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Pages in category "Community"
The following 306 pages are in this category, out of 306 total.
- All communities
- Business community
- Certain community
- Community and nation
- Community and society
- Community members
- Community or family
- Community service
- Communitymen
- Communitywise
- Competition between community and community
- Country and community
- Does the father give less protection to the less intelligent son? No. The protection, the family protection, is equal for everyone. This is the conception, bhagavata community, equal right to everyone, even to the animals
- Gujarati community
- Human community
- Kayastha community
- My community
- Religious communities
- Sanodiya community
- Scientific community
- Spiritual community
- Sudra community
- Superior community
- A greater mrdanga. We are chanting, playing our mrdanga. It is heard within this room or little more. But this mrdanga will go home to home, country to country, community to community, this mrdanga
- A grhamedhi is one who wants to remain within this material existence. This means that he wants to remain within this body or society and enjoy friendship, love and community
- A human being is thus impeded (by the desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children & becoming prominent in society, the affection for community & the place of birth & the hankering for wealth) in his progress toward self-realization
- A little family, a little community, that is your world. We do not think in that way. We include even the animals, trees, plants - brothers. That is our philosophy
- A post office there is named Devananda-pura. Jhadu Thakura used to worship the Deity of Sri Madana-gopala. The Deity is still worshiped by one Ramaprasada dasa, who belongs to the Ramayet community
- A sadhu is not a friend of a particular class, particular community or particular country. No. A sadhu, a saint, is he who is friend of all, not only of human being, even of animals and less than animals. These are the qualification of sadhu
- A sadhu is not a friend of a particular community, person or religion, no
- A sadhu is not the friend of a particular society, community or country but is a friend of all - not only of human beings, but of animals and lower forms of life
- Academic community
- Actually Nityananda Prabhu did not belong to such a community (sakta-sampradaya). Nityananda Prabhu was always a brahmacari of a sannyasi of the vaidika order
- Affection for community
- After visiting Kanya-kumari, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Amlitala, where He saw the Deity of Sri Ramacandra. Thereafter He went to a place known as Mallara-desa, where a community of Bhattatharis lived
- Agricultural community
- Agriculture and distribution of the foodstuff are the primary duties of the mercantile community backed by education in Vedic knowledge and trained to give in charity
- All over the world there are nomadic communities whose business is simply to allure, cheat and steal innocent women
- All these communities, societies, dynasties and nations simply expand from sex life
- Arhat community
- As originally mentioned, a poor man belonging to the mercantile community goes to the forest to get some cheap goods to bring back to the city to sell at a profit
- Asian community
- Asura does not mean one community is simply asura, and other community is simply sura. No, that is not. Any community, any person, if he follows the principle of sura, he becomes sura
- Aurangzeb, the Muslim emperor, introduced a tax especially meant for Hindus. Being oppressed in the Hindu community, many low-caste Hindus preferred to become Muslims. In this way the Muslim population increased
- Before hearing the Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna was disturbed by the material whirlpool, by his affection for his family, society and community. Thus Arjuna wanted to become a philanthropic, nonviolent man of the world
- Before me so many swamis, yogis went there. They came and go. No effect. Now I have created a community which will continue
- Bengali community
- Bewilderment is called moha, illusion. Illusioned by society, friendship and love, the living entity thinks that his so-called society, friendship and love, nationality, community, etc. will give him protection
- Bharati community
- Bhattathari community
- Bhavananda Raya was the father of Sri Ramananda Raya. His residence was in Alalanatha (Brahmagiri), which is about twelve miles west of Jagannatha Puri. By caste he belonged to the karana community of Orissa
- Bhima was approached by Hidimbi from a community lower than the sudras, and Yayati refused to marry the daughter of Sukracarya because of Sukracarya's being a brahmana
- Bombay community
- Both Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika belonged to the brahmana caste, but because they were employed by Muslims, their original habits degenerated into those of the Muslim community
- By overlapping mellows (rasabhasa) one eventually becomes a prakrta-sahajiya and takes everything to be very easy. One may also become a member of the baula community and gradually become attracted to material activities
- By the evil deeds of those who destroy the family tradition and thus give rise to unwanted children, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu also had a discussion with the Tattvavadi community, and the Tattvavadis felt themselves to be inferior Vaisnavas
- Calcutta was developed under British rule by the influential mercantile community, and especially by the suvarna-vanik community who came down from Saptagrama to establish their businesses and homes all over Calcutta
