I hope things are going on in New York very nicely, but I have not heard from you since coming here. On the plane I had no inconvenience, and I ate all the puris brought by Kirtanananda. Sometimes on the way there was little jerking (air pockets) and I got little nervous. Anyway I got down safely and was received by the anxious devotees here. Jayananda in a nice car brought me to the house, which is situated in an exceptionally nice spot, and the house itself is aristocratic. So there is nothing to complain about the house and place. The only difficulty is that I cannot go to the temple on account of the zig-zag course of the road in crossing the mountains. Anyway, the devotees are coming here, and the Rathayatra Festival was performed with great pomp. More than 500 people followed the procession to the beach, and there were about two dozen cars. They distributed thousands of capatis, and at last Sri Jagannatha, Subhadra, and Baladeva. kindly came here in our house and will stay here for one week and then return.
Beach (Letters)
1967 Correspondence
The record player which you gave me at the Stinson Beach is lost. It is stolen by somebody from my room while I was alone sleeping. I can take some police action but I do not wish to implicate myself in such a way because I am going to Calcutta. Is it possible to send me another to my Calcutta address by air mail. If it is too costly do not send. But such portable record players are not available in India. What happened to your cymbals. Now as I am going to Calcutta, I shall personally try for all kinds of supply. Please let me know in details all the goods that you may require from India to execute regular transaction for which you have already started a partnership establishment.
1968 Correspondence
Just today we had one meeting in the California State College at Long Beach, Cal., they issued the enclosed pamphlet which may be published in Back to Godhead. I hope you are both well and happy.
1969 Correspondence
So far as I understand, the number of regular subscribers is not very satisfactory. Back To Godhead is being distributed by individual canvassing only. So if that is the position, then there is no need to publish something which is not pure Krishna Consciousness. Purely Krishna Consciousness means as you have published the article Isopanisad, and similarly we can publish all the Upanisads, the Vedanta Sutra, and many similar articles. The articles like Dr. Spock, the Beach Boys, or nonsense book reviews should be completely avoided. I know in India, the Kalyana Kalpatu paper and similar other papers do not take any advertisement, neither do they review any book unless it is published by them. So I think we should follow this policy. I shall be glad to hear from you in this connection at your earliest convenience. But for the time being, things may go on as it is regarding advertisements, so long as you avoid the hippy advertisements as far as possible.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March the 5th, along with your check for $30.00 for my book fund. I thank you very much for your this contribution of love. I am just trying to disseminate this message of my Spiritual Master and if there's any credit for this service, everything goes to Him. This message of Krishna Consciousness is coming down from Krishna Himself, and we are all servants of the Supreme Lord working under the consecutive disciplic succession. Please try to understand our philosophy through various books that I have already published and sometimes after you will have to carry out this order of disciplic succession. I am very glad to inform you that I am keeping well here in the atmosphere at Hawaii. The atmosphere here at Hawaii is quite suitable for my health. I am staying on the sea beach side, and the place is also very congenial.
I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it. I have given her instruction not to work in her last letter, and we shall discuss it further when I shall arrive there. When she shall come to this place Hawaii she will have ample opportunity for Krishna Kirtana on the beach, and the fresh ocean air and warm nourishing sunshine will be good for her.
One boy whom I have initiated last night, named Candanacharya, is enthusiastic to go to Florida for opening a center there. For the time being he has come from Montreal along with Hamsaduta. He proposes to begin a temple in Palm Beach. He is a very enthusiastic musician and appears to be very nice boy.
The Rathayatra Festival program as suggested by you to invite many new people is very encouraging. Please do it very seriously, and make San Francisco a perfect New Jagannatha Puri. I think it will not be difficult because in San Francisco there are many nice devotees such as Dindayal, Cidananda, Makhanlal, as well as new devotees, such as Ojasvi and Devaprastha. The devotee more or less depends on his transcendental enthusiasm, patience and firm conviction. These things will surely help him to reach perfection. Since I have come to New Vrindaban I have not received any new letter from you, but your letter encourages me, so please send one weekly to me. Your proposal to open a center in Laguna Beach is also very nice. You have to open so many centers in the future, so I wish that Krishna may give you a long life to discharge this duty.
I am also advising Vibhavati and Isana das to go there. Next I shall try to find out some other brahmacaris to go there as you require immediately some men for your great endeavor. You write to say you are too much strained in various ways, but by your such activities, Krishna will be very much pleased. I think because Krishna is pleased, therefore you have got at last a very nice place. I was planning to go to Los Angeles because Tamala Krishna and others are insisting that I attend the Rathayatra Festival that they are performing very pompously in San Francisco. They have secured a wonderful hall at the beach where the festival will be held and the proprietor of the hall has donated the hall for one week's use. They have received promises from many persons contributing grains, fruits and flowers for holding huge prasadam distribution. It is understood that the hall has a kitchen with twenty burners, and it will easily accommodate 5,000 people. So I have not said anything to them yet unless I hear from you finally, but you may know that I am quite fit to go to London as soon as you can arrange for my arrival there.
Regarding opening branches in Laguna Beach, you know I am always very much enthusiastic to open branches, so if another branch can be opened for propagating Krishna Consciousness, it is always welcome. If we have got opportunity to open such branch, we must take advantage. So far as the money is concerned, it is not meant for banking, but it is meant for spending. Our policy should be to collect millions of dollars or more than that daily, and spend it daily. That should be our policy. Every morning we shall be empty-handed, get collection of a million dollars during the daytime, and by evening it should be all spent. That should be our motto. But because we are pushing on our activities regularly, therefore some money should be saved to meet emergencies. So if you have got chance of opening a branch in Laguna Beach, do it. When we get a big temple in Los Angeles, Krishna will supply the necessary funds.
If you want me to go to Hamburg, then you can arrange for it after the second week of July, because I am going to Los Angeles on the 23rd of June. Tamala Krishna wants me there immediately because some of the devotees are very much eager for my presence there, and probably I will also frame our future program for opening sub-branches in the Los Angeles area. In neighboring places, such as Laguna Beach, there is good prospects for a center. I understand that you are in correspondence with London for some financial arrangement, but recently, just the day before yesterday, I received one cable from Mukunda asking me to give them a loan for $1,025.00, so I have asked Gargamuni to send them this money. Under the circumstances, I do not think they will be able to arrange financially to receive me there immediately. But there is no need of hurrying the matter. You can arrange for my reception conveniently, although I am always ready to go to Europe at any moment.
Subala also is not here; he has gone to Philadelphia with a view to open a center there, but I have not heard from him yet. The most successful Sankirtana affairs are going on here in Los Angeles. It is actually wonderful in comparison to others. They are also thinking of opening a branch in Laguna Beach, and I have encouraged this idea. Personally, I also still maintain the idea of a world Sankirtana Party, but such things at the present moment are a dream only. But one day maybe it may come out successful. So as you ask my permission to come here, I have no objection. I think if you come here and stay for a few days to study how they are doing things nicely, it will be a great benefit. Besides that, in San Francisco they are arranging for a nice Rathayatra Festival. So after getting all these ideas, if you make a program for touring all over the country with Sankirtana Party, that is cent per cent supported by me.
I hope by this time your house problem is solved, and I shall be glad to hear from you on this point. I have received one letter from Subala das from Philadelphia informing me that he has opened a center there. So by Krishna's Grace our program is improving day after day. Most probably another center in Laguna Beach will be opened soon, and they are arranging for a gorgeous Rathayatra Ceremony in San Francisco. So you have all my blessings and encouragement for your nice preaching work, and I can simply pray to Krishna to save you from all sorts of difficulties.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 27, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I can understand that you are in need of some more brahmacaris there, and I have already told Tamala Krishna to send some devotees there. You may correspond with him immediately to make definite arrangements for this. You will be glad to learn that another center has recently been opened in Philadelphia, and another is to be opened very soon in Laguna Beach, 50 miles from Los Angeles. Our policy should be to open branches as many as possible, but not to close a single one. That would be a degradation. I think you have got enough potential opportunity in your center, so go on chanting and things will come out successful.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 9, 1969 along with the copy of the article, and I have noted that your new address is Box 1684, Sunset Beach, Hawaii. I think it is Krishna's desire that you would vacate the former building and go to the hippy quarters. Actually, the hippies are our best customers. Almost all of our important disciples are recruited from that group, and you are also from that group. So actually we should try to serve the hippy group more than others because there is great potency of recruiting Krishna Consciousness devotees from them. You will be pleased to know that one hippy girl named Chris who came to see me in your apartment is now living in our Los Angeles temple and doing very nicely. So if you make propaganda amongst the hippy group simply by our standard method; Sankirtana, reading some portion of Bhagavad-gita, and distributing prasadam, then I am sure the quarters in which you have now shifted will be very much prospective. Besides that, it is a beach and the atmosphere is very nice. So by the Grace of Krishna do it nicely, husband and wife combined. That will be a good example. I was so much pleased with Govinda Dasi and with you also when I heard about her spirited preaching and your tolerance like Nityananda Prabhu.
So far as San Francisco Rathayatra Festival, it was very pompously and successfully executed in my presence. There were about 10,000 people attending the function. The procession was led from our temple through Golden Gate Park and some other streets. We started at about 12:30 and reached on the beach about 5:00 or 5:30. Then we held a meeting in a big hall up till 6:00 o'clock, and they performed a puppet show and distributed Prasadam. Then Kirtana continued up till about 10:00 o'clock at night. The function was reported in the local papers, and I will send you a copy when it is printed up. So if possible, you just postpone the function till Janmastami Day, and do the needful. But don't be confused and disappointed. I hope you are well.
I am anxious to know what has transpired with the MacMillan Company so far as printing the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam is concerned. Here in London things are going nicely, and I am enclosing a newspaper clipping of the reception at the airport. Last Tuesday night, we had a very successful interview on a popular BBC television program. There is immense potency for our movement in London, and I wish that at least four or five centers may be started in England of this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Perhaps you have heard that in Tokyo already there is encouraging news from Sudama about the people there responding nicely, and similarly, two new centers have been started in Laguna Beach and Colorado. So it is all Krishna's Grace that the young people of the Western world are gradually responding to our preaching work. I hope this meets you in very good health.
You are a very nice boy, and by Krishna's Grace you have captured the opportunity, and Satsvarupa is a very good associate for this purpose. So combinedly you try to spread this movement, follow the rules and regulations, chant Hare Krishna, and gradually you will see your life is perfect. So with all my good wishes, offer my blessings to the others. Here in London they had a very nice reception, and the press cutting in one of the papers is sent herewith. The BBC television station very much appreciated our movement, and we were interviewed on one very popular show last Tuesday evening. So things are progressing nicely, and our movement is gradually becoming popular. You will be also glad to know that we have recently opened centers in Tokyo, Denver, and Laguna Beach. Most probably very soon there will be another branch in Chicago. So let us work sincerely, and the requisite money and men will be supplied by Krishna for His service. I think Jadurani is very much busy in painting pictures, otherwise she should have written me some letter by this time.
Here in England there is very good potency for spreading Krishna Consciousness. When I arrived on September 11th, there was a nice reception at the airport, and one article reporting on the event is enclosed herewith. Last Tuesday evening we appeared for 40 minutes on a popular interview show on the BBC television station. This Monday there is to be shown another one hour long documentary program on our activities in England. Perhaps you have heard by now that there are three new centers opened recently; Tokyo, Laguna Beach and Colorado. So Lord Caitanya is being very merciful to many of the boys and girls of the present day Western world by giving them the intelligence to understand the importance of developing Krishna Consciousness.
I beg to thank you for your letter dated September 13rd, 1969, and I am so glad to learn that two new branches are now opened; one in Laguna Beach, another in Tokyo. With great interest I read the letter of Sudama, and I have also sent him a letter of congratulations. You have proposed to go to Japan next year, and I am very much pleased on this point. I wish to go with a big Sankirtana Party from Los Angeles. So if we can overflood Japan with this Sankirtana Movement, it will be a great great achievement in the Eastern countries, and if we move little further more into China and Russia, then we shall build up a strong belt all around the world of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Our Tokyo branch is not yet opened, but our men are working there, and as soon as they find a suitable house, we shall regularly establish the center. In the meantime, we have established some new centers in Washington, Detroit, Colorado, and Laguna Beach. Perhaps you have seen in The Times of India and other papers about my London arrival. On the reverse side you will find one of the articles from The Sun, published in London. We have released one Hare Krishna record through the famous record manufacturers, the Apple Company, and by the Grace of Krishna it is being sold on the average 20,000 copies per week in London alone. So the Hare Krishna Movement is gradually becoming very popular in the Western countries. It is great necessity to construct a very big Radha-Krishna temple here, so I am trying to find out some redundant churches to turn into temples. Please pray to Lord Caitanya to help me in this great attempt. You are a great devotee of Lord Caitanya and your prayers will be heard by Him.
I am very encouraged to learn that Laguna Beach is doing nicely. Similarly, I am getting good reports from Berkeley. But I have not as yet received any letter from Tokyo. Have they secured any place for starting temple? Regarding your proposed center in Santa Barbara, it is nice. If a California center is favorable, we should first open there. Regarding the photographs of the pictures I have asked you to take, yes, these should be of very fine quality for being published in our Nectar of Devotion and Krishna book. So far as the size is concerned, this you must consult with Brahmananda, because he is in charge of setting up the books. The picture by Devahuti which was in my room will be printed on the cover of Nectar of Devotion, so Brahmananda must decide if this picture will cover the entire front cover, with the title printed on top of it, or if there will be some space allowed for the title on an upper margin, as was done in TLC. You may keep the photographs there in LA, and some of them may be published in BTG on the cover.
I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated October 28, 1969 and have noted the contents with pleasure. I am so glad to learn that with the help of Durlabh and the others you are making progress in our Laguna Beach center. Any new brahmacaris who come with good faith should be helped. We are living in the Kingdom of Maya, so Maya's influence is very great in the material world. It is just like an epidemic. So one has to become immune very carefully by Krishna Consciousness. So you are experienced now in association with devotees, and you are very sincere also. Try to help any newcomers as far as possible.
1970 Correspondence
The new procedures you are instituting on Sankirtana Party are very encouraging to me. The opportunities for expanding the Sankirtana Movement are unlimited. We should tax our brains as to what is the best way to present Krishna Consciousness to particular people at a particular time and place. I have always thought that in L.A. there should be at least ten Sankirtana Parties going out simultaneously and as you have indicated, such places as Long Beach and other areas can each have their own Krishna Consciousness center. I am so much grateful to you for being such a strong soldier in pushing on this movement. Please continue in this way and give example to your Godbrothers and sisters. Please offer my blessings to all the L.A. Prabhus.
I am very pleased to hear how nicely the activities are gong on there in our San Diego center under your expert guidance. Also your program for "Maha Sankirtana" in conjunction with Laguna Beach temple is very nice. Such engagements should be held whenever possible as it is very enlivening to all those involved.
1971 Correspondence
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9th February, 1971 and have noted the contents. I am so glad to note how nicely your Sankirtana activities are going on there in Laguna Beach center. You write to say that you are considering the possibility of celebrating feast days with festivals on the street. That is very good program, so do it nicely. Aratik ceremony may be done also, if possible. Otherwise, it is not necessary. So long as there is Guru-Gauranga worship, Yamuna Prabhu may act as pujari. Otherwise, one must be initiated to tend the Deity.
Also you should distribute the books to schools, colleges, libraries, bookstores, and wherever else you can imagine that they will be received. Also continue your program of door-to-door Sankirtana. That is certainly Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement and he will bestow upon you all blessings.
Please offer my blessings to Yamuna,* Kapiladeva, Madhumangala, Austin, and Robbie Prabhus as well as all the other boys and girls there in Laguna Beach. Hoping this will meet you in good health.
I thank you very much for your letter post dated 13rd May, 1971 and have noted the contents. So far as your getting yourself married, I have no objection and if after referring the matter to Karandhara Prabhu, he agrees, then all my blessings are there. And you may inform Yamuna that I am glad to accept her as my disciple and just as soon as I go there, she can be initiated. Presently I am in Bombay and very soon I shall be going to London and perhaps to Moscow. From there I shall be going to N.Y. and on to Los Angeles, perhaps for Rathayatra on June 27th, 1971. At that time, if she is qualified, then she may take over pujari duties there in Laguna Beach. That will be very nice. And you can help her in Deity worship also.
Regarding your changing position with Bhavananda, I don't think L.A. can be managed at the present time without your presence. The original proposal was that if the presidents required the change then they could switch centers, but changing of your place will not be very favorable. So stay there and develop things nicely. I am so pleased to learn that you are opening a new branch in Fresno, California and are soon to open one in Long Beach also. So your presence is required there in the West. Your overseeing is most important position. What am I doing but overseeing. So continue there in L.A.
So far your question, the soul is fundamentally pure but he has an aptitude to come to the impure state of material contamination. He is therefore called tatastha or marginal. He has got the liberty of staying within the pure state or becoming contaminated. That is his choice. This marginal point can be understood in this way; just like you are standing on the shore of the sea. So you can remain on the land or sometimes you can jump into the water to enjoy as you will see on the beaches. So many young boys are enjoying. But that is dangerous at the same time. One who does not know swimming expertly well he may become drowned. Similarly the soul from the spiritual platform sometimes jumps over the material ocean of nescience. The Vedic knowledge gives him specific instruction how to swim over but if he is a rascal, he does not take the instruction through the bona fide representative, the spiritual master, and he becomes drowned. That is the position. The Vedic instruction is so nice that the soul, when he jumps over this material ocean, the Vedic instruction teaches him how to swim and come back again to the shore.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 7, 1971, along with letters from the four persons requesting initiation. Upon your recommendation, I have consented to accept all of them as my duly initiated disciples, and I am replying them below. I am very pleased to learn from you that all programs are going nicely there in Laguna Beach center under your supervision. Especially I am glad that you are infiltrating the schools and colleges. These are our most important customers for KC, because they are inquisitive and serious to learn. So continue in this way giving them all opportunity to get the real education and knowledge or Krishna Consciousness.
1972 Correspondence
Thank you very much for your detailed letter dated September 16, 1972, and I am glad to learn in detail how the things are going on in Bombay. I am always thinking about that place, it is only a few steps to the Juhu Beach, and there are many nice palm trees overhead with cooling breezes, and I am looking forward very much to return there soon. Only I am always anxious how the things are going on there, therefore I have asked you to report regularly. So far the bank mortgage is concerned, that is all right. Why don't you do it and finish this business with Nair? This talk is going on since so many months, why it is not being finished up? Now we have formed a committee, now whatever you think, you do. I want to see how the things are going on, and how it is going depends on you. Now I cannot tax my brain so much from such distant place what to do if there is any difficulty, therefore I am relying completely on you, my trusted senior disciples, to finish up these things nicely. I want that construction work be immediately taken up. If this is not possible, as suggested by Madhukar Munim, we may file a criminal or civil charges, as you see fit. Either this way or that way, finish it immediately. So many letters you are sending for the past so many months, and still nothing is settled. You may take bank mortgage for 20-30 lacs extra and use it for construction, that is approved by me. I just want to see that things are done, that's all.
According to the list of names left in the file by Nanda Kumara, there are nine names listed for New York, as follows: Mike/Mahamuni; Steve Anderson/Sevananda; Steve Chichi/Satajit; Jeremy Darling/Yogendra; Jack/Jitasvara; Saul/Sunanda; Andrea/Alarka; Susan/Sikhandini; Rosemary/Ramesvari. So I do not know why they have never received their beads. I think best thing is to write to Nanda Kumara, who is now president of Laguna Beach temple, and he can explain.
