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Pages in category "Common"
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- A common brain in the conditioned state cannot conceive of how He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is the master of both manifest and potential powers, and how contradictory potencies can abide in Him
- A common brain in the conditioned state cannot conceive of how these inconceivable energies abide in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, how He exists in His innumerable forms as the master of both spiritual and material energies
- A common living being cannot extend its influence over another common living being by its all-pervasiveness, but the Supreme Supersoul, the SPG, is unlimitedly able to exert His influence over all places and all times and over all living beings
- A common living being or soul can be all-pervading within his own limited body, but the supreme living being is all-pervading in all space and all time
- A common master looks to the necessities of his servant, so how much more would the all-powerful, all-opulent Supreme Lord look after the necessities of life for a fully surrendered soul
- A devotee is always nonviolent; he is qualified with all good characteristics. But, in the common world, when there is mischief made by others, he should not forget to become angry, at least for the time being, in order to drive away the miscreants
- A faithful wife cannot live without her lord, the husband, and therefore all widows used to voluntarily embrace the burning fire which consumed the dead husband
- A living being and the Lord cannot be distinguished simply by the difference in the magnitude of the body. So the answer depends on the specific significance of the body of the Lord, as distinguished from the body of the common living being
- A person on the verge of death remains in a coma for many days before giving up the body. This is common among so-called leaders and politicians who think that without their presence the entire country and all society will be in chaos. This is maya
- According to sastra, this animal-killing is sinful. Striya-suna-pana-dyuta yatra papas catur-vidha. These four kinds of sinful activities, namely illicit sex, striya In our Vedic culture this is common morality
- According to the Hindu conception, the drinking of wine is immoral, whereas in the Western world, wine drinking is not considered immoral but is a common thing. So morality is dependent on time, place, circumstance, social position, etc
- According to Vedic culture, a wife is considered the property of her husband, and a son born by illicit sex is called dvaja. The common word still current in Hindu society for such a son is dogla
- All these expediencies (yogic powers) are as common as natural gifts for the inhabitants of those higher planets
- Although the nitya-siddhas appear in the material world and seem to be common members of the world, they never forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead in any condition. This is the symptom of a nitya-siddha
- An old woman in Vrndavana stated, "In the language of the Kashmere Province, and with the parrots and other birds, as well as in most common languages, Krsna is so expressive"
- Are there no torn clothes lying on the common road? Do the trees, which exist for maintaining others, no longer give alms in charity? Do the rivers, being dried up, no longer supply water to the thirsty
- As a common male wants to be attracted by a female, that propensity similarly exists in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He also wants to be attracted by the beautiful features of a woman
- As far as possible the centers should act freely, but conjointly. They must look forward to the common development. That should be the principle
- At the time of dissolution the Lord sometimes appears as a small baby lying on a leaf of a banyan tree, floating on the devastating water. Devahuti suggests, "Your lying down within the abdomen of a common woman like me is not so astonishing
- Because the pure devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness in devotional service of the Supreme Lord achieves eternal blissful existence that is full of knowledge, his achievements and those of the common worshiper of the demigods are different. BG 1972 pur
- Behind the laws of nature is the living brain of God, just as there is always a lawmaker behind all the laws of the state. It does not matter whether or not we see the lawmaker behind the common laws; we must admit that there is a lawmaker
- Beyond the power of the common brain
- Bhadra means a perfect gentleman, bhadraloka. That is the general etiquette, to address somebody as bhadraloka. Especially in Bengal it is very common word, bhadra. And the other parts also. So bhadra means perfect gentleman
- Bhismadeva played the part of a valiant warrior, and he purposely pierced the body of the Lord so that to the common eyes it appeared that the Lord was wounded, but factually all this was to bewilder the nondevotees
- Both the important citizens and the common citizens welcomed the King very heartily, and he also bestowed upon them their desired blessings
- By his (Drupada) first offering, Dhrstadyumna was born, and by the second offering, Draupadi was born. She is the sister of Dhrstadyumna, and she is also named Pancali. The five Pandavas married her as a common wife, and each of them begot a son in her
- By the cooperation of all classes of human beings, the sacrifice recommended in this age, namely the sacrifice of congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord, may be executed for the common welfare of all the people of the world
- By the semen of Varuna, the great mystic Valmiki took birth from an anthill. Bhrgu and Valmiki were specific sons of Varuna, whereas Agastya and Vasistha Rsis were the common sons of Varuna and Mitra, the tenth son of Aditi
