Category:Brahmanas and Worship
Pages in category "Brahmanas and Worship"
The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.
- A brahmana grhastha may earn his livelihood by becoming a learned scholar and teaching people in general how to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He may also assume the duty of worship himself
- A brahmana is a worshiper of the Supreme Brahman, and the Supreme Brahman worships the brahmana. In other words, the devotee is subordinate to the Supreme Lord, and the Lord is inclined to see to the satisfaction of His devotee
- A grhastha-brahmana partaking of the varnasrama-dharma institution can secure various types of paraphernalia to worship Lord Visnu through his honest labor
- Accepting disciples born in brahmana families, they (Thakura Raghunandana Acarya, Thakura Krsnadasa, Navani Hoda and Rasikananda-deva (a disciple of Syamananda Prabhu)) are bona fide spiritual masters who have the facility to worship the salagrama-sila
- According to the instruction of Lord Krsna, Nanda Maharaja and the cowherd men called in learned brahmanas and began to worship Govardhana Hill by chanting Vedic hymns and offering prasadam
- According to Vedic principles, there must be divisions of human society (catur-varnyam maya srstam (BG 4.13)). There should be brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, & everyone should learn to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead - tam abhyarcya
- Actually it has been a custom since time immemorial that a person born in a brahmana family must worship the salagrama-sila in all circumstances
- After many years had passed in this way, one day within his mind he (the brahmana) cooked nice sweet rice with ghee to worship the Deity
- Akrura continued, "Some of the learned brahmanas also worship You (Krsna) by observing Vedic ritualistic ceremonies. They offer different kinds of sacrifices in the names of different gods"
- Among the followers of the Vedic way, the salagrama-sila, the vigraha of Narayana, is worshiped in the form of a stone ball. In India, every brahmana still worships the salagrama-sila in his home
- Another question may also be raised: The Lord is known as brahmanya-deva, the worshipable Deity of the brahmanas
- Apparently Lord Sri Krsna was a ksatriya and was not worshipable by the brahmanas. But the brahmanas present there, headed by Srila Vyasadeva, all knew Him to be the Personality of Godhead, and therefore they worshiped Him
- As far as the brahmanas and Vaisnavas are concerned, they simply worship Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- At the Rajasuya-yajna of Yudhisthira, many thousands of brahmanas were present, yet Krsna was selected to be worshiped first. Therefore, Krsna is always the Supreme Person, but by His causeless mercy He recognizes the brahmanas as dearmost to Him
- Being a brahmana, he (the native prince of Satara, Maharashtra) took charge of worshiping the Deity. He was known as Srimanta Balasaheb Pantha Maharaja. The state still bears the expenditure for temple maintenance
- Both the brahmana Srutadeva and the King of Mithila, under the direction of the Lord, worshiped both Krsna and His followers, the great sages and saintly brahmanas, on an equal level of spiritual importance
- Brahmana grhasthas should be satisfied with a life of adhyayana, adhyapana, yajana & yajana - being learned scholars, teaching others to be scholars, learning how to worship the SPG, Visnu, & also teaching others how to worship Him, or even the demigods
- Brahmanas are supposed to acquire six kinds of auspicious qualifications: they become expert in worshiping the Lord or the demigods (yajana), and they teach others how to execute this worship (yajana)
- Brahmanas have six occupational duties, of which three are compulsory - namely, studying the Vedas, worshiping the Deity and giving charity. By teaching, by inducing others to worship the Deity and by accepting gifts, they receive the necessities of life
- Especially in every brahmana’s house there must be a salagrama-sila to be worshiped by the brahmana family. This system is still current. People who are brahmanas by caste, who are born in a brahmana family, must worship the salagrama-sila
- Even if one is a brahmana and is qualified with all the brahminical qualifications, he is considered degraded if he is averse to worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (a brahmana) must also be expert in worshiping different deities and in performing the Vedic rituals - yajana
- He (Krsna) is especially inclined to the brahmana devotees. Lord Krsna is also called brahmanya-deva, which means that He is worshiped by the brahmanas