1973 Correspondence
Upon the recommendation of Rsabhadeva Das I am accepting you as my initiated disciple. Your spiritual name is now Asurakula Nasana Dasa, the servant of the killer of the descendants of the asuras. Krishna, He killed so many demons, so in this age of demoniac tendency, we may not kill the demons like Krishna did it, but we can kill the demoniac tendency. How is that? By this Sankirtana weapon. That is the specific contribution by Lord Caitanya, Krishna Himself, in this Kali yuga. So I am informed that you are the Sankirtana leader for Laguna Beach temple, so you should very enthusiastically lead the Sankirtana party, and in this way you will very successfully kill the demoniac tendency of the rascals.
I am anxious to know if there has been any response from the Home Minister of India to the letter I wrote him while I was in New Delhi regarding the Indian Government assisting us in the development of our Juhu Beach Project. Our idea is to construct a hotel for American and European tourists to come and learn about factual spiritual life. While they are coming, there will be foreign exchange and the Indian Government is very much in favor of this. In this way, if we can convince them to help us by granting permanent visas for 100 to 150 of our men it will be a solution to our visa problems. Also, why not solicit a loan from the Government for 2 crores for developing our Juhu Beach Tourist Hotel. We will repay them in foreign exchange. You can point out that we have already invested up to 20 lakhs in foreign exchange so our projects in India are advantageous to the Indian economic development. This is the key to Governmental support in India.
Anyway, I beg to request you to arrange for sending the balance money because for our Vrindaban project we require a few lakhs of rupees immediately. In Bombay also we have purchased a large tract of land at Juhu Beach so why not ask Balabhadra to send his $15,000.00 and Gaurasundara also to send the balance money?
My plan is to come to Hawaii by mid January 1974 when, of course, we shall meet together. I have no ill feelings against Gaurasundara, rest assured, neither anyone is accusing him or you. Everyone considers it has been done by some supernatural influence on Gaurasundara. We suffer on account of our karma—that is a fact. In this material world our karma is responsible for everything. Therefore, due to our work we create our own circumstances. So, if you like to cooperate with our missionary work you are welcome to return back. I have already written a previous letter to you, a copy of which is enclosed.
He has described to me how the Rama-Krsna Mission is getting so much support from the government only on the pretext that they are keeping schools and medical clinics. Factually their schools and clinics are for namesake only and they are using the government's support to mainly propagate their philosophy. So in this way we also must take government support by tactfully presenting a solid and organized proposal. I want very much that this project should be initiated immediately and followed through with all necessary attention and endeavor. Now I have given some hint and I am turning the matter over to you for execution.
I am standing by to hear from you whether or not we have obtained municipal sanction for our plans for our Juhu Beach scheme.
I am in receipt of your letter dated December 19, 1973 and I have carefully noted the contents. I have received all your previous letters and have replied to each of them. Regarding the rents collected from the apartments at our Juhu Beach property, this money must be kept and spent only for Deity worship and Temple maintenance. It must not be used for any other purpose.
Whether or not the Rs. 30,000 has been repaid to my fixed deposit account from the money I advanced for purchasing our Juhu Beach property? It was supposed to be repaid before my coming back but I do not know if it has been done. Yes you keep the Rs. 2 lakhs reserved for purchasing the Mahatma Gandhi building. One thing is the Rs. 65,000 from the BBT savings account actually belongs to the Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust. This I have discussed fully with Giriraja and Karandhara and Giriraja will explain what is to be done in this connection henceforward. Whatever has been done in the past we shall not try to make up for but I want that now this Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust money to be very carefully managed and deposited into a separate bank account and not be spent under any circumstances without my direct order. Giriraja will explain the details to you in full.
1974 Correspondence
With reference to your advertisement, "Wanted Land", we can offer you a plot of vacant land, area about 6,000 square yards very good location near Juhu Beach, on lease terms only. Please offer your best.
