Category:Described in the Vedas
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Pages in category "Described in the Vedas"
The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total.
- A description of the higher planets and the spiritual world can be found in the Vedic scriptures. The yogi knows everything; he can transfer himself to any planet he likes. He does not need the help of spacecraft
- According to the Vedic description of the planetary system, all the planets move from east to west. The sun, the moon and five other planets, such as Mars and Jupiter, orbit one above another
- As described in the Vedas, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - He (the Supreme Godhead) is the chief eternal of all eternals and the chief living entity among all living entities - Katha Upanisad, 2.2.13
- As described in the Vedas, utamrtatvasyesanah: the Supreme Lord is the Lord of immortality, or in other words, the Lord is immortal, and because He is the Lord of immortality He can award immortality to His devotees
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah: by all the Vedas, it is Krsna who is to be known. Lord Sri Krsna, setting an example by His own behavior, performed many ritualistic ceremonies described in the Vedas
- Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unknown to the conditioned soul, He is sometimes described in Vedic literatures as nirakara, avijnata or avan-manasa-gocara
- By this bona fide hearing process, the neophyte devotee becomes cleansed of all material rubbish, and thus he becomes attached to one of the many transcendental forms of the Lord, as described in the Vedas
- Darwin has described the idea of evolution from the Vedas in his own way
- Devaki said - My dear Lord, Your eternal forms, like Narayana, Lord Rama, Sesa, Varaha, Nrsimha, Vamana, Baladeva, and millions of similar incarnations emanating from Visnu, are described in the Vedic literature as original
- Don't think that these description in the Vedas, they are stories. They are not stories. They are facts. But we cannot accommodate in our poor teeny brain. That's all. So what we shall understand about God? It is not possible
- God and we, are of the same quality, that's a fact. God is the supreme living being and we are also living being, but He is the head, supreme. That is the description in the Vedas: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam
- God has got many forms, but the original form is that playing on flute, curved in three places with barhavatamsam asitambuda-sundarangam, with a feather on the head. These are Vedic description of Krsna
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) was not agitated when put into danger, and he was neither directly nor indirectly interested in the fruitive activities described in the Vedas
- Here is that very P of G whose attractive and confidential pastimes are described in the confidential parts of Vedic literature by His great devotees. It is He only who creates, maintains and annihilates the material world and yet remains unaffected
- How one goes to the moon, how he comes back, etc., is a great story, and this is all described in the Vedic literature. It is not a very new process. But the aim of our Krsna consciousness society is different
- In many descriptions in Vedic literature it is found that mountains also fly in the sky with wings. When such mountains are dead, they fall to the ground, where they stay as very large dead bodies
- In the sastras - the puranas and other Vedic literatures - there are so many narrations describing the transcendental activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and everyone should hear them again and again
- In the Vedas the Supreme Lord is described as tam isvaranam paramam mahesvaram. Under the spell of illusion, living entities are trying to be lords of all they survey, but actually they are dominated by the material energy of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic scriptures, the cow is described as a mother. Therefore she is a mother for all time; it is not, as some rascals say, that in the Vedic age she was a mother but she is not in this age
- ISKCON is a bona fide religious society strictly following the principles described in the Vedic scriptures and practiced in India for thousands of years. Our basic beliefs are as follows
- It is described in Vedic literature that in Kali-yuga He (The Lord) comes as channa-avatara, or an incarnation, but He does not appear as a manifest incarnation
- It is said that in the Vedas and in the Ramayana, only the activities of the Lord are described. Everywhere in the Vedic literature, His glories are sung
- It is said that six months on earth is equal to one day on the higher planets, the unsuccessful yogi stays on these higher planets for many, many years. Vedic literatures describe their lifetimes as lasting 10,000 years
- It is said, traigunya-visaya vedah: "The Vedas deal mainly with the three modes of material nature." The Vedas, especially three Vedas, namely Sama, Yajur and Rk, vividly describe this process of ascending to the higher planets and returning
- Karma or fruitive activities are sometimes understood to be ritualistic activities. There are many persons who are very much attracted by the ritualistic activities described in the Vedas
- Krsna consciousness is a great science. It is not a sentiment or mental speculation or bluff. It is based on scientific proposition, as described in the Bhagavad-gita, as described in the Vedas, as described in the Samhitas, as accepted by the authorities
- Krsna consciousness is a great science; it is not a sentimental speculation regarding love. It is based on scientific propositions described in the Bhagavad-gita, in the Vedas, and in the Brahma-samhita
- Krsna is described in the Vedic literatures as nava-yauvanam ca. Therefore His body is spiritual body
- Lord Buddha's propaganda was to make the rascals at least to stop animal-killing. Ahimsa paramo dharma. Lord Buddha's appearance is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and many Vedic literatures
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us a special gift, but, that in spite of our not understanding everything very analytically, as they are described in the Vedic scriptures, one can understand himself by the simple process by chanting the holy name