- Devahuti said, "Your (God) body is the source of all the universe, and still You put Your body within the abdomen of a common woman like me. To me, that is most astonishing
- Discovering the mystery of the Lord eliminates the impersonal feature realized by common spiritualists who are merely trying to enter the spiritual region from the mundane platform
- Eating, sleeping, defending and mating are the four principles of material bodily demands which are common to both the animals and human society
- Eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating are the four principles of animal life. These are common both to animals and to human beings. But religion is the extra function of the human being
- Eating, sleeping, sex intercourse and defense - these four principles are common either to the animal or to the man. The animal also eats, the animal also sleeps, the animal also has sex intercourse, and he knows in his own way how to defend
- Every living being is limited by time and space. Even though a living being is qualitatively one with the Lord, quantitatively there is a great difference between the Supreme Soul and the common individual soul
- Executing the prescribed duties of life, no one is higher or lower; there are such divisions as "higher" and "lower," but since there is actually a common interest - to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead - there are no distinctions between them
- Fifth class means candala, pancama. Candala, they eat pigs and dogs - dog-eaters, pig-eaters. Just like even at the present moment, there are different classes of men, and pig-eaters or dog-eaters, at least dog-eaters, that is not very much common
- For the common karmis, there is no hope because even if they are promoted to the higher planetary systems, they are not guaranteed freedom from the miseries of birth, old age, disease and death
- For the human being there are some rules and regulations, even for fulfilling common demands. The human society avoids such rules and regulations when it is bewildered by the influence of the age of Kali
- From the foregoing explanation of differents types of sacrifice (study of the Vedas or philosophical doctrines, & performance of the yoga system), it is found that the common aim of all is to control the senses. BG 1972 purports
- From the point of view of the Vedas or from the point of view of common human activities, sense gratification is the basis of material life
- Generally a common child remains within the womb of his mother for ten lunar months, but here (in CC Adi 13.80) we see that the Lord (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) remained within the body of His mother for thirteen months
- Generally the citizens, great and common, all had an aspiration to see the king and take benediction from him. The king knew this, and therefore whenever he met the citizens he immediately fulfilled their desires or mitigated their grievances
- Hare Krishna Mantra is the greatest common factor for self-realization. Please preach this philosophy whole-heartedly and Krishna will be very much pleased upon you
- Haridasa Thakura did not come to the Lord's meeting place but remained fallen flat on the common road at a distance
- He (Siva) is also called the Bhutanatha, or the lord of the common folk, who are mainly attached to him because of his munificent gifts, even without consideration of the aftereffects
- He (Vyasa) explained Vedic knowledge in many different ways for the understanding of the common mass of people in this age of Kali. And Vyasa is also known as an incarnation of Krsna; therefore Vyasa also represents Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- He is big leader, and if it is common knowledge that he is using such intoxicants, the others will follow his example and there will be havoc throughout the society. That would be a catastrophe
- HK movement, to understand the science of Krsna very easily. We cannot understand on account of our ignorance. I am not this body, everyone sees practically. Still, he's identifying with this body. This is called ignorance or, in common words, rascaldom
- Human society is exactly like a beehive, for everyone is engaged in collecting honey from various flowers, or collecting money from various sources, and creating large empires for common enjoyment
- I have no objection for Mirabai's songs, but I think Hare Krishna is the greatest common factor understandable by all people all over the world. The chanting is transcendental and quickly effective
- I have seen his Orissa literature about our movement and it appears to be very nice, any common man can understand it, and it is set up very nicely
- I hope this noble movement will unite the communists and the capitalists alike for the common goal of life which still remained veiled for want of a sufficiently intelligent class of men
- Ideal of a common cause
- If I go away from this body, who seeks for the happiness of this body? This common reason they have no sense. Why I am seeking happiness
- If one hears a person say even once the word 'Krsna,' that person should be accepted as the best man out of the common group
- If one wants thousands and millions of dollars, become like a Rockefeller or Ford, that will be great a estimation of these common materialistic man, but from spiritual point of view, such things have no value
- If we neglect Krsna's devotees and simply try to go directly to Krsna, Krsna is not so cheap. Krsna wants to see, just like there is a common word, If you love me, love my dog
- Ignorance and the jugglery of words are very common in human society, but they do not help one understand the inconceivable energies of the SPG. If we accept such ignorance & word jugglery, we cannot accept the Supreme Lord’s perfection in six opulences
