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Pages in category "Devastation"
The following 141 pages are in this category, out of 141 total.
- A description of this (the master of all integration can create devastation by the disintegrating blazing fire emanating from His mouth) can be found in the Eleventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, wherein the universal form of the Lord is described
- A devotee falls to the ground, and the subsequent symptoms in the body ensue. These symptoms are mentioned above (CC Madhya 3.162 ), and when they become prominent in the body, a state called pralaya (devastation) is manifest
- A great devastating fire created by Bali Maharaja began burning all the soldiers of the demigods. This fire, accompanied by blasting winds, seemed as terrible as the Samvartaka fire, which appears at the time of dissolution
- According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, the Vedic literatures describe the incarnation of Lord Varaha (Boar) in two different devastations, namely the Caksusa devastation and the Svayambhuva devastation
- According to Sripada Sridhara Svami, the original commentator on the Bhagavatam, there is not always a devastation after the change of every Manu
- After consulting together, They (Krsna and Balarama) decided to go to Hastinapura to show sympathy to Their relatives. Krsna and Balarama certainly knew that the Pandavas could not have been killed in the devastating fire
- After extinguishing the devastating fire, Krsna, surrounded by His relatives, friends, cows, calves and bulls and glorified by His friends' singing, again entered Vrndavana, which is always full of cows
- After one hundred years, when Brahma dies, the devastation or annihilation takes place; this means that the energy manifested by the Supreme Lord is again wound up in Himself. BG 1972 purports
- After Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had performed His devastating dance for some time, His mind entered into a mood of ecstatic love
- After this devastation (the annihilation of all the lower planetary systems) and after the night of Brahma passes, in the morning when Brahma arises there is again creation, and all these beings come forth
- All these descendants are described as signs of devastation (descendants of Irreligion and Falsity). If a person is pious & hears about these causes of devastation, he will feel hatred for all these, and that will cause his advancement in a life of piety
- Although the devastated battlefield appeared like the dancing place of Lord Siva at the time of the dissolution of the world, the warriors on the side of Krsna were very much encouraged by seeing this, and they fought with greater strength
- Although the living entities do not like devastation, that devastation will come and overflood the planets until all living beings on the planets stay merged in water throughout the night of Brahma. But as day comes, the water gradually disappears
- Although the planet was later on grown up, it was covered with water - pralaya payodhi jale, merged into the water after devastation. Then gradually it emerges from water
- Although the vegetables living on the slopes of Mount Kraunca were attacked and devastated by the weapons of Karttikeya, the mountain has become fearless because it is always bathed on all sides by the ocean of milk and protected by Varunadeva
- As a mountains is sometimes submerged in the ocean water, so the Lord is sometimes submerged in the water of devastation
- As Durvasa Muni said this, his face became red with anger. Uprooting a bunch of hair from his head, he created a demon resembling the blazing fire of devastation to punish Maharaja Ambarisa
- As the director of different kinds of clouds, Indra called for the Samvartaka. This cloud is invited when there is a need to devastate the whole cosmic manifestation
- At that time, all the inhabitants of the higher planets, represented by such liberated souls as Sanaka, were meditating on You by philosophical speculation. You are therefore the original person, and You rest in the water of devastation
- At the beginning of the devastation all the seas overflow, and hurricane winds blow very violently. Thus the waves of the seas become ferocious, and in no time at all the three worlds are full of water
- At the end of Manu's time there is not necessarily a devastation, but at the end of the Caksusa-manvantara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His illusory energy, wanted to show Satyavrata the effects of devastation
- At the end of the millennium, when the Personality of Godhead Lord Narayana lay down within the water of devastation, Brahma began to enter into Him along with all creative elements, and I (Narada Muni) also entered through His breathing
- At the time of dissolution the Lord sometimes appears as a small baby lying on a leaf of a banyan tree, floating on the devastating water. Devahuti suggests, "Your lying down within the abdomen of a common woman like me is not so astonishing
- Because Agastya Muni cursed Svayambhuva Manu, during the time of Svayambhuva Manu a devastation took place. This devastation is mentioned in the Matsya Purana