- Narada Muni had spoken of a swan. That swan is explained in this verse. The Vedic literatures vividly describe how to understand the Supreme Lord, the source of all material and spiritual energy. Indeed, they elaborately explain these two energies
- Nondevotees cannot appreciate Krsna consciousness by reading the Srimad-Bhagavatam or any other Vedic literature wherein the activities of the Lord are described
- O Lord of the universe, I (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) do not desire material wealth, materialistic followers, a beautiful wife or fruitive activities described in flowery language. All I want, life after life, is unmotivated devotional service to You
- On the higher planets, bodies live much longer than on earth, for six months on earth is equal to one day on the higher planets. Thus the Vedas describe that those who live on higher planets live upward to ten thousand earth years
- One who fully surrenders unto the Lord to render service unto Him, out of spontaneous love for Him, factually assimilates the essence of all knowledge described in the Vedas
- Persons who identify with bodily existence are attached to the fruitive activities described in the Vedic literature
- Professor Apte, in his dictionary, describes the Brahmana portion of the Vedas as that portion which states the rules for employment of hymns at various sacrifices and gives detailed explanations of their origin, sometimes with lengthy illustrations
- Seated on His chariot with Arjuna, Krsna proceeded north, crossing over many planetary systems. These are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as sapta-dvipa. Dvipa means "island." These planets are sometimes described in the Vedic literature as dvipas
- Simply by understanding one's spiritual position, or by seeing oneself as he is, one can be freed from material entanglement. In various ways, the seeing of oneself is described in the Vedic literatures
- Sometimes the word bhavana is misinterpreted as "imagination." But bhavana does not mean "imagination;" it means giving actual shape to the description of Vedic literature
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that if anyone hears from a Mayavadi philosopher preaching about the activities of the Lord, even if it is a description from the Vedic literature, he is ultimately doomed
- Sri Devaki said: My dear Lord, there are different Vedas, some of which describe You (Krsna) as unperceivable through words and the mind. Yet You are the origin of the entire cosmic manifestation - SB 10.3.24
- Such a message (Uddhava's message to Badarikasrama) must have been more confidential than the knowledge described in the pages of the Vedas
- Such persons are described in the Vedic literature as suicidal, because attachment for the material body, its comforts forces the living entity to wander through the process of birth & death perpetually & suffer the material pangs as a matter of course
- Supreme Lord is the cause of all causes, but He is not caused by anyone. That is His supremacy. He is described in the Vedic, svarat, "self-evident." That is God
- The basic idea of raising children as they are described in the Vedic literature is that from birth till the age of five years the parents may be very lenient with the child
- The description in the Vedas indicates that the Lord glanced over the prakrti, or nature, and impregnated it with atomic individuals souls. BG 1972 purports
- The descriptions in verses 9-11 (SB 3.21) of the Lord in His transcendental, eternal form are understood to be descriptions from the authoritative Vedic version. These descriptions are certainly not the imagination of Kardama Muni
- The guru is God's representative. The guru is the external manifestation of Krsna. So there are symptoms of who is a guru. The general symptoms are described in the Vedas (MU 1.2.12): A guru must come in a disciplic succession
- The impersonalists recommend that one can arbitrarily concentrate one's mind on some form he imagines or which pleases him. But here it is said that the form which the Lord showed to Kardama Muni by His divine grace is described in the Vedic literature
- The kingdom of God in the spiritual sky can be understood only through the authentic descriptions of the Vedas and Puranas
- The kingdom of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the spiritual sky cannot be understood by any process other than hearing from the description of the Vedas. No one can go see it
- The living entities are energies, not the energetic. The energetic is Krsna. This is very vividly described in the Bhagavad-gita, the Visnu Purana and other Vedic literatures
- The Lord comes out of His own causeless mercy and acts as He desires, the Vedas and purāṇas are full of descriptions of His different activities so that people in general may naturally be eager to hear and read something about His activities
- The master of the universe, however, is Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is worshiped as the Hiranyagarbha Supersoul. The Vedic hymns describe Him as having thousands of heads
- The minds of the Narayanas are attracted by the beauty of Krsna's body. In addition, the goddesses of fortune, who are the wives of the Narayanas & are the women described in the Vedas as most chaste, are also attracted by the wonderful Krsna's beauty
- The Personality of Godhead is He who is described as the Absolute Whole in the Vedas, Bhagavatam, Upanisads and other transcendental literatures. No one is equal to Him
- The personified Vedas said, "You (the Supreme Lord) appear even as a historical personality of this material world, & Your pastimes are very nicely described in the Vedic literature. Such pastimes are as attractive as the ocean of transcendental bliss"
- The purpose of King Pariksit's inquiry was to ascertain from Sukadeva Gosvami whether the Vedas ultimately describe the Absolute Truth as impersonal or as personal
- The reputations of these eighteen sons are very widespread and are described in almost all the Vedic scriptures
- The seeing of oneself is described in the Vedic literatures, and it is confirmed in the SB that one has to see oneself and know what he is. As Kapiladeva explains to His mother, this "seeing" can be done by hearing from the proper authoritative source