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that because the whole world is illusioned by the three modes of material nature, the common conditioned soul, being covered by such energy, cannot see the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In Bhagavad-gita, it is clearly stated that only fools and rascals, mudhas, consider the body of Krsna to be the body of a common human being
- In contrast with the ordinary living entity, those who are transcendentalists are really learned. Such transcendentalists do not perform any work in the manner of the common mundaner
- In India it is still current for an aristocratic family never to consider a marriage with a common family. Though the caste may be the same, to maintain the aristocracy such marriages are rejected
- In Kali-yuga, a drunk, half-naked woman embracing a drunk man is a very common sight, especially in the Western countries, and restraining oneself after seeing such things is very difficult
- In modern America, any girl may select a husband as she likes, although for a common girl this is actually not very good. But even in those times an uncommon, highly qualified girl who knew how to select a good husband was given the chance to do so
- In our common dealings we should maintain friendship with everyone and certainly with such exalted demigods as Kuvera. Our behavior should be such that no one should become angry and thereby commit a wrong to individuals, families or society
- In our temple, strictly Hare Krishna chanting should be given more importance. This is no harm in this mantra you have heard, but it is not very important. There are many such common songs composed by common devotees out of sentiment
- In the Vedic scriptures it is said that one can reach other planets by any one of these three ways, but the most common way is by worshiping the demigod presiding over a particular planet
- In this age of Kali the greatest common formula of sacrifice is the sankirtana-yajna
- In this age of Kali there are many differences of opinion for self-realization, or transcendental life, or religious life, but this common formula, chanting of the holy name of God, can be accepted by everyone
- In this age of Kali, abortion - killing of the child within the womb - has become very common, and sometimes a child is even killed after birth. If a woman performs such an abominable act, she gradually loses all her bodily luster
- In this age of Kali, the greatest common formula of sacrifice is the sankirtana-yajna. That is the opinion of the experts who know how to propagate the process of yajna
- In this present day, man is very eager to have one scripture, one God, one religion, and one occupation. So let there be one common scripture for the whole world - Bhagavad-gita. And let there be one God for the whole world - Krsna. BG 1972 Introduction
- Indeed, women like to be exploited by men. As soon as a woman is exploited by a man, she becomes a common prostitute. This is explained by Mohini-murti, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Interest in Krsna consciousness is not commonplace. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that out of many millions and billions of persons, only one is interested in achieving perfection
- ISKCON is meant to establish a clear, practical common formulation of the common ideal of all theists
- ISKCON is meant to establish a clear, practical common formulation of the common ideal of all theists, and to defeat the unnecessary dogmatic wranglings that now divide & invalidate the theistic camp. This common ideal of theism is to develop love of God
- It is a fact that the principle of sense gratification is the basic principle of materialistic life, and this can be realized either from reading the Vedas or simply from observing common human activities
- It is a system, still current in India, that when a child creates too much of a disturbance, his mother may bind him up in one place. That is a very common system, so Mother Yasoda adopted it
- It is authoritative statement because Krsna says very reasonably, - I am giving very common example that within this body, the proprietor of the body, or the spirit soul, is there
- It is certainly a very wonderful thing if we see a person on this planet flying in the sky without a vehicle, but in Vidyadhara-loka such flying is as commonplace as a bird's flying in the sky
- It is said that when Alexander the Great arrested a common thief, the thief told Alexander, - What is the difference between us? I am a small plunderer, and you are a great plunderer
- It is the common understanding of Krsna Consciousness or the science of devotional service rendered to Krsna that we shall serve Him spontaneously and without any desire for compensation for our service
- It is very common for us, like Arjuna, to try to dissipate our disillusionments by our own devices, culled from our own mundane experience. This attempt to remove our daily bodily and mental difficulties is always misdirected
- Khana was a woman, very intelligent. Wife . . . I think she was wife of Varahamihira. He was very great astrologer, and she learned from her husband, and then she explained in common language. That is Khanara Vacana
- King Yudhisthira, son of Dharma, overwhelmed by the death of his friends, was aggrieved just like a common, materialistic man. O sages, thus deluded by affection, he began to speak
- Krsna wants to see, just like there is a common word, "If you love me, love my dog." Therefore Prahlada Maharaja requested, Kindly engage me in the service of Your servant
- Maharaja Pariksit was rajarsi-sattama, the best of all saintly kings, and Sukadeva Gosvami was muni-sattama, the best of munis. Both of them were elevated because of their common interest in krsna-katha
- Man and animal, they have got common platform of these four principles of life: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. The only extra qualification of man is that he can come to understand what is Krsna and what is God. That is his special qualification
