authoritative | authoritatively
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This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.
Pages in category "Authoritative"
The following 150 pages are in this category, out of 150 total.
- Accepted as authoritative
- Authoritative answer
- Authoritative assertions
- Authoritative descriptions
- Authoritative disciplic succession
- Authoritative evidence
- Authoritative opinions
- Authoritative recommendation
- Authoritative sages
- Authoritative Vedic literature
- Brahma-samhita is authoritative
- Not authoritative
- Statement of Krsna is authoritative
- According to some authoritative opinions, Kesava Bharati is an incarnation of Akrura. Kesava Bharati offered the sannyasa order to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the year 1432 sakabda (A.D. 1510) in Katwa. This is stated in the Vaisnava-manjusa, Part Two
- According to some authoritative opinions, the celebrated logician Raghunatha Siromani was also a student of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya’s. In effect, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya became the leader of all students of logic
- According to the Buddhist cult, the Vedas are compiled by ordinary human beings. If this were the case, they would not be authoritative
- According to the conclusion of all authoritative Vedic scriptures, when a person comes to the stage of appreciating Visnu, he is at the beginning of devotional service
- Although authoritative is not viable
- Although there are many so-called Ramayanas, or histories of Lord Ramacandra's activities, some of them are not actually authoritative
- Although we (the reciters) are unable to glorify you (Prthu) adequately, we nonetheless have a transcendental taste for glorifying your activities. We shall try to glorify you according to the instructions received from authoritative sages and scholars
- An American lady asked me (Prabhupada) to recommend an English translation of BG. in America there are so many editions of BG available in English, but as far as I have seen, none of them can be strictly said to be authoritative. BG 1972 Introduction
- As soon as you study Bhagavad-gita by your academic knowledge, without reference to the authoritative description, then you commit mistake; you do not understand what is Bhagavad-gita
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.25.25), satam prasangan mama virya-samvido bhavanti hrt-karna-rasayanah kathah: only by association with devotees can one authoritatively understand the position of the Lord and His devotees
- Authoritative advice
- Authoritative decisions
- Authoritative explanation
- Authoritative hints from the scriptures
- Authoritative judgment
- Authoritative movement
- Authoritative picture of the hand symbols
- Authoritative power is analyzed by Rupa Gosvami
- Authoritative process
- Authoritative Ramayana
- Authoritative scholars and acaryas
- Authoritative Vedas
- Authoritatively advised not to accept meat
- Authoritatively documented by the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Authoritatively stated
- Authoritatively understand the position of the Lord
- Better correct the faulty habits of the conditioned souls by persuasive authoritative preaching and personal example
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized and accepted as scripture by all classes of men in India, and as far as outside India is concerned, many scholars, theologians, and philosophers accept Bhagavad-gita as a great, authoritative work
- Five items-time, worship, offering of respect, offering of oblation into the fire and offering of food to a brahmana-comprise purascarya. This and other rituals are mentioned in the hari-bhakti-vilasa, the authoritative book of directions
- Following the authoritative principles
- From authoritative sources we learn that this chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the embodiment of the perfection of yoga for this age
- From the authoritative evidence cited by Jiva Gosvami we may conclude that Krsnaloka is the supreme planet in the spiritual sky, which is far beyond the material cosmos
- He knows how to deal according to time, person and country, and He sees through the scriptures and authoritative books. He is very clean and self-controlled
- Here in this Bhagavad-gita, that Bhagavan is giving you knowledge. So how much perfect it is, you have to consider. Vyasadeva could have said, "sri-vyasadeva uvaca." No. Bhagavan uvaca, so authoritative
- Here it is said that whatever is spoken in the Vedas and whatever is practiced in accordance with the injunctions of the Vedas is to be accepted as authoritative in society
- His book "Krishna Caitanya" is approved and authoritative
- How can you get knowledge without authoritative studies of books and science and philosophy?