- Cannibalistic communities
- Community of Kuvera
- Community of sages
- Community of Siva Swami
- Community of such nice father and mother
- Community or person
- Communityism
- Covered by all this (materialistic life, house, country or field, society, sons, family, community, bank balance and so on), he will continue to think, I am this body, and everything related to this body is mine
- Different communities
- Different persons, societies and communities, etc., worship some of the potent manifestations of the Lord, wrongly accepting the powerful object as God
- Due to the community tension
- Due to the evil deeds of the destroyers of family tradition, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated. BG 1.42 - 1972
- During the rainy season, the mercantile community cannot move from one place to another and so do not get their desired profit. Nor can the royal order go from one place to another to collect taxes from the people
- Duty of the community
- Each (community in human society and in the animal kingdom) is to work in cooperation for the total benefit of all society, which includes not only animate objects but also inanimate objects like hills and land
- Even at home - the father may be an atheist like Hiranyakasipu, and the son a theist like Prahlada. So atheists and theists will always exist - in the family, in the community, in the nation
- Even in the modern age, in some communities or states, the old men are given poison so that they will die as soon as possible
- Everyone is thinking, "I am very comfortable at home. I have got my wife. I have got my children. I have got my bank balance. I have got so many things. I have got my nation, community. I am secure. I am secure." Why he is thinking like that?
- Everyone is trying to bring in the forefront the party politics because the leader cannot be successful unless the whole country accepts his philosophy, his party. But Krsna consciousness is so nice that it does not require that a community
- Everyone is working, daridra-narayana seva or this community seva, the country seva, nationally seva, this seva, that seva ... Nobody is for Krsna seva. Nobody will be happy, sir. Go on with your so-called seva. It will never be successful
- Everything belongs to Krsna. Why you are claiming yourself, as nation or individual or community? That's not proper. Just like pickpocket and a gang, gangsters, organized rogues, thieves. It does not change the quality
- False bodies create various associations in the name of family, community, society and nationality
- Foolish people think that devotional service is flattering the Lord to get special mercy. Factually the pure devotees who are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord are not a mercantile community
- Formerly there was no industry - people generally depended on agricultural work - therefore the mercantile community, they used to produce food grains and distribute them, and protection of cow was their duty
- Formerly they (the members of the kayastha community) were mostly government officers. They were mentioned even by Yajnavalkya, as quoted by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya
- Fortunately, the remedy to unite not only the Hindus and Muslims but all communities and all nations can still be implemented by the Hare Krsna movement on the strong basic platform of love of Godhead
- Haridasa Thakura, he belonged to the Muhammadan community. He was made namacarya, the principal acarya of this chanting Hare Krsna. That is the revolutionary method of Caitanya
- He (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya) suggested that the Lord be elevated to the Sarasvati community. However, Gopinatha Acarya pointed out that the Lord does not depend on any external formality
- He (the living entity) remains within the material world simply for the purpose of sense gratification & transmigrates from one body to another. His process of reproducing so many sons & grandsons results in so-called societies, nations, communities
- He gives up all engagements in the service of matter, engagements concocted under the names of social service, national service, community service, dog service, automobile service and so many other services conducted under the illusion of "I" and mine
- He wants to satisfy his senses or expanded senses. His senses or family senses or nation's senses, community senses - the purpose is sense gratification; it may be centralized or expanded. This is the world going on
- His (a man who is too materialistic) perverted consciousness - "I am this body. I belong to this material world. I belong to this country. I belong to this community. I belong to this religion. I belong to this family." - becomes greater and greater
- Householding community in any of our temples is not meant to be independent from the temple program
- Human society is no longer bounded by geographical limits to particular countries or communities. Human society is broader than in the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human society
- I am happy to know that you are appreciating our work amongst the academic community. This is very important work to gain the acceptance of the academic world. If scientific men and scholars accept, the more that is a great stride
- I am very much encouraged to know that you are all advancing in KC at New Vrndavana and I am very much eager to see your transcendental community grow still more to become an ideal Krsna conscious asrama