- Because He (Krsna) was near me (Arjuna), it was possible for me to conquer with great dexterity the powerful King of heaven, Indradeva, along with his demigod associates and thus enable the fire-god to devastate the Khandava Forest
- Because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, Brahma desired that the same knowledge again be renovated; otherwise there would be no meaning in the creation
- Before Brahma took up the task of creation, he found the Lord sleeping on the serpent bed in the waves of the water of devastation. Therefore, sleeping exists in the internal potency of the Lord, and this is not denied by pure devotees of the Lord
- Beginning of creation, a tremendous wind caused fierce waves of inundating water. The great waves made such a horrible sound that Brahma almost fell from his seat on the lotus into the water of devastation, but he was saved with the help of the Lord
- Besides five primary rasas, or relationships, there are seven secondary rasas which consist of laughing, having wonderful visions, entering into a chivalrous relationship, experiencing pity, feeling anger and experiencing ghastliness and devastation
- Bhattatharis know many tantric black arts, such as the art of killing a person, of bringing him under submission, and of destroying or devastating him
- Brahma created Rudra to help him in his creative endeavor, but from the very beginning Rudra began to devour the whole creation, and thus he had to be stopped from such devastating activities
- Brahma told Rudra: O best among the demigods, there is no need for you to generate living entities of this nature. They have begun to devastate everything on all sides with the fiery flames from their eyes, and they have even attacked me
- Brahmaji wanted to create the whole cosmic situation as it was in the previous millennium, and because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, he desired that the same knowledge again be renovated
- By knowing the material manifestation alone, one cannot be saved, for in the course of nature there is devastation at every moment (ahany ahani bhutani gacchantiha yama-layam). Nor can one be saved from these devastations by the opening of hospitals
- By the evil deeds of those who destroy the family tradition and thus give rise to unwanted children, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated
- Devastating time, which controls even the celestial demigods by its manifestations of past, present and future, does not act on the transcendental plane
- Devastation is described in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu as a combination of happiness and distress that becomes conspicuous by an absence of any sense of them
- Due to the evil deeds of the destroyers of family tradition, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated. BG 1.42 - 1972
- During one day of Brahma there are fourteen Manus, and at the end of each Manu there is devastation up to the earthly planets, and the vast water is fearful even to Brahma
- During the time of Caksusa Manu, by the supreme will of the Lord, there was suddenly another pralaya, or devastation. This is mentioned by Markandeya Rsi in the Visnu-dharmottara
- For example, Bhisma related to Krsna as a warrior in the chivalrous rasa. Hiranyakasipu, however, experienced an exchange of the ghastly and devastating rasa
- Formerly, there was a devastating war between the demigods and the demons. The demigods, having been defeated, accepted Puranjaya as their assistant and then conquered the demons. Therefore this hero is known as Puranjaya
- He (Arjuna) asked further about the actual mission of this devastating force. It is written in the Vedas that the Supreme Truth destroys everything, even Brahma. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) smashed not only the weapons but also the soldiers and assistants of Paundraka, just as during the dissolution of this universe the fire of devastation burns everything to ashes
- Higher planets, such as Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka and Brahmaloka, do not dissolve in the devastating water. This is because of the causeless devotional service rendered unto the Lord by their inhabitants
- I know that this nuclear weapon was already discovered by the German people, and Hitler, it is said that he did not use it. Because he knew it that - If I throw this nuclear weapon there will be devastation
- In Europe, Hitler unnecessarily picked up some war, & there was devastation all over the world. There was no gain. The Germany become defeated & bifurcated. So this leader could not do anything good to the nation, but unnecessarily picked up some quarrel
- In his sleeping condition, Brahma dreams about the Garbhodakasayi Visnu and takes instruction from the Lord for the rehabilitation of the devastated area of space
- In that transcendental state of labdhopasanti, there is no supremacy of devastating time, which controls even the celestial demigods who are empowered to rule over mundane creatures
- In the beginning of the would-be Vaivasvata Manu such devastation (vast water up to the earthly planets) would be seen by him. There would be many other incidents also, such as the killing of the famous Sankhasura
