Raktasya karma nivāram nivāraṇaṁ samatam etad na manyate kintu pravṛtti mārgam anuviyukta veṣan tada vidhi kalpa vidhi: "Because he has got already natural tendency. And if he is . . . there is sanction by religiosity, ritualistic, religious process, then he will stick to it. So you have not done very nice work." That is . . . na manyate tasya nivāraṇaṁ janaḥ. Vicakṣaṇo 'syārhati vedituṁ vibhor ananta-pārasya nivṛttitaḥ sukham: "Because actually, if anyone wants real happiness, that happiness is not by gratifying your senses."
In the Bhagavad-gītā also it is said that sukham ātyantikaṁ yat tad atīndriya-grāhyam (BG 6.21). Real happiness, that is not perceived by this gratification of these material senses. So nivṛttitaḥ. One has to cease from this material sense gratification, and then he can enjoy the real happiness, which is transcendental to sense enjoyment. That is . . . that is the instruction.
In the . . . in the Padma Purāṇa also there is a verse, ramante yogino 'nante (CC Madhya 9.29) "Those who are yogī . . ." Yogī means transcendentalist, not the so-called yogī. Those who have contacted the Absolute Truth, they are called yogī. So yoginaḥ, actual a yogī, ramante, they enjoy. They also enjoy. Why they are, I mean to say, undergoing so much austerities and penances and regulative principles? Because they are trying for being elevated to the real platform of happiness.