- I am writing this letter to inform you that I am now sending Bhagavata dasa brahmacari there to Fiji to be co-manager with your good self. This man is very experienced in the Gujarati communities
- I belong to this community
- I do not know what makes the management (at Jagannatha Temple) take this attitude. If you can remove this restriction you will do a great service to the Gaudiya Vaisnava community
- I know that our scriptures are full of imagination and mistaken ideas, yet because I am a Muslim I accept them for the sake of my community, despite their insufficient support
- Ideal village
- If you actually feel for your country, for your community, for your people, just spread this Krsna consciousness. They're dying. You spread this Krsna consciousness. They'll come again to life, and everything will be actually beautiful. That is my request
- If you can consolidate all these western youngsters in search after some spiritual enlightenment, this will be a great service to your country, to your community, and to the world at large in the transcendental loving service of Krishna
- If you show that you are actually doing something ideal, then they will appreciate. Make a small unit of community and show ideal life, not idle life. Ideal life
- If you want material necessities, then you have got so many dharmas - this dharma, that dharma, social dharma, family dharma, national dharma, community dharma, and so on, so on. But Krsna demands, sarva-dharman parityajya
- In any case, from history the kayasthas appear very intelligent. Thus the Muslim caudhuri was afraid of Raghunatha dasa because he belonged to the kayastha community
- In Bengal the kayastha community is honored almost as much as the brahmana community, but in the up-country of India the kayasthas are considered sudras because they generally eat meat and drink wine
- In India there are various professional communities known as Aula, Vaula, Kartabhaja, Neda Daravesa, Snai, Atibadi, Cudadhari, and Gauranganagari
- In India you have got the community, Parsee community. They do not burn, neither they bury. They throw and the vultures immediately comes and eat. Then the body turns into stool
- In India, even in the interior villages, all the Hindu and Muslim communities used to live very peacefully by establishing a relationship between them
- In one of our community, the girl was to be married, and it is the custom in India, the bridegroom's party comes to see the girl, whether she is right. Similarly, the girl's party goes to see
- In order to follow the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya, one should not associate with these (aula, baula, kartabhaja, neda, daravesa, sani, sahajiya, sakhibheki, smarta, jata-gosani, ativadi, cudadhari and gauranga-nagari) apasampradaya communities
- In relation with body, we think of family, community, nationality. In this way our civilization is dog civilization. That is not human civilization. Human civilization begins when one understands that he is not this body
- In some cannibalistic communities, the old grandfather is sportingly killed, and a feast is held in which his body is eaten
- In the beginning, I want to enjoy. Then if I extend my enjoyment family-wise, community-wise or nation-wise, that does not change the quality of selfishness
- In the history of the human race, the Aryan family is considered to be the most elevated community in the world because it adopts the Vedic civilization. The Aryan family is distributed all over the world and is known as Indo-Aryan
- In the human society there are welfare activities for some society or nation or community or human being. But this (chanting Hare Krsna mantra) welfare activity is beneficial not only to the human society but to the birds
- In the material world there is keen competition between animals, men, communities and even nations in an attempt to gratify the senses, but the devotees of the Lord are above all this
- In this age of Kali a community has sprung up known as the arya-samaja, which is ignorant of the import of the Vedas in the parampara system. Their leaders decry all bona fide acaryas, and they pose themselves as the real followers of the Vedic principles
- Irresponsible to the family, community and even to themselves
- It is by the supreme will that we are situated in certain conditions in terms of family, community and personality. These are all arrangements of the Supreme Lord according to our desires under the spell of maya, illusion
- It is right that the community members should support the center
- It must not cause any disturbance either in the girl's family or in the local community
- Kara was the surname of Makaradhvaja. At present this surname is generally found in the Kayastha community
- Karana community
- King Prthu offered all respect to people from other communities
- King Prthu thus satisfied and offered all respect to all the leaders of the brahmanas and other castes, to his servants, to his ministers and to the priests, citizens, general countrymen, people from other communities, admirers and others
- Krsna says: "Anyone who comes under My shelter, never mind he is the lowest of the lowest, lowborn . . ." The striyo vaisyah . . . formerly, even the woman and the mercantile community and sudras, they were also considered as papa-yoni
- Lead the citizens of your community Wilmington
- Let any man of any place or community, caste or creed be engaged in any sort of occupational duty, but he must agree to perform sacrifices as it is recommended in the scriptures for the particular place, time and person
- Let us form a community of United Nations
