chewing the chewed. There is no rasa. There is no humor, mellow; therefore they are disappointed. Because the thing is the same
- The Sankarites and Buddhists claim that the world beyond is void, but Bhagavad-gita does not disappoint us like this. The philosophy of voidness has simply created atheists
- The span of youth expires very quickly. One who wastes his life simply by committing sinful activities in youth immediately becomes disappointed and disillusioned when the brief period of youth is over
- The voters adore the so-called leaders only when they promise sense gratification. As soon as the voters are dissatisfied in their sense satisfaction, they dethrone the leaders. The leaders must always disappoint the voters by not satisfying their senses
- The wife of Anga, Sunitha, gave birth to a son named Vena, who was very crooked. The saintly King Anga was very disappointed with Vena's bad character, and he left home and kingdom and went out to the forest
- The word pratyuditah is very significant (in SB 6.2.21). The servants of Yamaraja are so powerful that they can never be hindered anywhere, but this time they were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful
- The word sabalya refers to different types of ecstatic symptoms combined together, like pride, despondency, humility, remembrance, doubt, impatience caused by insult, fear, disappointment, patience and eagerness
- The Yamadutas, the order carriers of Yamaraja, were so disappointed that they asked their master, almost in great anger, whether there were many masters other than him
- Then, as Jaya and Vijaya fell from the Lord's abode, a great roar of disappointment arose from all the demigods, who were sitting in their splendid airplanes
- There is a proverb in Sanskrit which says, "Disappointment gives rise to the greatest satisfaction"
- There is no question of disappointment. Krsna doesn’t require any service from me. But whatever little service I can render, that is for my good. So there is no question of loss
- They (the gopis) remained standing still, as if they were painted pictures. All the gopis decided that Krsna was not returning immediately, and with greatly disappointed hearts they returned to their respective homes
- They (the servants of Yamaraja) were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful. Therefore they immediately returned to Yamaraja and described to him everything that had happened
- They will have to come to this point gradually. They're disappointed. Life is not very pleasing
- Those who adopt the means of devotional service, as prescribed by the expert transcendentalist, are never disappointed in their attempts to enter the anti-material world
- Thus Sisupala, instead of marrying Rukmini, had to be satisfied with the flattering words of his friends, and he returned home in disappointment. The kings who had come to assist him, also disappointed, then returned to their respective kingdoms
- Vrtrasura, disappointed that King Indra was reluctant despite his encouragement (to kill him with the thunderbolt), took the initiative very forcefully by throwing his trident at Indra
- Vyasadeva's disappointment was due to insufficiency in presenting the science of devotional service. Narada knew the defect, and it was confirmed by the position of Vyasa
- We are attached to the love of this material world, but we are all disappointed. From everyone's experience, you'll find
- We must be purely chanting. But we should not be disappointed. Even impure . . . therefore we must have fixed chanting process. Because we are not in the pure stage
- We must have faith that we will see Him. We must have firm faith that because we are engaged in Krsna consciousness we shall be able to see Krsna face to face. We should not be disappointed
- We should not be disappointed in our muddy life of material existence, for as soon as we voluntarily take to the devotional service of the Lord our whole life becomes clear, like water in autumn
- Whatever we have to do to induce people to take a book, that is nice. We shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means. At the same time, we must avoid irritating or disappointing anyone by cheating them or telling big lies which become detected
- When a woman is neglected and disappointed, out of egoistic pride she gives up her ornaments and morosely sits down on the ground, marking lines on it with her nails
- When Jesus Christ also preached God consciousness, only a few followers were there, and still, he had to sacrifice his life. But he was never disappointed. That should be attitude of the preacher. People may accept it or not accept it, we should go on
- When Maharaja Pariksit learned all the defects of this Kali-yuga, then he was little disappointed, "How these men?" Men means human being. - How they will be relieved from the miserable condition of materialistic life in this age of Kali
- When Maharaja Yudhisthira was disappointed in defeating the King of Magadha, Jarasandha, it was Arjuna only who gave King Yudhisthira all kinds of assurances, and thus Arjuna, Bhima and Lord Krsna started for Magadha to kill Jarasandha
- When mother Yasoda was so piteously crying, all the cowherd women immediately came and began to look for the baby (Krsna), but they were disappointed and could not find Him
- When mundaners pretend to give up the enjoying spirit, under the pressure of disappointment and frustration, they usually take shelter of pseudo renunciation, with an even greater spirit of enjoyment
- When one becomes disappointed in his service to the Supreme Lord, that disappointment must be rejected and replaced with confidence in attaining the ultimate goal, love of Godhead
- When one is forced to act in a way which is forbidden, or to refrain from acting in a way which is proper, he becomes regretful and thinks himself dishonored. At that time there is a sense of disappointment
- When the boys saw that the brahmanas would not reply to them even with a simple yes or no, they became very much disappointed. They then returned to Lord Krsna and Balarama and explained everything that had happened
- When the citizens could not find any trace of the King after searching for him everywhere, they were very disappointed, and they returned to the city, where all the great sages of the country assembled because of the King's absence
- When the devotees questioned Govinda, he had to tell them lies. Therefore one day he spoke to the Lord in disappointment
- When the proprietor of the bag became disappointed, the other boys would laugh, the proprietor would cry, and then the bag would be returned - SB 10.12.5
- When those who belonged to the family circle heard the narration of the old brahmana, they made exclamations showing their disappointment. They all requested that he not make such a proposal again
- While the scientist and philosopher go to the moon but are disappointed in their attempts to stay there and live, the devotee makes an easy journey to other planets and ultimately goes back to Godhead
- Why do you go to the pseudo guru who will mislead you? Why don't you take to the real guru? That is your mistake. Therefore you are now disappointed
- You should very seriously and with a cool head apply yourself to getting that place or some other place as soon as possible. Otherwise Krsna may take away this golden opportunity, being disappointed by our lack of enthusiasm and labor
- Your energy not being utilized for the real purpose of life, if you utilize it for increasing your so-called material happiness, they have not become happy. Otherwise, why so many young boys and girls, they are disappointed?