- In the Kali-yuga they (the principles of religion) are reduced to one fourth, gradually diminishing to the zero point, and then devastation takes place
- In the previous creation the spiritual truth was devastated, but the four sanas explained it so nicely that the truth at once became clearly perceived by the sages
- In this way all the inhabitants of Dvaraka appealed to Lord Krsna for protection from the fiery demon who had just appeared in Dvaraka to devastate the whole city
- Krsna is the SP of Godhead, the cause of all causes, the reservoir of all rasas, or relationships, which are called neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parenthood, conjugal love, comedy, compassion, fear, chivalry, ghastliness, wonder and devastation
- Krsna said, "You (Sudama) may remember that heavy rainfall - it was not actually rainfall but a sort of devastation"
- Let us begin tracing the evolutionary process from the point of devastation (pralaya), when the whole universe is filled with water. At that time there are many fishes and other aquatics, and from these aquatics evolve creepers, trees, etc
- Lord Brahma saw the lake in Lord Visnu's navel, and the lotus flower, as well as the devastating water, the drying air and the sky. All became visible to him
- Lord Brahma, situated in that lotus, could not perfectly understand the creation, the lotus or himself. At the end of the millennium the air of devastation began to move the water and the lotus in great circular waves
- Maitreya said: My dear Vidura, I heard this story of the Daksa yajna, which was devastated by Lord Siva, from Uddhava, a great devotee and a disciple of Brhaspati
- Many poets have written verses lamenting the influence of time. Many devastations have taken place over the universes due to the influence of time, and no one could check them by any means
- My dear Vidura, I (Maitreya) have summarily explained the causes of devastation. One who hears this description three times attains piety and washes the sinful contamination from his soul
- O almighty Lord, at the end of the millennium this planet earth, which is the source of all kinds of herbs, drugs and trees, was inundated by water and drowned beneath the devastating waves
- O Brahma, just follow this conclusion by fixed concentration of mind, and no pride will disturb you, neither in the partial nor in the final devastation
- Offense by one at the feet of a pure devotee may be likened to the mad elephant who devastates a very good garden if it enters
- One devotee said, "Dear Krsna, if You had not appeared on this planet, then the asuras and atheists would have surely created havoc against the activities of the devotees. I cannot imagine the magnitude of such devastation prevented by Your presence"
- One should seriously study the facts concerning creation, maintenance and devastation, as well as the permanent place from which one never need return
- People do not see the effect of abominable activities because they do not know Krsna. But they will have to suffer the consequence. Time will come when there will be devastation, just like there was First & Second War and there was mass devastation
- People forget all these devastations of the worlds and think themselves happy in the material progress of civilization. This is called maya, or "that which is not
- Piercing through, this sum total form of the fruitive activity of the living entities took the shape of the bud of a lotus flower generated from Visnu & by His supreme will it illuminated everything, like the sun & dried up the vast waters of devastation
- Pulling the boat, with you and all the rsis in it, O King, I shall travel in the water of devastation until the night of Lord Brahma's slumber is over
- Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wandering in all the four directions, the disc of the Supreme Lord has sharp edges as destructive as the fire of devastation at the end of the millennium
- Spiritually inclined people will have to forsake their homes because they will be too harassed by drought, taxation and famine. The Krsna consciousness movement is the only hope to save the world from such devastation
- Sri Jiva Gosvami has given definite proofs from authoritative scriptures (like Visnu-dharmottara, Markandeya Purana, Harivamsa, etc.) that there is always a devastation after the end of each and every Manu
- Sri Maitreya said: After Lord Visnu was glorified by all present, Daksa, his consciousness purified, arranged to begin again the yajna which had been devastated by the followers of Lord Siva
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti has also supported Srila Jiva Gosvami (that there is always a devastation after the end of each and every Manu), and he (Sri Cakravarti) has also quoted from Bhagavatamrta about this inundation after each Manu
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti suggests that the sage Maitreya amalgamated both the boar incarnations in different devastations and summarized them in his description to Vidura
- The citizens of Mathura spoke among themselves, "Sankhacuda, Kesi, Dhenukasura and many other demons were killed by Krsna and Balarama in Vrndavana. Krsna also saved all the cowherd men of Vrndavana from a devastating fire"