- Lord Caitanya accepted many devotees from communities other than the varnasramites
- Madhavendra Puri's community
- Many persons in the community of Siva Svami gave up the atma-nistha of the Lord and followed the path of Sankaracarya. Instead of accepting 108 names, those in the Siva Svami sampradaya follow the path of Sankaracarya and accept the ten names of sannyasa
- Material life . . . by chance, we have come in a family or in a nation or in a community, but this will be . . . after some years it will be broken, and everybody will be thrown in the laws of nature - we do not know where - according to his karma
- Material sense gratification is now the standard of civilization. For the maintenance of such material civilizations, man has formed complex nations and communities, and there is a constant strain of hot and cold wars between these different groups
- Mathura City contained different communities, known then as Dasarha, Bhoja, Andhaka and Satvata. All these communities were different branches of the same family in which Krsna appeared, namely the Yadu dynasty
- My wealth, my country, my community, and hundreds and thousands of similar illusory contemplations - cause bewilderment for the conditioned soul
- Next class (of men) is trying to be successful by material opulence, by earning money, the mercantile community. They are third class
- No one can escape the threefold miseries of materialistic life, namely (1) miseries pertaining to the body and mind, (2) miseries pertaining to the difficulties imposed by society, community, nation and other living entities
- No one is thinking of Krsna and how Krsna will be happy. Rather, everyone is thinking in terms of his own happiness: "How shall I be happy? How will my children, my community, my society, and my nation be happy?" Everywhere we shall find this
- No question of birthright or community
- North of Mallara-desa is South Kanara. To the east are Coorg and Mysore, to the south is Cochin, and to the west is the Arabian Sea. As far as the Bhattatharis are concerned, they are a nomadic community
- Now I have received one letter from Bhakti Mati and she has some complaint. She also says there was some physical attack against Navayogendra. This is not good. So I think they can open a separate temple in Mombassa for the Asian community
- Often in the province of Ganga-pradesa there were fights between Hindus and Muslims. The Hindus were on one bank of the river, and the Muslims on the other. Due to the community tension, no boat was available for crossing the river
- On each half-moon day, the reptile community would offer a serpent to Garuda. The serpent was to be kept underneath a tree as a sacrificial offering to Garuda. Garuda was satisfied with this offering, and therefore he did not disturb any other serpents
- On the plea of relieving the suffering caused by the ensuing famine, the government will impose heavy taxes, especially on the wealthy mercantile community
- On the whole, the kayastha community is a mixture of all castes, and it especially includes those engaged in clerical or secretarial work. Materially such people are always busy occupying responsible government posts
- One cannot suddenly change a community's social customs
- One may work for himself, family, wife, children, society, community, nation or humanity at large. This is simply expanded sense gratification. Whether one steals for himself, family, community or whatever, the fact remains that he is a thief
- One should be interested in his personal safety & should then consider society, friendship, love, nationality, community & so on, which have all developed because of the bodily conception of life and a lack of knowledge of the spirit soul. This is ajnana
- One should not associate with these apasampradaya communities
- One should not be overly engaged in welfare activities for one's family members, countrymen, society and community. None of these will help a person to advance spiritually
- One thinks, "I shall be happy. My sons will be happy. My community will be happy. My nation will be happy." This is extended selfishness
- Our actual business is to become brahminical. We want to train some ksatriyas but that we can do in our own communities
- Our devotees and Sankirtana are being appreciated by all communities
- People are thinking, "I belong to this family, this nation, this community. I have this duty or that duty," and so on. People do not know that these are all false designations
- People must co-operate. If not, then they will have to suffer. So, I am very glad that you have come forward, being one of the leaders of the cultural community
- Perhaps some of you are acquainted with this Sikh community. They worship this Grantha. Similarly, the Moslems worship the Koran. Similarly, in the Christian world, the Bible is worshiped
- Please utilize the opportunity of service diligently and it will be a great spiritual achievement for you and a great service to your country and community
- Pleasing one's society, family, community and nation is extremely difficult. Pleasing Narayana is not at all difficult; it is very easy
- Practically the whole community, all blood relatives of Arjuna, had come to fight with him. This overwhelmed a kind devotee like Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- Practically this institution is the real U.N. We have the co-operation from all nations, all religions, all communities, etc. It will be an international institute
- Prakrta-sahajiya community is actually cheated and very unfortunate
- Principle of one God, one community, one scripture, and one occupation