- He (the brahmana) collected all kinds of valuable paraphernalia for worship, and he worshiped the Deity very gorgeously, beginning from bathing the Deity and ending with offering arati. Thus he felt great happiness
- Highly qualified brahmanas situated in the mode of goodness have no grudges against the mode of worship of others. They have all respect for other demigods, even though they may look ghastly, like Kala-bhairava or Mahakali
- If the brahmanas do not worship the king but instead go to the demigods, they are as polluted as unchaste women
- In order for a qualified brahmana to worship the Deity, he must be a Vaisnava. Thus the Vaisnava's position is superior to that of the brahmana
- In that meeting (of brahmanas), he also heard that the Deity may be worshiped within the mind. After this incident, the brahmana, having bathed in the Godavari River, began mentally worshiping the Deity
- In the city of Pratisthana-pura, long ago, there resided a brahmana who was poverty-stricken but innocent and not dissatisfied. One day he heard a discourse in an assembly of brahmanas concerning how to worship the Deity in the temple
- In the days of Haridasa Thakura, all the brahmanas worshiped Narayana in the form of the salagrama-sila. Therefore begging from a brahmana’s house meant taking krsna-prasadam, which is transcendental - nirguna
- In the formation of a body, the head is the principal factor. The brahmanas are born from the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order to accept charity for worship of Visnu and to spread Vedic knowledge
- In these families (well-situated brahmana families or well-to-do mercantile families) the worship of Lord Krsna is regularly performed and the child gets the opportunity to imitate the process of worship called arcana
- In this Age of Kali many so-called brahmanas are envious of Vaisnavas. The Kali-contaminated brahmanas consider Deity worship to be imaginative
- It may also be concluded that Ajamila, who was the son of a brahmana, was accustomed to worshiping Narayana in his youth because in every brahmana's house there is worship of the narayana-sila
- King Vena continued: For this reason, O brahmanas, you should abandon your envy of me, and, by your ritualistic activities, you should worship me and offer me all paraphernalia
- King Yudhisthira, after hearing the confirmation by all present, especially by the brahmanas and learned sages, worshiped Lord Krsna according to the regulative principles of the Vedic injunctions
- Krsna desired to utilize the opulent financial strength of Maharaja Nanda for worship of the cows & wanted to give a lesson to Indra. Thus He advised His father to perform worship of pasturing land and the cows, with the help of learned brahmanas
- Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord, this demon has proved to be a constant pinprick to the demigods, the brahmanas, the cows and innocent persons who are spotless and always dependent upon worshiping Your lotus feet
- Lord Brahma, who is worshiped by the brahmanas, has very mercifully given you to me, and that is why I have met you. I do not want to give up your company, for my mind and eyes are fixed upon you and cannot be drawn away
- Lord Krsna is the SP of Godhead, He is worshipable by all brahmanas & demigods, who are the controllers of the universal affairs. Besides that, Krsna & His family members, the royal order of the Yadu dynasty, were the conquerors of all kings of the world
- Lord Sri Krsna then prepared for His departure. He invited the sons of Pandu, after having been worshiped by the brahmanas, headed by Srila Vyasadeva. The Lord also reciprocated greetings
- O best of the brahmanas, kindly instruct me in the perfect method of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead in devotional service, by which the Lord may very soon be pleased with me & save me, along with my sons, from this most dangerous condition
- Of the six occupational duties of the brahmanas, three are compulsory - namely, worship of the Deity, study of the Vedas and the giving of charity. In exchange, a brahmana should receive charity, and this should be his means of livelihood
- Once a poor brahmana worshiped Lord Siva for a benediction, and Lord Siva advised the devotee to go to see Sanatana Gosvami. The devotee went to Sanatana Gosvami and informed him that Lord Siva had advised him to seek out the best benediction from him
- One brahmana devotee says: Let others, fearing material existence, worship the Vedas, the Vedic supplementary puranas and the Mahabharata, but I shall worship Nanda Maharaja, in whose courtyard the Supreme Brahman is crawling