- The creation takes place on the basis of goodness, but devastation takes place because of irreligion. That is the way of material creation and devastation. Here it is stated that the cause of devastation is Adharma, or Irreligion
- The demigods and their followers are all annihilated at the period of devastation, but one who reaches the kingdom of God gets a permanent share in eternal life. That is the verdict of Vedic literature
- The demigods said: Dear Lord, formerly, when there was a devastation, You conserved all the different energies of material manifestation
- The demon is envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and inimical toward Him. These were Hiranyakasipu's external bodily features as he considered how to kill Lord Visnu and devastate His kingdom, Vaikunthaloka
- The devastating water was so fearful that even Brahma was perturbed at its appearance and became very anxious about how to situate the different planetary systems in outer space to accommodate the different kinds of living entities
- The devastation takes place due to the fire emanating from the mouth of Sankarsana, and thus great sages like Bhrgu and other inhabitants of Maharloka transport themselves to Janaloka, being distressed by the warmth of the blazing fire
- The eight ecstatic symptoms are the state of being stunned, perspiration, standing of the bodily hairs on end, faltering of the voice, trembling, fading of the body’s color, tears and devastation
- The eleven Rudras, expansions of Lord Siva, come out of Lord Sankarsana's eyebrows due to His angry mood, and all of them together devastate the entire creation
- The killing of Pralambasura & the devouring of the devastating forest fire by Krsna and Balarama became household topics in Vrndavana. The cowherd men described these wonderful activities to their wives and to everyone else, & all were struck with wonder
- The Krsna consciousness movement is the only hope to save the world from such devastation. It is the most scientific and authorized movement for the actual welfare of the whole human society
- The Lord (Varaha) found the earth on the bottom of the Garbhodaka Ocean, where the planets rest during the devastation at the end of Brahma's day
- The Lord saw that Brahma was very anxious about the planning and construction of the different planetary systems and was depressed upon seeing the devastating water
- The Lord's potencies are innumerable. As He lies down in the water of devastation, I am born as the total universal energy from the navel lake in which the lotus sprouts
- The material energy creates, maintains and devastates the entire cosmic manifestation because of directions given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who enters this universe as Garbhodakasayi Visnu but is untouched by the material qualities
- The material scientists may have discovered the law of gravity, which maintains the integration of objects in the material energy yet the master of all integration can create devastation by the disintegrating blazing fire emanating from His (God's) mouth
- The possibility of our attaining Krsna consciousness will be easier (if we learn to despise all the causes of devastation and make advancement in a life of piety by cleansing the heart), and we shall not be subjected to repeated devastation
- The specific significance of this planet (Dhruvaloka) is that until the entire universe is annihilated this planet will remain, even during the devastation which takes place during the night of Lord Brahma
- The Sudarsana cakra began to freeze the fiery demon created by Lord Siva. In this way, the fiery demon was checked by the Sudarsana cakra of Lord Krsna, and, being defeated in his attempt to devastate the city of Dvaraka, he turned back
- The Sudarsana cakra, having thus finished his duty (devastation of Varanasi), came back to his Lord, Sri Krsna, at Dvaraka
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead creates, maintains and dissolves the cosmic manifestation merely by His will. For Him to create such a vast scene of devastation while fighting with an enemy is not so wonderful
- The wives of the performers of the sacrifice said: This sacrifice was arranged under the instruction of Brahma but unfortunately Siva, being angry at Daksa, devastated the entire scene & because of his anger the animals meant for sacrifice are lying dead
- Then for another 36,000 years there are torrents of rain, accompanied by violent winds and waves, and the seas and oceans overflow. These reactions of 72,000 years are the beginning of the partial devastation of the three worlds
- There are eight symptoms of existential ecstatic love: becoming stunned, perspiring, standing of the hairs on the body, faltering of the voice, trembling of the body, changing bodily colors, shedding tears, and devastation
- There are many devastations during Brahma's day, and there is another devastation during Brahma's sleep, and another devastation when Brahma dies
- They (foolish men) start varieties of public and semi-governmental institutions to tackle the devastating power of nature, but they don't know how to pacify insurmountable nature
- They (Krsna's personal associates) are mostly looking on with tears in their eyes, and in the enthusiasm of their service they are not afraid even of the devastating fire generated by Lord Siva. They are souls simply surrendered unto Your lotus feet