- Professional communities
- Raghunatha dasa belonged to a very aristocratic family of the kayastha community. He had substantial influence with the local people, and therefore the caudhuri, or minister, was afraid to beat him
- Ramananda Raya was feeling little shyness because he did not belong to the brahmin community. He was governor, householder. So he thought that Caitanya Mahaprabhu was asking him question & he was answering, that means he was taking the superior position
- Ramayet community
- Real advancement is advancement toward spiritual realization, and the community which acted toward this end was known as the Aryan civilization
- Regulated for cooperation among communities according to the Vedic principles
- Reptile community
- Responsible service within our communities
- Sadhu community in India
- Sanatana Gosvami was the minister in charge of the government secretariat, and his assistants - the undersecretaries and clerks - all belonged to the kayastha community
- Sankhacuda also thought that since he belonged to the rich community of Kuvera, he, not Krsna and Balarama, should enjoy the company of so many beautiful girls. He therefore decided to take charge of them
- Sannyasis of all religious communities
- Sarasvati community
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, "'Sri Krsna' is a very good name, but He belongs to the Bharati community. Therefore He is a second-class sannyasi"
- Sikh community
- Simply publish Bhagavata and Bhagavad-gita, that's all. What is the use of this newspaper, nonsense newspaper, huge, huge quantity? So everything will be nice, provided you become ideal. Live in community. Produce your own food
- So in this material world, so long we'll be in the material service, either socially or family-wise or community, whatever you do, you'll never be able to satisfy them
- So long we do not love Krsna, then whatever those so-called love we are showing to the society, friendship and love and country and community, they are all futile
- So the simple truth is, you be, become Krsna conscious, and your life is successful. Not only your life is successful, if you preach in your family, in your society, in your community or internationally, they also become benefited
- So-called leaders of societies, communities and countries cannot realize You
- Somebody's identifying with this body, somebody's identifying with the society or community or nation or country. But Krsna does not become such materially affected. Vijnanena vijrmbhitah. He's always conscious
- South African community
- Sri Caitanya accepted Sridhara Svami, who was a tridandi-sannyasi, but the Mayavadi sannyasis, not understanding Sridhara Svami, sometimes think that Sridhara Svami belonged to the Mayavada ekadanda-sannyasa community. Actually this was not the case
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa from the Bharati sampradaya (community), which belongs to the disciplic succession of Sankaracarya
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura remarks that although the brahmana (who cooked for Lord Caitanya) did not belong to a superior community, he fearlessly chastised so-called caste brahmanas because he was situated on the platform of pure ds
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - They (Navani Hoda and his descendants) belong to the daksina-radhiya-kayastha community, but, having been reformed as brahmanas, they still initiate all classes of men
- Such a person (a pure devotee) does not like to flatter high-class brahmanas who belong to the non-Vaisnava community
- Such persons (who have no information of Krsna consciousness) complacently believe that their nations, communities or families can protect them, unaware that all such fallible soldiers will be destroyed in due course of time
- Superficially he (the caudhuri, or minister) would chastise Raghunatha dasa with threatening vibrations, but he did not beat him. The members of the kayastha community in India are generally very intelligent and expert in business management
- Suppose a living entity is now in a human form of body. He thinks that he belongs to the human community, or a particular country or particular place. He identifies himself in that way and unnecessarily prepares for another body
- Tattvavadi community
- Temple community
- That process (taking Krsna) we are giving to everyone, without any discrimination. We have got students from all communities: Hindus, Muslim, Christian, Parsis and Africans. The process is so perfect. If you take the process, you will also understand
- The acarya (of the Bhurivara community ) is Hastamalaka, and the brahmacari assistants of the sannyasis are known as Caitanya. The place of pilgrimage is called Tungabhadra, and the subject for Vedic study is the Yajur Veda
- The affection for community and the place of birth, and the hankering for wealth, which are all like phantasmagoria or illusory dreams, encumber a human being, and he is thus impeded in his progress toward self-realization, the real aim of life
- The Aryan family is considered to be the most elevated community in the world because it adopts the Vedic civilization
- The brahmanas' community, all saintly persons and learned scholars, brahmanas . . . there was a committee, and the king would take their advice how to manipulate the political affairs or administration, and they would consult standard books
- The business community you can impress upon them that throughout the whole world there is no institution to impart education in the matter of spiritual understanding
