conditional | conditionally
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Pages in category "Conditional"
The following 52 pages are in this category, out of 52 total.
- A man who is engaged in the activities of the self is called jivan-mukta, or a liberated person even in the conditional existence
- As for protecting the body or abiding by the rules of society and state, certainly there are different activities, even for the devotees, in connection with the conditional life, and such activities are called conditional. BG 1972 purports
- As long as we are conscious of our bodily existence, it is to be understood that we are living conditionally, under the three modes of material nature
- As long as we maintain the bodily conception of life, we have to abide by the laws of material nature as well as the laws of the state and all other laws. Thus this body is called conditional, because it is subject to different conditions
- As soon as the living entity thinks that he is independent, his conditional, material existence begins. The conception of independent existence is therefore like a dream
- At night, we cannot see even four yards. So what is the value of these eyes? It is conditional. If there is sunrise, then we can see. That condition is made by God
- Conditional existence is described here (in SB 3.27.4) as dhyayato visayan asya. Visaya means "an object of enjoyment." As long as one continues to think that he can enjoy material advantages, he is in conditioned life
- Conditional material existence is based on sense gratification, and if someone has the good fortune to get a good wife, he is helped by the wife in all respects
- Conditional service
- Desires you cannot give up. That is not possible. Desires will remain there, but at the present moment, in the conditional stage, the desires are being misused. That is the defect. Therefore the definition of bhakti means anyabhilasita-sunyam
- During unconsciousness and consciousness, and between the two, he should try to understand the self and be fully situated in the self. In this way, he should realize that the conditional & liberated stages of life are only illusory & not actually factual
- Either in his conditional material existence or in his liberated position of full knowledge and eternity, the living entity is eternally under the control of the Supreme Lord
- Every living creature is engaging in the service of something else. A living being's constitutional position is to render service, but in maya, or illusion, or the conditional state of existence, the conditioned soul seeks the service of illusion
- Every scripture is made according to the time, atmosphere, persons - so many things there are conditional. Therefore we sometimes find differences in one scripture from another
- Everyone wants to be the lord, even though such lordship is conditional and temporary
- I say, that the law of gravitation acts under certain condition. This is also conditional
- If one becomes a devotee, ahaituky apratihata, such devotional service can never be checked. It is not conditional, "If I am very learned, then I can read Vedanta philosophy, then I can understand what is the Absolute Truth." So that is checked
- If you want to see what is mind, what is intelligence, what is soul, what is Supersoul, that is not possible to see by your these blunt eyes, conditional eyes
- In his conditioned state the individual soul cannot understand his relationship with the Supersoul, but sometimes, when he is free from all conditional existence, he can see the real difference between the Supersoul and himself
- In material, conditional existence, the living entity gives power of attorney to his mind. As such, he is liable to be misdirected by his mind into enjoying sense objects. Srila Ambarisa therefore first engaged his mind upon the lotus feet of the Lord
- In the conditional state, people are attracted to worship demigods, ghosts, or Yaksas like Kuvera. BG 1972 purports
- In the conditioned state, sometimes devotional service and the conditional service in relation to the body will parallel one another. But then again, sometimes these activities become opposed to one another. BG 1972 purports
- In this conditional state, we are entangled by one fruitive activity after another. Karma-bandhana means "the bonds of fruitive activity." As long as one's mind is absorbed in fruitive activities, he has to manufacture plans for happiness
- The conditional changes of the living entity are explained in the Caitanya-caritamrta in the instructions given to Srila Rupa Gosvami by Lord Sri Caitanya
- The conditional state of the living entity is his diseased condition. Originally the living entity and the original cause of this cosmic manifestation exist outside the state of transformation
- The conditioned soul may take a form birth after birth due to his conditional existence in matter, but the self-centered impersonalists, by their gross ignorance, accept the Lord as one of them because of self-centered egoism
- The material nature is a conditional manifestation of spiritual nature, just as smoke is a conditional stage of fire. Smoke is dependent on fire, but in a blazing fire there is no place for smoke. Smoke disturbs, but fire serves
- The material world is a place of confinement for the living entities who are by nature anandamaya, pleasure-seeking. They actually want to be free from the confinement of this world of conditional happiness
- The Mayavadi philosopher, who does not differentiate between the Supreme Spirit and the individual spirit, says that the conditional existence of the living entity is his lila, or pastime
- The members of the assembly addressed the Lord: O exclusive shelter for all who are situated in troubled life, in this formidable fort of conditional existence the time element, like a snake, is always looking for an opportunity to strike
- The merging of the living entity, along with his conditional living tendency, with the mystic lying down of the Maha-Visnu is called the winding up of the cosmic manifestation
- The spirit soul has nothing to do with this material nature, but because of his mentality of lording it over, he is put into the position of conditional existence
- The Supreme Lord is the leader and maintainer of all living entities. His pastimes are transcendental to any material activity. Such pastimes of the Lord cannot be dragged to the level of the conditional activities of the living entities
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna cannot be seen by our present conditional vision. In order to see Him, one has to change his present vision by developing a different condition of life full of spontaneous love of Godhead
- The word su-duracarah used in this verse is very significant, and we should understand it properly. When a living entity is conditioned, he has two kinds of activities: one is conditional, and the other is constitutional
- The word suduracaro used in this verse (BG 9.30) is very significant, and we should understand it properly. When a living entity is conditioned, he has two kinds of activities: one is conditional, and the other is constitutional. BG 1972 purports
- They actually want to be free from the confinement of this world of conditional happiness, but not knowing the process of liberation, they are bound to transmigrate from one species of life to another and from one planet to another
- This forgetfulness (of bodily existence) is actually possible when we engage our senses in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. In the conditional state, one engages his senses as a member of a family or as a member of a society or country
- Those great souls who come to Him (Krsna) have attained the highest perfection of life, which alleviates the living entity from the suffering of conditional existence
- To liken the conditional existence of the living entity to that of a dog is very appropriate. An intelligent human being, however, can understand that if he has to live the life of a dog, he had best become Krsna's dog
- We are hearing from the scriptures, from authorities, that "I have got this miserable conditional body to suffer threefolds of material miseries; still, I am not very much anxious how to stop this repetition of birth and death. I am drinking poison"
- Whatever we are experiencing at the present moment is totally conditional and is therefore subject to mistakes and incompleteness
- When a living entity is conditioned, he has two kinds of activities: one is conditional, and the other is constitutional
- When one forgets his bodily existence, his conditional, material life is over
- When one is reflected through the material contamination of the body and mind in false identification, he is in the conditional state, but when he is reflected in the pure stage he is called liberated