- One should give charity to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas, for thus the Supreme Personality of Godhead will be worshiped
- One should not engage paid brahmanas to worship the Deity. If one does not personally worship the Deity but engages paid servants instead, he is considered lazy, and his worship of the Deity is called artificial
- Only brahmanas may engage in Deity worship, and they may accept as prasada whatever people offer the Deity. Although a brahmana may sometimes accept charity, it is not for his personal maintenance but for the worship of the Deity
- Sannyasis generally take prasadam in the house of a brahmana because the brahmana worships the Lord Narayana sila, or salagrama-sila, and therefore there is prasadam that the sannyasi may take
- Satrajit, however, did not come to see Krsna; he was instead overwhelmed by the Syamantaka jewel. He installed the jewel in a temple to be worshiped by brahmanas he engaged for this purpose
- Sometimes, of course, it so happens that Lord Siva becomes the best benedictor in spiritual life. It is said that once a poor brahmana worshiped Lord Siva for a benediction, and Lord Siva advised the devotee to go to see Sanatana Gosvami
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Worship this stone in the mode of goodness like a perfect brahmana, for by such worship you will surely attain ecstatic love of Krsna without delay"
- Such brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas, purified by their family traditions and by their behavior, should worship the Lord, study the Vedas and give charity. In this system, they should follow the principles of the four asramas
- Suppose we are worshiping Deity. That is the duty of brahmana; but somebody is called that "You cleanse this floor." So he should not think that "I am cleansing the floor; therefore I am lower than the person directly worshiping the Deity." No
- The brahmana householders, particularly, used to worship Visnu without fail, and even now the descendants of those brahmanas continue to worship Visnu daily as their family Deity
- The brahmana is always engaged in the worship of Lord Visnu. Therefore the brahmanas are eligible to accept all kinds of charity. But if the brahmanas receive excess charity, they are to distribute it for the service of Visnu
- The Brahmana prayed, "As far as I am concerned, I wish only to worship Maharaj Nanda because the supreme absolute Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is crawling in his courtyard as his own child"
- The brahmana wanted to worship Nanda Maharaja because the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as a child, crawled in the yard of his house. These are some of the good sentiments of devotees
- The brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra can elevate themselves by worshiping the Lord according to their activities
- The brahmanas preach the cult of Krsna consciousness all around the world, and therefore, although they worship Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord also recognizes them as worshipable. The relationship is reciprocal
- The brahmanas should always be worshiped and under their guidance the ruler should discharge his duty and rule the citizens
- The brahmanas thereafter began to offer oblations to the sacrificial fire with yogurt, butter, kusa grass and water. They worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the good fortune of the child (Lord Krsna)
- The brahmanas want to worship Krsna, and similarly Krsna wants to worship the brahmanas. In conclusion, brahmanas and Vaisnavas who are engaged in preaching the glories of the Lord must be worshiped by religionists, philosophers and people in general
- The engagements of a brahmana are yajana, yajana, pathana, pathana, dana and pratigraha. A brahmana should be a worshiper of Visnu, and he should also instruct others how to worship Him
- The family titles of Paramesvari’s descendants are Adhikari and Gupta. Unfortunately, his family members do not worship the Deity directly; they have engaged paid brahmanas to worship the Deity
- The Ganges water, which emanates from His feet, sanctifies the three worlds. All qualified brahmanas worship Him, and therefore He is called brahmanya-deva
- The Gopala Deity was kept in the house of a brahmana, and His worship was conducted secretly. Everyone fled, and thus the village of Annakuta was deserted
- The horse sacrifice performed by the saintly brahmanas relieved Indra of the reactions to all his sins because he worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead in that sacrifice
