Category:Devotional Service of a Devotee of God
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Pages in category "Devotional Service of a Devotee of God"
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- A devotee does not want any kind of material opulence, but such opulence appears before him automatically. He does not have to endeavor for it. Because of his devotional service, he automatically becomes brahma-bhuta
- A devotee does not want mystic powers or liberation or material prosperity. He is satisfied in any condition of life, as long as he is constantly engaged in the service of the Lord
- A devotee is callous to all subjects other than his engagement in devotional service. This mode of life is the highest perfectional stage
- A devotee is free from the reactions of his karma because he has taken to devotional service
- A devotee on the topmost platform of devotional service always humbly thinks that he is not rendering any devotional service. He thinks that he is poor in devotional service and that his body is material
- A devotee who tolerates everything in this material world and patiently executes his devotional service can become mukti-pade sa daya-bhak, a bona fide candidate for liberation. The word daya-bhak refers to a hereditary right to the Lord's mercy
- Actual Brahman realization means Krsna consciousness and engagement in devotional service. The devotees are therefore real brahmacaris because their activities are always in Krsna consciousness, devotional service
- All the forms of the Lord are eternal. It is the devotee's inclination to worship a particular form, and he engages in devotional service to that form
- All these manifestations of the Lord, appearing everywhere in His eternal, transcendental forms, cannot be understood by anyone but the pure devotees, who are always engaged in devotional service to the Lord and are fully absorbed in the Lord
- Although a devotee may externally not be very well educated, because of his devotional service the Supreme Personality of Godhead gives him enlightenment from within
- Although Dhruva Maharaja was the son of a king and was only five years old, he went to the forest and executed devotional service under strict austerity
- Although He (the Personality of Godhead) does not appear before those who practice yoga in a secluded place even for many, many births, He agrees to appear in a householder's home where devotees engage in devotional service without material yoga practice
- Although Prahlada was born in the family of the Daityas, he was a great devotee from his childhood. Because of his devotional service and godly nature, he is considered to be a representative of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- An actual example (of by devotional service even God becomes subordinate to devotee) is that the Supreme Lord Krsna became the chariot driver of Arjuna, and when Arjuna asked Him to draw his chariot between the two armies, Krsna executed his order
- As a result of his (Dhruva Maharaja's) rendering such devotional service with great determination and austerity, the Personality of Godhead personally manifested Himself before him
- As the devotee is always anxious to render service to the Lord, so the Lord is ever anxious to render service to the devotee
- As the first installment of His special favor, the Lord takes away all the possessions of His devotee. A devotee, however, is never disturbed by such a loss. He continues his service & the Lord amply rewards him, beyond the expectations of any common man
- As the Lord exists by His own independent prowess, by the grace of the Lord the devotees also exist for His service
- At the time of his death, he (the brahmana who got Deities of Sita-Rama from Lord Ramacandra) delivered the Deities to Sri Hanumanji, who, for many years, hung Them around his neck and served Them with all devotion
- Because he (a devotee) always engages in the service of the Lord, his body is transcendental and full of spiritual bliss
- Because he's chanting, sometimes a person get very false ego, that he has become a very big devotee, he's serving the Lord
- Because of his (the devotee's) intense devotional service, his ignorance, material consciousness and all kinds of material desires are completely burnt to ashes
- Because of his regular discharge of devotional service, a devotee attains the transcendental stage of life
- Bhakti means without any material desires. That is the sign of pure devotee. He has no motive to satisfy his material desires by devotional service
- By advancing in hearing and chanting, a devotee becomes more firmly fixed in his faith, and gradually his initial faith develops into a taste for devotional service, and that taste gradually develops into attachment
- By culturing devotional service, the devotee gradually comes to understand his actual relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This understanding of one's pure spiritual position is called svarupopalabdhi
- By the grace of the Lord, the self-realized devotee engaged in devotional service understands his destination even while in the material body
- By virtue of his devotional service he (the devotee) attains the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage without a doubt. The yogis & jnanis are always doubtful about their constitutional position; they mistakenly think of becoming one with the Supreme
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Nityananda Prabhu to deliver all the Bengalis to devotional service
- Certainly Mathura will deliver the desires of the devotees, who simply aspire to be engaged in the devotional service of the Lord
