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There is a great necessity for this movement from all angles of vision. I am experiencing practically that through this movement the entire human society will be happy

Expressions researched:
"There is a great necessity for this movement from all angles of vision. I am experiencing practically that through this movement the entire human society will be happy"


1970 Correspondence

There is a great necessity for this movement from all angles of vision. I am experiencing practically that through this movement the entire human society will be happy.
Letter to Radharamana Sharanji -- Los Angeles 25 June, 1970:

I wish that if our Vrndavana center is opened you may take charge of this center and thus help advancing this Krsna Consciousness Movement all over the world. There is a great necessity for this movement from all angles of vision. I am experiencing practically that through this movement the entire human society will be happy. And as you write to say that, "the Lord has very, very kindly given me human form in the sacred soil of India—simply to serve the humanity and through that Him alone," so this is the opportunity offered to you by the Lord—take advantage of it and set exemplary activities so that our countrymen may know what is the duty of a bona fide Indian.

Page Title:There is a great necessity for this movement from all angles of vision. I am experiencing practically that through this movement the entire human society will be happy
Created:08 of Dec, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1