All the great sages and brahmanas said: O mighty King, by your invitation all classes of living entities have attended this assembly. They have come from Pitrloka and the heavenly planets, and great sages as well as common men have attended this meeting
Expressions researched:
"All the great sages and brahmanas said: O mighty King, by your invitation all classes of living entities have attended this assembly. They have come from Pitrloka and the heavenly planets, and great sages as well as common men have attended this meeting"
SB Canto 4
All the great sages and brahmanas said: O mighty King, by your invitation all classes of living entities have attended this assembly. They have come from Pitrloka and the heavenly planets, and great sages as well as common men have attended this meeting.
All the great sages and brāhmaṇas said: O mighty King, by your invitation all classes of living entities have attended this assembly. They have come from Pitṛloka and the heavenly planets, and great sages as well as common men have attended this meeting. Now all of them are very much satisfied by your dealings and your charity towards them.
- Great Sages
- Intellectual Class - Brahmana
- Say
- Mighty
- Prthu's Hearing
- Invite
- Class
- Living Entities
- Attend
- Assembly
- Come From
- Pitrloka
- Heavenly Planets
- As Well As
- Common Man
- Meeting
- Bhagavatam Verses Spoken by the Great Sages and Brahmanas - Vaniquotes
- Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 04 Chapter 19 - King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices
- Srimad Bhagavatam, Cantos 01 to 09 - All Verse Translations
Page Title: | All the great sages and brahmanas said: O mighty King, by your invitation all classes of living entities have attended this assembly. They have come from Pitrloka and the heavenly planets, and great sages as well as common men have attended this meeting |
Compiler: | Iswaraj |
Created: | 2018-07-26, 14:51:19 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=1, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=0 |
No. of Quotes: | 1 |