- The chief acarya of the Tattvavada community was very learned in the revealed scriptures. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu humbly questioned him
- The community (of Srngeri-matha) is called Bhurivara, and the dynasty is called Bhur-bhuvah. The place is called Ramesvara, and the slogan is aham brahmasmi. The Deity is Lord Varaha, and the energetic power is Kamaksi
- The community and the country will be benefited by your devotional service
- The degradation of the human instinct begins from the mlecchas, and the candala state of life is the last word in human degradation. All the above terms mentioned in the Vedic literatures are never meant for any particular community or birth
- The desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children and becoming prominent in society, the affection for community and the place of birth, and the hankering for wealth, are all like phantasmagoria or illusory dreams
- The desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children and becoming prominent in society, the affection for community and the place of birth, and the hankering for wealth, encumber a human being
- The forest may be in goodness, the cities and villages in passion, & the brothels, hotels and restaurants in ignorance, but when one lives in the temple community he lives in Vaikuntha
- The governmental officials of the kayastha community would sometimes chastise the citizens, and thus it was the duty of the king to protect the people in general from the atrocities of the kayasthas
- The great sage Vasistha Muni arrived at the sacrifice and requested Parasara to stop the deadly action, and because of Vasistha's position and respect in the community of sages, Parasara could not deny the request
- The inhabitants of the heavenly planets are certainly far superior to the inhabitants of earth. Nonetheless, Urvasi agreed to remain the consort of Pururava, although she belonged to a superior community
- The king is to see that every citizen executes the prescribed duties for his particular community
- The Lord accepted Srila Haridasa Thakura, a veteran devotee of the Lord coming from a Mohammedan family. And there are many other great devotees of the Lord who came from different communities, sects and castes
- The materialist is always busy working for the welfare of the material body, not only of his own but also that of his children, kinsmen, countrymen, community men, etc
- The materialistic world, based on the conception of the material body as the self, is ignorant of the science of God. The materialist is busy working for the welfare of the body, not only his own but also those of his children, kinsmen and communitymen
- The Mayavadi sannyasis, not understanding Sridhara Svami, sometimes think that Sridhara Svami belonged to the Mayavada ekadanda-sannyasa community. Actually this was not the case
- The meat-eaters, they are everywhere, all over the world, but in India meat-eating is allowed - the fifth class, fifth grade community, they eat these cows when it is dead. And the sudra class, they also eat meat restrictively, goats
- The members of the kayastha community in India are generally very intelligent and expert in business management. Formerly they were mostly government officers. They were mentioned even by Yajnavalkya, as quoted by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- The mercantile community, the royal order and great sages were free to move about in order to achieve their desired benedictions. Similarly, the transcendentalists, when freed from the encagement of the material body, also achieve their desired goal
- The name for the Tennessee community is Murarisevak
- The natural commentary on Vedanta-sutra is Srimad-Bhagavatam. The great acaryas of the four Vaisnava communities - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami and Nimbarka - have also written commentaries on Vedanta-sutra by following the principles of SB
- The perfection of one's occupational duty, whether in the sphere of duty to oneself, one's community or one's nation, is judged by the degree to which the Lord is satisfied
- The process of illusory service to society, country and community is exactly the same everywhere; the same principle is applicable even to big national leaders
- The remedy to unite all communities and all nations
- The so-called leaders of societies, communities and countries cannot realize You (the Supreme Personality of Godhead). Only those who hear the vibration of the Vedic mantras can appreciate You
- The so-called love of material things - even love for one's country, community, religion, or family, which is accepted as a superior qualification for civilized human beings - is simply a perverted reflection of the love of God dormant in every soul
- The student (brahmacari) communities are no longer being maintained, and householders do not observe the rules and regulations of the grhastha-asrama
- The suvarna-vanik community to which Uddharana Datta belonged was actually a Vaisnava community. Its members were bankers and gold merchants - suvarna means - gold, and vanik means - merchant
- The Vaisnava is not a member of a manufactured community of this material world. A Vaisnava is a real knower of the Vedas
- The varna-sankara population is irresponsible to the family, community and even to themselves
- The varnasrama religion's principles were so designed that the good population would prevail in society for the general spiritual progress of state and community. Such population depends on the chastity and faithfulness of its womanhood. BG 1972 purports