- Constructing a big building requires great energy, and a devotee does not take to such business if it does not benefit him by advancing his devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Devotees always bathe themselves in devotional service in order to be relieved from the various tribulations of material existence. By doing this, the devotees enjoy supreme bliss, and liberation personified comes to serve them
- Devotees at Vrndavana try to serve the gopis, namely Radharani and Her associates. If one gains the favor of the gopis, he easily gains the favor of Krsna because on the recommendation of the gopis Krsna at once accepts the service of a devotee
- Devotees engaged in devotional service are not very much attached to their bodies, unlike the yogis, who are too attached to the body and who think that by performing bodily gymnastic exercises they will advance in spiritual consciousness
- Devotees situated in the transcendental rasa of servitorship render their particular service whenever there is an opportunity
- Devotional service of God involves 9 transcendental processes, such as hearing and chanting, by performing such easy and natural devotional services the devotees achieve the highest perfectional results, superior to merging into the existence of Brahman
- Devotional service to the Lord is so easy that even a householder can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead as one of the members of his household, as his son, as Kardama Muni experienced
- Devotional service which is rendered by the devotee in this lifetime can never be destroyed by time. Such spiritual assets remain unchanged, being beyond the influence of time
- Dhruva Maharaja never went to any school or academic teacher to learn the Vedic conclusion, but because of his DS to the Lord, as soon as the Lord appeared and touched his forehead with His conchshell, the entire Vedic conclusion was revealed to him
- Dhruva Maharaja was determined to achieve the benediction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore Narada advised him to go back home for the time being, and in mature time he could try to practice devotional service
- Dhruva Maharaja's closing the holes of his personal body and thereby closing the breathing holes of the total universe clearly indicates that a devotee, by his personal DS, can influence all the people of the whole world to become devotees of the Lord
- Due to former habits he (the devotee) may commit some wrong, but because he is engaged in the service of the Lord, that wrong should not be taken very seriously
- For example, Hanuman, the devotee of Lord Ramacandra, knew that there is no difference between Lord Ramacandra and Lord Narayana, and yet he still wanted to render service only unto Lord Ramacandra
- From the statement of the Adi Purana it appears that a devotee is satisfied simply with being engaged in devotional service. He does not aspire for any liberation from material conditional life
- He (a devotee) will want to serve the Lord by assisting Him in controlling the cows in the pasturing ground
- He (a pure devotee) is prepared to accept all kinds of risks for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. Nothing is an impediment in the discharge of his devotional service. Such a devotee is very dear to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- How much a devotee is seriously attached to the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be understood from the statement of Maharaj Prthu
- How much greater then are the brahmanas, the righteous, the devotees and saintly kings who in this temporary miserable world engage in loving service unto Me. BG 9.33 - 1972
- If one derides a devotee for his accidental falldown, then he is disobeying the order of the Supreme Lord. The only qualification of a devotee is to be unflinchingly and exclusively engaged in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- If one has full faith in Krsna and confidence in Him, one becomes eligible to discharge devotional service confidentially. According to one's faith, one is a topmost, intermediate or inferior devotee
- In the higher stages of devotional service, a devotee is not even concerned with the list of do's and do not's. Such a position can be maintained only by following in the footsteps of the acaryas
- In the next stage, under the guidance of the spiritual master, the devotee executes regulative devotional service, and, as a result of such activities, he becomes freed from all unwanted occupations
- Instruction should be given to the faithful devotee who is respectful to the spiritual master, nonenvious, friendly to all kinds of living entities and eager to render service with faith and sincerity
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that a devotee engaged full time in the transcendental loving service of the Lord has already surpassed the influence of the three modes of material nature
- It is experienced that Vaisnavas are not very opulent in the material sense. When a Vaisnava, pure devotee, tries to be materially opulent and at the same time desires to serve the Supreme Lord, his devotional service is checked
- Lord Krsna, indebted to the Pandavas' devotional service, sometimes acted as their messenger, and He guided them through many dangerous situations. Therefore Maharaja Pariksit should not have been saddened because Lord Krsna did not appear in his family
- Lord Visnu said: "My devotees, having fulfilled their desires by serving Me, do not accept the four kinds of salvation that are easily earned by such service. Why then should they accept any pleasures that are lost in the course of time?"