- The Supersoul is described in Vedic literature as the supplier of all necessities of the smaller soul (nityo nityanam). One who understands this distinction between the Supersoul and the individual soul is above lamentation and is in a peaceful position
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has a huge government, and He requires assistants. The demigods are considered His bodily limbs. These are the descriptions of Vedic literature
- The truths described in the Vedic literatures are not theories of mundane imagination, nor are they fictitious, as the less intelligent class of men sometimes think
- The ultimate purpose of the Vedas is to reach Krsna. That's all. So this is the ultimate goal of life, and Vedas describes this, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu is describing also. We shall come to this point gradually
- The Vedas are described as setu, which means "a bridge." If one wants to attain his spiritual existence, one has to cross an ocean of nescience. The Vedas are the bridge by which to cross such a great ocean
- The Vedas describe that those who live on higher planets live upward to ten thousand earth years. Yet despite such a long life span, death awaits everyone
- The Vedas, the Upanisads, the Brahma-sutra and the Puranas all describe the activities of the spiritual potency of the Lord. If one cannot accept the personal activities of the Lord, he jokes foolishly and gives an impersonal description
- The Vedic literatures describe that in Satyaloka there is no birth, death, old age or disease. In other words, since Satyaloka is situated next to Brahmaloka, or the Brahman effulgence, it is almost as good as Vaikunthaloka
- The Vedic literatures describe this material world as darkness. Actually it is dark, and therefore we require sunlight, moonlight and electricity. If it were not by nature dark, why would we require so many arrangements for artificial light
- The Vedic truths are all perfect descriptions of the factual truth without any mistake or illusion, and Sukadeva Gosvami wants to present the truths of creation not as a metaphysical theory of philosophical speculation, but as the actual facts
- The whole Vedic scripture describes that happiness derived of sense perception out of the body, that is not real happiness. If we are to enjoy real happiness, then we have to transcend these bodily pleasures
- The word brahma means "perfect knowledge of all activities," and this knowledge is very confidentially described in the Vedic literatures
- There are different branches of knowledge in the Vedic writings, including sociology, politics, medicine and military art. All these and other branches of knowledge are perfectly described in the Vedas
- There is an authoritative Vedic literature called Pinda-siddhi in which the scientific understanding of pregnancy is very nicely described
- There is no contradiction between Jesus Christ's description and our Vedic description. God is the supreme father. That's a fact. He says, aham bija-pradah pita. Pita means father. So He is father of all living entities in different forms
- These (how one can attain the desired planets) are vividly described in the fruitive activities portion of the Vedas, technically known as darsa-paurnamasi, which recommends a specific worship of demigods situated on different heavenly planets. BG 1972 p
- These (Krsna killing Putana and lifting the Govardhan Hill) are some of the superhuman activities of the Lord described in the authoritative Vedic literatures like the Puranas, Itihasas (histories) and Upanisads
- These activities are called suddha-bhakti, pure devotional service. If one renders such pure devotional service, he develops his original love for Krsna in due course of time. In Vedic literatures like the Pancaratras & SB, these symptoms are described
- These incarnations (of God) are described in Vedic literature, and Jayadeva Gosvami has described ten important incarnations in summary - kesava dhrta-mina-sarira jaya jagad-isa hare, kesava dhrta-nara-hari-rupa jaya jagad-isa hare . . ., etc
- They describe the Vedas in their original sense, and out of mercy (anugraha) they preach the purpose of the Vedas to all conditioned souls
- This demigod is described in the Vedas: vajra-hastah purandarah. Indra rules the water supply with a thunderbolt in his hand
- This place is also known as Viraja, because it is free from the influence of the three qualities of the material world. In the Mrtyunjaya-tantra, a Vedic scripture, there is a vivid description of this Karana Ocean, or Viraja
- Those who are attached to the karma-kandiya activities described in the Vedas are actually entangled in the three modes of material nature
- To describe the direct meaning of the Vedic literatures is glorious, but to describe them in one’s own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder
- To describe the Vedic literatures in one's own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully deprecated the attempt to describe the Vedas in this way
- To isolate the transcendence of the summum bonum, the symptoms of the rest are described sometimes by Vedic inference, sometimes by direct explanation, and sometimes by summary explanations given by the great sages
- We find it, description, in the Samhitas, in the Vedas, in the Rg Veda: om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah. And the explanation of Vedanta-sutra, Srimad-Bhagavatam, there it is explained: janmady asya yatah
- What is the use of studying so many Vedic literatures? What is the use of explaining them in different ways? Vayam vaksyamahe. No one needs to study any more Vedic literatures, nor does anyone need to describe them by philosophical speculation
- Whatever Vedic mantras describe the Absolute Truth impersonally only prove in the end that the Absolute Truth is a person
- When a profuse supply of water from the river inundates the land, all these things can be produced, and there will not be scarcity. This all depends, however, on the performance of sacrifice as described in the Vedic literature
- When one's friends and relatives are properly situated, one's religion, economic development and sense gratification, as described in the Vedic literatures, are beneficial - SB 10.5.28
- When the Lord is described as formless in the Vedic literatures, it is to be understood that all these forms, within the experience of universal knowledge, are different exhibitions of the Lord's transcendental potencies