- I desire to publish the GITA according to the original manuscript. In this expanded version, each verse is authoritatively presented with the Devanagari script, roman transliteration, English synonyms, translation and elaborate purport
- I do not mean faith by blind faith. This Bhagavad-gita is not blind faith. Everything is being explained step by step, scientifically, authoritatively. So try to understand. And if you fortunately become faithful, then your life is successful
- I have fully explained my views authoritatively
- If the medical practitioners accept, then that is authoritative medical book. Similarly, if saintly persons are accepting Bhagavad-gita as scripture, you cannot deny it
- If we receive information from the perfect source, Krsna, and if we repeat that information, then what we are speaking can also be accepted as perfect and authoritative
- If you want to be a lawyer, or if you want to be an engineer or a medical practitioner. You have to receive the knowledge from the authoritative lawyer, authoritative engineer
- In the authoritative sastra, the activities of God is mentioned there, and practically it is demonstrated when God is present
- In the beginning, one becomes a brahmacari, a student who studies Vedic knowledge under the authoritative guidance of a spiritual master. He then becomes a householder and executes household duties according to the Vedic process
- It is a good sign that the Government has taken up this work of social upliftment as a right measure at a right time. And in order to give the scheme a right direction the government may take authoritative hints from the scriptures like Bhagavad-gita
- It is a very dangerous type of civilization without any spiritual knowledge. Very dangerous position. Risky. So this Krsna consciousness movement on authoritative basis trying to enlighten people to release him from these clutches of maya and ignorance
- It is not difficult to understand the necessity of going through the disciplic succession to understand Bhagavad-gita. If we wish to be a lawyer, an engineer or doctor, we have to receive knowledge from the authoritative lawyers, engineers and doctors
- It is said by authoritative sources that any mantra chanted without having been received from the disciplic succession has no efficacy
- It is understood from authoritative sources that an attachment for Krsna because of feelings of disgust sometimes presents a ghastly ecstasy in devotional service
- It should be printed so that Temples can give to persons who offer small donations, even too small to give a BTG to. It will also impress all intelligent people, that our students can present our philosophy so nicely and authoritatively
- Madhvacarya and all other authorities accept the Puranas as the authoritative histories of the world
- Material science has tried to find the ultimate source of creation very insufficiently, but it is a fact that there is one ultimate source of everything that be. This ultimate source is explained rationally and authoritatively in the beautiful Bhagavatam
- Minimize the authoritative value of the scriptures
- Mistakes, illusions, cheating and defective perception do not occur in the sayings of the authoritative sages
- My point is unless it is authoritatively mentioned in the sastra, we reject
- Nectar of Devotion is authoritative
- No authoritative basis
- No one is more attractive or more authoritative than Lord Krsna
- Nobody can speak on the Bhagavad-gita so authoritatively as I can do. That is a fact. So if the university wants to take advantage of this opportunity, even in this old age I can go from one university to another
- Not only in America but also in India, none of them can be strictly said to be authoritative because in almost every one of them the commentator has expressed his own opinions without touching the spirit of Bhagavad-gita as it is. BG 1972 Introduction
- Now the characteristics of devotional service will be described according to various authoritative opinions
- Of the twelve great authorities in devotional service, four - Lord Brahma himself, his son Narada, Svayambhuva Manu and Lord Siva - were present before Priyavrata. They were accompanied by many other authoritative sages
- On authoritative basis trying to enlighten
- One is authoritatively advised not to accept meat or similar uneatable things nor to allow the tongue to hanker to drink or smoke. Even the drinking of tea and coffee is not permitted
- Orders of Krsna are actually authoritative
- Our International Society is based upon scientific and authoritative understanding of God-consciousness. Any philosopher or scientist will certainly agree with our philosophical point-of-view on religion and God-consciousness
- Our presentation is authoritative
- Simply they'll think that "If I keep long hairs, I'll be very beautiful" This psychological study is there. And five thousand years before, prediction. How much authoritative the book is, just imagine. Is it not fact?
- Siva has described the God's bodily features authoritatively. Now he wants to see the lotus feet of the Lord. When a devotee wants to see the transcendental form of God, he begins his meditation on the Lord's body by first looking at the feet of the Lord
- So unfortunately, in the name of God consciousness or this self-realization, so many not standardized methods are being presented by the so-called bluffers without any reference to the authoritative books and knowledge, Vedic knowledge
- Some authoritative Vaisnava disciplic successions count the goddess of fortune among the ever-liberated living entities (jivas) in Vaikuntha
- Sound is very important in Vedic understanding, for, if it is pure, it is accepted as authoritative
- Sound is very important in Vedic understanding, for, if it is pure, it is accepted as authoritative - CC Intro
- Speak authoritatively
- Spiritual nature is authoritatively described
- Sri Suta Gosvami continued: My dear brahmana, Vidura the great devotee of the Lord achieved transcendental bliss by hearing the narration of the pastimes of the SPG from the authoritative source of the sage Kausarava (Maitreya), and he was very pleased
- Such a story (that Jiva Gosvami thought manuscript of CC of Krsnadasa Kaviraja would hamper his reputation as a big scholar and therefore threw it into a well) should never be accepted as authoritative
- Such instruction (by someone deluded by the illusory energy) would be useless because, in the clutches of maya, no one can be an authoritative instructor. BG 1972 purports
- The actual practice of yoga, however, is described here (in SB 8.3.27). As authoritatively stated in the SB (12.13.1), dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah: a yogi is one who always meditates on the lotus feet of the SP of Godhead
- The approach shall be and must be authoritative, scientific and universal