- Material devotees are more attached to material benefit than transcendental profit. Therefore, one has to make definite progress from the position of material devotional service to the second-class devotional position
- My dear mother, O daughter of Manu, a devotee who applies the science of devotional service and mystic yoga in this way can achieve the abode of the Supreme Person simply by that devotional service
- My devotees do not accept salokya, sarsti, sarupya, samipya or oneness with Me - even if I offer these liberations - in preference to serving Me
- My devotees take great care and respect in rendering Me service. They offer obeisances to Me with all their bodily limbs. They worship other devotees and find all living entities related to Me. For Me they engage the entire energy of their bodies
- Naturally a devotee takes bath at least twice in a day and rises early in the morning for devotional service. Thus he is naturally clean both inwardly and outwardly. BG 1972 purports
- Nrsimha-deva wanted to give him benediction, blessings, "Whatever you like." He refused, he said "I'm not a mercantile devotee that I'll get some benefit from You, but first benediction I want that let me engage in service of Your servant, Narada Muni"
- One must be situated in his spiritual identity and eternally serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead as a devotee. Aṅgirā Ṛṣi and Nārada Muni gave this instruction to Mahārāja Citraketu
- One of the example is the opulence of Sudama Vipra. Sudama Vipra suffered severe material scarcity, but he was not disturbed and did not deviate from devotional service. Thus he was ultimately given an exalted position by the mercy of Lord Krsna
- One should live among devotees, saintly persons, to learn the etiquette and proper behavior of devotional service
- One should not mistakenly think that the material opulence of a devotee is the result of his devotional service
- One who performs severe austerities for sense gratification is fearful to the entire world, whereas a devotee who performs even a slight amount of devotional service is a friend to everyone
- Only to such devotees (liberated souls) do the pastimes of the Lord and their transcendental nature become automatically manifest by dint of devotional service
- Only when the Lord is satisfied with the devotional service of the devotee does He impart knowledge, as He did for Arjuna and Uddhava
- Pariksit Maharaja is addressed as bhagavatottama, the best of devotees, because unless one is very much elevated in devotional service, one cannot feel ecstasy from hearing more and more and appreciate the topics as ever fresher and newer
- Pure devotees engage themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Krsna. Their talks are solely on the transcendental subjects. BG 1972 purports
- Pure devotional service is called ahaituki, unmotivated. Dhruva Maharaja knew that he had come to worship the Lord in devotional service with a motive - to get the kingdom of his father. Such an adulterated devotee can never see the SPG face to face
- Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah: (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234) "The Lord reveals Himself to a devotee when He is completely satisfied by the devotee’s service"
- Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah: when a devotee engages his senses favorably in devotional service, the Lord, through His causeless mercy, reveals Himself to the devotee. This is the conclusive Vedic process
- Since the devotees execute either regulative devotional service or spontaneous devotional service and there are four groups within these two divisions, altogether there are eight varieties
- Since the Lord is unlimited, His desire is also unlimited. There is no stoppage, and therefore the service of the devotee is also unlimited
- Someone may argue that even devotees have to undergo many distresses in executing austerities and penances connected with devotional service
- Sometimes a devotee in santa-rasa yawns, stretches his limbs, instructs on devotional service, offers respectful obeisances unto the form of the Lord, offers nice prayers to the Lord and has a desire to give direct service with his body
- Sometimes we may superficially see that a devotee is in difficulty because of being engaged in devotional service, but the fact is different
- Sometimes when we hear that great sages and devotees go to the forest and engage themselves in devotional service or meditation, we become surprised: how can one live in the forest and not be taken care of by anyone
- Such an attitude (of a devotee who thinks that everything is Krsna's mercy) is possible for a devotee who engages in the service of Krsna's representative. This is the secret of success
- That special mercy of the power to preach is given to a devotee who does not want anything material from his spiritual master but wants only to serve him. The story of the demon Ravana illustrates this point
- The devotee said, "Let her (Yasoda) merciful glance fall on all of us so that we may be protected from the clutches of maya and smoothly progress in our devotional service"
- The devotee said, "Observing all Your transcendental qualities, I have also become attracted and have decided to dedicate my life to Your loving service"
- The devotees who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya take the responsibility for distributing nectarean devotional service all over the world. They are like clouds pouring water on the ground that nourishes the fruit of love of Godhead
- The devotional service most suitable for different types of devotees is determined and fixed by the mercy of the spiritual master
- The difference between the impersonalists and the personalists is that the impersonalists, limited by their speculative processes, cannot even approach the SPG, whereas the devotees please the SPG through His transcendental loving service
- The dina-nathas, or devotees of Lord Krsna, who preach the path of devotional service, become the favorites of the demigods
- The example of Dhruva Maharaja is that he engaged himself in devotional service to the Lord according to the order of his spiritual master, Narada Muni
- The first and foremost concern of fruitive workers, elevationists, empiric philosophers and salvationists is to raise their material position. But devotees of Godhead have no such selfish desires. They serve the Supreme Lord only for His satisfaction
- The gopis by their lusty desires, Kamsa by fear, Sisupala by envy, the Yadus by their familial relationship with Krsna, you Pandavas by your great affection for Krsna, and we the general devotees, by devotional service, have obtained the mercy of Krsna
