Category:Bad Association
"bad association"|"no good association"|"without good association"
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Pages in category "Bad Association"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- Ajamila was a brahmana who because of bad association had given up all brahminical culture and religious principles. Becoming most fallen, he stole, drank and performed other abominable acts. He even kept a prostitute
- Although he was born in the brahmana family and educated nicely, but on account of bad association he fell down from the standard of human ideal life. Therefore he is punishable
- Although they (Jagai and Madhai) had been addicted to some sinful activities due to bad association, those unwanted things could vanish simply because of the chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- Anartha means things which are not wanted. We are accustomed to so many things, rascal things, which is not at all wanted. But we have been accustomed. By bad association
- Anartha means unwanted bad habits. So when we are children, innocent, we have no bad habits, but as we grow and associate with bad company, we also acquire all these bad habits. So to give up all these bad habits means we have to associate with sadhus
- Association with a devotee, the mercy of Krsna, and the nature of devotional service help one to give up all undesirable association and gradually attain elevation to the platform of love of Godhead
- Bilvamangala Thakura. He was a South Indian brahmana, very rich brahmana. But by bad association or something like that, he became a very staunch prostitute hunter. So he engaged all his income, money, everything, after one prostitute
- By good or bad association you have acquired so many artificial, I mean to say, habits. So simply by association you can forget also. Then you come to the pure life. And God is pure
- Bygone ages never witnessed such huge, complex arrangements for gross materialistic activities. Wrong and simply bad association has tightly bound up the innocent populace in mean activities
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited one example, to deliver Jagai-Madhai. They were born in a very aristocratic brahmana family, but by bad association they became illicit sex, woman-hunter, drunkards and meat-eaters and gamblers. But Caitanya delivered them
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was asked what is the general behavior of a Vaisnava, He said that the first thing is that you should give up bad company
- Cheating oneself and cheating others is called kaitava. Associating with those who cheat in this way is called duhsanga, bad association. Those who desire things other than Krsna's service are also called duhsanga, bad association
- Consequently he manifested himself before the public eye as a madman - dull, blind and deaf - so that others would not try to talk to him. In this way he saved himself from bad association
- Due to bad association one often forgets that his prestigious position has been given to him by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he misuses it by performing various kinds of so-called yajnas like kali-puja or durga-puja
- Due to bad association, Bilvamangala Thakura became a very staunch prostitute hunter, and he spent all his money on a prostitute named Cintamani
- Due to bad association, one gradually falls into lower species. Association with women is greatly stressed in this regard. When one becomes attached to women or to those who are attached to women, one falls down into the lower species
- Due to bad association, the living entity desires material happiness, liberation or merging into the impersonal aspect of the Lord, or he engages in mystic yoga for material power
- Duryodhana was so foolish that he dared to insult Vidura. This was due to his bad association with Sakuni, his maternal uncle, as well as with his friend Karna, who always encouraged Duryodhana in his nefarious acts
- Even if one falls down due to immaturity or bad association, his devotional assets are never lost. There are many examples of this - Ajamila, Maharaja Bharata, and many others
- Even though the Lord is equally well-wishing to everyone, the unfortunate living being, due to bad association only, is unable to accept His instructions in toto, and for this the Lord is never to be blamed
- Formerly, in his previous birth, Asamanjasa had been a great mystic yogi, but by bad association he had fallen from his exalted position
- From a pure brahmana, he fell down to the position of a wretched urchin, and it was all due to bad association
- From the birth he is not a drunkard, from birth he is not a smoker, but by bad association, so-called civilized association, he becomes a drunkard, he becomes a smoker, he becomes a woman hunter, he becomes a gambler - sinful life
- I always keep myself separate from the association of ordinary men because I am aware of the falldown in my past life. Being afraid of their bad, materialistic association, I wander alone unnoticed by others
- If one is in good association he can develop the mode of goodness, and if in bad association he may develop the mode of darkness or ignorance. Nothing is stereotyped. One can change his habit by good or bad association
- If one takes to Krsna consciousness, tyaktva sva-dharmam caranambujam hareh, and practices for some time regularly, then again, due to bad association or by something he falls down, so sastra says that, "What is the loss? There is no loss
- If you associate with good association, then you become good. And if you associate with bad association, then you become bad. Therefore we are establishing Krsna conscious society
- In the beginning of life nobody smokes or nobody becomes intoxicated. It is learned by bad association. Similarly, it can be given up by good association. They are called anarthas. Anartha means unwanted bad habits
- In the beginning of life, the children, beginning from five years old up to twenty-five years, they are trained up as brahmacari. Those who are not in bad association from childhood, if they practice celibacy, they are not disturbed
- In this age people are also very slow and unfortunate, and they are contaminated with bad association. Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the chanting of Hare Krsna (mantra) as a great means of propaganda for spreading love of God
- In this age, men are victims not only of different political creeds & parties, but also of many different types of sense-gratificatory diversions, such as cinemas, sports, gambling, clubs, mundane libraries, bad association, smoking, drinking, cheating
