Interviewer: Why do you suppose they are not interested?
Prabhupāda: Because they are too much materially involved with this bodily concept. They think this body is everything. Therefore we must give. Just like I went to the beach: many young men, they were stout and strong, walking, running. They are interested in this body. They are not interested in the spiritual subject matter. That is the training they have got. Nobody is interested.
We are creating interest on behalf of God. That is our business. We are servant of God. We are trying to save people from the cycle of repetition of birth and death in different varieties or species of life. But even the great scientists, great philosophers they do not want to understand this science. What can we do?
Interviewer: Have you found this attitude also in other areas that you have opened centers?
Prabhupāda: Yes. Unless they are interested, how we have opened so many centers? There are interested persons, but their number is very little. It is not that zero, but many persons are interested. We are selling our books. We are selling our magazines. We are recruiting members, and they are dedicating their life for this cause. But it is not like a political movement, that you speak some jugglery of words and many thousands of people come and join. It is a great science. Only cool-headed, fortunate men can understand.