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If you can convince the television stations to carry our program on a regular basis and this equipment if it can be used for this purpose will be very useful. So discuss this matter with the GBC how it can be practically implemented

Expressions researched:
"if you can convince the television stations to carry our program on a regular basis and this equipment if it can be used for this purpose will be very useful. So discuss this matter with the GBC how it can be practically implemented"


1972 Correspondence

Your idea for utilizing video tape recording systems to broadcast our activities is very nice. It will be very good if you can convince the television stations to carry our program on a regular basis and this equipment if it can be used for this purpose will be very useful. So discuss this matter with the GBC how it can be practically implemented.

Your idea for utilizing video tape recording systems to broadcast our activities is very nice. It will be very good if you can convince the television stations to carry our program on a regular basis and this equipment if it can be used for this purpose will be very useful. So discuss this matter with the GBC how it can be practically implemented.So far Bill's letter which was sent to Madras, I have not yet received it. So first let it come. If Kirtanananda Maharaj has recommended their initiation, then when his letter comes I will initiate them.Now that you are going to joining the touring party, Krishna is giving you a nice opportunity to do some preaching. So please be engaged fully in reading and chanting and try to impart Krishna Consciousness to whomever you meet.

Page Title:If you can convince the television stations to carry our program on a regular basis and this equipment if it can be used for this purpose will be very useful. So discuss this matter with the GBC how it can be practically implemented
Created:2022-09-02, 07:58:17
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1