- Ordinary men regard these learned transcendentalists (who perform works for satisfying Visnu) as common workers, but in fact, the transcendentalists are not workers for mundane benefit - they are karma-yogis, or workers for transcendental results
- Our material needs are these: the problem of eating, of mating, of sleeping, of defending ourselves and of acquiring sense gratification. These are common both to human beings and to animals
- People are going from this country to that to improve economic condition. But it is a common saying that "Wherever you rascal go, your fate will go with you." Either you go to England or India or here and there
- Persons who, due to being initiated by another sect of religious faith, do not find devotional service as the common platform for approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead, also cannot understand Krsna consciousness
- Racial strife, civil wars, violent revolutions, and world wars so common in the modern age are all caused by the whimsical and selfish nature of impious men
- Religious affiliation in terms of different countries and cultural circumstances is obviously not the common religion of the human being; rather, the basic principle is devotional service
- Restriction is for human beings, not for animals. We encounter restrictions daily in our common dealings. We cannot drive a car on the left or run a red light without risking apprehension by the law
- Rukmini continued, "O unlimited one (Krsna), when the activities and endeavors of Your devotees remain a mystery to the common human beings, how can Your motives and endeavors be understood by them"
- Rukmini continued, "Their (Krsna's devotees) aim of life remains a mystery to the common human being; the lowest of mankind can know neither You nor Your servants. A contaminated human being cannot even imagine the pastimes of You and Your devotees"
- Satyabhama instigated her husband to get the parijata flower from the heavenly planets, and the Lord got it even by force from the demigods, as a common husband secures things to please his wife
- Since Lord Krsna is the center of the topics, the word vasudeva-parayanah, or "devotee of Vasudeva," suggests devotee of Lord Krsna, the common aim
- Since the devotee considers the word "form" (akara) the common factor for both, he offers his respectful obeisances to the form, although others may go on arguing about whether the Absolute has a form or not
- Some say that the Absolute has no form (nirakara), and others say that the Absolute has a form (sakara). Therefore the word form is the common factor, although some accept it (asti or astika) whereas others try to negate it (nasti or nastika)
- Such (parents, lovers and friends) devotees of the Lord never think of the Lord as the Supreme, but think of Him exactly as a common friend, a pet son, or a lover or husband very much dear to heart and soul
- That common platform (for religious unity) can be achieved in transcendental devotional service. This is the verdict of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The "struggle for existence" and "survival of the fittest," this word is very common, but nobody knows what is that struggle for existence and what is the platform of becoming fittest. Nobody knows
- The activities of such persons (like Jagai and Madhai) have now become common practices. It is no longer considered abominable to be a drunkard, woman-hunter, meat-eater, thief or rogue, for these elements have been assimilated by human society
- The aim of ISKCON is not to found a new religious sect, but to invoke the living entity's dormant love of God, and thus provide the human society of all faiths with a common platform of clear theistic knowledge and practice
- The animal is also working very hard for these four principles, and the man is also working very hard. That is common. But that is not security
- The audience of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is not at all commonplace
- The common man does not know the destiny of his life; he is simply busy in his flash of life, maintaining his family
- The common materialistic conditioned souls speculate that the Lord (Krsna) is one of them. Out of their ignorance they think that the Lord is affected by matter, although He is unattached
- The common religion of all classes of human beings, regardless of whosoever and whatsoever one may be, is devotional service
- The demigods said: Let Maharaja Nimi live without a material body. Let him live in a spiritual body as a personal associate of the S P of Godhead, and, according to his desire, let him be manifest or unmanifest to common materially embodied people
- The four principles of animal life-eating, sleeping, defending and mating - are common both to the animals and human beings, but religion is the special concern of human beings
- The general worship of Sanideva, the lord of distressful condition, and Sitaladevi, the goddess of smallpox, is also common to the mass of people, and there are many foolish men who worship the mass of people or the poor class of men
- The greatest common understanding for all yogis is complete detachment from matter, which can be achieved by different kinds of yoga
- The head (one of Visvarupa's three heads, that were cut of by Indra) meant for drinking wine was transformed into a kalavinka (sparrow), and the head meant for eating food became a tittiri (common partridge)
- The head meant for drinking soma-rasa was transformed into a kapinjala (francolin partridge). Similarly, the head meant for drinking wine was transformed into a kalavinka (sparrow), and the head meant for eating food became a tittiri (common partridge)
- The hearts of those above common behavior are sometimes harder than a thunderbolt and sometimes softer than a flower. How can one accommodate such contradictions in great personalities