- They began to say, "Our dear Krsna! O S. Personality of God! Our dear Balarama, reservoir of all strength! Please try to save us from this all-devouring and devastating fire. We have no shelter other than You. This devastating fire will swallow us all"
- This foretelling (of the devastation up to the earthly planets) is by the past experience of Brahmaji, who knew that in that fearful devastating scene, the Vedas would come out of his mouth
- This material world is a gigantic body only. Whole cosmic manifestation has a date of its creation. It is expanding and giving so many by-products. Then time will come which is called devastation - there will be no more rain, and everything will dry up
- This particular appearance of the boar incarnation (Lord Varaha) actually took place in the Svayambhuva devastation, when all planets other than the higher ones - Jana, Mahar and Satya - merged in the water of devastation
- This particular appearance of the boar incarnation actually took place in the Svayambhuva devastation, when all planets other than the higher ones - Jana, Mahar and Satya - merged in the water of devastation
- This particular devastation (of 8.24.37) actually took place not during the night of Lord Brahma but during his day, for it was during the time of Caksusa Manu
- This Rudra, who is known as Sankarsana, is the embodiment of the eleven Rudras, or incarnations of Lord Siva. He appears in order to devastate the entire creation
- Those living beings who reside on higher planets like the sun and the moon, as well as those on Martyaloka, this earth planet, and also those who live on lower planets - all are merged into the waters of devastation during the night of Brahma
- To save themselves from the blazing arrows of Indravaha, which resembled the flames of devastation at the end of the millennium, the demons who remained when the rest of their army was killed fled very quickly to their respective homes
- Ultimately everyone will come to Krsna. Not Krsna consciousness, but Krsna. At the end of this world, devastation, they enter into the body of Krsna. They remain there
- Understanding the devastation of eternal time, and by constantly associating with devotees engaged in Krsna consciousness
- Unfortunately, when Daksa's sacrifice was devastated by Lord Siva, some of the animals were killed. (One was killed just to replace the head of Daksa.) Their bodies were lying about, and the sacrificial arena was turned into a crematorium
- Unfortunately, when Daksa's sacrifice was devastated by Lord Siva, some of the animals were killed. Their bodies were lying about, and the sacrificial arena was turned into a crematorium. Thus the real purpose of yajna was lost
- Upon seeing these devastating, ghastly activities performed by the King, all the people who were merciful by nature became very unhappy. Such merciful persons could not tolerate seeing all this killing
- We can preach all over the world that the only way to be saved from collective and individual devastation is to take to the chanting of Hare Krsna
- We should learn to despise all the causes of devastation, beginning from irreligion and cheating, and then we shall be able to make advancement in a life of piety
- When a person is confused by simultaneous happiness and tribulation and does not know what to do, this state of confusion is called pralaya, or devastation
- When Brahma goes to sleep in his nighttime, the three planetary systems below Brahmaloka are all submerged in the water of devastation
- When Brahma's night is there, there is devastation up to some extent. So again in the daytime of Brahma, that creation takes place
- When Lord Siva released his weapon of devastating fire, Krsna counteracted it with torrents of rain
- When the gopis were searching after Krsna & all of a sudden He came out from the bushes & creepers, all of them became stunned & almost senseless. In this state the gopis appeared very beautiful. This is an example of pralaya, or devastation in happiness
- When the Khandava forest was being devoured by the fire-god, Agni, there was a demon of the name Maya who was saved by Arjuna from the devastating fire. For this reason, that former demon became a great friend of Arjuna
- When the same force comes into contact with the sky, there is complete devastation. And when that force comes into contact with the air, there is trembling, failing of the voice and standing of the hairs on the body
- When there is devastation of this material universe, Brahma and his devotees, who are constantly engaged in Krsna consciousness, are all transferred to the spiritual universe and to specific spiritual planets according to their desires. BG 1972 purports
- Whether he (living entity) takes the form of a man, demigod or animal, he ultimately has to endure an unmanifested condition during the two devastations - the devastation during the night of Brahma and the devastation at the end of Brahma's life
- Within a second a very big, dark cloud may come and cause devastation immediately. That is possible. These are the wonderful activities of maya. But still, she is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead