Category:Approved By Me (Prabhupada)
"I also approve" |"I can approve" |"I completely approve" |"I do not approve" |"I fully approve" |"I quite approve" |"I shall approve" |"I very much approve" |"approved by me" |"i approve" |"i approved" |"my approval"
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Pages in category "Approved By Me (Prabhupada)"
The following 172 pages are in this category, out of 172 total.
- All of our children should go to Dallas when they are four and begin their training program there. In Dallas, they have full facility approved by me, I have personally seen that they are doing very nicely there
- All the three altars should be of the same style. I am enclosing the copy of the style which I have approved for all three altars. This style is nice, the one which you had chosen for Lord Ramacandra's altar, so you can use this style for all three
- All your programs are approved by me; simply if you keep on with it, slowly but surely we will become very solidly situated there with many devotees and books and temples. Krsna simply wants to see our desire
- Any new programs or proposals or discrepancies should be submitted before the Governing Board Commission and then their conclusion should be submitted to me for the final approval
- As we sincerely try to improve our chanting for the pleasure of Krishna, Krishna reciprocates and we feel our greatest pleasure which is devotional service to the Lord. So, you may continue with this method, it is very nice and approved by me
- As you have suggested, you may make any suitable arrangement and that is approved by me however you make it fit. The only thing is the artists must be always engaged fulltime in their painting work
- I am also glad to note that you are making practice of keeping in mind various important verses from our scriptures. This is the approved process
- I am especially pleased that you are infiltrating the schools and colleges with improved programs, how to encourage the student class to participate in Krishna Consciousness. I completely approve of this program
- I am in receipt of your letter, undated. Regarding the booklet, "A Guide to the Care of Srimate Tulasi devi," yes, the book is very nice. It is approved. But one thing is that no sprays can be used, not at all
- I am so glad that Dayananda is doing everything so nicely. He is intelligent, responsible boy, and whatever you do conjointly, it has my approval. You may note it
- I am so glad to receive your letter dated October 28 in which you propose to go with your good wife, Indira Dasi, to St. Louis for opening a Krishna Consciousness center. The proposal is very nice so you try for it. I have all approval
- I am very glad to hear that you are training the devotees nicely in our philosophy and I also fully approve of your system for management
- I am very glad you decided to marry and I quite approve of it. My married couple disciples are doing very nice service to Krishna Consciousness in Hawaii, Japan, London, Los Angeles, Boston, New York, etc
- I am very much pleased to hear that your German BTG distribution has gone up to 50,000 last issue, and I very much approve of your ideas for improving it more and more
- I approve BBT moving to New York, because of their freehand dealing
- I approve for you to get books from BBT-L.A. at reduced prices, at the cost price, the same as India is getting. You can inform Ramesvara that I give my sanction
- I approve of the arrangement for the writing on the "Bhaktivedanta Swami Gate"
- I approve of the arrangement for the writing on the "Bhaktivedanta Swami Gate". Your dealing with the municipality men and hosting them at the temple shows you have done these things very nicely
- I approve your efforts to sue this Ted Patrick and his publisher. It must be done
- I approve your ideas. Yes, London is a city where we can open many centers. If possible, do it
- I approve your plan to combine together with Kesava to lead a party of Spanish speaking devotees with nama-sankirtana to every town and village in Spain
- I approve your plan to relocate to Bhaktivedanta Manor within the next year
- I approve your proposal for converting Spiritual Sky Incense Co. into a trust, and the trustees as proposed by you are approved by me
- I approve your scheme not to charge money for love-feast. Whatever voluntary contribution you receive, that is alright
- I approved of it, but I advised him to put the words "Back to Godhead", as it is. The idea is that the original name, "Back to Godhead", even it goes to foreign country it should continue to be the same
- I beg to confirm herewith my approval of your going ahead for arranging for the Bodoni Book type face as I have already instructed you
- I can see by this publication and by your report that things are going on nicely in Europe. All your programs are approved by me
- I do not know why by talking on telephone you should decide such an important transaction. I hope either you or Tamala Krishna should not act anything in this connection without consulting our friends like Pannala Pittie and finally approved by me
- I fully approve of the decisions made by you as follows
- I fully approve of this suggestion
- I fully approve of your idea to prepare every available manuscript up to the stage of printing, even if they remain in the layout stage for a while
- I fully approve of your program for distributing the posters and utilizing the profits to print more books
- I fully approve of your program for traveling, now you combine the sannyasi requirement for traveling extensively, and at the same time as GBC man you shall be my personal secretary
- I fully approve your plan to come to India for Kumba Mela and to work mainly in India after that, visiting America every six months to see that everything is going on properly with the life membership program
- I have all approval of your plan to travel from temple to temple in order to give them the benefits of your carpentry skill. Do it nicely
- I have been informed of unauthorized attempts to sell land there which is legally owned by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Unless transactions are authorized by my duly appointed representative, Mr. Brent Selden, they are illegal
- I have just heard from Gargamuni that you would like to print future issues of French language BTG in a small size about the size of our "Two Essays." So if you think that this will help increase the sales, then do it with my approval
- I have looked at the two small pictures you sent, and I approve of both of them. This is called Rajasthan style, and it is very nice
- I have seen the layout proposal for the first pages of our new edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is and it is fully approved by me
- I have the proposed advertisements for BTG and I approve them
- I quite approve your plan for manufacturing Jagannathas and do some profit out of it for maintenance of our temple
- I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society
- I quite approve your proposal that if the money is used for establishing Bombay center, the donors will not be encouraged. In that case you can open an account with the Central Bank of India in the name of ISKCON
- I thank you very much that you are sending me letters every week. Your very strong desire to return to Germany is already approved by me, and Krishna das is very much eager to receive you there
- I think by the Grace of Krishna you are getting good inspiration from within as Krishna is giving you good wisdom. Your explanation for getting a new place bigger than the present one is approved by me in all respects
- I think there is no need of getting a degree. If you can spare some time, you try to learn Bengali, from Sriman Prabhansu. It will be a great asset for our Mission; and as you have decided to work to get money, I quite approve
- I think you have to revive your position as GBC again and look after all the business of India affairs nicely. May Krsna bless you with all good sense. Your program submitted by you all jointly is tentatively accepted by me
- I very much approve of such travelling SKP program. And if you are able to infiltrate into schools and colleges for introducing Krishna Consciousness and selling our books, that is also very nice
- I very much approve of the $4.95 price, or if you think it is better, $3.95 may also be charged. How many pictures will you include in the paperback edition? Hardback?
- I very much approve of your enclosed brochure, and I am pleased by your festival plan for the colleges all over the state. Actually, this roving Sankirtana and college program is the most appropriate plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness and preaching
- I very much approve of your plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness in the black African neighborhoods in New York and other places
- I very much approve of your traveling widely throughout South Pacific, Australia, New Zealand zone, now you give all of the temple presidents your expert instructions and train them
- If it is possible you can make Jagannatha statues in various sizes for sale and I approve this project
- If you recommend, then I also approve of the marriage between Kaliya Krishna das and...
- In order to start the proposed project in your letter you must have full sanction of the GBC. Then I will approve of it, if they approve it. Do not try to start any project independent of the GBC. I want that everyone will co-operate nicely with the GBC
- In your letter you refer to Gurudasa as GBC member, but I think there is some misunderstanding because he has not yet been appointed by me as GBC member
- It is alright to go ahead with the printing of this second chapter. I have approved all the questionable points noted by Pradyumna, so it is alright
- It is approved by me if you want to give less than 25% of the BBT income for the Mayapur construction as you require to print books
- It is approved by me that you get the books for only 20% above the cost of printing
- It is not ordinary singing, it is concert, many people are singing, so it is not bad. Just like Sankirtana, many voices are there, men and women, so it is the same thing, sankirtana. I approve of it
- Regarding George's request to supervise the work in his monastery, I think you should help him because he is our good friend and by that way you shall be able to utilize his telegraph machine, etc. This is a good plan; I completely approve of this
- Regarding New Vrndavana activities, I think whatever you are doing is approved by me. As you are acting very sincerely in Krsna Consciousness, Krsna is dictating from within your heart, so there is nothing to be disapproved
- Regarding Rukmini, I think that if she is desiring to marry Upendra then that idea is very nice and approved by me. If she will rather wait for awhile that is all right but in either case Upendra should be informed of her plans
- Regarding Spiritual Sky, yes you can be appointed. Gopala Krishna has suggested that the Board meet bi-annually, and I approve of it
- Regarding the almanac, all your subjects included are approved by me. So there is nothing to add, just see that it is finished printing before Lord Caitanya's Appearance day
- Regarding the baby Acarya das, yes, the name is approved by me and it is a very nice thing that he was born with umbilical cord wrapped like sacred thread
- Regarding the drawing for the TLC, you can do it in the same lines as it was done previously. Your drawing for the room of Sanatana Goswami is approved by me. Also approved by me is the sketch by Pariksit Das
- Regarding the prayer from "Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu", yes it is very nice, and approved by me
- Regarding Uddhava, I am very glad that he is going to marry Lilasukha. She is a very nice girl. I approve. They can wait and finish school as her mother desires. But they can become betrothed, engaged, now
- Regarding your schedule of temple activities, it is approved by me. So please continue this program of classes, Sankirtana, Deity worship, offering and distribution of Prasadam, and working in Krsna's service
- So far the Garuda Stambha is concerned, from the photograph, yes, it is approved what you have done
- So far the leaflets sent by you which you want to publish during the Delhi festival, that is approved by me and you can do the needful
- So far your proposal is concerned, when the vote has been tallied and is presented to me at that time I shall give my approval
- So far your request for initiations for Patrick and Jane, that is approved by me. So far the infant is concerned, let him wait until he is older
- So gradually we have to organize the students to our movement, and your work so far has my approval in this connection
- So I approve of Karandhara's plan not to give more money to the Press until all debts and books owed are cleared and settled up. If you think that by lowering the prices of our books that things will improve, I have no objection
- So if you all think, Jayapataka, Tamala Krishna, and the others, my approval is there. Whatever you all decide in future in these matters, that's all right
- So if you are very determined that your boating idea will succeed, then Krishna will give you all encouragement and facility. The idea is good and has my approval, but now you should consult with the GBC members and then take it up seriously
- So we want to give the citizens the positive value of Krishna consciousness way of life, so for that activity we must always be preaching very strongly in the public. Therefore I approve your plan to run for public office
- So you can send one copy of every record as samples here immediately to the above given Bombay address. Records are exempt from our life membership program. Also the new recording described by you meets my approval, so do it nicely
- So you describe that you have set up an altar in your home and you are offering prasadam, and this is all approved by me
- So your efforts in the matter of our Sanskrit editing are effectively improving our books more and more with scholarly standards. All your work and programs are approved by me as you have listed them
- Stringed instruments are Vedic, but the real Vedic instrument is mrdanga and karatala. Anyway, you have to do according to the time and circumstances if you use these other instruments. So you have got my approval and you can go on
- That is the actual process of Krishna Consciousness. To train others continue this programme so that in the future every devotee in our movement will know the art of distributing books. This is approved by me
- That you are engaged in street Sankirtana in San Francisco is fully approved by me
- The advertisement proposals for BTG are approved by me
- The Board of Trustees is approved by me
- The dummy Bhagavad-gita sent by him is approved by me. If it is possible it may be improved further
- The idea to have a wider larger altar for Radha-Krishna is approved however on the plan which you have enclosed it appears that there are pillars separating Lalita and Visakha from Radha-Krishna
- The Krsna consciousness movement vigorously approves this practice of preparing food, offering it to the Deity and distributing it to the general population
- The list of 108 feast preparations is also approved by me
- The management must be very first class. If required we can keep some paid men. Amateur management is not always efficient. I approve of your ideas for management. We shall get it passed by resolution meeting. I like the ideas
- The management of affairs should be in the hands of my devotees. Your program for making Life Members is approved by me
- The name Gokulananda for your new son is approved by me, now raise this Sankirtana man up very carefully in Krsna consciousness. Now you can be an ideal householder and one of our Society's leaders, so kindly follow the regulated principles strictly
- The name of your exhibition is approved by me and it is a very good idea that you want to get federal funding
- The picture you have enclosed of Siva Linga is approved by me and it is in the right proportion. It may be black or white according to the stone
- The plan of your husband and yourself, Yamuna, of going to India is approved by me, I am simply waiting for the place where you shall stay. I have already informed this matter to Guru das and he is preparing for this
- The proposed farm project in nothern California is approved by me. Such projects as well as constructing temples, protecting cows, gathering milk, then making ghee, then opening Hare Krishna Restaurants are all good programs for grhasthas
- The sample that you sent me of the new design for the BBT logo is approved by me. For the sake of consistency, you can also use it on the cover jacket
- The second point is that after ISKCON has been organized in the above way the land which the temple is being constructed on must be leased to ISKCON Fiji with a 99 year unconditional lease with option to renew which I shall approve
- The service proposal is very nice and I approve of your acceptance this job. Not only your income will be a great help to the society but also it will be a great opportunity for learning how to organize our magazine Back to Godhead
- The temple plan enclosed is approved by me, but we must have full control over the temple, otherwise we are not going to take charge. We cannot make any compromise on this point
- This matter must be decided by the GBC. Let them consult together and decide. Whatever they decide is approved by me
- This program is approved that first we establish some more centers. My missionary activities are especially meant for the Western countries. To go to India is a secondary question
- This program to open a branch in Israel has got all my approval
- We are not like ordinary press, that anything and anything will come and we shall publish. No. That is not our business. It must be approved, as we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is, no mental concoction. We don't allow any mental concoction
- We do not have so many men; it requires at least five men to maintain a center, so I approve of your plan to close the center and travel in South Africa
- We should not disturb the newcomers immediately with opposite proposals, but tactfully we shall try to teach him in our ways, and gradually he will come to understand this policy is very nice, and approved by me
- Whatever you are doing at the present moment is approved by me and I think on account of your becoming a sincere soul, Krishna is dictating from within and you are doing things so nicely
- Whatever you do by combined consultation is approved by me
- Yadubara should be encouraged as he has given good service. Both his wife and himself are both serving nicely. I approve their work and they should be encouraged in all respects. In future we shall get more and more valuable services from them
- Yes! why not? You may write to the other temples and ask them to contribute something to the program, that is approved by me
- Yes, I approve Amarendra's program to have the men go out on book distribution and distribute the feast at the Temple instead of at the college
- Yes, I approve of the Life Member Committee, for the Temple construction in Hyderabad. You may do the same in Bombay also
- Yes, I approve of your helping to rectify the situation in Germany
- Yes, I approve your distribution ideas, namely subscriber agents, news agents. The subscription drive is a solid program
- Yes, I approve your idea to have a sankirtana party in America to support the Polish preaching
- Yes, I have already received a copy of your book "Krsna, the Cowherd Boy" and also given suggestions for the same. So you can present it to Satsvarupa and the editors and if they approve, then I approve and the book may be printed by our Press
- Yes, I have heard of your plan to open a branch in Trinidad. That will be very nice and the selected members are approved by me
- Yes, I very much approve of Mr. Kallman's idea for the book on "Transcendental Meditation." Rayarama has begun work on it already, and probably he will bring it back to N.Y. with him
- Yes, it is a very good proposal that you should run for Mayor in Atlanta. I very much approve of this plan
- Yes, the advanced men can distribute the big books, and the new men the smaller ones. Your entire program is approved by me
- Yes, the GBCs should move and visit other other zones, and I quite approve that the GBC chairman can do this
- Yes, the name Gokulananda for your new son is approved by me, now raise this Sankirtana man up very carefully in Krsna consciousness
- Yes, the plan you have sited for the lake and island is approved by me. I am very glad that you are doing this work and since the work started on September 8th, it is already going on
- Yes, your appointment as the new president of the Miami Temple is completely approved by me, now take advantage and preach among all the young people there and recruit some good men
- Yes, your debating program is approved by me. If we study the Bhagavad-gita thoroughly we can defeat all philosophies
- Yes, your plan for travelling and preaching was very much approved by me
- Yes, your plan to have all temple presidents report the scores on new men recruited is approved by me. You can keep count which temple is recruiting the most men, just as they keep count of the book distribution
- Yes, your plan to keep headquarters half year in Chicago and half year in Dallas, that is approved by me
- You may take bank mortgage for 20-30 lacs extra and use it for construction, that is approved by me. I just want to see that things are done, that's all
- You mention that you are fixing up your temple for nice Love feast program and this is cent per cent approved by me. Try to have very nice Love feasts
- You should consult your friend Mr. Kashore Mukherjee or his friend Mr. Shah and make the deed nicely and send me a copy for my approval
- You want to serve Krishna with all your energies and intelligence, so I have got all support and approval of this scheme, but until you have got some income, how can I advise you to give up your present job, especially when you are a family man
- Your chart for reporting book and record distribution is approved by me, as from this chart I can quickly see how the centers are doing
- Your decision to fix up the feast room first is approved by me
- Your drawing for the room of Sanatana Goswami is approved by me. Also approved by me is the sketch by Pariksit Das. Now you can go on making the pictures more and more beautiful and by so doing go back home, back to Godhead
- Your entire program as you have outlined it is one hundred percent approved by me. I have got all faith that you can intelligently guide and develop this center very nicely
- Your idea for holding Jagannatha festival in the big cities is approved by me, do it
- Your idea for printing books with Dai Nippon and concentrating on distributing is very good idea, so I very much approve of your techniques for selling our literatures
- Your idea of forming a trust between ISKCON and the leading men in the Indian community is approved by me. That is very nice. Let the Indians take part in our movement and help us to push on this mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Your idea of opening up an account, depositing in it, and sending me the monthly statements is very nice. I approve of your idea cent per cent. You have voluntarily put yourself under my control
- Your plan for bringing Lord Jagannatha to Atlanta is also approved by me, provided there are sufficient Brahmans and other suitable arrangements
- Your plan to get a large vehicle for traveling with built in shower, kitchen etc. is approved by me. But you should try to get new, because the old ones are always needing repair
- Your plan to have the Rathayatra on July 18th, down 5th Avenue, is approved by me and I shall try to be there definitely. However make the carts very strong
- Your plan to increase our exposure through the media is very nice and completely approved by me
- Your plan to remain in Boston till March and then start for N.Y. for film opportunities is quite approved by me. Thank you for your energetic enthusiasm
- Your plan to spend up to one month in each big university city sometimes taking an apartment for conducting regular evening meetings is approved by me
- Your printing in Hindi in Mathura is a good idea. Do it in consultation with Gopala Krishna Prabhu. So you send me the translation and after seeing it, I shall approve
- Your program for preaching in Delhi is very much approved by me, preaching Krsna is the same as remembering Krsna. I can understand if one of my students is making spiritual advancement if he is also making many life members and devotees
- Your program for printing the Spanish literature is approved by me. Do it nicely
- Your program for those who are desiring to take sannyasa is approved by me and I request that you make something concrete and distribute it to all the other GBC members and amongst yourselves you may decide who will take sannyasa
- Your program for traveling on the West coast holding festivals at schools and communes is approved by me. Especially you must try to convince these students to join us
- Your proposal to come to Vrindaban and serve the deities in our new Krsna Balarama temple is approved by me
- Your proposal to make a series of smaller books is approved by me. It is very nice. That will help in teaching the young children also
- Your questions certainly are not stupid. They are very intelligent questions and I am just pleased to discuss all these matters threadbare. I quite approve of your way of thinking
- Your scheme for collecting from the Indian community is all right and I approve the inscription for the plaques
- Your scheme to purchase that building with BBT loan is fully approved by me
- Your statement about Brahmananda that he is a wonderful devotee is 100% agreed by me. He is in charge of the New York center, and, therefore, if proper obedience is not given to him it will be impossible for him to manage the affairs of the temple
- Your travelling Sankirtana party to various universities in the Southern cities is wholly approved by me