- The independence in thinking is there by the grace of the Lord, but the thinking can be given shape by the grace of the Lord, and therefore the common saying is that man proposes and God disposes
- The karmis, jnanis, and yogis, as well as the common politicians and anyone else who is working hard to make a comfortable and peaceful situation in this material world, must clearly realize that the world is transitory and full of misery
- The Kumaras were greatly satisfied by King Prthu's method of worship. It was by the grace of Maharaja Prthu that the common citizens in his domain could see the Kumaras flying in outer space
- The Lord can be served by any ingredient, even the most common commodity - a flower, a leaf, a fruit or a little water, which are available in any part of the universe and without cost - and thus the Lord is served universally by the universal entities
- The Lord is a different identity in all circumstances, and no idea of anthropomorphism can be applied to Him. The Lord is always the Lord, and a common living being can never be equal to Him
- The Lord never accepts any offering by such impure ghosts. There is a common saying that one should first love the dog of the beloved before one shows any loving sentiments for the beloved
- The Lord’s energies, though factual, are simply beyond the power of the common brain to understand
- The next moment he (Kamsa) began to consider: "The boy (Krsna) is certainly not common, because He has lifted Govardhan Hill with His left hand. So what can I do in this connection? Let me go to Vrndavana and inflict pains on all the residents there"
- The process recommended in this verse (SB 10.2.30) for crossing the ocean of nescience is easy not only for the devotee but also for common persons who follow the devotee (mahajano yena gatah sa panthah) - CC Madhya 17.186
- The root of the tree is the beginning of the tree, but in common knowledge the upper portion of the tree is first seen. In that way the end of the tree is accepted as its beginning
- The sudras are the common laborer class. In a properly run society, all of these classes (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras) are required. If they cooperate in their progress toward Krsna consciousness, there is no strife amongst them
- The tulasi flower, leaf is offered to Krsna, He becomes very pleased. Therefore we love tulasi, because He likes. In common word they say: If you love me, love my dog
- The whole varnasrama system is so designed that each and every status of life is called an asrama. This means that spiritual culture is the common factor for all
- The word vastu-nisthayoh, which is used, indicates that both the yogis and Sankhyites have faith in the reality, but are arguing about it from the different viewpoints of material and spiritual identities. Parabrahman, or brhat, is the common point
- The words matuh anugrahat ("by the mercy of their mother") refer to the breast milk of their mother. In India it is a common belief that if a baby is fed his mother's milk for at least six months, his body will be very strong
- The world should learn from the Bhagavad-gita, the lesson. Evam sastram devaki-putra-gitam. There is one scripture only, one common scripture for the whole world, for the people of the whole world, and that is this Bhagavad-gita
- There are four divisions of members; life member, donor member, subscriber member, and common member. So any membership will make the people sympathetic to our movement and it will be a stride toward our progressive march
- There is a common controversy over whether the Supreme Absolute Truth is personal or impersonal. As far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, the Absolute Truth is the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, and this is confirmed in every step. BG 1972 purports
- There is a common proverb that a confectioner is never attracted by sweetmeats
- There is a common proverb that a confectioner is never attracted by sweetmeats. The confectioner, who is always manufacturing sweetmeats, has very little desire to eat them
- There is a common saying in Bengal that God has ten hands. This means that He has control everywhere - in the eight directions and up and down. If He wants to take everything away from us with His ten hands, we cannot protect anything with our two hands
- There is a common saying in Bengal that the Lord has ten hands. If He wants to bestow benedictions upon us with His ten hands, we cannot factually receive them all with our two hands; in other words, the benedictions exceed our ambitions
- There is a common saying in India that everyone goes to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead when he is in distress, but when a person is in an opulent position, he forgets God
- There is a common word in English, "If you love me, love my dog." That is very important. So bhagavat-priyanam, one who is very dear to Krsna, if you love such person, then Krsna is more pleased
- There is a common word, "If you love me, love my dog." So you cannot approach Krsna without loving His dog, His servant
- There is a gulf of difference between the punishment awarded by the mother and the punishment awarded by an enemy, so a devotee’s distress is not the same as the distress of a common karmi
- There is a pinprick somewhere in the social body at large, and therefore there are large-scale quarrels, even over less important issues. There is need of a clue as to how humanity can become one in peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause
- There is a very common Bengali proverb that says that whatever one does for perfection will be tested at the time of his death. Bhagavad-gita describes what we should do at the point of our death, when we are giving up this present body
- There is also another common saying, vandhya ki bujhibe prasava-vedana: "A woman who has not given birth to a child cannot understand the pain of childbirth."