- The Lord is always in favor of the brahmanas and the cows, and therefore it is said, go-brahmana-hitaya ca. Lord Krsna, or Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is also the worshipable Deity of the brahmanas
- The members of the Krsna consciousness movement are advised not to take food from anywhere but a Vaisnava’s or brahmana’s house where Deity worship is performed
- The Pauskara-samhita states, The scriptures that recommend that brahmanas worship the quadruple forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are called agamas - authorized Vedic literatures
- The qualified brahmanas worship the visnu-tattvas represented by the salagrama-sila, and some of the higher castes like the ksatriyas and vaisyas also generally worship the visnu-tattvas
- The sages wanted to stress that although the Lord, out of His causeless mercy, says that He worships the brahmanas and Vaisnavas, actually the Lord is worshipable not only by the brahmanas and Vaisnavas but also by the demigods
- The story of the brahmana who worshiped the Lord within his mind, as related in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, or The Nectar of Devotion, should be consulted in this connection - in the process of devotional service
- The Supreme Lord is always worshipable, regardless of whether one is a brahmana, a ksatriya or a sudra. As the representative of the Supreme Lord, the King deserved respectful obeisances from everyone
- The Supreme Person is described herein (SB 4.21.38) as brahmanya-deva. Brahmanya refers to the brahmanas, the Vaisnavas or the brahminical culture, and deva means "worshipable Lord."
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped with the words namo brahmanya-devaya, which indicate that the Supreme Lord accepts the brahmanas as worshipable gods. The Supreme Lord is worshiped by everyone, yet to teach others He worships the brahmanas
- The vaisyas and ksatriyas may also engage in this worship (of the salagrama-sila), but it is compulsory in the house of a brahmana
- The worship of Visnu still goes on in the households of the followers of sanatana-dharma, and especially in the households of the brahmanas
- Then he (the brahmana) offered aratrika, and with the regulative principles he finished all these activities in the correct worshiping method
- There is a class of professional brahmanas who take to Deity worship as a means of earning their livelihood. Brahmanas in this class are not very interested in the Deity; they are interested mainly in the money they can earn as holy men
- They (highly qualified brahmanas) know very well that those horrible features of the Supreme Lord are all different servitors of the Lord under different conditions, yet they reject the worship of both horrible and attractive features of the demigods
- This shows how the Lord is all-pervading, in spite of His being locally situated in His abode. Although the Lord was present in Vaikuntha, He was present also in the heart of the brahmana when he was meditating on the worshiping process
- This system is still present in India; in a rigid brahmana's house, there is narayana-seva, worship of Narayana
- Those who are qualified brahmanas worship only the Visnu form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which means Krsna, Rama and all Visnu expansions
- Under the instructions of qualified brahmanas, in the morning she should wash her teeth, bathe, and dress herself with white cloth and ornaments, and before taking breakfast she should worship Lord Visnu and Laksmi
- Unfortunately, with the progress of Kali-yuga, the so-called brahmanas, although very proud of taking birth in brahmana families, no longer worship the salagrama-sila
- Unless one is a qualified brahmana he cannot be allowed to worship Lord Visnu. This is called yajnika janma
- Unless one is initiated as a brahmana, one cannot worship the holy name properly
- We are getting the Deity Worship maintained by Europeans and Americans who are not born in brahmana families there will be great litigation on this issue and it may be judgement is against us
- We require a guidebook for Deity worship, arcana-paddhati, based on Hari-bhakti-Vilasa. All brahmanas will be responsible to learn this book
- With rice grains, kusa, water and curd, they (the brahmanas) worshiped the Supreme Lord - SB 10.7.12
- You are well known and worshiped in learned circles. How dare you kill this brahmana, who is a saintly, sinless person, well versed in Vedic knowledge? Killing him would be like destroying the embryo within the womb or killing a cow
- You are worshiped by brahmanas who are the foremost of all devotees. You, the Supreme Person, are the King of kings, and therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto You