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I suggest you approach Tamala Krishna Gosvami at our New York branch. (340 W. 55th St., N.Y. 10019, N.Y.) You may go and join them there, they have a dramatic group, and if your ideas can be developed, I have no objection, that will be very nice

Expressions researched:
"I suggest you approach Tamala Krishna Gosvami at our New York branch. (340 W. 55th St., N.Y. 10019, N.Y.) You may go and join them there, they have a dramatic group, and if your ideas can be developed, I have no objection, that will be very nice"


1976 Correspondence

I suggest you approach Tamala Krishna Gosvami at our New York branch. (340 W. 55th St., N.Y. 10019, N.Y.) You may go and join them there, they have a dramatic group, and if your ideas can be developed, I have no objection, that will be very nice.

October 04, 1976

Shri Raj B. Kachoria New York, U.S.A.

My dear Kachoriaji,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 28th August, 1976 and have noted the contents carefully. Thank you very much for your kind sympathy. Thank you also for the check ($25.00 No. 88 dated 8th Sept. '76).

I suggest you approach Tamala Krishna Gosvami at our New York branch. (340 W. 55th St., N.Y. 10019, N.Y.) You may go and join them there, they have a dramatic group, and if your ideas can be developed, I have no objection, that will be very nice.

I hope this meets you well.

Your well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Page Title:I suggest you approach Tamala Krishna Gosvami at our New York branch. (340 W. 55th St., N.Y. 10019, N.Y.) You may go and join them there, they have a dramatic group, and if your ideas can be developed, I have no objection, that will be very nice
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:2015-12-30, 12:22:13
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1