- The Vedanta- or Brahma-sutra, written by Srila Vyasadeva, is a book studied by all advanced spiritual students, especially by the sannyasis of all religious communities - sampradayas
- The whole process is how to get out of the affection of this family, community, nationalism. This is the process. This is illusion. But at the present moment, this illusion is being increased
- The word yavana means - meat-eater. Anyone from a meat-eating community is called a yavana. One who does not strictly observe the Vedic regulative principles is called a mleccha. These words do not refer to any particular man
- There are fights between nations, societies, communities and families. People are thinking, "Why are you interfering with my business?" Then there is a fight. Because of illusion, we do not consider these situations temporary
- There are many incarnations of Krsna in many forms of life. In one incarnation He appeared as a fish, as a member of the community of fishes, but this does not mean that He is a fish
- There is no need of rezoning, because we are Krsna, Hare Krsna community. So wherever we live, we worship Krsna. It is not a public show; it is our own private worshiping Deity. I can keep Deity in my home
- These are good men and we want more men like this in our community
- These are the conception, bhagavata community, equal right to everyone, even to the animals. That is Krsna consciousness
- These rascals (who criticize the boys and girls in Krsna consciousness for intermingling) should consider that one cannot suddenly change a community's social customs
- They (the Bhattatharis) allure others to supply women for their camp, and they cheat many women and keep them within their community. In this way they increase their population. In Bengal also there is a similar community
- They (the gradations of human beings) are different qualifications of human beings in general. There is no question of birthright or community
- They (the secretariat during Muslim reign) were elected from the kayastha community, a community that is still very expert in managing business and government affairs
- They (these boys and girls) are coming from your community - they are not imported from India or I have bribed them to do like that (engaged in God's service twenty-four hours). No. They've got an attachment
- This caste system is not only in India. In everywhere the caste system is there. And enviousness between one community to another, that is also existing everywhere. This is human nature
- This inclination towards Vedic wisdom is also not restricted to any particular caste or community. Anyone from any family and from any part of the world may become inclined to the Vedic wisdom, and that will qualify him as a real brahmana
- This is our misconception. We are thinking that this paraphernalia - my country, my community, my countrymen or my family, my wife, my children and so many things, mine, mine, mine - so I'm thinking that they will give me all protection. No
- This is the best service. Instead of serving myself, let me serve the whole humanity, whole community, whole nation - But they are all asad-dharma. They are not sad-dharma
- This mercantile community, they are earning money for mitigating suffering, but for earning money they are accepting any means. In future he is creating field of another suffering. That he does not know
- This process of chanting is so nice that it cleanses the heart, misunderstanding that "I am this body. I belong to this nation. I belong to this community. I belong to this religion." No. "I belong to Krsna," that's all
- This Vedic instruction, it is not meant for any particular person, any community or any country. It is meant for everyone. So we should take advantage
- Those who are leaders of their respective countries and communities should first be sure to satisfy Visnu, for their own benefit and for the benefit of those whom they profess to lead
- Those who are situated in the quality of passion, they are called ksatriyas. And those who are situated in the quality of . . . mixed quality of ignorance and passion, they are called vaisyas, or the mercantile community
- To think of the Vaisnavas, the devotees, as belonging to a particular caste or community, to think of the acaryas as ordinary men or to think of the Deity in the temple as being made of stone, wood or metal, is condemned
- Under the influence of illusory material energy, we accept this spot-life of only a few years as our permanent existence and thus become illusioned by possessing so-called country, home, land, children, wife, community, wealth, etc
- University community
- Upon reaching their community, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked the Bhattatharis, "Why are you keeping My brahmana assistant"
- Vaisnava is not a member of a manufactured community of this material world
- Vallabhacarya took his birth in the community of Bella-nati in the year 1400 Sakabda Era (A.D. 1478). According to some people, Vallabha Bhattacarya's father took sannyasa before Vallabha's birth, and he returned home to take Vallabhacarya as his son
- Vedic civilization is the most perfect community project
- We are expanding our feelings of love, different types of love - love of the country, love of the nation, love of the society, love of the community, love of the family, or love of the cats and dogs and so on
- We are misconceiving, that "This body I am, and anything in relation with the body is mine." That is going on in different name - family, society, community, nation, so on, so on, country