- The authorized acaryas, who know the science perfectly, install such temples of the Lord under regulative principles just to offer facilities to the common man
- The descriptions in verses 9-11 (SB 3.21) of the Lord in His transcendental, eternal form are understood to be descriptions from the authoritative Vedic version. These descriptions are certainly not the imagination of Kardama Muni
- The exemplary character of devotional service manifested by the devotees of Vrndavana is the purest type of devotion. It is enjoined in authoritative sastras that devotional service must be ahaituki and apratihata
- The great epic Ramayana is the history of Lord Rama's activities in the world, and the authoritative Ramayana was written by the great poet Valmiki
- The great sage Maitreya Muni is described here (SB 3.5.17) as bhagavan because he surpassed all ordinary human beings in learning and experience. Thus his selection of the greatest welfare service for the world is considered authoritative
- The Hare Krsna movement is very nicely explained by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu authoritatively
- The Mayavadi scholars do not accept the Puranas, but Srila Madhvacarya and all other authorities accept them as the authoritative histories of the world
- The mind should be used to understand the prime necessity of human beings, and that should be presented authoritatively. BG 1972 purports
- The only sacrifice - that kirtana, sankirtana-yajna. This was introduced, and this is recommended in Bhagavata. This is authoritative
- The PG Kapila said: Whatever I speak, whether directly or in the scriptures, is authoritative in all respects for the people of the world. O Muni, because I told you before that I would become your son, I have descended to fulfill this truth
- The spiritual master in the authoritative line of disciplic succession is the "son of God," or in other words the Lord's bona fide representative
- The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme Lord because of his being the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This is acknowledged by all revealed scriptures and is followed by all authorities
- The student is called sisya. Sisya, the Sanskrit word sisya, this word comes from the root sas. Sas means ruling. From sas, the sastra. Sastra means authoritative books. They have been derived. And sastra. Sastra means weapons, armaments
- The Vedas say that if you have implicit faith in God and implicit faith in your bona fide guru, who teaches you Krsna consciousness, then the result will be that all the Vedic scriptures will be revealed authoritatively
- The vivid descriptions of the subtle and gross bodies in this chapter (SB 4.29) are most scientific, and because they are given by the great sage Narada, they are authoritative
- The words of Krsna and of the disciplic succession that carries the orders of Krsna are actually authoritative. To be empowered to write transcendental literature is a privilege in which a writer can take great pride
- The writing on spiritual subject matter is authoritative. By the order of superior authority, one can write. It is not speculation
- The yoga system described in the books of Patanjali is authoritative, and the modern so-called yogis who have manufactured their own ways, not consulting the authorities, are simply ludicrous. The Patanjali yoga system is called astanga-yoga
- There are 8,400,000 species of life. Even the biologist and the anthropologist cannot calculate this accurately, but from authoritative, revealed scripture we get this information
- There are authoritative descriptions in the Brahma-samhita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita and many of the puranas of the Lord's body, His weapons and all other paraphernalia
- There is a great plan behind the arrangement. Maharaja Pariksit requests the great sage Sukadeva Gosvami to explain all these authoritatively, in accordance with proper understanding
- There is another statement about Kesava Bharati from the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (117): iti kecit prabhasante ’krurah kesava-bharati. According to some authoritative opinions, Kesava Bharati is an incarnation of Akrura
- There is standard method how to understand this philosophy authoritatively
- These descriptions (of Krsna in Vedic literature) are authoritative, and a Krsna conscious person takes them directly, acts on them, preaches them and practices devotional service as enjoined in the authoritative scriptures
- They (monarchs) scrupulously followed the authoritative decisions of the saints and sages in terms of Vedic injunction
- They are being really trained to understand Western Monotheism under authoritative Vedic system
- This is an authoritative judgment by Sri Advaita Prabhu. He clearly advises that one should not be unhappy when reverses come upon him by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This ultimate source is explained rationally and authoritatively in the beautiful Bhagavatam
- To clarify this point (it is very difficult for an ordinary man to understand Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead), Arjuna put this (BG 4.4) question before Krsna so that He Himself could speak authoritatively. BG 1972 purports
- To stop this attraction of the tongue, one is authoritatively advised not to accept meat or similar uneatable things nor to allow the tongue to hanker to drink or smoke. Even the drinking of tea and coffee is not permitted
- To support this statement there are many authoritative assertions by the learned scholars of bygone ages. According to their general opinion, a person may become governed by certain convictions derived by his own arguments and decisions
- We are doing our duty. That's all. Under higher authoritative order. Have no fear. It is not personal gratification
- We are world-wide organization, and we must have the cooperation of the government authorities, so we shall not create any unnecessary misunderstandings by avoiding government requirements
- We may also remember in this connection that the process of gradual emancipation by the devotees in the manner mentioned above, although authoritative, is not viable in the present age because of people's being primarily unaware of yoga practice
- Whatever Bhisma will speak on devotional service, that is authoritative
- Whatever Kapiladeva speaks, whether directly or in the scriptures, is authoritative in all respects for the people of the world
- When the Vedas are not accepted through the authoritative disciplic succession, the casual readers of the Vedas are misled by the flowery language of that system of knowledge
- When there is security and an absence of fire in the city, the police superintendent can impose his authority upon the citizens, but when there is an all-out attack on the city, he is rendered useless