I am in due receipt of you letter dated Dec. 7, 1974 and have noted the contents carefully. If we sincerely desire to spread Krsna Consciousness then Krsna provides all facility. So now Krsna has provided the $20,000.00 needed for the down payment for your building. That man who has given us the money, he is a very good man and he should be encouraged in every way to become more and more connected with our movement. Give him good association with Vaisnavas and nice Krsna prasadam and he will develop love for Krsna. I am very happy to hear of the large number of new devotees you are recruiting there in Laguna Beach. That is the real fruit of our preaching work, when people come and join and help us to spread this Krsna Consciousness movement. So I am very pleased with your efforts there. Upon your recommendation I have accepted the following for second initiation; Asurakulanasana dasa brahmachari, Satangati dasa brahmachari, Ratnanabha dasa Adhikari, Khandabhasi dasi, Dhatreyi dasi. Their threads are enclosed herein.
1975 Correspondence
In the next issue of "Back to Godhead" you should put one note of thanks to Mr. Alexander Kulik of Laguna Beach California. This boy has kindly paid BBT Dollars 25,000.00 for publication of books.
I thank you very much for your kind letter dated July 15, 1975 and have noted the contents carefully. Your letter was addressed to our San Francisco temple, and it is forwarded to me here in Los Angeles. The day after tomorrow I am going to San Diego via Laguna Beach. Then I shall go to Dallas, New Orleans, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, New York, and then New Vrindaban, West Virginia. From there I shall go to Europe to London and Paris, and then I shall return to Bombay perhaps via Africa by the month of October.
Regarding Berkeley temple, I note that permission for living in the building is not yet finalized. Please keep me informed. Portland is a very nice city. I am glad that we have our temple there. That is very good that Seattle does not have any debts. This is proper management. This is very much wanted. It is also very good that Jayadvaita is in Laguna Beach and is preaching there. This is our process of preaching, that one shows by his personal example, not that we preach something and then do something else. That is called cheating and that is going on in the religion, especially. We are not that kind of cheaters. And we are not that kind of so-called religionists. Yes, so you keep an eye on things there in Laguna Beach, and see that whoever takes over as temple president is trained up.
1976 Correspondence
As you may know, our Hare Krishna Land is very popular with the residents of Bombay, in particular the local residents and devotees of Juhu Beach and surroundings. Many visitors regularly attend religious services and we are trying to provide suitable facilities to this end.
I received your kind invitation to attend your daughter's wedding and I thank you. As you know we are constructing the Hare Krishna Land project in Juhu Beach and we trust that you and your family members will take advantage of the facilities for generations to come.
So I am sending advice to Bank of America to transfer 2 lacs of Rupees to the Bombay construction account at the State Bank of Hyderabad, Juhu Beach Branch, Bombay, and I want that the 3 GBC secretaries for India should discuss together whether or not to give this 2 lacs to Hyderabad centre for completing their construction. If you think that Mahamsa Maharaja will be able to repay the BBT this money then you can go ahead and give the money to Hyderabad. Otherwise, there is no rush to open the Hyderabad temple by Janmastami, 1976, it can be postponed until a later date when the Hyderabad temple can be completed by collections in South India. So if you are confident that he will pay back the BBT then it is alright, otherwise you can use the 2 lacs for Bombay construction and the Hyderabad temple can be finished with local collections.
It has come to His Divine Grace's attention that many members of our society are engaged in the same business that Rsabhdeva (ex-President Laguna Beach) and devotees of Laguna Beach Temple were engaged in. These devotees were recently in Delhi and Calcutta. Some of them also met one of our GBC men in Hongkong. The list of devotees doing this business includes some senior devotees. Furthermore, it was discovered that some GBC members were backing these projects. Exact details on how these activities are carried out were revealed by a participant and His Divine Grace is thoroughly aware of the entire operation now.
I'm pleased to know the restaurant is again doing nicely. If palatable dishes are available people will certainly come. Srutakirti is a good boy. You can trust him. Cooperation must be there. It is a nice idea to sell prasadam at the beaches from a vehicle.
Now with Bhagavad-gita translated in Japanese our standing will be there. Let us sell Bhagavad-gita only in plain dress, we don't require saffron dress. Try to sell to the professors and at the school colleges as we are doing in other countries. Book distribution is our best preaching work. But, all our men must follow the regulative principles. That must not be neglected.
Page Title: | Beach (Letters) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, Mayapur |
Created: | 20 of Apr, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=50 |
No. of Quotes: | 50 |