- The jnanis, by culture of brahma-vidya, spiritual knowledge, struggle very hard to get out of the clutches of material nature, but a devotee, by dint of his advancement in devotional service, automatically becomes detached from his material body
- The Lord is always eager to return the service of His servant. Whoever thinks that the service of the Lord is actually his duty is perfect in knowledge and has attained the perfection of yoga
- The Lord is more clever than any living entity; therefore He wants to see how painstaking the devotee is in devotional service
- The Lord is omnipotent and all-powerful; therefore, by His incarnation as arca-vigraha, He can accept the services of the devotee, just to make it convenient for the man in conditioned life. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord never takes away material opulences achieved because of devotional service, although He sometimes takes away opulences achieved by pious activities. He does this to make a devotee prideless or put him in a better position in devotional service
- The Lord ordered the gatekeepers to go down to the material world to become His enemies so that He could fight with them and His fighting desires would be satisfied by the service of His personal devotees
- The Lord reveals Himself to the sincere devotee when He is pleased with his service: svayam eva sphuraty adah
- The Mayavadi philosophers' standard of mukti is very insignificant for a devotee, for by devotional service even the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes subordinate to him
- The most intelligent devotees do not take to any means of self-realization except devotional service and constant engagement in the nine different processes of devotional life, especially hearing and chanting
- The SPG is the dearmost objective of all auspicious benedictions. A human being who sings this song sung by me can please the SPG. Such a devotee, being fixed in the Lord's devotional service, can acquire whatever he wants from the Supreme Lord
- The Supreme Lord, who is greater than the greatest, becomes submissive to even a very insignificant devotee because of his devotional service
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes very dear to those devotees who have no material possessions but are fully happy in possessing the devotional service of the Lord. Indeed, the Lord relishes the devotional activities of such devotees
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead speaks directly to the individual soul when the devotee has completely purified himself by rendering devotional service to the Lord
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead was playing as a liar and accusing all the other devotees of being liars. As stated in (SB 10.12.11), krta-punya-punjah: a devotee may attain such an ecstatic position after many, many births of devotional service
- The third-class devotee is one whose faith is not very strong, but, by the gradual cultivation of devotional service, he will eventually be eligible for promotion to the second or first-class position
- The twenty-seventh prominent devotee of Nityananda Prabhu was Acarya Vaisnavananda, a great personality in devotional service. He was formerly known as Raghunatha Puri
- The word avicchinna, "without interruptions," is very important in this connection. No material condition can stop the flow of the devotional service of a pure devotee
- The word kardamam is significant, for it indicates that the Lord had some devotional affection or relationship in devotional service with Kardama and Devahuti
- The word prabhu, or master, indicates that the Lord is to be continuously served by His devotee
- The words samprapede harim mean that in various ways Kardama Muni satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, by his devotional service. Devotional service is also expressed by the word kriya-yogena
- There is no need of great austerities or penances to worship the Lord, for Me accepts even a small service offered by His devotee. Thus He is satisfied, and as soon as He is satisfied, the devotee is successful
- These raganuga devotees do not follow the regulative principles of devotional service very strictly
- Those devotees who are householders accept Vedic ritualistic performances as well as the prescribed duties of devotional service, because both are meant for satisfying Krsna
- Those who are voluntarily accepting the laws of God and giving service to the Supreme Lord, they are called devotees
- To perform devotional service means to follow in the footsteps of Radharani, and devotees in Vrndavana put themselves under the care of Radharani in order to achieve perfection in their devotional service
- Whatever they (devotees) do is for the service of the Lord, and therefore they are always in a position superior to that of the demons
- When a devotee becomes mature in his prosecution of devotional service, he sees face to face the same Syamasundara he has thought of during the entire course of his devotional service
- When a devotee is engaged in the service of the Lord, it is called the attainment of yoga
- When a devotee is permanently situated in devotional service, and by different symptoms of ecstasy he has developed and matured a fraternal mellow or flavor in relationship with the Personality of Godhead
- When a person is fully engaged in devotional service, he is favored by the Lord, who bestows His causeless mercy. At such a time, the awakened devotee gives up all material activities and ritualistic performances mentioned in the Vedas
- When by the grace of the Lord a devotee is freed from all designations, his devotional service is actually naiskarmya
- When devotees discuss subjects dealing with the Supreme Lord, who can cleanse the heart of His devotee from all kinds of sinful reactions, they become overwhelmed with ecstasy and display different symptoms due to their devotional service
- When he (the devotee) is freed from unwanted occupations, his faith becomes steadily fixed, and he develops a transcendental taste for devotional service, then attachment, then ecstasies, and in the last stage there is pure love of Godhead
- When the goddess of fortune understands that a devotee is in favor of devotional service to Narayana, she is naturally inclined to bless the devotee with all opulences
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes to disseminate spiritual knowledge for the benefit of all people, He generally descends as the son of a devotee, being pleased by the devotee's devotional service