- We are preaching all over the world the principle of one God, one community, one scripture, and one occupation. This principle has been accepted practically all over the world
- We are thinking my nation, my community, my country, my society, my friend, my children, my wife, my body, they will give me protection. But sastra says that, This person, he is so mad that he is thinking that these things will give him protection
- We do not wish to be estranged from the material world. That is another nonsense. We have to deal with persons in the society & perhaps we are the only community in the world which can render the best possible service to the society
- We have got students from every community. From Jewish community, from Christian community, from Muhammadan community, from Buddhist community, from Hindu community, everywhere. Because the knowledge is for everyone
- We have to take care of ourself. Daily, we are thinking, "My country, my community" - they're all busy in this way - "they'll save me." No. When death will come, nobody will save you. You remember that
- We have to work for somebody else. You cannot work independently. Either for your family or for your master or for your state or for your community or for everyone. Nobody is independent. But that independence is mine
- We must re-create man if we are to create a new world community
- We who are propaganding, making propaganda for this Krsna consciousness movement . . . it is not very difficult. And it is not meant for any particular class of men or community or country. It is meant for all living entities, if he can
- What is essential today is not so much the rehabilitation of schools and libraries or shops and factories but the rehabilitation of man; we must re-create man if we are to create a new world community
- What is the use of a wife? She is only the source of increasing material conditions. And what is the use of family, home, country and community? Attachment for them merely wastes the valuable energy of one's lifetime
- What is the use of family, home, country and community
- When he (the living entity) is purified he gives up his bodily conception of life and his false identity as belonging to a certain community, a certain nation, a certain society, a certain family and so on
- When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible
- When King Pariksit asked Sukadeva Gosvami about the direct meaning of the material forest, Sukadeva Gosvami replied as follows: My dear King, a man belonging to the mercantile community (vanik) is always interested in earning money
- When one person, or one community, makes such improvement in material advancement the next stage is the spiritual inquiry
- When Sarvabhauma was talking with Gopinatha Acarya about Sri Caitanya's sannyasa community, he appreciated the first name, "Sri Krsna," but did not like the surname, "Caitanya," which is the name for a brahmacari belonging to the Bharati community
- When they (the four varnas) are regulated for cooperation among communities according to the Vedic principles, then there is peace and spiritual advancement
- While there was much roaring and crying at the Bhattathari community, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu grabbed Krsnadasa by the hair and took him away
- Whose (community of Orissa's) members were sometimes known as kayasthas and sometimes as sudras; his (Bhavananda Raya's) son Ramananda Raya was the governor of Madras under the control of King Prataparudra of Jagannatha Puri
- Why he (Brahma) is in this material world? Because he has got some desire that "I shall be the master of a brahmanda." Just like everyone is trying to become the master of his house or the society or the community or the country
- Why human communism? Living being communism! If you take this world as belonging to human society, that is defective. It belongs to everyone! It belongs to the tree community; it belongs to the beast community
- Why you should neglect the animal community
- Will you kindly let me know what Guru Nanakji has said about Lord Krishna and Lord Rama in his Granth Sahib? How we can cooperate with the sikh community?
- Without KC one thinks, - I shall protect myself, or my society, community, or state will give me protection. I have so many protectors. Why should I care for God? Why shall I go to Krsna? Those rascals who have no protection can go to Krsna
- You (the Lord) have done tremendous harm to our (demons) community, taking the part of the demigods, and You have killed our kinsmen in so many ways, always keeping Yourself hidden
- You can attract the fair sex community
- You give up this nonsense engagement. Your so-called leadership of the family, so-called leadership of community, nation, these are all false
- You have brought great beauty and harmony to our community through your love and devotion
- You have got love for your country, for your community, for your wife. Why can't you understand love? You understand love. Try to listen first. Have you got love or not?
- You know - most of you belong to Christian community - how Lord Jesus Christ, he said that for your sinful activities he has sacrificed himself. That is the determination of devotee of the Lord. They don't care for personal comforts
- Your proposal for establishing a Krishna Consciousness community on the land which you have is very good. Whenever we get some land available we should take the opportunity to develop it into an ideal community as envisioned for New Vrindaban
- Your so-called leadership of the family, so-called leadership of community, nation, these are all false. This is creation of maya, illusion