From Bhagavad-gita we understand that the Vaisya community is specially responsible for giving protection to the cows as much as the ksatriya kings are responsible for giving protection to the citizens of the state. As such, if you can organize-and I believe you can do so, because by Grace of Krishna, you are in good position amongst the mercantile community—big dairy farms with large pasturing grounds, then the problem of milk supply and cow protection will automatically be done. I do not know how much you will appreciate my this suggestion, but if you can do such organization, it will be a great service to the country and to the animals, and to this cause of Krishna Consciousness. If you be serious on this point then I can help you with all of my possible energies.
Regarding your foundation: I am very glad that you have registered the Sumati Morarji Foundation with the aims and objects of imparting educational as well as cultural training to younger generation, but in this line of activities also I will suggest that you should impart transcendental training for their becoming Krishna Conscious on the basis of the principles of Srimad Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedanta Sutra, and alloyed literatures, as I am trying to do here. You will be surprised to know that my humble service in this country is being highly appreciated by the younger section of the country, so if the younger section of all countries combine together on this cultural training of Krishna Consciousness, there will be great change on the present situation of the world. Music and dance and distribution of prasadam are the main items of my Krishna Consciousness propagation, and they are acting so nicely. Perhaps you know that I am organizing here a community center in West Virginia on a land of about 200 acres, and it will be a replica of Vrindaban. So it is my ambition, as foretold by Lord Caitanya, that the people of the world will be happy under the banner of Krishna Consciousness, and let us try our best for this greatest philosophy of life. Of course, medical and other relief work to the distressed persons are not objectionable items, but actually the people of the whole world are suffering on account of lacking in Krishna Consciousness. Anyway, I am trying, practically, struggling single-handedly in this great endeavor, and my financial strength is practically zero. And I think you have got sufficient knowledge about that. But if your newly founded institution cooperates with me, it will be a great success. So far donation to this foundation, naturally I shall be inclined to donate in kind. I have already printed my following books, Bhagavad-gita as it is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Easy Journey to Other Planets, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and so on, as well as our Back to Godhead magazine. And I shall be glad to donate free as many copies as your foundation may require from me.