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Pages in category "Convey"
The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total.
- After saying this, the King became very anxious for the Lord to return. Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then went to Kasi Misra to convey the King's desire
- Although the words 'sri' and 'laksmi' convey the same meaning and are therefore almost redundant, they are nevertheless not redundant
- Although this is figurative language, it conveys the meaning behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The full significance of His appearance will be explained in later chapters
- Although this is figurative language, it conveys the meaning behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The full significance of His appearance will be explained in later chapters (of CC) - CC Intro
- I am very glad that your wife Mona is gradually understanding Krishna Consciousness. Women are generally less intelligent. Give her time & scope & she will turn out a very good assistant for your life. Convey my blessings for her
- If we take instruction from Krsna and abide by that instruction, then our life is successful. Conveying that fact is our mission. This Krsna consciousness movement teaches, - Accept Krsna as your guru. Don't divert your attention
- In these verses, the great poet Kavi-karnapura gives the same information that Sivananda Sena conveyed to the messenger from Raghunatha dasa's father
- In this regard, Srila Sridhara Svami has composed a verse which conveys the idea that the supreme source of everything, the S P of God, is so great & unlimited that it is not possible for the living entity to understand Him by any material acquisition
- Persons who are learned and who have true knowledge define sound as that which conveys the idea of an object, indicates the presence of a speaker screened from our view and constitutes the subtle form of ether
- Please convey my thanks to Subal for his letter to me dated September 15th, 1969. I am very much encouraged to see how he is gaining skill in managing a temple nicely
- The article was very nice, and I can appreciate how you are assimilating this Krishna philosophy and conveying it nicely to others
- The Lord is the original spiritual master, and a person in the disciplic succession can convey the message of the Lord as it is to his sincere disciple. We cannot manufacture our own process, Mental speculation does not at all help us in spiritual life
- The Lord replied to Bhattacarya, I am simply listening to you because you said that it is the duty of every sannyasi to hear Vedanta-sutra. But as far as the meaning you are conveying is concerned - I cannot understand that
- The meaning of controlled speech conveyed by Srila Rupa Gosvami advocates the positive process of krsna-katha, engaging the speaking process in glorifying the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- The word 'mukti' refers to five kinds of liberation. But its direct meaning usually conveys the idea of becoming one with the Lord
- The word hari conveys various meanings, but the chief import of the word is that He (the Lord) vanquishes everything inauspicious and takes away the mind of the devotee by awarding pure transcendental love
- The word nirgrantha conveys these ideas: (1) one who is liberated from nescience, (2) one who has no connection with scriptural injunction, i.e., who is freed from the obligation of the rules & regulations mentioned in the revealed scriptures like ethics
- The word religion is a little different from sanatana-dharma. Religion conveys the idea of faith. Faith may change. One may have faith in a particular process, and change the faith afterwards and adopt another faith. But sanatana-dharma cannot be changed
- The words bhuta-dayaya, maya-mrgam dayitayepsitam and dina-ganesakau karunaya all convey the same sense. These are very significant words for those interested in elevating human society to a proper understanding of life
- Trying to convey to Sanatana Gosvami something of the extent of one-fourth of Krsna's energy, Caitanya Mahaprabhu cited an incident from Srimad-Bhagavatam in which Brahma, the lord of the universe, came to see Krsna at Dvaraka