- There is need of a clue as to how humanity can become one in peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause. Srimad-Bhagavatam will fill this need, for it is a cultural presentation for the respiritualization of the entire human society
- There should be complete cooperation between the brahmanas and the ksatriyas for this common good. Even up to Maharaja Asoka, the same spirit was prevailing
- There was great intrigue, common in imperial palaces, and the five brothers were exiled to the wilderness
- These are some of the common symptoms of the devotee who is situated in neutrality
- These four principles are common between human being and animal. So advancement of these four principles is not human civilization. That is animal civilization. That is not human civilization
- These specific characteristics of santa-rasa - unflinching faith in Krsna and cessation of all desires which are not connected with Krsna - are common to all other rasas as well
- They (brahmanas, sannyasis and ksatriyas) are meant for full cooperation for common welfare. Maharaja Pariksit was experienced enough to drive away Kali from his field of activities and thereby make the state receptive to spiritual enlightenment
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to study soil to find minerals. This study of soil is now a greatly specialized science, but formerly it was common knowledge even for the ordinary man
- They did not even observe common formalities of civilized society, and in the presence of Lord Balarama they uttered insulting words about the Yadu dynasty. Having spoken in this unmannerly way, they returned to their city of Hastinapura
- They do not want anything more than sense gratificatory proposals for enjoying life in heaven, where wine and women are available and material opulence is very common. BG 1972 purports
- This (CC Madya 2.42) is a verse in a common language called prakrta, and the exact Sanskrit transformation is kaitava-rahitam prema na hi bhavati manuse loke/ yadi bhavati kasya viraho virahe saty api ko jivati
- This body, after all, is produced by the unmanifested nature and again annihilated and merged in the natural elements. Therefore, it is the common property of everyone - SB 10.10.12
- This consciousness of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is common. In one animal, it is very strong. In another man, animal, it is not so strong. But this consciousness is there. But this God consciousness is not there except in human being
- This kind of endeavor, simply eating, sleeping, sex life and defense, that is common to the animals and to the human being. But human being has got a special prerogative. That is Krsna consciousness: to know God, to know himself, to know this world
- This study of soil is now a greatly specialized science, but formerly it was common knowledge even for the ordinary man. They learned to study herbs and plants to discover how they would act as medicine for different ailments
- Those who are directly in touch with the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead and who are absorbed in the chanting of His glories are freed from all material contamination. Unalloyed devotees are able to show mercy to the common conditioned soul
- To come to that platform of understanding of things as they are, that is not a very common thing, and therefore such persons who attain to it, they are described as - great souls
- Upakara, you can understand - it is very common word - to do something good to others. Upakara. And apakara means to do something harm to others. At the present moment, throughout the whole world, the design is how to do something harmful to others
- Upon hearing this, Satyaraja said, "How can I recognize a Vaisnava? Please let me know what a Vaisnava is. What are his common symptoms"
- Water is the common element in both the gross and subtle forms of all material creation, and it should be noted herewith that due to necessity, water, being most prominent in the material creation, is the principal element of all the five
- We do not allow divorce, but in your country it is a common thing. Although we do not like it, according to the country, what can be done?
- When Brahma was relieved from his perplexity, he appeared to awaken from an almost dead state, and he began to open his eyes with great difficulty. Thus he could see the external cosmic manifestation with common eyes
- When Krsna and Balarama offered Their service in this way, the teacher, Sandipani Muni, thought it wise to ask Them for something extraordinary, something no common student could offer
- When opposing elements meet, whether they arise from a common cause or different causes, their conjunction is called bhinna-rupa-sandhi, the meeting of contradictory ecstasies
- Yogi means spiritually advanced, and bhogi means materialistic, and rogi means diseased. It is a common saying. A yogi evacuates only once. That is yogi
- You are my brother in relation to our common and Eternal Father the Almighty Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna the revealing Author of the great book of Philosophy "Bhagavad-gita."
- You understand what is the meaning of Bhagavata, this word, Bhagavata? You understand? These are the common questions. If you do not understand this common question then how you can instruct others?