- In this age, men are victims not only of different political creeds and parties, but also of many different types of sense-gratificatory diversions, such as cinemas, sports, gambling, clubs, mundane libraries, bad association, smoking, and so on
- It is a fact that even a person born of good parents can turn into a demon by bad association. Birth is not always the criterion of goodness; unless and until one is trained in the culture of good association, one cannot become good
- It is not that a child is born smoking. No. He is born searching after milk. The milk is essential; the smoking is not essential. But we are practicing by bad association, so we can give it up also by good association. It is a question of association
- It is said in other puranas that Narakasura was the son of Dharitri, the earth, by the Lord Himself. But he became a demon due to the bad association of Bana, another demon. An atheist is called a demon
- Narada Muni advises Vyasadeva, "Even if, by some bad association, he falls down while executing devotional service, or if he doesn't finish the complete course of devotional service and dies untimely, still he is not at a loss"
- Nobody learns to smoke from the very birth. He has to eat something. He drinks milk, the child. He doesn't say, "Give me a cigarette," but you have learned it by bad association. This is called anartha
- Nobody will die without sex life. Nobody will die without meat-eating. Nobody will die without intoxication. Nobody will die without playing gambling. These are learned by association only. By bad association we learn how to drink, how to smoke
- One may try to leave Him, but He is not going to leave you. Once come, "No, sir, you cannot go out." Just like our Ajamila. He was devotee in the beginning, and later on, by bad association of prostitute, he fell. But Krsna took him at the end
- One who is not very expert in preaching may chant in a secluded place, avoiding bad association, but for one who is actually advanced, preaching and meeting people who are not engaged in devotional service are not disadvantages
- Reformatory process is meant for purifying him so he becomes mukta-sangah. Mukta-sangah means liberated from all this bad association of material existence
- Remaining in that asrama, the great King Bharata Maharaja was now very careful not to fall victim to bad association. Without disclosing his past to anyone, he remained in that asrama and ate dry leaves only
- The conscience is created by association. By good association, conscience is the good conscience and by bad association, a bad conscience is created. So there is no such standard as conscience. Conscience means discriminating power
- The intelligent, who have understood the Supreme Lord (Krsna) in association with pure devotees and have become freed from bad materialistic association, can never avoid hearing the glories of the Lord, even though they have heard them only once
- The intelligent, who have understood the Supreme Lord in the association of pure devotees and have become free from bad, materialistic association, can never avoid hearing the glories of the Lord, even though they have heard them only once
- The Lord assured Bali Maharaja of all protection, and finally the Lord assured him of protection from the effects of bad association with the demons
- The Lord is equally well-wishing to everyone, the unfortunate living being, due to bad association only, is unable to accept His instructions in toto, and for this the Lord is never to be blamed
- The main point is that one should always stay aloof from unholy association. That is the sum and substance of a devotee's behavior
- The mass of people, especially in this age of Kali, are all born sudras, basically lowborn, ill-trained, unfortunate and badly associated. They themselves do not know the highest perfectional aim of life
- The reformatory processes, or samskaras, are meant for purifying a person so that he becomes mukta-sangah, liberated from all the bad association of material existence and eligible to go back home, back to Godhead
- The wrongdoer is misled by bad associates and by ill advice, which is against the established principles of the Lord's order, and thus he becomes subject to punishment
- These are bad company. We cannot have any sympathy. We cannot make any compromise with everyone. That is not possible
- They (the fathers and the guardians) should know that so many innocent children are victims of bad association awarded by the influence of this age of Kali
- This is the special advantage (liberated from all the bad association of material existence and eligible to go back home, back to Godhead) of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Those who are innocent but simply carried away by bad association should be shown favor if they are eager to receive proper instructions from pure devotees
- Twelve to fifteen years, the boys become, by bad association, they become rotten. This hellish world is like that. They go to school and become demons
- Unfortunately, due to our bad association and great attachment for sense gratification, we do not remember our best friend, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unfortunately, if my disciples do not take my guidance, what can I do? By bad association it so happens, so I remain silent. I see the pricks of maya
- Unfortunately, this washerman was a servant of Kamsa and therefore could not appreciate the demand of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the effect of bad association
- What is unholy association? It is association with one who is too much attached to women and with one who is not a devotee of Lord Krsna. These are unholy persons
- With women the Bhattatharis allured the brahmana Krsnadasa, who was simple and gentle. By virtue of their bad association, they polluted his intelligence
- Without good association, one cannot achieve transcendental knowledge
- Without hesitation, one should take exclusive shelter of Krsna with full confidence, giving up bad association and even neglecting the regulative principles of the four varnas and four asramas. That is to say, one should abandon all material attachment
- Wrong and simply bad association has tightly bound up the innocent populace in mean activities. But the learned man, the karma-yogi, can show society how to perform all these activities for the satisfaction of the Lord