Category:Become Angry
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Pages in category "Become Angry"
The following 241 pages are in this category, out of 241 total.
- A child is generally welcome in his attempts to go places, but if it so happens that a child is checked from entering a door, he naturally becomes very sorry and angry. That is the nature of a child
- A devotee is always nonviolent; he is qualified with all good characteristics. But, in the common world, when there is mischief made by others, he should not forget to become angry, at least for the time being, in order to drive away the miscreants
- A gopi who is always eager to be jealously angered, who is very enthusiastic for that position, who immediately becomes angry when defeated, who is never under the control of a hero, and who always opposes Him is called a vama, or a left-wing gopi
- A liberated person like the Kumaras becomes angry when restricted in the discharge of duties for serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A Vaisnava should take care of those who are bewildered by this maya instead of becoming angry with them, because without a Vaisnava's mercy they have no way to get out of the clutches of maya
- Absorbed in watching Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu dance, Srivasa Thakura could not understand why he was being touched and pushed. After he was pushed again and again, he became angry
- After His sannyasa rod was broken by Nityananda Prabhu, Caitanya Mahaprabhu apparently became very angry and left His company to travel alone to the Jagannatha temple
- After saying this, he danced and sang to his heart's content, but the brahmana did not become angry, for he was then serving Lord Krsna
- All the girls became very angry at the Lord for this behavior. "Dear Nimai," they told Him, "You are just like our brother in our village relationship
- Although a Vaisnava has sufficient power in tapasya, he does not become angry when put into difficulty. If one undergoes tapasya but does not become a Vaisnava, however, one does not develop good qualities
- Although Krsna was a boy, He implored his father and other elderly gentlemen present there that "There is no need of performing this sacrifice." So they stopped sacrifice. As a result of this, Indra became very much angry, and there was torrents of rain
- Although the King (Rahugana) was very upright and advanced in political science and governmental management, he was nonetheless in the mode of passion, and therefore, due to a slight agitation, he became angry
- Although the Kumaras were already liberated persons, they nevertheless became angry. This point is very important. Becoming liberated does not necessitate losing one's sensual activities. Sense activities continue even in the liberated stage
- Although the Lord was certainly satisfied with him, He became angry externally in order to establish the etiquette of religious principles
- Although the pain was extremely severe, Matali tolerated it with great patience. Indra, however, became extremely angry at Jambhasura. He struck Jambhasura with his thunderbolt and thus severed his head from his body
- Anger means lust. When you are lusty and your lust is not fulfilled, you become angry. That's all. It is another feature of the lust
- Another sentence in this verse is very significant: kautumbikah krudhyati vai janaya. When one's mind is disturbed in so many ways, he satisfies himself by becoming angry with his poor wife and children
- As a matter of fact, the King (Maharaja Pariksit) was right to get angry with the rsi (Samika Rsi) when he needed a glass of water very badly
- As demoniac persons, they (Jaya and Vijaya) became so angry that they were not concerned with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but simply with physical comforts and physical upliftment
- At that time Hiranyakasipu became very angry and asked Prahlada why he had become a Vaisnava
- At the time of devastation, when Lord Anantadeva desires to destroy the entire creation, He becomes slightly angry. Then from between His two eyebrows appears three-eyed Rudra, carrying a trident
- Balabhit, Lord Indra, upon seeing this situation of his ferocious rivals, became extremely angry
- Balarama's eyes are naturally reddish, and when He became agitated and angry His eyes became more reddish. This time He challenged Rukmi and made a bet of a hundred million coins
- Ballal Sena used to borrow money from a suvarna-vanik banker. Ballal Sena's bankruptcy later obliged the suvarna-vanik banker to stop advancing money to him & Ballal Sena became angry & condemned the entire suvarna-vanik society as belonging to the sudra
- Banasura heard that the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty were attacking the whole city, tearing down various walls, gates and nearby gardens. Becoming very angry, he immediately ordered his soldiers, who were of equal caliber, to go and face them
- Because of their (the Kumaras) refusal to marry, Lord Brahma became so angry that his eyes became reddish. From between his eyes, Lord Siva, or Rudra, appeared. The mode of anger is consequently known as rudra
- Becoming angry with Sanatana Gosvami, the Nawab said, "Your elder brother is acting just like a plunderer"
- Becoming very angry at Romaharsana, Balarama declared from His seat, "This man, Romaharsana, is so impudent that he has accepted a higher seat than that of all the respectable brahmanas present here, although he was born in a degraded pratiloma family"
- Before taking his seat, however, Daksa was very much offended to see Lord Siva sitting and not showing him any respect. At that time, Daksa became greatly angry, and, his eyes glowing, he began to speak very strongly against Lord Siva
- Being embarassed by so many theories & by contradictions of various types of philosophical speculation, they (materialistic men) become disgusted or angry & foolishly conclude that there is no supreme cause & that everything is ultimately void. BG 1972 p
- Being self-realized, Jada Bharata, who was fully situated on the transcendental platform, did not at all become angry; instead, he smiled and began to deliver his teachings to King Rahugana
- Bhismadeva advised for all human beings nine qualifications: (1) not to become angry, (2) not to lie, (3) to equally distribute wealth, (4) to forgive, (5) to beget children only by one's legitimate wife, (6) to be pure in mind and hygienic in body
- Brahma is the director in charge of the mode of passion of material nature. Therefore it was natural for him to become angry on the refusal of his sons to obey his order
- Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault, no
- Dhruva Maharaja was a liberated soul, and actually he was not angry with anyone. But because he was the ruler, it was his duty to become angry for some time in order to keep law and order in the state
- Dhruva Maharaja's becoming angry with the miscreants was quite appropriate. There is a short story in this connection about a snake who became a devotee upon instruction by Narada, who instructed him not to bite anymore
- Dhruva Maharaja's becoming angry, overwhelmed with grief, and envious of the enemies was not incompatible with his position as a great devotee. It is a misunderstanding that a devotee should not be angry, envious or overwhelmed by lamentation
- Don't followers of Krsna conscious ever get angry? - Yes, we get angry. Why not? We are not artificial. Human nature is to become anger, sometimes satisfied, sometimes . . . so we utilize this. We are angry when one is not KC, when he's against God
- Due to their jealousy, Jaya and Vijaya would not allow the Kumaras entry, and consequently the Kumaras became angry and cursed Jaya and Vijaya, condemning them to take birth in a family of asuras in the material world
- During the period of annihilation, at the end of each millennium, the Lord becomes angry, and the part of anger is played by Lord Siva, who is therefore called Rudra
- Durvasa would become angry, and the Pandavas would be cursed. But Krsna saved them from this calamity by His trick and by His all-cognizant quality
- Duryodhana had sent them because he knew that the Pandavas would not be able to receive such a large number, and thus Durvasa would become angry, and the Pandavas would be cursed
- Fighting spirit is there; anger is there. Where He shall exhibit? And therefore Krsna incarnates, He becomes angry, and a devotee becomes enemy, and this is Krsna-lila, nitya-lila. It is going on
- Fixing one's mind on Krsna by smelling the flowers and tulasi leaves offered to Him, engaging in activities for the Lord’s interest, becoming angry at those who are malicious toward devotees - CC Preface
- Foiled twice in his attempts to increase population, Prajapati Daksa became most angry at Narada Muni and cursed him, saying that in the future he would not be able to stay anywhere
- For a king like Maharaja Pariksit to become angry and envious, especially at a sage and brahmana, was undoubtedly unprecedented. The King knew well that brahmanas, sages, children, women and old men are always beyond the jurisdiction of punishment
- For instance, when Indra found that the inhabitants of Vrndavana were not worshiping him, he became angry and wanted to chastise them
- For the simple reason that his son-in-law, Lord Siva, did not stand up to show him the formality of respect, Daksa became so angry and hardhearted that he tolerated even the death of his dearest daughter
- Hanuman, he became very angry, and he set fire to the golden kingdom of Ravana. Without being angry you cannot set fire to other's house. So he did it, but he did it for Ramacandra, not for his personal sense gratification
- Haridasa Thakura mildly replied, "My dear sir, there are many Hindus who have become Muhammadans. Suppose I have become a Hindu? What is wrong with this?" The Kazi became very angry and ordered Haridasa Thakura to be whipped in twenty-two bazaars
- He (Duryodhana) was always in an envious and angry mood, and therefore on a slight provocation he spoke sharply with the doorkeepers and became angry
- He (Lord Ramacandra) became angry, moving His eyebrows and thus frightening the ocean, who then allowed the Lord to construct a bridge to cross the ocean
- He (Lord Visnu) did not become angry at the activities of Bhrgu Muni, for Bhrgu Muni was a great brahmana. A brahmana is to be excused even if he sometimes commits an offense, and Lord Visnu set the example
- Hearing of the incident, all the students became greatly angry and joined together in criticizing the Lord - Caitanya
- Hearing the foolish student, the Lord became greatly angry and rebuked Lord Krsna in various ways. Taking up a stick, He rose to strike the student
- Hearing this criticism, the prince became very angry. Going before the King, he made some false allegations against Gopinatha Pattanayaka
- Hearing this, Jagadananda Pandita immediately became very angry and took a cooking pot in his hand, intending to beat Sanatana Gosvami
- Hiranyakasipu naturally became increasingly angry that his son Prahlada was being influenced by the camp of the enemies
- I am not angry. You can beat me with shoes, I am not angry - That is not devotional. You see? But the thing is, a devotee is not angry on his personal account. Just like God also does not become angry on His personal account
- I received report that he was talking privately in his room with a woman, and if anybody would try to come in, then he would get angry, saying get out, get out. What is this? In India private talks with woman are immediately condemned
- If a devotee says that the name Rama in the Hare Krsna maha-mantra refers to Balarama, a foolish person may become angry because to him the name Rama refers to Lord Ramacandra. Actually there is no difference between Balarama and Lord Rama
- If a young man immediately adopts the path of the renounced order in accordance with the instructions of Narada or a member of his disciplic succession, his parents become very angry
- If someone becomes angry for a certain period, no one can say that his anger is false. It is simply temporary. Everything we experience in our daily lives is of this same character; it is temporary but real
- If the Nawab somehow or other becomes angry with me, I shall be greatly relieved. That is my conclusion
- If there were a hint that transcendental mellows overlapped in a manner contrary to the principles of the bhakti cult, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would not tolerate it and would become very angry
- In India private talks with woman are immediately condemned. He is a good preacher, but it is very dangerous to close the door with woman, and then he becomes angry if anybody comes. Lust is so strong that if it is obstructed it turns into anger
- In our common dealings we should maintain friendship with everyone and certainly with such exalted demigods as Kuvera. Our behavior should be such that no one should become angry and thereby commit a wrong to individuals, families or society
- In their childhood pastimes, all these cowherd boys joined with Krsna in stealing butter. But rather than become angry, Mother Yasoda became wet from the milk flowing out of her breasts
- In this instance Bhima became angry, and, being influenced by such anger, his hopelessness became a cause for strong attachment to Krsna. This instance can be described as strong attachment for Krsna in anger
- In this material condition, we are serving our whims, kama. Sometimes I become angry and I serve my anger - I beat others. That means I am serving anger. I am serving my lust. I am serving my greediness
- In this way, the child passes through his childhood, suffering different kinds of distress, and attains boyhood. In boyhood also he suffers pain over desires to get things he can never achieve. And thus, due to ignorance, he becomes angry and sorry
- ISKCON members speak knowingly of happiness. Don't followers of Krsna conscious ever get angry? - Yes. They can get angry. Why not? They're very much angry to the nondevotees: "You rascal! Why you are not surrendering yourself to God? You rascals." Yes
- It is indicated that King Prthu would arrange for the distribution of rainfall personally if Indra failed to discharge his duty properly. Sometimes Indra, would become angry at the inhabitants of the earth if they did not offer sacrifices to appease him
- It is natural that when a child becomes angry he can begin crying with false tears in his eyes. So Krsna did this, and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, He broke the pot with a stone, entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter
- It is said in Hitopadesa, upadeso hi murkhanam prakopaya na santaye. If good instructions are given to a foolish person, he does not take advantage of them, but becomes more and more angry
- It is said that giving good counsel to a foolish person causes the fool to become angry, just as feeding milk to a snake only increases its venomous poison. Saint Vidura was so honorable that his character was looked up to by all respectable persons
- It is said: upadeso hi murkhanam prakopaya na santaye. If good instructions are given to a foolish rascal, he simply becomes angry and turns against the instructions instead of taking advantage of them
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.65.25-30, 33) that Lord Baladeva asked the Yamuna to come near, and when the river disobeyed the order of the Lord, He became angry and thus wanted to snatch her near to Him with His plow
- Jatila, the mother of Abhimanyu, immediately believed that Krsna was her own son and thus became very angry at her real son who was coming home. She began to drive away her real son, who was crying, "Mother! Mother! What are you doing?"
- Jnanis, karmis and materialistic planmakers generally attract the attention of conditioned souls, but when the materialists cannot fulfill their plans and when their devices are frustrated, they become angry
- Kaliya then became very angry, and his great hoods expanded. He exhaled poisonous fumes from his nostrils, his eyes blazed like fire, and flames issued from his mouth. The great serpent remained still for some time, looking at Krsna
- Kartaviryarjuna having left with the kamadhenu, Parasurama returned to the asrama. When Parasurama, the youngest son of Jamadagni, heard about Kartaviryarjuna's nefarious deed, he became as angry as a trampled snake
- King Daksa had insulted him (Lord Siva) in many ways, and thus he had become angry and had frustrated the entire sacrificial ceremony
- King Huhu was enjoying with women in the water, and while enjoying he pulled the leg of Devala Rsi, who was also taking a bath in the water. Upon this, the sage became very angry and immediately cursed him
- Knowing this perfectly well and hearing their appeal, he (Rahugana) became a little angry, although he was very advanced in political science and was very experienced. His anger arose due to his inborn nature as a king
- Krsna asked them to go back to their husbands and homes. The gopis apparently became very angry and began to talk to Krsna with faltering voices
- Krsna challenged the demon, and the demon became very angry by the words of Krsna. Krsna stood before the bull, resting His hand on the shoulder of a friend. The bull proceeded toward Krsna in anger
- Krsna continued, "You can, however, become as angry as you like with Me - to expand your service in fighting with Me and to increase My sporting attitude"
- Krsna replied, "My elder brother, Balarama, while playing with Me today, became angry, and therefore He has joined with the other boys to complain against Me. They have all combined together to complain so you will be angry and chastise Me"
- Krsna will never tolerate if a person is Vaisnava aparadha. Mind that. Just like a big man. You can offend him, he doesn't mind. But if he does something harmful to his child, so he becomes very angry
- Krsna's invoking the anger of Indra and later on chastising him is a clear indication to His devotees that those who are engaged in Krsna consciousness have no need to worship any demigod, even if it is found that the demigod has become angry
- Lord Caitanya, who always preached nonviolence, meekness and humility, also became angry when Nityananda was offended by Jagai and Madhai, and He wanted to kill them
- Lord Manu said: My dear son, please stop. It is not good to become unnecessarily angry - it is the path to hellish life. Now you are going beyond the limit by killing Yaksas who are actually not offenders
- Lord Siva is by nature a Vaisnava, a great devotee, and his name in this connection is Asutosa. He is always satisfied, and therefore he did not become angry as if he were an enemy. He is not inimical to any living entity
- Maharaja Pariksit became angry and envious at the sage due to his thirst and hunger, by the will of the Lord
- Maitreya said: When Lord Siva heard from Narada that Sati, his wife, was now dead because of Prajapati Daksa's insult to her and that his soldiers had been driven away by the Rbhu demigods, he became greatly angry
- My (Krsna) dear boys & relatives, I therefore advise you that even if a brahmana becomes angry with you & calls you by ill names or curses you, still you should not retaliate. On the contrary, you should smile, tolerate him & offer your respects
- My dear friend, if you say, "Just try to control Your senses," what shall I say? I cannot become angry at My senses. Is it their fault? Krsna's beauty, sound, touch, fragrance and taste are by nature extremely attractive
- My dear slender maiden, when a master chastises his servant, the servant should accept this as great mercy. One who becomes angry must be very foolish not to know that such is the duty of his friend
- My dear Vidura, all good fortune unto you. The foolish King, who thought himself very learned, thus insulted the great sages, and the sages, being brokenhearted by the King's words, became very angry at him
- My Guru Maharaja would become very angry. He asked them, "Are you commercial-hired fools? No! Supply free!" He used to say like that
- Narada became angry with their behavior and cursed them thusly, "You have no sense, so it is better if you become trees instead of the sons of Kuvera"
- Nityananda became very angry with Sivananda Sena, who was in charge of the affairs of the party, and kicked him in loving anger. Sivananda Sena felt highly favored to have been kicked by Nityananda Prabhu
- Oh you cannot sit on the lap of your father - she (stepmother of Dhruva) said - because you are not born of me. She dragged Dhruva from his father's lap and the boy became very angry
- On hearing this, Lord Krsna, the son of Devaki, became very angry at the washerman, and striking him with the upper portion of His hand, He separated the man’s head from his body. The washerman fell down dead on the ground
- Once Narada became angry with the two sons of Kuvera, Nalakuvara and Manigriva, and he chastised them by turning them into trees. The result was that later they were liberated by Lord Sri Krsna
- Once while going to Jagannatha Puri, all the devotees had to stay underneath a tree, without the shelter of a house or even a shed, and Nityananda Prabhu became very angry, as if He were greatly disturbed by hunger
- One may then ask why the Lord exhibited His anger. The point is that one should be ready to tolerate all insults to one's own self, but when Krsna or His pure devotee is blasphemed, a genuine devotee becomes angry & acts like fire against the offenders
- One of Sri Nityananda Prabhu's characteristics is His contradictory nature. When He becomes angry and kicks someone, it is actually for his benefit
- One should not become angry upon hearing criticism of himself, but if other Vaisnavas are criticized one must be prepared to act
- Our behavior should be such that no one should become angry and thereby commit a wrong to individuals, families or society
- Our dear friend Yasoda, your son (Krsna) sometimes comes to our houses before the milking of the cows and releases the calves, and when the master of the house becomes angry, your son merely smiles - SB 10.8.29
- Over trifles they (the demoniac) become very angry and speak harshly, not gently. They do not know what should be done and what should not be done. BG 1972 purports
- Parasurama became angry at Kartaviryarjuna and killed him and rid the entire world of ksatriyas twenty-one times
- Prahlada Maharaja's authorized instructions to his father were not accepted by Hiranyakasipu as truth; instead Hiranyakasipu became increasingly angry at his great son, who was a pure devotee
- Provided such a friend does not find fault with the guest because of bodily identification and thereby become angry towards him
- Prthu Maharaja was almost certain that his intrusion into the service of the goddess of fortune would irritate her and cause her to become angry with him
- Prthu Maharaja was confident that even if the goddess of fortune became angry with him there would be no harm, neither to the Lord nor to himself
- Pururava, stricken by the sharp words of Urvasi like an elephant struck by its driver's pointed rod, became very angry. Not even dressing himself properly, he took a sword in hand and went out naked into the night to follow the Gandharvas
- Samba, the glorious son of the Yadu dynasty, endowed with inconceivable potencies as the son of Lord Krsna, became very angry at the warriors of the Kuru dynasty. A lion is never afraid of being chased by many wolves and jackals
- Sanatana did not like the idea of the servant carrying such money. He became angry with him and said, "Why do you carry this death knell on the road?
- Seeing him, Narada Muni entered deeper into the forest to approach him. As Narada Muni passed through the forest, all the animals who were caught in the hunter's traps fled away. The hunter became very angry at this
- Seeing Narada passing by, the damsels of heaven covered their bodies with cloth, but the two sons (Nalakuvara and Manigriva), being drunkards, did not have this decency. Narada became angry with their behavior and cursed them
- Seeing this, Maharaja Prthu became very angry, and his eyes became as red as the early-morning sun. Placing an arrow on his bow, he chased the cow-shaped earth wherever she would run
- She (the goddess of fortune) naturally becomes quite angry. Gorgeously decorating herself and her associates, she comes out of the temple and stands before the main gate
- Similarly, anger can be controlled. We cannot stop anger altogether, but if we simply become angry with those who blaspheme the Lord or the devotees of the Lord, we control our anger in Krsna consciousness
- Since the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always merciful, even when it appears that He has killed a demon, or even when He apparently becomes angry toward a devotee, His actions are always auspicious
- Since there is no fault at all in Krsna's pastimes, why does the goddess of fortune become angry
- Sisupala could not tolerate such honoring of Krsna and glorification of His qualities because Krsna stole Rukmini. Instead of being happy to hear the glories of the Lord, he became very angry
- So if we say, people become angry. And we don't say anything. We simply repeat. That is our business. We are not learned scholars. But our mission is to repeat the words of Krsna
- Sometimes Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to chant the names of the gopis. Some of the Lord's students tried to advise Him to chant the name of Krsna instead, but upon hearing this Caitanya Mahaprabhu became very angry with His students
- Sometimes the Lord becomes angry. As He says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19): Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Sometimes, due to bodily hunger and thirst, the conditioned soul becomes so disturbed that he loses his patience and becomes angry with his own beloved sons, daughters and wife. Thus, being unkind to them, he suffers all the more
- Soon as we conquer over this sense gratification, then we have no fear, bhaya. Krodha: and there is no anger. Where anger is there, as soon as we are dissatisfied in the matter of sense gratification we become angry
- Sri Maitreya said: The demon, being thus challenged by the Personality of Godhead, became angry and agitated, and he trembled in anger like a challenged cobra
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Kasyapa Muni, thinking in this way, became somewhat angry. Condemning himself, O Maharaja Pariksit, descendant of Kuru, he spoke to Diti as follows
- Srila Mukunda Datta felt very satisfied to hear the conclusive statements of Gopinatha Acarya, but he became very unhappy and angry to hear the statements put forward by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya
- Suhrdah sarva-dehinam (SB 3.25.21). Sometimes a Vaisnava becomes superficially angry at a nondevotee, but this is good for the nondevotee. We have several examples of this in Vedic literature
- Suppose I have got some dress, black dress. Somebody calls, "You black dress," is that cause of anger? Somebody calls you black dress. So this is simply my false identification with the dress that I become angry
- Svarupa Damodara replied, "It is the nature of a girl afflicted by love to become immediately angry upon finding any neglect on the part of her lover"
- The Bhattacarya said, "We are just having a discussion among friends and considering the points described in the scriptures. Do not become angry. I am simply speaking on the strength of the sastras. Please don't take any offense"
- The brahmana became very angry and cursed the he-goat to lose his sexual power. Thereupon, the he-goat begged the brahmana's pardon and was given back the power for sex. Then the he-goat enjoyed sex with the she-goat for many years
- The caretaker, being thus insulted by Krsna, became very angry, and in order to challenge Krsna, as was previously planned, he provoked the elephant to attack
- The caretakers of the bow, who were standing by watching, became very angry, and with their respective weapons in hand they rushed toward Krsna, shouting, “Arrest Him! Arrest Him! Kill Him! Kill Him!” Krsna and Balarama were surrounded
- The child became angry because He (Krsna) was hungry and His mother was not paying attention to Him. So He lifted His legs and began to kick His lotus feet just like an ordinary child
- The child then became very angry and demanded that his mother immediately tell the truth. "You unchaste woman," he said, "what is the use of your unnecessary shame? Why do you not admit your fault? Immediately tell me about your faulty behavior"
- The demonic are always present, and they find fault even in saintly persons. But a saintly person never becomes angry, even if there is very great provocation
- The devotees could not understand why Nityananda Prabhu broke the staff, why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu permitted Him to do so, or why, after permitting Him, Caitanya Mahaprabhu became angry
- The difference between the anger of an ordinary person and that of a liberated person is that an ordinary person becomes angry because his sense desires are not being fulfilled
- The eldest son became very angry. "Oh, how have you selected that pauper as husband for my sister? This cannot be." The old man's wife also came to him & said, "If you marry our daughter to that boy, I shall commit suicide." The old man was thus perplexed
- The first agitating agent is the mind, then the another agitating agent is this tongue. Another agitating agent is our speaking power. Vaco-vega krodha-vega. Another agitation is when we become angry
- The gorilla, being bereft of all trees and stone slabs, now stood before Balarama and waved his strong fists. Then, with great force, he began to beat Lord Balarama's chest with his fists. This time Lord Balarama became most angry
- The great sage Durvasa Muni picked a quarrel with Maharaja Ambarisa, and Durvasa Muni unnecessarily became angry out of pride and therefore could not check his senses
- The great sage Narada immediately carried the news to the Yadu dynasty that Samba had been arrested and told them the whole story. The members of the Yadu dynasty became very angry at Samba's being arrested, and improperly so by six warriors
- The king was in the forest, engaged in hunting, and when he became tired he went to the cottage of a sage and asked him for water. But the sage was absorbed in meditation, could not hear him. So Pariksit Maharaja, being thirsty, became angry
- The King, not received by any formal welcome by means of being offered a seat, place, water and sweet addresses, considered himself neglected, and so thinking he became angry
- The Kumaras entered all the six doors of the palace, and no one checked them; therefore when they attempted to enter the seventh door and were forbidden by the doormen, who checked them with their sticks, they naturally became very angry and sorrowful
- The Lord does not appear when the brahmanas become angry at someone, because the wrath of a brahmana is sufficient in itself. He certainly appears, however, when His devotee simply becomes sorry
- The Lord said, "My dear sir, I may say something to you if you will not become angry. Can you explain the faults in this verse?
- The Nagapatnis said, "Your (Krsna's) dancing on his (Kaliya's) hoods has reduced all the sinful results of actions caused by his having this body of a serpent. It is therefore very auspicious that You have become angry and have punished him in this way"
- The people in general had become very greedy, angry and deceitful. And he (Maharaja Yudhisthira) saw that they were adopting foul means of livelihood
- The poet said, "All right, let me see what good qualities and faults You have found." The Lord replied, "Let Me speak, and please hear Me without becoming angry
- The Pracetas became very angry when they saw the surface of the globe covered in this way (the surface of the world was practically covered by very tall trees). They desired that the land be cleared for crops
- The strong bodily desires and needs of a person disturbed by hunger and thirst are certainly satisfied when he eats. Similarly, if one becomes very angry, that anger is satisfied by chastisement and its reaction
- The sun-god became angry, and with his virulent rays he melted the plane. This enraged Lord Siva. Lord Siva then attacked the sun-god, who fled away and at last fell down at Kasi (Varanasi), and the place became famous as Lolarka
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, becoming very angry at her (Putana), took hold of her breast, squeezed it very hard with both hands, and sucked out both the poison and her life - SB 10.6.10
- The teacher looked at the quart and said, "What is this? Hundreds of people will be coming, and you have only given this much yogurt?" The teacher became so angry that he spilled the yogurt out of the container
- There is a great need to propagate the KC movement in the world so that even though people sometimes become angry & malicious toward one another, because of their being Krsna conscious such rivalry, competition and envy can be adjusted without difficulty
- There is also tapasya in connection with krodha-vegam, the urge to express one's anger. If one becomes angry and wants to express it by beating someone or doing something very violent, tapasya will restrict him - No, don't do it
- These so-called brahmanas then became angry at him. Because they were servants of Hiranyakasipu, they were very sorry, and to chastise Prahlada Maharaja they spoke as follows
- They (those who do not know the secret of success for this Age of Kali) are simply wasting their time and misleading their followers. When we point this out very plainly to an audience, members of opposing groups become angry at us
- This (CC Madhya 20.306) is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.68.37). When the Kauravas flattered Baladeva so that He would become their ally and spoke ill of Sri Krsna, Lord Baladeva became angry and spoke this verse
- This ecstatic attitude of Srimati Radharani's is called kuttamita. When this ecstatic ornament is manifested, Radharani externally tries to avoid Krsna, and She apparently becomes angry, although She is very happy within
- This kind of difficulty always exists when a devotee preaches KC to persons like Hiranyakasipu (they become increasingly angry), who are interested in money and women - The word hiranya means "gold," and kasipu refers to cushions or good bedding
- This lie (Rukmi claimed that Balarama was the loser and that he himself had won), Balaramaji became most angry with Rukmi. His agitation was so sudden and great that it appeared like a tidal wave in the ocean on a full-moon day
- This mere boy has blocked my intelligence. I can therefore understand that mother Sarasvati has become angry with me
- This same phenomenon is occurring in our Krsna consciousness movement because we are instructing all the young boys in the Western countries to follow the path of renunciation - their parents become very angry
- This young man, Gopala Cakravarti, became very angry upon hearing the statements of Haridasa Thakura. He immediately criticized him. "O assembly of learned scholars, just hear the conclusion of the emotional devotee"
- Those who are actually devotees are broadminded, equal to everyone and very peaceful. They never become angry, and they are friendly to all living entities
- Thus bewildered, such unintelligent persons become angry at the Supreme Lord, and due to their angry mood the Lord Himself appears angry and very fearful. However, this is an illusion
- Thus I expounded the Yoga-vasistha, which considers liberation the ultimate goal of life. For this the Lord became angry at Me and treated Me with apparent disrespect
- Thus Rukmini thought that since she did not worship Siva or Brahma very much, they might have become angry and tried to frustrate her plan. Similarly she thought that goddess Durga, the wife of Siva, might have taken the side of her husband (Sisupala)
- Thus she became greatly angry, so much so that she looked at her father as if she were going to burn him with her eyes
- To a rascal, if you give good advice, he becomes angry. Murkhayopadeso hi prakopaya na santaye
- To become angry in such a grave situation was not unnatural for the King (Maharaja Pariksit), but because the King himself was not less than a great saint, his becoming angry and taking action were astonishing
- To destroy the demons, the Lord becomes angry, and therefore He assumes the form of Lord Siva. In summary, the SP of Godhead is always beyond the material qualities, and we should not be misled into thinking otherwise simply because of sense perception
- Upadeso hi murkhanam prakopaya na santaye (Canakya Pandita). If a foolish person is given good instructions, he becomes more and more angry. Moreover, a cruel person is more dangerous than a snake
- Upon hearing Sanatana Gosvami, the Nawab became very angry and said, "Your elder brother lives like a hunter, and if you also retire from the administration, everything will be finished"
- Upon understanding that Lord Siva had been cursed, Nandisvara, one of Lord Siva's principal associates, became greatly angry
- We are preacher, so if I simply become angry, then my preaching work will be stopped. Do you follow?
- We have heard of such egoistic pride in Satyabhama and the gopis of Vrndavana, but what we see in the goddess of fortune here at Jagannatha Puri is completely different. She becomes very angry with her husband and attacks Him with her great opulence
- We have to manage our men in such a way that they may bend to our will but not break. After all, our work is purely voluntary. If they become angry and leave then our work is defeated
- We should not be angry with these poor souls. Try to convince them by argument and reason but do not become angry with them
- What did they (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) do that was so abominable that even Narada, the great sage, became angry at them? Kindly describe this to me (King Pariksit) - SB 10.10.1
- When a foolish man is instructed in something very nice, he generally cannot accept it. Indeed, he actually becomes angry. Such anger is compared to the poison of a serpent, for when a serpent is fed milk and bananas, its poison actually increases
- When Bhrgu Muni refused to embrace his brother, saying that Lord Siva was impure, the latter became very angry with him. It is said that an offense can be committed either with the body, with the mind or by speech
- When Caitanya heard the holy name of Lord Nrsimha He became angry like Him. His eyes became red, His bodily hairs stood on end, all the parts of His body trembled, and He made a thundering sound
- When everyone offered respect to Krsna by standing up, Sisupala remained in his seat, but as he became angrier at Krsna's being honored, he stood up suddenly, raised his hand and spoke very strongly and fearlessly against Lord Krsna
- When Garuda, the great devotee-carrier of Visnu, understood that Kaliya was eating the offered sacrifices, he became very angry and rushed to the island to kill the offensive serpent
- When he (Bhaumasura) saw that all his soldiers, commanders and fighters had been killed on the battlefield by the strokes of the weapons of the Personality of Godhead, he became exceedingly angry at the Lord
- When He (Caitanya) heard the holy name of Lord Nrsimha, Lord Caitanya became absorbed in thought, and He became angry like Nrsimha Prabhu in His angry mood
- When He (Lord Nityananda) was injured by these two brothers (Jagai and Madhai), Caitanya Mahaprabhu became very, very angry, and He immediately called for His cakra to kill these sinners
- When I (Narada Muni) refused to accept her (Kalakanya, the daughter of Time) request, she became very angry at me and cursed me severely. Because I refused her request, she said that I would not be able to stay in one place for a long time
- When Indra saw that Nanda Maharaja was worshiping Govardhana Hill, he became very angry and sent vicious clouds to inundate all of Vrndavana with a flood
- When Indra understood that the sacrifice which was to be offered by the cowherd men in Vrndavana had been stopped by Krsna, he became angry
- When Indra, who is known as Vajra-dhara, the carrier of the thunderbolt, saw his own soldiers so oppressed by the enemies on the battlefield, he became very angry. Thus he took up his thunderbolt to kill the enemies
- When it was disclosed to Lord Balarama that the so-called sannyasi was Arjuna, who had planned such a device simply to take away Subhadra, and that he had actually taken her, He became very angry
- When Kamsa spoke in this way, Lord Krsna became very angry with him, and within a second He jumped onto the high dais of King Kamsa
- When Krsna defied the authority of Indra, Indra became angry because he thought that he was all in all within this universe and that no one was as powerful as he
- When Krsna stopped the villagers of Braja (Vrndavana) from worshiping Indra, Indra became angry and therefore inundated Vrndavana with continual rain
- When Krsna, the supreme joker, planted the parijata tree in the courtyard of Satyabhama, Rukmini, the daughter of King Vidarbha, became very angry, but due to her natural gentle behavior, she did not express anything
- When Lord Balarama saw the disturbances created by the gorilla and heard that he had already performed many mischievous activities all over the country, He became very angry and decided to kill him
- When Lord Siva heard that his chaste wife, Sati, was dead, he naturally became exceedingly angry
- When Minaketana was seated in the yard, this brahmana did not offer him respect. Seeing this, Sri Ramadasa became angry and spoke
- When one becomes angry, he forgets himself and his situation, but if one is able to consider his situation by knowledge, one transcends the influence of the modes of material nature
- When one becomes too angry at the other party, offensive and abominable speech occurs, and this anger is called rosa
- When Ramacandra was angry and showed His red-hot eyes, the whole ocean became heated with that energy, so that the aquatics within the ocean felt the heat & the personified ocean trembled in fear and offered Him an easy path for reaching the enemy's city
- When she (Sati) marked the insult, she became greatly angry, and she looked at her father so angrily that Daksa appeared to burn in her vision
- When strong lusty desires for sense gratification are unfulfilled, one becomes angry. This anger can be satisfied when one chastises his enemy
- When the great sage Atri again gave directions, the son of King Prthu became very angry and placed an arrow on his bow. Upon seeing this, King Indra immediately abandoned the false dress of a sannyasi and, giving up the horse, made himself invisible
- When the Kauravas, to flatter Baladeva so that He would become their ally, spoke ill of Sri Krsna, Lord Baladeva became angry and spoke this verse - SB 10.68.37
- When the King saw that his palanquin was still being shaken by the carriers, he became very angry and said: You rascal, what are you doing? Are you dead despite the life within your body? Do you not know that I am your master?
- When the kings of the Yadu dynasty heard the taunt they laughed at him, and Garga Muni became angry at the Yadu kings. He decided that he would produce someone who would be very fearful to the Yadu dynasty
- When the most powerful Indra became angry and took his thunderbolt in hand to kill Maharaja Bali, the demons began lamenting - Alas, alas
- When the son of King Prthu was informed by Atri of King Indra's trick, he immediately became very angry and followed Indra to kill him, calling, "Wait! Wait!"
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes angry or kills a demon, materially this may appear unfavorable, but spiritually it is a blissful blessing upon him
- When they (Jagai and Madhai) injured Nityananda Prabhu, Lord Caitanya became angry and decided to kill them with His Sudarsana cakra, but Nityananda Prabhu saved them from the Lord's wrath and delivered them
- When they are instructed to undergo mystic yoga practice, they are not at all satisfied. On the contrary, they become more and more angry with You
- When They understood the sinister motives of the guards, They became angry, and taking up the two pieces of the broken bow, They began to beat down all of Kamsa's caretakers
- When this lust is baffled, we become angry; when we become angry, we become illusioned; and when we are illusioned, we are doomed. This is the process that is going on, but we have to reverse this process and turn lust into love
- When you say that, "These mudhas," they become angry. But actually, this is the verdict of the sastra. So long you are within the time factor, within the material nature, you are vimudha. We are all vimudha. Ahankara-vimudhasya
- Whenever there is unselfish love, that is its style. The reservoir of love derives pleasure when the lovable object is pleased. When the pleasure of love interferes with the service of Lord Krsna, the devotee becomes angry toward such ecstasy
- Who (Krsna) then became very angry (when mother Yasoda left Him to save overflowing milk in the kitchen), not having been fully satisfied with drinking the milk of her breast
- Why did Sati become so angry that she gave up her body? Since she was the daughter of a great personality and wife of a great personality, she had nothing to desire, but still she gave up her body in dissatisfaction